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Monday, December 21, 2009

The 2009 LPOS© Awards

It that time of year again...for 2009. I've been busy working on The Fourth LPOS© Awards. Whew! Just can't seem to get a break. Lots of contenders this year to sort through. Hoo-boy, I tell ya...

If you're not already, you should acquaint yourselves with the term LPOS©.

And then review past year's festive and gala LPOS™ Awards. There is the 2008 LPOS™ Awards.

Then the 2007 LPOS™ Awards.

And the Very First LPOS™ Awards from 2006.

I don't have to tell you that the MrsSatan Blog Annual LPOS Award is the most talked about, feted, gala affair of the entire blogosphere. That's right. The entire fucking blogosphere, damn it.

The 2009 LPOS Awards. They're coming soon!


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Thursday, September 10, 2009

Gary Keillor Suffers A Stroke

Minnesota's Sideshow Freak: Gary Keillor

The Prairie Home Communist, uber-Liberal, faux-intellectual, taxpayer teat-sucking America Bashing and America Hating Gary Keillor suffered a stroke.

It's fabulous, simply delightfully fabulous when Bad things happen to Bad people.

This is splendid news...orgiastically splendid. Honestly, how can anyone not simply loathe Keillor, a man who's never done an honest day's work in his life, is so over-rated by his Cult fans, who is grotesquely overpaid (partially by taxpayer subsidy) and who is such a LPOS?

Gee...I bet Gary has just the bestest of health care, and why not? The taxpayers probably are paying for it.

I think Gary should face an ObamaCare Death Panel. Yep. That's what I think. As the Romans did, "Thumbs Down" on the life of Keillor.

Obey your Messyiah, Gary, it's your duty to die. Your life has been ruled expendable.

Will return shortly with more updates and publishing comments and replying.

Just hadda update this brief item.


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Friday, September 04, 2009

How Will Ted Kennedy Be
Spending Labor Day Weekend?

Gee....I wonder...I wonder how Fat Dead Ted Tumor Head Kennedy will be spending Labor Day Weekend?

I wonder what he will be doing?

Well, feeding the worms, of course! (Rim shot!) (Cue riotous laughter!)

Bwa ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

Remember, it's Liberal Icon, Talk Radio Mike The Rapidly Decaying Corpse Malloy who said, "it's fun to speak ill of the dead."

I'm simply taking my cue from him and you know what? It IS fun to speak ill of the dead. Especially when the dead is a Liberal POS like Ted Kennedy!


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Friday, August 14, 2009

Harry Reid Calls Protesters "Evil-Mongers"

Harry ReidTard: Have another stroke and die, old man.

CommieCrat U.S. Senator and Majority Leader (heh..."leader...") Harry ReidTard calls Patriotic American protesters "evil-mongers." The Hill:

    Town hall protesters are "evil-mongers," says Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.)

    Reid coined the term in a speech to an energy conference in Las Vegas this week and repeated it in an interview with Politics Daily.

    Such "evil-mongers" are using "lies, innuendo and rumor," to drown out rational debate, Reid said.

    "It was an original with me," Reid said of the term. "I maybe could have been less descriptive," he said, adding that "I doubt you'll hear it from me again."

    Nevertheless, Reid worked in the word one more time during the interview.

    "I feel I haven't done anything to embarrass [my children]," Reid joked. "Except maybe call somebody an evil-monger."

I love how Liberal Pieces of Sh*t like Reid and so many others feign being offended by the same tactics they've used for years. What's the matter...you folks don't like the same medicine that you dispense? Awwww...that's just shame; a real shame.

Harry Reid: Absolute, total, complete fecal matter. No disrespect intended to any fecal matter, which - unlike Reid - actually serves a purpose.


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Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Ed Schultz Likes To Drive Drunk

On his Liberal Talk Radio Program, Ed Schultz, the Wife-beater, who, while drunk during a hunting trip shot and killed his own dog, said the following:

    "I like to drink and drive. But I can't do that anymore."
    - Tuesday, July 21, 2009 - 12:39 PM CST

What does that mean, that he can't do that anymore? Drunk driving has been against the law for decades. How many years has this LPOS been driving while intoxicated?

I guess with role models Fat Ted Tumor Head Kennedy, Druggy Al Gore, III and Druggy Patrick Kennedy, Junior, Liberals feel a legal entitlement to drive while intoxicated or whacked out of their mind on other substances.

Where is MADD when you need them?


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Sunday, July 19, 2009

Walter Cronkite Is Dead?

I heard on the news that
Walter Cronkite died at the age of 92. Boston Herald:

    Walter Cronkite, the CBS news anchor who was considered “the most trusted man in America,” died yesterday at his New York home at age 92, after suffering for many years from cerebrovascular disease, according to family members.

    Cronkite anchored the “CBS Evening News” from 1962 to 1981 and was easily the most influential broadcast journalist of the 20th century.

    Millions of viewers came to depend upon the St. Joseph, Mo., native for his stately reading of headlines. He ended each newscast with his trademark signoff,“. . . and that’s the way it is.”

Quick...someone hold a teaspoon under his nose. Are the experts certain he's dead? I ask this because it was only a short few weeks ago that Cronkite spokeswoman said the reports of him being gravely ill are overstated and that he has no major health crisis. Hell, it sounds as if old Walter at 92 was getting ready to run a triathlon! So, are they sure he's dead?

Did you know Walter was a member of the nefarious Bohemian Grove and was the voice of the Bohemian Owl

Many are praising Cronkite. But he was a Liberal POS; a mouthpiece and propaganda tool for Liberalism and America-bashing. He was a water-carrier for American Marxists. A blatant Socialist...a very, very wealthy Socialist who hoarded his money as do all Tightwad Cheapskate Liberals. And we all know how popular it is to HATE THE RICH these days.

Here's an appropriate comment about Pink Commie Walter from a discussion board at The History Channel:

    The US Military was almost overwhelmed by the last great offensive of the VC during the TET offensive. US forces beat back the offensive with incredible valor and after the smoke cleared the VC was finished. Walter Cronkite picked up his fat ass and rushed to VietNam [sic] when it was safe and he put on a helmet and flack jacket for the cameras and pronounced the incredible victory to be a "stalemate". That was it for LBJ. He could fight the enemy but he was no match for Cronkite. He told the world that he had enough and would not run for re-election. The unexpected capitulation of US resolve put a new resolve in the defeated VC and the rest is history. You could make a comparison of a news "anchor" going to Europe after the Battle of the Bulge and pronouncing it a stalmate [sic] for Allied troops. They would have had his head. The media was 100% liberal back then and there was no other voice.

Cronkite paved the way for future reporters to suspend objective news reporting and supplant it with a veiled, and sometimes a not-so-veiled, agenda of advancing Liberal/Marxist Ideology. Truth...who needs truth when subversive Liberal ideology is available, right Walter?

