salam all.
me & my family are very pleased to invite all of you to our kenduri doa selamat kecil2an tomorrow, saturday 26th at our home, Nilai. Insyaallah the program will start with tahlil at 11 am and followed by lunch till 2 pm.
sorry for the last minute invitation as this kenduri was decided in very short time since we managed to get most of our family members (mine & in-laws) to gather at our home during this cuti2 1malaysia :). and the best part is that everybody will holding hands in cooking and preparing everything.
i'm so sorry again becos i can't reach everybody by phone due to my incomplete phonebook contacts reinstallation since i changed to this hp..err about two months ago (unfortunately i left my contact list at the ofis). huhu.
so. please come.. you are all invited. :)