Monday, November 23, 2009
Druggy Patrick Kennedy Barred From Communion
Awwwwww. Druggy Patrick Kennedy is barred from receiving Communion. Providence Journal:
Providence Bishop Thomas J. Tobin has forbidden Rep. Patrick J. Kennedy to receive the Roman Catholic sacrament of Holy Communion because of his advocacy of abortion rights, the Rhode Island Democrat said Friday.
“The bishop instructed me not to take Communion and said that he has instructed the diocesan priests not to give me Communion,” Kennedy said in a telephone interview.
Kennedy said the bishop had explained the penalty by telling him “that I am not a good practicing Catholic because of the positions that I’ve taken as a public official,” particularly on abortion. He declined to say when or how Bishop Tobin told him not to take the sacrament. And he declined to say whether he has obeyed the bishop’s injunction.
Isn't it time Druggy Patrick Kennedy check into rehab again? He's only made two or three or four trips - that we know about - to try and kick the booze, the pills and who knows what other substances this pig abuses. Yes, that's right, I called him a pig. All Kennedy males are pigs. Fcuking pigs. They're a bunch of substance abusing, raging alcoholic, serial philandering, rapist, misogynistic pigs.
Speaking of the Kennedy family, Druggy Pat's dad Fat Ted Tumor Head Kennedy is still dead and permanently residing in Hell. And this is a wonderful, glorious thing that I have not yet fully finished rejoicing or celebrating. It's a tragedy Fat Ted lived as long as he did, considering his heinous career crime.
Labels: Any Kennedy Male, Druggy Patrick Kennedy, Ted Kennedy
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Joe Biden+Cars=Accidents and Deaths
Biden escort involved in auto wreck. ABQ News:
A Bernalillo County Sheriff's deputy escorting Vice President Joe Biden's motorcade was hit this afternoon at Gibson and Carlisle.
Police say a woman drove around two police units blocking the intersection and hit a car driven by a sergeant with BCSO.
No injuries or arrests have been reported, but the sergeant has been taken to Presbyterian Hospital for evaluation.
A sheriff's spokeswoman would not say whether the vice president had already gone through the area at the time of the accident.
Two armored U.S. Secret Service vehicles, including a limousine sometimes used by Vice President Biden, struck and killed a man hours before dawn Wednesday as he was crossing rain-slicked Suitland Parkway near the District-Maryland border, authorities said.
The pedestrian, whose name was withheld by police pending notification of his next of kin, was struck by the limousine and a Chevrolet Suburban at 2:27 a.m. at Naylor Road, just over the District line in Prince George's County, according to the Secret Service and U.S. Park Police.
Biden had used the limousine Tuesday during a visit to Fort Lewis, Wash., and the Suburban had also been part of the vice president's motorcade during the trip, Wiley said.
Authorities said that a tractor-trailer hits the BMW driven by Jill Biden, wife of U.S. senator Joe Biden, on southbound I-95 south of Delaware 141 at around 9:45 a.m. when the tractor-trailer changed lanes and injured her.
According to Delaware State Police Corporal Jeff Whitmarsh, the Maryland tractor-trailer driver, Duane Vanderbosh, of Perryville, was driving a 1988 International tractor-trailer south in the left center lane of the highway next to the BMW being driven by Jill Biden, of Greenville. As the rig changed lanes to the left, it hit Mrs. Biden's car.
Jill Biden was injured to some extent and taken to Christiana Hospital, where she was treated for minor injuries and released.
Watch out! Get out of the way! Joe's driving or here comes his motorcade!
Biden lied, people died.
What is it with Herr Biden and auto-related deaths? I thought we put auto-related deaths to rest after Fat Ted Tumor Head Kennedy got a first-class ticket to Hell?
Is Herr Biden taking up the Fat Dead Ted Tumor Head Kennedy Legacy of killing people with automobiles? It certainly looks that way.