All the CommieCrats and America-haters on the news channels we see today can thank Big Ole Pink Walter for being the granddaddy of pushing a political bent instead of the facts.

Cronkite dead. BFD. GFR. BIH.


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Saturday, June 20, 2009

Walter Cronkite Gravely Ill?

USA MacPaper reports Walter Cronkite is gravely ill:

    A number of news outlets -- from The Chicago Sun-Times to the Cape Cod Times are carrying reports that legendary CBS newsman Walter Cronkite is "gravely ill." He is 92.

    Most are based almost entirely on Mediabistro's TVNewser report, which quotes an unidentified source at CBS. TVNewser adds that the network began updating its obit of Cronkite "more than a week ago."

Then again, the NY Daily News reports Cronkite's failing health is overstated:

    Walter Cronkite's spokeswoman denied Friday that the legendary newsman is gravely ill, saying he's recuperating from a recent sickness.

    "The news reports that have gone out are overstated," said a spokeswoman for the 92-year-old CBS icon.

    "He has suffered no major health crisis. He is at home. He was recently ill, and he's home recuperating. He's not gravely ill."

    Rumors about Cronkite's health have been swirling for weeks, sparked by the cancellation of a planned appearance.

Yeah, well, he's a Liberal Piece of Shit. His creed: Politics before the truth. Fuck him. When he dies, I'll say, "GFR" (Good Fucking Riddance).

I know...I know...some of my Conservative, Indie, Libertarian blogger friends react with, "Dave, why do you have to write things like that?" Well, I do it for several reasons. One is to treat Liberals and Progressives the way they treat others. Do I need to remind anyone how The Left celebrated the deaths of Tony Snow, or Ronald Reagan, or Gerald Ford? Two: Look; you treat your enemy the way they treat you. It's the only thing they understand. Fuck 'em, fuck all Liberals and Progressives. Please note, I am saying Liberals and Progressives, not Democrats. There is a difference.

I guess you could say, to paraphrase Liberal Talker Big, Fat, Dumb, Wife-Beating, Drunken Shooter and Killer of his own dog (while on a hunting trip) Ed Schultz: I'm fresh out of sympathy for Liberals and Progressives.


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Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Wife Of Chris Dodd, Jackie Clegg, Was
Outside Director For AIG Owned Company

Phony Baloney, Grandstanding LPOS Senator Chris Dudd

Whoa. More egg on the face of Connecticut Senator Chris Dodd Dudd! We all know any Republican Senator with the history of offenses and perception of wrongdoing that Dodd has chalked up would be booted from the Senate.

From Dudd's special favors and sweetheart CountryWide mortgage deal, his being the biggest recipient of campaign money from Freddie and Fannie, the biggest recipient of campaign cash from AIG and his disastrous attempt to put language into the recent stimupork bill that would have prevented bonuses from being paid out from companies receiving taxpayer money. In contrast, Al Capone was a legitimate businessman compared to Chris Dudd. Dudd would have been driven from office long ago if he didn't have that precious "D" following his name.

Jackie Clegg Dudd

Now we learn that his wife, Jackie Clegg Dodd, was the former director of a Bermuda-based company of AIG. RCP:

    From 2001-2004, Jackie Clegg Dodd served as an "outside" director of IPC Holdings, Ltd., a Bermuda-based company controlled by AIG. IPC, which provides property casualty catastrophe insurance coverage, was formed in 1993.


    Clegg was compensated for her duties to the company, which was managed by a subsidiary of AIG. In 2003, according to a proxy statement, Clegg received $12,000 per year and an additional $1,000 for each Directors' and committee meeting she attended. Clegg served on the Audit and Investment committees during her final year on the board.

    IPC paid millions each year to other AIG-related companies for administrative and other services. Clegg was a diligent director. In 2003, the proxy statement report, she attended more than 75% of board and committee meetings. This while she served as the managing partner of Clegg International Consultants, LLC, which she created in 2001, the year she joined the board of IPC. (See Dodd's public financial disclosure reports with the Senate from 2001-2004 here.)

    Dodd is likely more familiar with the complicated workings of AIG than he was letting on last week. This week may provide him with another opportunity to refresh his recollections.

I hate math, but I'm pretty sure if Mrs. Dudd attended 75% of board and committee meetings and she was paid $1,000 for each meeting she attended, she earned a nice, cool $75K for sitting in on those meetings which must run all of two, maybe even three arduous, painstaking hours. Whew! Time for a brew. That's was hard work, wasn't Mrs. Dudd?

Mrs. Dudd served on the Audit and Investment Committee her final year...hmmmmmmmm...hmmmmmmmm.

Since many of the AIG workers are returning their bonuses, maybe Mrs. Dudd will return her $75K?

The nepotism found in the Liberal/Progressive wing of the Democrat party should make us all recoil in horror.

The Culture of Corruption is alive and well within the Liberals and Progressives.

Oh, good Christ, how The Left would be screaming if the above story was about Cindy McCain or Hadassah (Mrs. Joe) Lieberman.

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Friday, January 23, 2009

Caroline Kennedy Schlossberg Out!

Another Kennedy Schlossberg bites the (political) dust!

Caroline Kennedy Schlossberg has dropped her bid for U.S. Senate.

This is great news. She has no experience in public office or public service at all. AT ALL! The only thing she has is her maiden name Kennedy which she uses because without it she wouldn't have any identity. This is the classic syndrome that infects Liberals like her. She'd be a nobody going by her married name of Schlossberg, so she needs to continue using the Kennedy name in order to give her life and herself meaning and a degree of self-worth. She probably would be one of those wives who is physically beaten and abused by their husbands, who - when asked why they remain with their spouse - stupidly replies, "because he's all I have."

Schlossberg, you may recall, ranked in as Number 8 in the 2008 Liberal Piece of Shit (LPOS) Award.

Caroline Kennedy Schlossberg

Even better, news has surfaced that she
has tax problems and a "nanny" issue. NY Daily News:

    Caroline Kennedy, who stunningly quit her push for Hillary Clinton's Senate seat, is dealing with a "tax problem and a potential nanny issue," a source close to Gov. Paterson said Thursday.

    "She was facing some potentially embarrassing personal issues" that came up during the vetting process, the source said, adding that the governor had decided she was not up to the job anyway.

    Kennedy cited "personal reasons" when she released a terse one-sentence statement announcing she was quitting her Senate bid.

Why, she's just like
Timmy Geithner, Treasury Secretary - a man so brilliant he "forgot" to pay his taxes and employed an illegal immigrant.

Schlossberg cited "personal reasons," - yeah, uh-huh - personal reasons...like cheating on or failing to pay her taxes and employing an illegal immigrant. Oh, those Kennedy's, they're above the law ever since the boot-legging, corrupt Old Man Joe Kennedy was a Nazi sympathizer and ardent admirer of Adolf Hitler.

