Showing posts with label birthdays. Show all posts
Showing posts with label birthdays. Show all posts

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Aisya Zahra turned 1

Alhamdullillah. my little precious has turned 1. sungguh cepat masa berlalu. terkenang2 saat mengandungkan zara Ramadhan tahun lalu. hanya Allah yang tahu betapa gembiranya hati ibu bila tengok muka si comel ni buat pertama kali. syukur ke hadrat Allah SWT atas pemberian (pinjaman-Nya) yang paling berharga, iaitu adam & zara. ibu dan papa sentiasa doakan semoga adik jadi anak yang solehah dan sentiasa berjaya di dunia dan akhirat. we love u soooo much dear!

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

it has been a while..

yes, it has been a while..or, a year and 2 mos to be exact that i've left this blog abandoned. there were many things happened in that period, ups and downs, tears and happiness that have made our family grow stronger than ever. we lost members of our family, and also greeted new ones. i have no intention to explain all in details, just to share bits in the form of pictures and notes.

4 March 2011 our dearest and only grandfather, aci also left the world to meet Allah. may he rest peacefully in Jannah ~ we missed u so much, aci

21 Aug 2010our new bundles of joy was born, and yes its a girl (and she never has chance to meet her aunty afifah)

30 July 2010 my dearest sister, Nurul 'Afifah left us to meet Allah The Almighty in Jannah ~ we missed u so much dear

2 July 2010we were celebrating mama's 50th bday in a surprised party
(and as always, adam will take the blow)

4 June, 2010 our little hero with his favorite character cake :)

it's adam's 3rd bday bash, were celebrated among closed family

Friday, June 4, 2010

adam turned 3

happy 3rd bday my dear sweetheart.. ibu & papa sayang adam sangat3x! semoga adam jadi anak soleh, beriman, serta berjaya di dunia & akhirat..

sori sayang, kali ni kita celebrate kecik2 aje dgn atuk & makngah sbb ibu dah sarat xlarat nak buat time ye!