
Skywatch Friday!

Blue sky over the mountain. Jon & Andy contemplate life and other things!
As many of you know I haven't been blogging as much of late due to wedding commissions which I need to complete and deliver. One down one to go and then I can begin on the preparations for our visit to the Isle of Man! We are so so excited! I will be sharing more later but for the moment enjoy the view! For more skywatchers visit here!


ABC Wednesday...S is for....

Stationery! Many of you will know I design and make wedding stationery. My latest commission is for a couple who are having the Wedding Reception aboard the Yorkshire Pullman Dining Car owned by North Yorkshire Steam Locomotive Preservation Society. The brief was to have a railway theme......so what do you think?
You can see more of my commissions here I am very busy with my wedding stationery right now, hence my lack of blogging posts, I just do not have the time. I have 2 commissions on right now which I want to complete and deliver this week so I can then start preparations for our visit to the TT on the Isle of Man. I do however keep up occasional bits of news over on Facebook, so do pop over some time.


ABC Wednesday...R is for...Ruth!

Ruth and Joe, last Saturday!
In our village church, check out the lovely dress!
Notice the flowers on the end of every pew, 20 in all.
The flower arrangements...euphorbia from our garden and lilacs from Ruth's grandad's garden, two houses up from ours.
I made the arrangements and posies, so now you know why I was so busy last week. I made the invitations and orders of service too. I am very busy with quite a few weddings right now but love every minute of it. Ruth's wedding was special however. We have known Ruth for nearly 20 years and were thrilled when she announced she was going to marry Joe. So to Ruth and Joe, congratulations, as the vicar said, two beautiful people. One of the hymns we sung was one which Jon and I had at our wedding. Apparantly it is called the "Engineer's Hymn" on account of verse 2, which is precisely why we chose it.
Lord of all hopefulness, Lord of all joy, Whose trust, ever child-like, no cares could destroy, Be there at our waking, and give us, we pray, Your bliss in our hearts, Lord, at the break of the day. Lord of all eagerness, Lord of all faith, Whose strong hands were skilled at the plane and the lathe, Be there at our labours, and give us, we pray, Your strength in our hearts, Lord, at the noon of the day. Lord of all kindliness, Lord of all grace, Your hands swift to welcome, your arms to embrace, Be there at our homing, and give us, we pray, Your love in our hearts, Lord, at the eve of the day. Lord of all gentleness, Lord of all calm, Whose voice is contentment, whose presence is balm, Be there at our sleeping, and give us, we pray, Your peace in our hearts, Lord, at the end of the day.
To see more contributions to ABC Wednesday click on the logo in the sidebar, or simply go here!


ABC Wednesday.....Q is for.....Quiet!

Peace and Quiet! I feel like a plate spinner right now. There is so so much going on I just need to find a quiet little space. One of my all time favourite songs is by Supertramp......enjoy! I know that theres a reason why I need to be alone I need to find a silent place that I can call my own Is it mine, lord is it mine? When everythings dark and nothing seems right, Theres nothing to win and theres no need to fight I never cease to wonder at the cruelty of this land But it seems a time of sadness is a time to understand Is it mine, lord is it mine? When everythings dark and nothing seems right, You dont have to win and theres no need to fight If only I could find a way To feel your sweetness through the day The love that shines around me could be mine. So give us an answer, wont you, We know what we have to do, There must be a thousand voices trying to get through. To see more contributions to ABC Wednesday click on the logo in the sidebar, or simply go here!

My World Tuesday

View from our window
It seems quite a while since I wrote anything here on my blog and I guess that pretty much says a great deal about my world right now....as there seems to be so much going on. I try to speak to my friend Maria every day following the loss of her partner Phil, Wilma needs her daily walks, I am getting stuff together for a carboot sale on Thursday, Garden chores are knocking on the door and I have quite a few wedding commissions on the books too. Saturday sees a village wedding so on Friday, together with some neighbours I am decorating the church with flowers ready for the big day. Our holiday to the Isle of Man is not far away so today Wilma, Elsie and Ella are all off to the vets for various booster jabs ready for their stay in the bording kennels and cattery....this sums up my world right now but despite what is going on at least I can look out of the window and get everything in perspective! My World Tuesday.....see others here!


Fisherman's Blues

Sing along!
I wish I was a fisherman Tumblin’ on the seas Far away from dry land And it’s bitter memories Casting out my sweet line With abandonment and love No ceiling bearin’ down on me ’cept the starry sky above With light in my head You in my arms Woohoo! I wish I was the brakeman On a hurtlin’ fevered train Crashing a-headlong into the heartland Like a cannon in the rain With the beating of the sleepers And the burnin’ of the coal Counting the towns flashing by In a night that’s full of soul With light in my head You in my arms Woohoo! Well I know I will be loosened From bonds that hold me fast That the chains all hung around me Will fall away at last And on that fine and fateful day I will take me in my hands I will ride on the train I will be the fisherman With light in my head You in my arms


ABC Wednesday.....P!

(The Teacher logo, designed for "Another Brick in the Wall by Pink Floyd)
When I was in junior school one particular teacher sticks in my mind for all the wrong reasons...Mr. Pallister! I was on free meals at the time, being from a one parent family this was one of the benefits. Now really there was not much I did not like when it came to food but two particular dislikes of mine were cheese pie and coconut pudding! On one such fateful day both were served....cheese pie as our main course, coconut pudding for desert. I tried in vain to hide the cheese pie underneath the potato but the pile loomed on my plate and as we were not allowed to leave any my plate found its way back to the table with strict instructions from Mr. Pallister that I had to clear my plate. I tried in vain to enjoy the cheese pie, with each mouthful I felt the reject signals coming from my stomach. The empty plate was returned to make way for desert. This time I felt myself wretching at the mere thought of the coconut pudding. Mr Pallister was watching me and came over to the table. I told him I did not like it and he replied something to the tune of... "People like me(him) payed their taxes so people like me could have privelages like free school dinners, and we didn't have a choice in the matter. Totally embarassed and mortified by his comment (I was only 8) I forced the coconut pudding into my mouth! Moments later whilst skipping (wrong choice) I felt the contents of my stomach beginning to rebel, and very soon appeared on the playground surface. I was so scared incase Mr Pallister discovered this and would point out that people like him payed taxes so people like me were not allowed to be sick I ran home to Auntie Dot's. Auntie Dot was baking at the time, rolling out pastery on the kitchen cabinet unit. I was sick again and after I had cleaned up I told her the tale. Armed with the rolling pin she left for the school. I do not know what she said, but I do know Mr. Pallister never demanded I finish a plate again. The family took me off free meals and from then on we found the money to pay for my dinners. Mr Pallister was my class teacher for 2 long years. He made a lasting impression on me. Later when I became a primary school teacher I vowed I would never be such a bully to any pupils who came my way, never insisting they eat something they did not like with a vengence.
Another Brick in the Wall Part 2 (Waters) We don't need no education We dont need no thought control No dark sarcasm in the classroom Teachers leave them kids alone Hey! Teachers! Leave them kids alone! All in all it's just another brick in the wall. All in all you're just another brick in the wall. We don't need no education We dont need no thought control No dark sarcasm in the classroom Teachers leave them kids alone Hey! Teachers! Leave them kids alone! All in all it's just another brick in the wall. All in all you're just another brick in the wall. "Wrong, Do it again!" "If you don't eat yer meat, you can't have any pudding. How can you have any pudding if you don't eat yer meat?" "You! Yes, you behind the bikesheds, stand still laddy!" To see more contributions to ABC Wednesday click on the logo in the sidebar, or simply go here!