What wonderful double-standard the Liberals have, huh? What a bunch of Fascist Pigs, every single one of them. They are above the law. They don't have to pay taxes and expect to be excused when caught employing an illegal alien or when they commit any other illegal act.

I guess Schlosscunt was too busy with her arduous, exhaustive, laborious two-hour work week for her charitable organization to pay her taxes or legally employ a nanny. I wonder if she provided her nanny a fair "living wage", health care and retirement benefits?

Oh, The Pbama Cultists and Insane Liberal Clown Posse (ILCP) would be barking at the moon if Schlosscunt was a Republican, but she receives the coveted Free Pass that Liberals hand out to their own. Ahhhhh, what a wonderful world full of make-believe and hypocrisy the Libs live in, huh?


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Sunday, January 18, 2009

Pbama Didn't Serve In The Military;
Biden Received Five Deferments For Asthma

Please recall the most vocal false assertions from The Pillow biting Pbama Cultists that George W. Bush had no military experience. Well, of course he did...he served honorably in the National Guard, despite the plethora of lies from The Lefties out there who say otherwise. We all remember the forged National Guard records from Dan Rather and CBS. Lies, all of it lies.

And please recall the furor from The Pillow Biting Pbama Cultists over Dick Cheney receiving deferments during the Vietnam era. Cheney's deferments were legitimate. As I've always said, don't take my word on this at all. By all means, go search it out for yourselves via The Google.

The reactions from The Pbama Cultists and the Insane Liberal Clown Posse (ILCP) amuse me, because now they have their messiah, the Pillow Biting Affirmative Action Prednint-sElect Barack Hussein Pbama, Junior who HAS NO MILITARY EXPERIENCE AT ALL. NONE. ZERO. NADA. ZIP. He is a coward.

Worse than being a coward, PBAMA IS A
CHICKENHAWK: A politician or other person who promotes war without having had any personal experience of it; especially those who have avoided the experience.

We know Pbama is a Chickenhawk because he said he wants to increase the U.S. Troop level in Afghanistan. We know this is the meaning of Chickenhawk because The Left defined it as such during the past eight years in their application of the term to Bush and Cheney. See, Libs, I'm using your very own standards and applying them right back onto you and your illegitimate Prednint-sElect. Nice, huh?

Oh, sure, there's Pbama's
claim that he would have enlisted...but...ABC News:

    ...his decision not to enlist was an issue of timing, not service. "I graduated in 1979. The Vietnam War had come to an end. We weren’t engaged in an active military conflict at that point. And so, it’s not an option that I ever decided to pursue," he said.

Oh, I see. It's all so clear to me now. It was an issue of timing, not service. So, Barry, the only time people enlist in the military is during times of an active conflict? I call Bullshit. He never had plans to enlist. This is just another of Barry's stories, more lies from the Kenyan-born Liberal Piece of Shit.

"I'm still lying about the death of my first wife 30 years later" Biden.

Biden RECEIVED FIVE DEFERMENTS FROM VIETNAM BECAUSE...Awwwww, poor widdle Joey had asthma. Cleveland.com:

    Democratic vice presidential nominee Joe Biden received five student draft deferments during the Vietnam War, the same number of deferments received by Vice President Dick Cheney, and later was disqualified from service because of asthma as a teenager.

Huh...Joey Biden had asthma as a teenager. Or did he? It's certainly odd - some (like me) would say incredulous - that in his book he never, ever mentioned once - not even once - that he had asthma. From the same Cleveland.com link above:

    In "Promises to Keep," a memoir that was published last year and became an instant best-seller after he was tapped as Obama's running mate, Biden never mentions his asthma, recounting an active childhood, work as a lifeguard and football exploits in high school.

Amazing! Joe's asthma didn't prevent him from playing football, being a lifeguard or chasing skirts, but it kept him out of serving his country in a time of war. What an amazing coincidence. Simply amazing. Why, I bet the day he received his 1-Y Military service classification all the planets in the solar system were perfectly aligned. Surely that would have been the day for him to buy a lottery ticket?

How could someone as pompous and verbose as Biden, who is completely in love with himself and who, always manages to make public every little trivial detail in his entire life omit a salient fact from his own book, never mentioning his asthma? I'll tell you why. Because he never had asthma. Because he's a fucking Lying Piece of Liberal Shit Chickenhawk - that's how. His faked asthma is WHAT MAKES HIM A CHICKENHAWK!

And the same goes for Pbama, the man born in Kenya. He never considered enlisting in the military.

Prednint-sElect Chickenhawk and Vice Prednint-sElect Chickenhawk.

The Left never did care, nor do they now care, about anyone serving or who has served in the U.S. Military. The Left will feign and pretend to care - that this is a legitimate issue - only when it suits there political agenda. Otherwise, anyone who's served, or currently serves in the Military, they label as baby-killer, spit upon them, deface and vandalize military recruiting offices or, in the case of Fat Little Bastard John Murtha who called Marines "murderers."

The Left is hardly in a position to judge anybody when it comes to Military Service, considering theirs is the party with the biggest draft-dodging Chickenhawk of all time...Bill Clinton.

The Pbama Cultists and ILCP think the sun will shine from their asses after January 20 when THEIR CHICKENHAWKS are inaugurated. But I have news for them. They have eight solid years of bad karma that's going to come back and bite them smack dab in their asses. And I, for one, will have no sympathy or compassion for them.

Don't let the Cultists and the ILCP forget - not for a moment during the next four years - that their selected leaders (heh..."leaders") have NO MILITARY EXPERIENCE AND THAT THEY ARE BOTH FASCIST PIG CHICKENHAWKS.


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Sunday, January 04, 2009

The 2008 LPOS™ Award

You didn't think I'd allow 2008 to pass without hosting the Third Annual LPOS Award, did you?

Yes, it's that time of year once again for the Annual LPOS Award and 2008 marks the third year of the mrssatan blog hosting this prestigious event. Who will win the coveted LPOS Award this year? First, a brief recap.

LPOS is my acronym for Liberal Piece Of Shit. These are not your standard, Central or Moderate Democrats. No, to be considered a LPOS, one must always be expanding the edges of the outer fringe of Extreme, Insane Liberalism. One must hold the belief that the Nanny State knows no bounds, promoting government - especially the United States Federal Government - into a larger, more bureaucratic monopoly that not only controls and restricts the Free Market but also creates more demand for individual dependency on the government.

Each of the 2008 nominees has shown themselves to be extremely hypocritical, applying a set of standards and judgements to others that they do not apply or hold to themselves or other Extreme Hardcore Insane Lefty Liberals.