Bidencide? Or maybe Herr Biden is having these people killed, only he's making it look like a car accident? I mean, if Bush and Cheney can mastermind September 11, who knows if Biden is killing people under the guise of it being an "auto accident?"
Labels: Any Kennedy Male, Biden, Biden Charity, Cokehead Ashley Biden, Dems Kill, Herr Biden, Liberal Culture of Death, Ted Kennedy
Monday, November 02, 2009
Obama's Death Panel Provision Alive & Well
Remember how The Marxist Politicians tried to downplay the Death Panels instituted by ObamaCare, the Socialized and Rationed Healthcare plan created by Dear Leader His Excellency Barack Saddam Hussein Obama, Junior and his gang of death-obsessed ghoul-advisers?
Well, the Death Panel is very, very, very much alive. My source for this is none-other than the fine, reputable Liberal Organ Airhead America. And Airhead would never be wrong now, would they?
The provision allows Medicare to pay for voluntary counseling to help beneficiaries deal with the complex and painful decisions families face when a loved one is approaching death.
Prominent Republicans singled it out as a glaring example of government overreach.
Sen. Charles Grassley, R-Iowa, at the time a lead negotiator on health care legislation, told constituents at a town hall meeting they had good reason to question the proposal.
"I don't have any problem with things like living wills, but they ought to be done within the family," he said. "We should not have a government program that determines you're going to pull the plug on grandma."
Liberalism: From cradle to grave, to the point of helping ease you into that transition of moving quickly into worm food.
It's funny...Fat Dead Ted Tumor Head Kennedy wasn't ushered off to an Obama Death Camp to take a pain pill and wait for the Grim Reaper. No. Fat Ted Tumor Head had the finest medical care in the world for his malignant brain tumor and everything possible was done to extend his life. No cost was spared to bring a few extra minutes to this drunken, fat slob who so cavalierly abandoned an innocent woman to die a horrible, slow, tortuous four-hour death. But only Liberal Elitists receive this kind of expensive care. The rest of us? It's our duty to die.
Obey Obama's Death Panel. They know what's best for you; death.
Labels: Blame Pbama, Death Panels, George Soros György Schwartz, Liberal Culture of Death, Liberals Hate America, Pbama Must Fail, Rationed Health Care, Ted Kennedy
Monday, October 19, 2009
Funds Meant For U.S. Troops Diverted For Dead Fat Ted Tumor Head Kennedy
U.S. Troop Funds diverted for pet projects. Washington Times:
Senators diverted $2.6 billion in funds in a defense spending bill to pet projects largely at the expense of accounts that pay for fuel, ammunition and training for U.S. troops, including those fighting wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, according to an analysis.
Among the 778 such projects, known as earmarks, packed into the bill: $25 million for a new World War II museum at the University of New Orleans and $20 million to launch an educational institute named after the late Sen. Edward M. Kennedy, Massachusetts Democrat.
While earmarks are hardly new in Washington, "in 30 years on Capitol Hill, I never saw Congress mangle the defense budget as badly as this year," said Winslow Wheeler, a former Senate staffer who worked on defense funding and oversight for both Republicans and Democrats. He is now a senior fellow at the Center for Defense Information, an independent research organization.
Sen. Tom Coburn, Oklahoma Republican, called the transfer of funds from Pentagon operations and maintenance "a disgrace."
"The Senate is putting favorable headlines back home above our men and women fighting on the front lines," he said in a statement.
War, the death of U.S. and Allied Soldiers and the deaths of innocent civilians is based purely on political ideology for The Left.
This is why I'm so glad that Fat Ted Tumor Head Kennedy is rotting in Hell. It's the perfect place for him for the rest of eternity.
We owe a debt of gratitude to the glioma tumor that killed Fat Ted. Every Liberal should get one.
Labels: Cultists, ILCP, Liberal Culture of Death, Liberal Hysteria, Liberals Hate America, Liberals Hate The Military, Liberals Suck, Pbama Must Fail, Ted Kennedy
Friday, September 04, 2009
How Will Ted Kennedy Be
Spending Labor Day Weekend?
