
My World Tuesday

View from our window
It seems quite a while since I wrote anything here on my blog and I guess that pretty much says a great deal about my world right now....as there seems to be so much going on. I try to speak to my friend Maria every day following the loss of her partner Phil, Wilma needs her daily walks, I am getting stuff together for a carboot sale on Thursday, Garden chores are knocking on the door and I have quite a few wedding commissions on the books too. Saturday sees a village wedding so on Friday, together with some neighbours I am decorating the church with flowers ready for the big day. Our holiday to the Isle of Man is not far away so today Wilma, Elsie and Ella are all off to the vets for various booster jabs ready for their stay in the bording kennels and cattery....this sums up my world right now but despite what is going on at least I can look out of the window and get everything in perspective! My World Tuesday.....see others here!


aspiritofsimplicity said...

What a very pretty photo.

Wolynski said...

Quite a view from your window.Your life sounds like a cross between "All Creatures Great And Small" and "Jam And Jerusalem".
Good luck.

Roan said...

Love the view!

penny said...

And a beautiful world it is! You are a wonderful friend to call so often.
Be well, be happy... Pam

Jane Hards Photography said...

It's a perfectlt beautiful world to have right on your doorstep.

(I have had to schedule posts as I won't be around 'til late and my letter R has posted instead if q. OOPS!

Kate Robertson said...


There is something about seeing sheep grazing on a hillside that is so calming, thanks for such a lovely image.


photowannabe said...

You really have a lot on your plate right now. Thanks for taking the time to post such a peaceful scene. I would love to have that view from my window.

Anonymous said...

Your world sounds very hectic but very pleasurable also. Beautiful view.

CJ xx

Louise said...

THat is an incredibly peaceful view. It seems like you need it with your crazy life.

CherryPie said...

That is a very beautiful photograph :-)

dianasfaria.com said...

you sure have quite a lot going on and with a beautiful view as well!

Arija said...

Your view is quite lovely and so b peaceful..and sheep shall safely graze..the lambs are already well grown, our lambing is about to start, thank God we have had a little rain and the country is greening up for lambing.
Find a little quiet place within yourself that you can escape to and feel your shoulders droop and your body and mind relax even for a few minutes at a time.

Catherine said...

That is such a quintessential English shot, beautiful..

Loran said...

And what a lovely view it is.

I'm enjoying your music selections too.

Digital Flower Pictures said...

Lovely view. You so sound very busy. Don't forget to take time and smell the roses.

i beati said...

you are encircled with a lot ,, I undersatnd fully our need for peace.

Monica said...

What a wonderful view you have! Thanks for sharing it with us.