They are a myopically selfish group of individuals who subjectively and selectively judge those that do not fully agree with their own philosophies and ideologies.

Their mission of anything politic is motivated by only one thing: Furthering The Liberal Agenda.

Each of these LPOS demonstrates an unequalled and egregious knack for their prejudiced and intolerant political partisanship far exceeding the level of your Average Run-Of-The-Mill Liberal.

Each of these LPOS sets a new standard, possessing an amazing ability to deny both truth and facts, blazing a new trail in setting the bar higher for Liberals who follow them, making it harder and harder to define the Edge of Extreme Liberalism.

Eleven are nominated, but only one wins the world's most prestigious award in unmitigated Liberalism, The oh-so-coveted MrsSatan LPOS Award.

The winner must have accomplished tasks in setting a new standard for, and redefining the edge of, The Extreme Insane Liberal Clown Posse (ILCP, for short) and the Liberal Agenda.

The eleven nominees and contenders - and ultimate winner of the Coveted LPOS Award for 2008 - are presented below:

11: The Reverend Jesse Jackson

You know that a new, redefining point within fringe Liberalism is established when a black man who holds the title "Reverend" is speaking about his fellow black man whom he says is, "Talkin' down to black people," caught on television via microphone telling another black man that he'd like to, "cut [his] nuts off
." The "his" the good, spiritual and loving Reverend was referring to was Barack Hussein Pbama, Junior.

Oh, that Wacky Reverend Jackson, he's done so much for race relations, yes? It sounds as if The Rev needs several remedial lessons on how to fit into our diverse Rainbow of a nation. Tsk Tsk, Rev. Jackson, who knew you harbored such anger and such a violent demeanor.

Joy "Big Hips" Behar (one of the two images is, in fact, her - I just don't know which one).

Behar makes her first appearance ever as a LPOS nominee. The 2008 year was full and rich of Behar events that easily qualified her for her inclusion in this most honorable list. Behar's blind political allegiance as a cackling Hen, promoting the distributing Liberal Talking Point Memos was on display on "The View." Her automatic and inherent revulsion of people like Republican guests, such as both John and Cindy McCain was obvious while guests such as both Barack Hussein and Michelle "Pickles" Pbama (the Dangerous Washerwoman) are welcomed by Behar who fawned over them, never contesting, disagreeing or questioning anything they said.

Behar feigns offense at everything and anything written and spoken by those who do not agree with her political ideology, she always manages to find something they say, twist it and feign offense. But she buries applying the same standard to those who are politically like-minded. No objection escaped Behar's pie hole over Pastor Jeremiah Wright - of the controversial Trinity Church of Christ, the church formerly attended by Barack Hussein Pbama, Junior for 20 years in which Pbama claims never to have heard a controversial word - who called Italians, "garlic-nosed
." Behar, who claims Italian ethnicity, was perfectly fine with this stereotyping from the Liberal Rev. Wright.

But what really put Behar in the running as a LPOS nominee was her statement in March, during the sex scandal involving disgraced Democrat Eliot Spitzer, who, caught in a prostitution ring, was forced to resign as New York's governor.

For 20 or more years women's rights groups have been telling us that prostitution is not a victimless crime, that it degrades women, leads to wrecked lives, psychological and physical abuse and a litany of other negative side effects.

What catapulted Behar as a nominee for the 2008 LPOS Award is her statement - reacting to her beloved Democrat Spitzer - on 'The View', March 11, when she said, "prostitution is a victimless crime

Behar, (presumably a woman), negated what we've been told by women's rights' groups. No women's rights' groups that I recall condemned Behar's words or issued any type of response registering their disagreement.Remember her words, prostitution is a victimless crime.

Clearly, Conservative Radio Talker Dennis Prager, knows what he is talking about and summed it up best when, on his Tuesday October 28, 2008 program, speaking about Behar, said:

    "For reasons unclear to me, this woman is on television."

spBarney spFrank

Long-serving, entrenched Liberal Massachusetts Congressman spBarney spFrank, patronizer of male prostitutes.

Oh, it's not spBarney's sexual proclivities that earned him a spot on the 2008 LPOS Award. No, it is his complete lying and fabrication over his involvement in the economic downturn (read: Fannie and Freddie), of which spFrank declared, the current state of the economy is, "clear that the fundamentals are better than the psychology
." Uh, yeah, and George W. Bush has been saying the same thing for seven years and ridiculed for it but The Left didn't hold spBarney to the same standard.

It is spFrank's flaming Drama Queen performance on The Bill O'Reilly show that swept him in as a nominee for the 2008 LPOS Award. When confronted with facts, spFrank did the Drama Queen routine, continually talking without stopping, talking over O'Reilly because it was the only defense he could muster. He couldn't answer or respond to O'Reilly, because doing so spBarney would have had to acknowledge the fact that his policies and those of his party sparked the fuse of the economic meltdown.

8: Caroline Kennedy Schlossberg

The next possible U.S. Senator from New York? Unqualified in every way. Never elected to any public office. Never has held any public office. Never been a Mayor, never served so much as the local dog-catcher, oops - Animal Control is the politically correct term.

And The Left made a big deal over Sarah Palin, claiming that she didn't have sufficient qualifications to be Vice President, but somehow, Caroline SCHLOSSBERG, who has ZERO experience somehow IS QUALIFIED to be a U.S. Senator because her Uncle Fat Ted Tumor Head left a woman to drown? This qualifies her to serve in the U.S. Senate, I guess, is how the Libs operate.

In her experience in charitable causes, we find that CAROLINE Kennedy SCHLOSSBERG puts in an arduous, yeoman-like, exhaustive two-hour work week. From Buffalo News.com:

    Federal tax filings show her working about two hours a week for [the] board of the Fund for Public Schools, a private/public partnership that raises awareness and cash for the school system.

We know the reason she goes by the Kennedy name and not the Schlossberg name. Caroline who? "You know", Caroline Kennedy. Oh, not Caroline Schlossberg, no, you know, Caroline...you know...Kennedy...you know?

7: Dennis Kookcinich, The Angry Garden Gnome

Dennis "UFO Man" Kookcinich, an irritating and omnipresent pest - like flies at a picnic or gnats swarming around your head on the golf course - who never allows his political angst to go unnoticed. Did you know that, except for one short stint, the Gnome has never held a real job? His entire career - minus his years of being unemployed, homeless and living with Shirley MacLaine - consists of feeding at the government trough.

He earns his spot this year for his never-ending histrionics typical of those exhibited by someone suffering from a Napoleonic Complex (aka "Short Man Syndrome)" especially with his repeated rants and ravings of, "Hey, pay attention to me, I'm drawing up articles to impeach Bush and Cheney. Again
." Nobody cared, Dennis. You couldn't even muster interest from your own fellow Democrat politicians in your articles. There was no real effort to impeach anyone. It was an issue that was to be used and abused and kept alive for Dog and Pony Show purposes and a wedge issue for The Gnome to exploit. There was never any serious consideration given to impeaching Bush or Cheney - it was all for show and hate. The Gnome wasted the precious time and money of the taxpayer with what amounted to nothing more than his own freakish sideshow in seeking attention and personal validation. He achieved - big surprise, not - neither.