I wonder what he will be doing?
Well, feeding the worms, of course! (Rim shot!) (Cue riotous laughter!)
Bwa ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!
Remember, it's Liberal Icon, Talk Radio Mike The Rapidly Decaying Corpse Malloy who said, "it's fun to speak ill of the dead."
I'm simply taking my cue from him and you know what? It IS fun to speak ill of the dead. Especially when the dead is a Liberal POS like Ted Kennedy!
Labels: Any Kennedy Male, LPOS, Ted Kennedy
Thursday, September 03, 2009
Worms Eating Ted Kennedy
Okay, I have a math question.
If one worm starts at Dead Ted Tumor Head Kennedy's head and begins eating its way through him, and another worm of equal size starts eating its way through him from the sole of one of his feet, how long does it take before both worms die from acute alcohol poisoning due to the residual booze remaining in his corpse?
Labels: Any Kennedy Male, Ted Kennedy
Wednesday, September 02, 2009
ObamaCare: Are you feeling blue? Kill yourself. Here Come The Death Panels!
Oh, those wacky Liberals. They''d have you believing that ObamaCare doesn't have Death Panels.
If the Veterans Administration advocates that you end your life, why would ObamaCare be any different? Proof of this is from National Pubic Radio, and well...if we can't believe Radio Free Commies, then who can we believe? NPR:
If you can't get enough controversy over the government's role in end-of-life planning, there's a new brouhaha. The Department of Veterans Affairs is being criticized for a booklet that aims to help vets come up with a living will.
The VA booklet, "Your Life, Your Choices," was still available online when we checked this afternoon. One of the controversial parts is a checklist on page 21 that asks people to rate how they would feel about living in a wheelchair, being unable to recognize friends and family, and unable to "shake the blues."
Jim Towey, a former official in the Bush Administration, called attention to the booklet in a Wall Street Journal editorial last week and again over the weekend on Fox News Sunday. "I think the document is so fundamentally flawed that the VA ought to throw it out," he told Fox's Chris Wallace.
The booklet is indeed still available online and the words remain the same. (pdf)
On page 21, you are asked to answer the following question:
"What makes your life worth living" by using the following choices:
Life like this would be:
* difficult, but acceptable;
* worth living, but just barely;
* not worth living (not is underlined, by the way)
* or, can't answer now.
a. I can no longer walk but get around in a wheelchair.
b. I can no longer get outside—I spend all day at home.
c. I can no longer contribute to my family's well being.
d. I am in severe pain most of the time.
e. I have severe discomfort most of the time (such as
nausea, diarrhea, or shortness of breath).
f. I rely on a feeding tube to keep me alive.
g. I rely on a kidney dialysis machine to keep me alive.
h. I rely on a breathing machine to keep me alive.
i. I need someone to help take care of me all of time.
j. I can no longer control my bladder.
k. I can no longer control my bowels.
l. I live in a nursing home.
m. I can no longer think clearly-I am confused all the time.
n. I can no longer recognize family/friends
o. I can no longer talk and be understood by others.
p. My situation causes severe emotional burden for my
family (such as feeling worried or stressed all the time).
q. I am a severe financial burden on my family.
r. I cannot seem to “shake the blues.”
s. Other (write in):
Instructions: To help others make sense out of your answers, think about the following questions and be sure to explain your answers to your loved ones and health care providers.
If you checked "worth living, but just barely" for more than one factor, would a combination of these factors make your life "not worth living?" If so, which factors?
If you checked "not worth living," does this mean that you would rather die than be kept alive?
If you checked "can't answer now," what information or people do you need to help you decide?
If the VA is pushing for
The Liberal Culture of Death goes on and on, it never ends.
And...Fat Ted Tumor Head Kennedy is still dead, which is why (if you have your speakers turned on and up) you're still hearing his audio. The worms are feasting upon Ted's bloated body as his soul rots and burns in Hell.
