
Odd or what? Camera Tales!

Following on from my successful experiments with nasturtiums last year I decided to plant some begonias as companions in my hanging baskets. As you can see the colours work wonderful together and I am absolutely delighted with the results.
I did not buy any new seeds this year, all my nasturtium seeds were harvested from last years plants. Here you can see this years flowers producing next years seeds!
Something is attacking the green leaves and if anybody knows a natural repellant which I can spray on my flowers I would be very grateful for the information!
So the camera........................................
I have a Samsung digital camera which uses re-chargeable batteries.
I also have a Nikon which I found when on holiday in the Isle of Man!
I did make enquires as to who it belonged to, contacting the police etc but it seemed destined to be mine.
Now I have heard that some people have jinxes on watches, I think I am jinxed with vameras....today was a typical example.
We went to Pickering Traction Engine Rally, I took along my Nikon camera.
I took a small number of photographs when it flashed "Memory Full!"
I had forgotten to put the memory card into the camera!
Returning home I loaded the memory card and took the few pictures above from round the garden. Error message flashed..."Battery Exhausted!"
Now the Nikon has a lithium battery
so I had to plug the charger in.....will be a few hours,
by which time the moment will have passed.
No worries......my Samsung camera was at hand.
I loaed up the recently charged batteries and off I went.
This time more flowers and some of my chickens.....
or so I thought!
After 1 photograph "Low Battery" and then the camera switched itself off!
Loaded up more recently charged batteries and again after 1 photograph
"Low Battery" and then the camera switched itself off!
So enjoy the photographs! I am away to do some thinking!
Is it me?
For other flowers visit here!


i beati said...

color combos awesome sandy

Roan said...

Gorgeous colors!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful begonias. Good experiments.

Pat - Arkansas said...

The combination of begonia and nasturtiums is lovely; the colors are wonderful together. Thanks for sharing your photos.

Sorry you've had such bad experiences with your found camera.

Carletta said...
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Carletta said...

The colors are indeed eye-catching!
I love the middle macro shot - such detail.

Hope you work out your camera problems. How long have you had the batteries?

My post is here: Carletta’s Captures.

Nance said...

I had that kind of camera problem once...for some reason it always does that in an inopportune time! ;(
Lovely begonias combo!

Kath said...

Don't talk to me about cameras LOL After DH dropped our nearly new camera, we took the decision to buy another one, which arrived just in time for my trip to Wales to see my best friend on her new farm. I got out of the car, her dog jumped up to greet me and I dropped it....so you are not the only one jinxed with cameras! Kath x

CherryPie said...

Even with all those problems you managed to get some nice pics :-)

Leslie: said...

LOVE the colours together! I planted a coral rose next to a yellow one for just that purpose.

Day4plus said...

While I do like Begonias the Nasturtium is a favorite. It has such energy and great colors. MB

Strawberry Jam Anne said...

Lovely nasturtiums - always such a wonderful splash of colour. A

Sara said...

I've got an annoying camera too! There's only so many memories & pretty images I can store in my brain cells these days, so it's so frustrating when it goes on the blink when I want to capture something pefect!!! Arrrghhh! Digital is great for sharing but I'm sure good old film was more reliable.

Rune Eide said...

Photography can be very fun :-)

PS I have something here you might recognize...

DeniseinVA said...

Hi Denise, great photos, thank you for sharing them with Today's Flowers. I hope you get your camera problems sorted out soon.

Carolyn said...

Your photos are wonderful and the colours so vibrant. Modern technology when it works is wonderful but when it doesn't it can be/is so frustrating! Good luck.

Joanna said...

I've also had some of these difficulties with cameras. They're a lot more complex than the old ones--but they do take good photos. I love the colours in your nasturtium shot.

Akelamalu said...

Fabulous colours! I love nasturtiums - have you ever tried eating them?

Jay said...

The flowers are lovely together! Is it a reflection of the nasturtium red on the begonia, or a natural blush? Lovely, whichever it is.

It's probably cabbage white caterpillars eating the nasturtiums. They always eat mine. The remedy is to look for the eggs before they hatch and pick the affected leaves off, and you have to keep doing it all summer. Or you can pick off the caterpillars by hand .. but I can never bring myself to do either, so my nasturtiums are always ravaged!

I hate it when I forget to put the memory card back in! So frustrating! Maybe your batteries are at the end of their useful life and you need new ones?

B.T.Bear (esq.) said...

WOW theez look ike payntings!

Arija said...

LOL, definitely not you! It must be the recent full moon...lots of spooky things have bee going on.
Love your Nasturtioms, mine mainly revert to yellow after a few years.

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

Do you eat nasturtium flowers? Shed a few petals in your salad to give it colour and a bite. It taste like wasabi.