6: Hillary "MrsSatan" Clinton

For everything she is, has been and will be; but this year especially for her eagerness and her shameless display of political opportunism at leaving her role as New York's Carpetbagging U.S. Senator to serve as the Secretary of State.

"Whatever is best for the Clintons," is Hillary and Bubba's Mantra, and don't you ever forget it.

However, it was her adamant conviction that she had "come under sniper fire" and having to "run with our heads down" in 1996 at Tuzla Air Base, Bosnia. Her story was supposed to demonstrate how "tough" she is.

The reality is that there was no sniper fire. In fact, this video shows her being greeted by children, not sniper fire.

It certainly makes me rest easy knowing that the Pbama Administration thinks so highly of a blatant liar like Hillary that she will be the next Secretary of State.

5: U.S. Commiecrat Senator Harry ReidTard

Look, all you have to do is search my blog entries on Harry and you will find a list as long as can be of his many offenses. In the past Harry has delighted us with such fanciful declarations such as: global warming causing forest fires, declaring in 2007 that the "surge is lost," his being in the pocket of Big Dairy and Big Lubricant, his foray into the profitable (some might charge profitable because of insider knowledge) real estate market and his other, various dubious land dealings, to this year, which contained his own scandalous version of K-Street.

Amazingly, ReidTard is not the winner of the 2008 LPOS Award, although he should be for his on-the-record comments of, no longer having to "smell the [stinking] tourists" who visit Washington.

Sir Harry doesn't want to smell the stench of the people who employ him. Does the word "Elitist" pop into mind?

4: Keith Olberwiener

2008 marks Olberweiner's third appearance as a nominee. In 2006 he ranked in at the number 10 LPOS Slot. In 2007 he ranked at the number 6 slot. It appears Olberwiener is slowly working his way up the chart and may soon win the coveted LPOS Award in a year or two.

He is included this year for the same reasons he's been nominated in the past; rarely being factually accurate, leaping to conspiracy conclusions, rank hypocrisy, applying much harsher standards to non-like-minded individuals than he does with anyone Left of Center, holding Liberals to far less scrutiny than anyone else and for being the hyperbolic, outrage-feigning piece of shit that he is.

What makes Olberwiener special this year are two things, and no, his lack of bedroom prowess isn't one of them - heck, it's expected Liberals can't perform in the bedroom, they can't do the heavy lifting required outside of the bedroom, why would anyone expect they can get the job done there?

The reasons for Olberwiener's meteoric rise as a three-time nominee for a coveted LPOS Award are as follows:

1) His plea for leniency for NFL player Michael Vick who was convicted for his part in an illegal dog-fighting ring.

2) And for Olberwiener failing to pay his New York state taxes.

Those good, agnostic, tax-paying Liberals who...like Al Franken...don't pay their taxes until the law catches up with them. What's up with that?

Oh, Olberwiener, how thou art manufactures feigned and insincere sympathy and compassion for those that thou liketh.

3: Michelle "Pickles" Pbama, The Dangerous Washerwoman.

I'll be honest and to the point: She's a bitch. A bitch, who in 2008, at two different campaign stops, said that she, "has never been proud of her country," until her husband became a presidential candidate. Mammy O' is an Angry Bitch and if writing this angers you, it only means I've hit one of those good ole' "Truth Nerves" that makes you Pbama Cultists scream the loudest.

John "Madman" Murtha

Murtha is the winner of the coveted 2007 LPOS Award. This year, he ranks in the Number Two (Number Two as in feces) slot.

For 2008, Murtha appears as a nominee for being the Fat Little Bastard that he is. He is also worthy of inclusion for calling his own voter base constituency "rednecks
" and for his continued refusal to apologize to the U.S. Marines in Haditha cleared of all charges of whom Murtha referred to as, "murderers."

Before I announce the Winner of The 2008 LPOS Award, let us take a brief moment to usher in...

...the first ever, MrsSatan Lifetime Achievement LPOS Award...which goes to:

...The Mainstream Media: including, but not limited to, printed publications (The NY Times, The WaPo, The L.A.Times, APee, etc), broadcast media (ABC, CBS, NBC, PBS), cable (CNN, MSNBC, AirHead America Radio, CBS News Radio, etc), individuals (Brian Williams, Tom Brokaw, Katie Couric, Cha-lee Gibson [when did he become "Charles"? - wtf?], etc) for their sycophantic, obediant, always handing a Free Pass to, and never-questioning, any Liberal politician or candidate.

Mostly, this Lifetime Achievement Award is bestowed up the LameStream Media for rolling out a fresh red carpet and Nurf-ball textured kid-glove treatment of Barack Hussein Pbama, Junior the Kenyan born Communist who stole the 2008 presidential election with help from ACORN. Never before has the world seen the likes of such a uniformed and blind consensus within the MSM and their collective agenda in selecting someone of whom I proudly proclaim, "He's NOT my prednint."

"He's not my Führer."

And now, the winner of the coveted 2008 LPOS Award is...

...Prednint-Elect Barack Hussein Pbama, Junior!

Where to start...where to start:

* Perhaps his New World Order speech?

* His snubbing - not visiting - United States Military Members in Landstuhl because the Pentagon told him they would not allow him to use the Military as a photo-campaign op and media event. Thus, he Pbama nixed visiting those who put their lives on the line for his freedom.

* Then there is Pbama's offer to debate John McCain, "anytime, anywhere
." Pbama quickly chickened out of this and withdrew his offer.

* Then there is his initial refusal to travel to Iraq, afraid of having to publicly acknowledge the success of the surge. McCain eventually embarrassed Pbama into traveling to Iraq where Pbama was eventually forced to admit the surge was a resounding success. This was quickly followed by Pbama scrubbing his official web site of all past anti-surge rhetoric.

Scrubbing Pbamaubbles, for scrubbing his web site on a regular basis
in order to avoid being held accountable for his words and positions.

* Pbama is not averse to treating his own, loyal and blind Cultists as the Dipshit Circus Freak Supporters that they are, because in May, 2008 he
begged them not to embarrass him or commit acts of disobedience and property damage during the DNC Rules Committee meetings.

* His Elitism was on full display when he called Pennsylvanians "bitter individuals who cling to their guns and their religion

* And, of course, there is his "My Muslim faith
," statement, an odd statement for him to make considering he claims he's never ever ever been a Muslim or practiced Islam, except when he's caught telling a lie that he has prayed and practiced the Muslim faith, studied the Koran and recites Islamic prayers.