Labels: Blame Pbama, Death Panels, Hitler Lovin' Liberals, Imposter Obama, Jackboot Obama, Liberal Culture of Death, Obama Is A LIAR, Pbama Must Fail, Rationed Health Care, Ted Kennedy
Tuesday, September 01, 2009
Happy One Week Anniversay!
Ted Kennedy Dead One Week!
It's always a good thing when a Kennedy male dies. Always. Don't let anybody tell you any different.
He's been in Hell for seven days. Yes, I am counting!
Happy one week anniversary! Ted Kennedy can't kill anyone or leave them to die! This is a good thing! Hip-Hip-HooRay!
Labels: Any Kennedy Male, Ted Kennedy
Monday, August 31, 2009
Changing The Rules Again; Libs Desperate To Hold Onto Kennedy Senate Seat
So desperate are they, they once again are trying to change the rules in Massachusetts, so that Dead Ted Tumor Head Kennedy's vacant U.S. Senate Seat remains in the hands of a Liberal. From the WSJ, prior to Fat Ted's death:
Senator Ted Kennedy, who is gravely ill with brain cancer, has sent a letter to Massachusetts lawmakers requesting a change in the state law that determines how his Senate seat would be filled if it became vacant before his eighth full term ends in 2012. Current law mandates that a special election be held at least 145 days after the seat becomes available. Mr. Kennedy is concerned that such a delay could leave his fellow Democrats in the Senate one vote short of a filibuster-proof majority for months while a special election takes place.
What Mr. Kennedy doesn't volunteer is that he orchestrated the 2004 succession law revision that now requires a special election, and for similarly partisan reasons. John Kerry, the other Senator from the state, was running for President in 2004, and Mr. Kennedy wanted the law changed so the Republican Governor at the time, Mitt Romney, could not name Mr. Kerry's replacement. "Prodded by a personal appeal from Senator Edward M. Kennedy," reported the Boston Globe in 2004, "Democratic legislative leaders have agreed to take up a stalled bill creating a special election process to replace U.S. Senator John F. Kerry if he wins the presidency." Now that the state has a Democratic Governor, Mr. Kennedy wants to revert to gubernatorial appointments.
Beacon Hill has long sported heavy Democratic majorities, so the state legislature has the votes to grant Mr. Kennedy's wish. But does it have the chutzpah? An election is the more democratic option. After witnessing recent attempts by incompetent Governors in Illinois and New York to fill Senate vacancies, Massachusetts voters may have soured on such appointments. Especially when Mr. Kennedy's motivation for changing the law is so obviously born of partisan interest, not principle.
Yes, an election would be the more democratic option, but don't kid yourselves; the last thing Democrats are for or support is real democracy. Liberal Elitism or Agenda here. Move along. Move along.
Labels: Full Circle Liberalism, GFR, Liberals Suck, Ted Kennedy
Ted Kennedy Joked About Chappaquiddick
As the media continues to revere the life of recently deceased Senator Ted Kennedy, there is something they fail to mention: Kennedy liked to joke about Chappaquiddick.
During a discussion on “The Diane Rehm Show” on National Public Radio, Edward Klein – a friend of Ted’s – reminisced about Kennedy. The former editor-in-chief of The New York Times Magazine and former foreign editor of Newsweek stated:
[Laughter] I don't know if you know this or not, but one of his favorite topics of humor was indeed Chappaquiddick itself. And he would ask people, ‘Have you heard any new jokes about Chappaquiddick?’ I mean that is just the most amazing thing. It's not that he didn't feel remorse about the death of Mary Jo Kopechne, but that he still always saw the other side of everything and the ridiculous side of things, too.
Wow, that's funny material to mine for comedic fodder, huh...the death of a woman in your car. I must be missing the subtle nuances of Liberal humor in an incident where you leave a woman to drown in a car, making no effort to rescue her and returning to your hotel room and crawl into bed, waiting until the next day before reporting the incident to the authorities. What exactly is the "ridiculous side" to Chappaquiddick?