The reasons for Pbama winning the coveted 2008 LPOS Award are many. But it is the following reasons why I selected him as this year's clear and unprecedented winner:

* He's a cigarette smoker. A cigarette smoker! Remember, for 20-plus years The Left, especially the politically correct and Militant Non-Smoking Nazis, have preached from their pulpit (built with a massive money redistribution from the tobacco lawsuits) that cigarette smoking and cigarette smokers engage in the most disgusting, unhealthy, polluting habit imaginable; a habit they say is worse than a heroin addict writhing in the gutter.

The Insane Liberal Clown Posse and Pbama Cultists have elected a cigarette smoker. How hypocritically self-righteous of them.

* He will be an illegitimate president because he is not a Naturally born citizen of the United States. He is not Constitutionally qualified to hold the office that he stole. He was born in either Kenya or Indonesia, not Hawaii. His Certificate of Live Birth is a forgery. At age 7 or 8 he was a citizen of Indonesia, and Indonesia does not allow dual-citizenship, thus, Pbama would have had to renounce his American citizenship status which means even if he was born in Hawaii he would not Constitutionally qualify for the White House.

* His circle of friends and associates is full of convicted felons, crooks, thugs, criminals and those who are under investigation. No Republican or Conservative could escape the "guilt by association" charges that would be lobbed against them by Liberals if they had friends and associates such as:

* Convicted felon Tony Rezko, racist and sexist pastors Jeremiah Wright and Michael Pflager,

* James T. Meeks who is described by ACD News as harboring "notorious homophobia

* Homophobe Donnie McClurkin, who claims to be one of those gays-turned-straight, that the Left usually ridicules. McClurkin's mission is to "turn gays straight," and usually anyone who is a Conservative is vilified by Liberals and the Militant Gays for holding that view. But McClurkin and Pbama get a Free Pass because they are uber-Liberals.

* International arms dealer and former terrorist Nadhmi Auchi, of whom Pbama claims, he doesn't recall meeting although Pbama managed to delivering several "toasts" in honor of Auchi.

Other qualifiers for Pbama as winner of the coveted 2008 LPOS Award include, but are not limited to:

* His reversal on accepting public financing. Oh, how The Left howled and screamed at the ability of George W. Bush to fundraise for his two presidential campaigns. But oh, how The Left remained dutifully silent, demonstrating their unparalleled hypocrisy, when Pbama broke every fundraising record ever set by any political candidate. The most money raised ever, much of it - millions - from questionable sources, terrorist organizations and suspicious "bundlers" - and The Left said nothing. That Free Pass issued by The Left must really be a precious and priceless item to possess, eh?

* Pbama Fake Faintergate. What a pile of orchestrated, phony, rehearsed bullcrap, all concocted by Team Pbama to garner coverage.

In all cases during an Pbama speech a woman would faint. She was always near the front and center of the stage where Pbama was standing. Pbama repeated, verbatim, the same trite platitudes in every instance of these fake fainters:

    "Giver her some space. Make way. Can we get an EMT?" And then - right on cue - he hands someone a bottle of water which is passed from one crowd member to another until it reaches the alleged "fainter."

What.A.Pile.Of.Staged.And.Manufactured.Bullshit. And The Pbama Cultists lapped it up like a hungry feral dog lapping up roadkill.

* Pbama's own words of, as Commander In Chief, invading a sovereign country - in his case Pakistan, which - the invading of a sovereign country - is one of the most frequent feigned outrages from The Left regarding George W. Bush and Iraq. See, it's okay with Liberals when a Liberal invades a sovereign country.

* Pbama, for being a Mac Daddy.

NoBama? No charitable donations.

* For being
a tightwad and cheapskate in his charitable giving until...until he became a presidential candidate. Then, amazingly, his charitable donations increased. My, oh my, what a coincidence.

We all know - and several studies show - that Liberals are the cheapest people on earth when it comes to charitable giving. Remember Albert Gore, Junior's 1997 tax records showing a total of $353 donated to charity? Recall Democrat Senator entrenched D.C.-insider and soon-to-be VP Joe Biden's atrociously cheap charitable donations. The previous link also includes the story of when Pbama got caught trying to pass off $13,000 dollars to the Congressional Black Caucus as a CHARITABLE DONATION!

* Then there are the many numerous lies Pbama told. My favorite in 2008 was when he claimed that his Kenyan father traveled to America in September of 1959 on a student scholarship made possible by the Kennedy Family.

Pbama's tall tale is amusing and a lie, for the Kennedy family did not get involved in this airlift program until July 1960. This information is supported and documented in a Washington Post story.

* Then there is Pbama's lie that handwriting on an Illinois voter group’s detailed questionnaire - on issues such as gun control,the death penalty and abortion - filed under his name during his 1996 bid for a state Senate seat was not his handwriting.

He was proven to once again be lying, the handwriting was unquestionably his.

* Pbama's absolute and total record of being anti-Second Amendment and Pro Gun Control, as I document in September. Yes, that link is to a post I wrote, but the links within the post substantiate Pbama's voting record and his on-the-record statements of being pro-gun control.

Both Pbama and Biden are lying when they claim they support the Second Amendment, the Right to bear arms and when they claim they support the Supreme Court decisions that affirmed Heller and concluded that the language of the Second Amendment does indeed apply to the "individual" to bear arms.

* Then there is Pbama's Hitler Youth. This chorus from Pbama's Children of The Corn is creepily reminiscent of the involuntary indoctrination of children into Communism and eerily Orwellian, inserting children into divisive political propaganda no different from terrorists who teach their young children to hate America and Americans as well as Jews and Israel.

* His campaign's credit card fraud.

* His jackboot-licking Cultists, Goons and Thugs who intimidate and harass those that don't drink the Kool-Aid. And, lest we forget, the Peaceful Pbama Protesters in St. Paul at the Republican National Convention who were armed and ready to throw bags filled with feces and urine and those charged in a Molotov cocktail plot.

Yeah, those Pbama Cultists are so peaceful, understanding, open-minded, objective and fair, aren't they?

Among the litany of other offenses and lies spoken and committed by the Man Born in Kenya, there were two cinching accomplishments for Pbama winning the 2008 LPOS Award. Believe it or not, neither reason had anything to do with his being born in Kenya or Indonesia and his phony birth certificate that claims to be authenticate and indicating he was born in Hawaii - he wasn't.

The second was his hissy fit reaction to the press of "enough is enough
!" Poor Pbama got tired of the press - what did he expect? Awww. Poor Baby! It sounds to me as if - to quote "South Park's" Eric Cartman - Pbama has "sand in his vagina."