And some Blubbering-teary-eyed Liberals wonder I don't give a flying fcuk that this Fat Fcuk is Dead?
Uncle Teddy has been in Hell for five days now. Yes, I am counting the days.
We owe the malignant glioma tumor that killed Fat Ted a debt of gratitude for removing this piece of human debris from the face of the earth.
Labels: Any Kennedy Male, Liberal Culture of Death, Liberal Hysteria, Ted Kennedy
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Ted Kennedy Planted
He's worm food. (Sound effects of cocktail glasses clinking together in celebratory glee!)
It's too bad this despicable wretch has to sully Arlington National Cemetery. Regarding Fat Ted Tumor Head Kennedy's military service. From NNDB:
Kennedy earned C grades at the private Milton Academy, but was admitted to Harvard as a "legacy" -- his father and older brothers had attended there, so the younger and dimmer Kennedy's admission was virtually assured. While attending, he was expelled twice, once for cheating on a test, and once for paying a classmate to cheat for him. While expelled, Kennedy enlisted in the Army, but mistakenly signed up for four years instead of two. His father, Joseph P. Kennedy, former U.S. Ambassador to England, pulled the necessary strings to have his enlistment shortened to two years, and to ensure that he served in Europe, not Korea, where a war was raging. Kennedy was assigned to Paris, never advanced beyond the rank of Private, and returned to Harvard upon being discharged.
While attending law school at the University of Virginia, he was cited for reckless driving four times, including once when he was clocked driving 90 miles per hour in a residential neighborhood with his headlights off after dark. Yet his Virginia driver's license was never revoked.
Yeah, he's an icon, all right. He was a terrorist sympathizer who sided with the IRA.
This is the kind of scum that The Liberals respect...Ted Kennedy.
I wonder what time on Saturday the first alcoholic beverage was poured by a Kennedy prior to the funeral? Or were they still drowning their sorrw from Friday night? I wonder how many drinks his son, Druggy Patrick Kennedy had, mixed with various prescription drugs in the benzodiazepine family, before he summoned the courage to stand and deliver a bunch of lies about his old man?
We owe a debt of gratitude to the glioma tumor. Who could have guessed that it would be a malignant glioma tumor, and not years of chronic, unabated and raging alcoholism or massive weight gain, that would do Kennedy in?
Other good reading on Dead Ted:
Mean Ol' Meany has round-up coverage of bloggerage of Ted's death.
Don Long at The Shaved Ape covers reactions from around the nation to Ted's death:
The Boston Golf Club is once again putting out the fragile tableware.
I shan’t rejoice at the man’s passing like some people dance a jig of glee when a Republican dies.
I am not celebrating. No...really. I am not although Ted Kennedy has finally croaked...
Watching the Funeral Mass. Pastor offers the homily, and a bunch of knee-biting trustfundies lucky in the genetic Olympics are allowed to blatantly politicize what should be a familial, personal occasion.
Mark at Chester Street applies scripture to Ted Kennedy.
While Noah at NoahWare sums up Ted more closely aligned to my thinking, writing:
Rot in hell you fat bastard.
And, finally, was it Ted's death that caused Rev. Gisher to restrict access of his blog to everyone except those with invitations? Was it something I wrote or said, Bill?
Labels: Any Kennedy Male, GFR, Liberals Lie, Liberals Suck, Ted Kennedy
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Dead Ted Kennedy Jokes;
Because Tragedy+Time=Comedy
Add 'em as a comment if you have.
Oh, and just a note, nothing - and I mean nothing - is off limits. Go for it.
Here are a few. Celebjihad:
* Ted Kennedy has been sober for 12 hours now.
* I wonder if Ted Kennedy’s funeral will be open bar?
* How did people find out Ted was dead? He didn’t show up to the bar this morning.