The first - and by far, the item with the greatest proportional value - is Pbama's Braceletgate, his moment of, "Hey, look at me, I wear a Military bracelet too," during a presidential debate with John McCain who had mentioned his Military bracelet.

Braceletgate was followed by the family of the deceased Soldier, whose name is on Pbama's bracelet, saying that they had
asked Pbama not to use their son's name in his poltical campaign, but Pbama is too egotistical and selfish to respect their wishes. Pbama, an Arab and a stealth Muslim, born in Kenya or Indonesia, wearing a Military bracelet pretending he gives a shit about the death of an American Soldier. And The Left belittled Ronald Reagan as "just being an actor,"?

This incident, his "I have a bracelet too," moment, is what propels this Liberal Piece of Shit known by such various aliases as Barack Hussein Pbama, Junior; Barry Soetoro, Barack Dunham, Barry Dunham as the clear winner of the 2008 LPOS Award.

Barack Hussein Pbama, Junior -(not the first black president, by the way) -
The Prestigious Winner of The Coveted 2008 MrsSatan Liberal Piece of Shit Award.

Be proud Barry, and keep that birth certificate hidden. You don't want anyone to find out you've never been a naturally-born U.S. Citizen, that if you were you renounced it and that your entire candidacy is a sham. Remember, since he's not a naturally-born U.S. Citizen as defined in the Constitution, no act, law or treaty he signs will be valid. Everything he does will be illegitimate, just like he is.

Due to the length of the 2008 LPOS Award post I eliminated a list of Honorable Mentions, but feel free to add a comment of who your favorite LPOS nominee was for 2008. And yes, Al Franken would have been in the Honorable Mention department.

Finally, proofreading this piece was a bitch and I'm sure I will find spelling errors and typos when I review it. I triple-checked the links within the post and they all worked and opened into new windows. Please let me know if a link you run into is disabled, bad or otherwise unavailable. Thank you.


The 2007 LPOS Award
The 2006 LPOS Award

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Monday, December 31, 2007

The 2007 LPOS Award

Welcome to the Second Annual MrsSatan LPOS Award!

Regular readers may be familiar with my acronym, LPOS , for Liberal Piece (Pieces when used in plural form) of Shit when referring to the Extreme Hardcore Insane Lefty Liberals.

LPOS can be spoken and pronounced by saying each of its individual letters: "L-P-O-S", although the preferred pronunciation is saying it as one full actual word: "EL-POSS" with a short vowel sound over the "O".

The criteria and qualifications are most stringent in deciding who is eligible and ultimately selected for this great, prestigious and distinctive honour.

This is no casual list of Liberal Lunatics, not by a long shot.

Each of these LPOS has shown themselves to be extremely hypocritical. They apply a set of standards to others that they do not apply to themselves or other Extreme Hardcore Insane Lefty Liberals.

They are a myopically selfish group of individuals who subjectively and selectively judge those that do not fully agree with their own philosophies and ideologies.

Their mission of anything politic is motivated by only one thing: Furthering The Liberal Agenda.

Each of these LPOS demonstrates an unequalled and egregious knack for their prejudiced and intolerant political partisanship far exceeding the level of your Average Run-Of-The-Mill Liberal.

Each of these LPOS sets a new standard, possessing an amazing ability to deny both truth and facts, blazing a new trail in setting the bar higher for Liberals who follow them, making it harder and harder to define the Edge of Extreme Liberalism.

Eleven are nominated, only one wins the world's most prestigious award in unmitigated Liberalism.

The nominees - and ultimate winner of the LPOS Award for 2007 - are below:

11: Nanny Pelosi - New Democrat Speakeress of the U.S. House of Representatives, nominated for several reasons including a false promise to eliminate earmarks, for her anti-war rhetoric, for advancing appeasement of terrorists, for her meeting with Syrian leader Bashar-al Assad, for capitulating to the tradition of wearing a head-scarf supportive of subservience of women in Arabic culture.

But nominated mostly for her witless and pandering phrase when she said, "maybe it will take a woman to clean up the House." Nanny, we can't help wonder to which woman you were referring, it obviously was not yourself.

10: Harry Reid, U.S. Senator; Nevada
Where to start with Harry? He is nominated for such making such outrageous statements as blaming "global warming causing the California fires," and then denying he said what he said. For his egregious tap dancing on the issue of abortion. For his constant yet impotent attempts to defund the Military. For calling Vice President Dick Cheney "an attack dog." Awwwww, poor Harry - he can dish it out, but not take it? So sad, Harry, so damn sad.

And especially for Harry recently admitting, "the surge certainly hasn't hurt. It's helped. I recognize that."

9: Dan Rather, former CBS News anchor, for his bitter and hypocritical lawsuit against his former employer CBS. Dan lied, nobody died (that we know of) - but he blames others and wants their cash for his own miserable failures at journalism, specifically, his fake story on President George W. Bush's service in the National Guard. Now that's a Liberal Piece of Shit by any definition. Dan is a victim...a victim of his own amateur idiocy.

8: Barry Manilow, singer - for refusing to appear on "The View", saying, "[Elisabeth Hasselbeck] is dangerous. I will not be on the same stage as her." That's funny, because he appeared on "The View" two previous times when Ms. Hasselbeck was present. Third time must be the charm, eh Mandy...I mean, Barry.

7: Cluck Schumer DemocRAT, U.S. Senator; New York - nominated for his amazing ability to be first in front of any camera and microphone to pontificate and hype any politically biased ideology, yet he goes into seclusion and cannot be found to comment about what earlier this year was the nomination and promotion from within his own Democrat party of Mike Mukasey for Attorney General.

Cluck is especially qualified for the 2007 LPOS Award for his feigning Lyme Disease - his excuse for not being available to the press on Mukasey - using Lyme Disease as an excuse to miss an important vote on funding the Military. But shortly after that vote, Cluck summoning the energy and stamina to make several PR appearances for plastic foam factories, doctor shortages and "Criss-crossing the state" for Veterans Benefits. Apparently, whatever ill effect Cluck had from Lyme Disease was short-lived, brief enough only to keep him from a Senate vote and appearing before the cameras and microphones.

Most recently, Cluck is lobbying against steroid use in MLB, working hard to prevent access to HGH - Human Growth Hormones.

Finally, Cluck is nominated for being a chicken. When speaking, his head moved forward and back, just like a chicken pecking at its food. He's looks and acts just like a chicken, just like one; hence his name, Cluck Schumer.

6: Keith Olberwiener, former sports caster turned idiot Uber-Liberal Talking Head - Liberal Wiener Extraordinaire, full of flatulence and wicked, foul gas who emits the same in every whining tirade on his program. For yeoman efforts in not applying the same standard to Liberals that he applies to Conservatives. For an amazing display of being able to make what he said the day before trite and unimportant by every day making new statements that lack any factual basis and contain only his personal and subjective venomous political bias. Plus - and this is the most important reason - he's a wiener; a tiny cocktail wiener - and that's what he will remain, forever and forever.

5: Congressman John Murtha, DemocRAT Congressman, Pennsylvania - nominated for being named one of the Most Corrupt Members of Congress by CREW - the Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington. For steering Military Contracts to his brother "Kit" Murtha, for being the King of Pork in allocating Pork Money to his district. For being named by CREW, Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington, as "one of the most unethical members in Congress."

4: John Edwards, former U.S. Senator North Carolina and Sissy - nominated for saying that war is a "bumper sticker mentality", for saying he is "uncomfortable around [gay) people." For sending his cancer-stricken wife out of fight his battles with Ann Coulter and the MoveOn
Morons. For his advocating, in a Walter Mondale-esque presidential bid of a way, of higher taxes for everybody.

For wanting to take away your SUV and large scale home while he lives the Life of Riley Edwards.

For verbally stumbling around for 12 seconds in a desperate attempt to answer the question of "Who is [his] moral leader." His ultimate answer was, "the Lord," but we all know the real answer is any other trial lawyer.

3: A Tag Team Counting As One: Ex-Worst.President.Ever Jimmy Carter and his National Security Advisor, Zbigniew Brzezinski for their botched plan of providing aid to the Mujahadeen in 1979, thereby setting the stage, giving aide and comfort and initiating the incubation and mutation of Islamo-fascism threat that the world fights today.

2: Albert Gore, Junior, Ex Vice President and crybaby - nominated for his unbound hypocrisy in preaching a global warming platform while raking up an absurdly high amount of jet-setting miles in his private Gulfstreams, gas-guzzling SUV motorcades and his many residences that require more energy and burn more fossil fuels than 99% of the rest of the population.

For his steadfast refusal to debate anyone who challenges him in intelligently discussing the pros and cons of so-called man-made global warming.

ManBearPig must be stopped!

1: Hillary Clinton, U.S. Senator, New York; presidential candidate; Yankees fan of which she claims she's always been. Hillary Clinton MrsSatan makes her first appearance in the LPOS Awards. Some may say it's not fair to include her in the awards for which are named after her, and her name was indeed not part of the nominees or Honorable Mentions last year. This year, however, her socialism was on full display for everyone to see and hear. If I have to tell you why she is nominated and if I have to include the lengthy list of why her name is part of this year's nominees, you simply have not been paying attention.

And the Winner of the 2007 MrsSatan Liberal Piece of Shit Award is...

... John Murtha
, U.S. Congressman from Pennsylvania. His list of offenses is many, a few of them being
"I KNOW there is a [Haditha] cover-up." "We're trying to force a redeployment not by taking money away, by redirecting money."

Mr. Murtha has gone above and beyond the call of duty in his unwavering support of Liberalism at the expense and detriment of U.S. Troops and Soldiers. A running list of his transgressions are located HERE.

Murtha, though, cinched the Award with his cowardly escape into an elevator when asked if he will apologize to the Marines that he called "murderers" whose names were cleared in what the Left erroneously - and for nothing but political gain - called the "Haditha massacre":

Nothing mattered to Murtha except furthering the cause of rank Liberalism. Instead, he became through his actions the Mike Nifong of Washington D.C., refusing to reserve judgment until the Marines had their day in court.

He refused to defend and even reserve judgment of the Marines.

John Murtha, you are the proud recipient of the 2007 Liberal Piece Of Shit Award:

LPOS Honorable Mentions:

All Liberal Talking Heads appearing on the AirHead America and Jones Radio Networks, but especially Randi Rhodes, Jon Elliot and Ed Schultz:

Liberal Talker Ratty Rhodes - for apparently
falling down drunk and injuring herself (aka "passing out") after downing fourteen Bloody Marys and allowing the story - ...

... - perpetuated by fellow Liberal Talking Head Jon "Kitty Stay on my head" Elliot - that she was "attacked by Republican thugs" to take root before setting the record straight; well, as straight as a liar like Ratty and Elliot could concoct. They manufactured hatred and rage before the facts were in. Typical, Typical LPOS.

Ed Schultz (left), John Wayne Gacy as Clown (right)
Ed Schultz...is it just me, or does Ed look exactly like Democrat John Wayne Gacy dressed as a clown?

Fred Phelps
- so-called "religious leader" of the Westboro Baptist
Church Cult whose methodology of preaching the Bible and God's word is sickly twisted and interpreted to protest at the funerals of U.S. Military Soldiers. Phelps...he hates just like a Liberal. He must be a closet Progressive.

Dennis "The Elf" Kucinich, Democrat Presidential candidate - for being Mister UFO Man. The Jerry Moonbeam Brown of this era. Could Kookcinich be the offspring of a Roswell, New Mexico alien couple? Only DNA testing can prove or disprove this theory.

Neil G. Giuliano, President of The Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation - for making a big deal for Jerry Lewis to apologize for using the word "faggot" during Lewis' Muscular Dystrophy Labor Day Telethon while Giuliano remains obviously and dutifully silent in any criticism of John Edwards' statement of "not being comfortable around [gay] people."

Bob Filner - California Democrat U.S. Representative for shoving his way through the baggage claim at the Dulles International Airport. He'd be the winner if this contest was the "Cynthia McKinney Award."

Mike Gravel, Democrat presidential candidate - for saying Americans are "Fat And Dumb", and for saying "the Spartans trained their people to be homosexual." Not only does the American public enjoy being "talked down" to, we enjoy historical and scientific revisionism and would like to hear how the Spartans - let alone any other civilizations - "train their people to be homosexual." Mike Gravel, you are an idiot.

U.S. Senator from Minnesota Amy Klobuchar for her "Cell phone Bill of Rights." Like Gravel, Klobuchar thinks Americans are too dumb, so she appeals to the lowest common denominator of the population for her own political advantage. Perhaps some day, should the Democrat Party care to revive a Walter Mondale-Geraldine Ferraro type President/Vice President ticket, Klobuchar can be the VP to Mike Gravel's Presidential run for a new political party named: "Americans Are Fat and Dumb and Don't Know How to Select A Cell Phone."

Sally Field, actress - for her Emmy speech, saying, "if the mothers ruled the world, there would be no goddamn wars in the first place." I guess she conveniently forgets and omits the mothers who drown their children in a bathtub and who kill their children by driving cars into a lake.

Eliar Parisan, MoveOn Goon and the creator of the General Betrayus advertisement. Why isn't Eliar serving in the Military? Heh - Don't make me laugh.

Rosie O'Moo - obese, loud and ignorant entertainer for dressing her young daughter as a suicide homicide bomber, complete with bandoleer and sad-sack expression. Everything Donald Trump has said about O'Moo is painfully accurate and true.


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2008 USA Presidents


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