* Ted Kennedy never became president because unlike George Washington, he couldn’t cross a river.
* Ted Kennedy is a shovel ready project. (My favorite so far!)
* If Ted Kennedy is to be buried in Martha’s Vineyard, the island will sink below sea level.
* They have named a drink after Ted Kennedy. It’s called the Chappaquiddick. It’s made by mixing Gin and murky water.
Labels: Any Kennedy Male, GFR, Ted Kennedy
Huckabee Says Under ObamaCare, Kennedy Told To Take Pills And Die
Mike Huckabee tossed a hand grenade into the debate over who's politicizing Ted Kennedy's death Thursday morning when he told his radio audience that under Obamacare, Kennedy would be told to "go home to take pain pills and die."
Which Democrat will toss it back first?
Will any Republicans jump on it by challenging Huckabee head-on?
"Will any Republican jump on it by challenging Huckabee head-on?" Gee, I don't know George, will you ever hold a Liberal as accountable and responsible as you do a Conservative?
Huckabee. A man you could not force or coerce me into voting for or supporting, but he said exactly the truth about ObamaCare: go home, take some pills, die.
Ted Kennedy probably would be alive today if he had sought superior medical treatment in Cuba. Nothing prevented him from leaving our crumbling and archaic system of healthcare and being treated in Cuba. I wonder why he didn't do this? It sure is a mystery.
The reason The Left and the Pbama Cultists feign such outrage over statements like those made by Huckabee is because these statements are true. And the Cultists cannot stand the truth. It's like sunlight to vampires.
Labels: Any Kennedy Male, Cultists, Election 2008, Liberal Culture of Death, Liberal Hysteria, Liberals Lie, Media, Mike Huckabee, MSM, Rationed Health Care, Ted Kennedy
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Ted Kennedy Dead; Camelot Closed
- Liberal Radio Talker, Hatemonger, Smear Merchant Mike "The Rapidly Decaying Corpse" Malloy, The Mike Malloy Show, Air America - July 5, 2006
U.S. Senator, CommieCrat Fat Ted Tumor Head died Tuesday night from a brain tumor.
Tumor 1; Kennedy 0 .
The SF Gate writes Ted Kennedy was punished; leave him alone, and:
Kennedy made a mistake but made up for it
Accidents happen to everyone. It's sad to see people write about this who, if they were caught in the same circumstances don't know how they would have handled it, don't know what they would have done. If you're one of those people, the Internet trolls running around today, don't get upset if people treat you like you're treating Senator Kennedy after his death.
I for one, will not clap in glee at your tragedy.
Get this straight: Ted Kennedy had his day in court 40 years ago, was sentenced, and that was excused by the judge. You can't retry a case decades later and double jeopardy is a violation of Kennedy's constitutional rights.
He didn't report anything to the police until the next morning after consulting with his advisers.
No, he did not pay price. He never paid a price:
Judge James A. Boyle presided at the inquest. Among Judge Boyle's conclusions were the following:
* "Kopechne and Kennedy did not intend to return to Edgartown" at the time they left the party.
* "Kennedy did not intend to drive to the ferry slip".
* "[Kennedy]'s turn onto Dike Road was intentional".
Judge Boyle also said that "negligent driving appears to have contributed to the death of Mary Jo Kopechne".
Under Massachusetts law Boyle could have ordered Kennedy's arrest, but he chose not to do so. District Attorney [Edmund] Dinis chose not to pursue Kennedy for manslaughter, despite Judge Boyle's conclusions.
Gee, you don't suppose that maybe, just maybe, Dinis was paid off by the uber-wealthy Kennedys, do you?
All the facts are right at this post, footnoted and sources cited.
I don't care that Ted Kennedy died. He was a spoiled little silver spoon rich boy. He was vile, evil, unindicted manslaughterer. An uncaring man who drove his first wife to alcoholism and caused nothing but pain and suffering for so very many people. This is the history of the Kennedy males, causing pain and suffering for all those with whom they come in contact.
August 25 should be declared a National Holiday. The Unindicted Manslaughterer died. He no longer can leave others to die.
Celebrate and be happy this piece of human filth is in Hell. That's what I'm doing!
Linking Here:
Mean Ol' Meany
Labels: Any Kennedy Male, Druggy Patrick Kennedy, Eunice Kennedy Shriver, GFR, Liberals Suck, Ted Kennedy, Ted Kennedy's Poodle
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Druggy Kennedy says Drunky Kennedy Dad Frustrated by Absence from DC
Awwwwwwwwww. Poor Big Fat Ted Tumor Head Kennedy misses his power and control over Americans. "Oh.Dat's.So.Sad!"
Druggy Patrick Kennedy says his dad, Drunky Fat Ted the unindicted manslaughterer, is "very frustrated" being absent from Washington. APee:
Rep. Patrick Kennedy said Friday that his father, Massachusetts Sen. Edward Kennedy, has been "very frustrated" to be absent from Washington during the debate over health care reform.
Kennedy, a Rhode Island Democrat, told The Associated Press that his father, who has made health care a core issue during his 47 years in the Senate, has a unique ability to read his colleagues and negotiate compromises.
"Every other senator in that Senate knows that there have been very few senators like Ted Kennedy over the years that can bring both sides together and hammer out a deal that can then go to the president," said the younger Kennedy, who called his father a "master legislator" and statesman.
A "statesman?" A "statesman ?" Ted Kennedy...a "statesman?" The man who leaves a woman to drown to death in what experts say was a slow, four-hour tortuous, horrifying death? A "statesman?"
Patrick, as usual, must be drugged out of his mind. What Kennedy male isn't?
Labels: Druggy Patrick Kennedy, Liberals Lie, Liberals Suck, Ted Kennedy
Friday, August 21, 2009
Cash For Clunkers Will Be Declared Dead On Monday; Ted Kennedy To Follow Soon
Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood announced that the popular "Cash for Clunkers" program will end at 8 p.m. on Monday because the $3 billion allotted for trade-ins has been largely spoken for.
Intended to bolster the auto companies and encourage consumers to buy fuel-efficient cars, the federally sponsored buyer incentive program proved to be wildly popular, attracting far more auto buyers than originally projected.
Dealerships have been swamped with consumers looking to trade in their clunkers for a voucher worth up to $4,500 toward the purchase of a new, more fuel-efficient vehicle. Under the program, which kicked off July 24, dealers essentially front the money for the cash incentive with the understanding that the government will reimburse them once they file the necessary paperwork online and the deal is approved. But many dealers said they have not been reimbursed by the government and are becoming more cash-strapped.
Transportation officials said paperwork representing 457,000 sales, worth about $1.9 billion, had been turned in to the government. Just under 40 percent -- or 170,000 -- of the applications have been reviewed so far, accounting for $145 million in payouts. But a large number of those are incomplete or have inaccurate information, which means the application is sent back to the dealer to be re-submitted, according to a senior administration official who briefed reporters Thursday.
Officials initially thought money for the program would last at least through Labor Day.
The National Automobile Dealers Association cautioned its members Thursday to not take more trade-ins, warning that there may be no more money left after the government processes thousands of backlogged applications.
"We are making dealers aware of the fact that [the Department of Transportation] has said that once the money is gone, that's it," said NADA Chairman John McEleney. "If there are more deals submitted than what the funds can support, there's a risk involved" that the dealer won't be reimbursed.
Another problem is that dealers have to pay off the loans they took out to buy vehicles from automakers once they sell the vehicles. But many dealers are now stretched so thin that without the reimbursement from the government they can't pay off their loans, and they are reluctant to sell more cars.
To deal with the onslaught of paperwork, transportation officials said they expect to triple the number of workers processing forms by the end of this week to 1,100. The Department of Transportation said it has reviewed 167,000 applications, out of 458,000. They say they've also held web seminars to help dealers understand how to fill out the paperwork properly.
I don't understand why the Cash For Clunkers program is being canceled?
You mean it wasn't wildly successful and cost-effective ? What could have possibly gone wrong?!?
It wasn't in the best interests of the taxpayers and the automakers?
It couldn't be the price tag of it, because the answer from Liberals to all problems is, "spend more money."
And, jeepers, looky at all the jobs the program created and appears likely to create. Government jobs are good jobs, right? An ever-expanding government is Holy Orgiastic Nirvana to Liberals.
So why the funeral for Clunkers?
Because it was a boondoggle from the start and everyone knew this. Everyone. Even most Liberals knew this, but they refused to acknowledge it because their agenda is, and always has been, promoting Socialism first. Your freedoms come second...maybe ninth. Possibly last.
And The Pissing-Their-Pants-With-Glee-Pillow-Biting-Pbama-Cultists want the government to run Nationalized and Rationed Healthcare?
Labels: Automakers, Big Nanny Government, Blame Pbama, Corrupt Democrats, Cultists, Free Stuff, Liberals Lie, Liberals Suck, Pbama Must Fail, Pbama Pillow Biters, Ted Kennedy
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Robert Novak, Rest In Peace
Robert D. Novak, 78, an influential columnist and panelist on TV news-discussion shows who called himself a "stirrer up of strife" on behalf of conservative causes, died Tuesday at his home in Washington of a brain tumor first diagnosed in July 2008.
In recent years, Mr. Novak became known for publicly identifying CIA officer Valerie Plame in a 2003 column. The incident triggered a lengthy federal investigation into the government leak and resulted in the 2007 conviction of a top vice presidential aide, I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby, for perjury and obstruction of justice.
[ I don't see how one can "out" a CIA agent who wasn't covert or undercover, but that's another post. - Drake ]
Many followers of politics knew Mr. Novak from his television appearances on debate programs such as "The McLaughlin Group" and "Crossfire," which pitted liberals such as Bill Press and James Carville against conservatives such as Mr. Novak and Pat Buchanan and left them to spar on divisive social issues.
Mr. Novak said regular appearances on those shows heightened a more-combative aspect of his personality and helped define his reputation as a self-professed "right-wing ideologue."
"I found myself engaged on issues I seldom wrote about: capital punishment, gay rights, abortion and gun control," he once wrote. "I was never asked to take any position I opposed, but the process had the effect of hardening my positions."
He added that he rarely disliked those with whom he appeared combative. One significant exception was then-presidential candidate Jimmy Carter, whom the columnist called a populist demagogue and "habitual liar."
On one episode of "Face the Nation," Mr. Novak insisted that the candidate reveal which members of the diplomatic corps Carter objected to as "fat, bloated, ignorant" and unqualified except for being Nixon financiers. Carter declined to answer, and Mr. Novak persisted: "Can you name one, though? You make the accusation all over. There are only four ambassadors, governor, who have contributions to Mr. Nixon. Are any of them that fit that category?"
Liberals didn't like Mr. Novak because he spoke the truth about their BS. He knew they were Lying POS.
From FOX News:
...was [Novak] the coolest man on the planet?
Of course not. But in my opinion, he deserves to be in the top 100 or at least ahead of Green Day.
See, Novak epitomized cool because he stole the left's stereotype of conservatism and made it his own. If being a fan of free markets, a strong defense and limited government made him evil, then evil he was.
And so he became Satan. And like the devil, he never changed.
Novak ignored trends: He looked Novakian for decades: Short, round, joyfully evil, like an alien marble that survived on puppy souls.
RIP Robert Novak. One of the good guys.
Labels: Celebrity Deaths, Robert Novak, Ted Kennedy
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Fat Ted Tumor Head Kennedy Just Barely Liked by Half of Americans
Barely, just barely, half of Americans have a favorable opinion of CommieCrat U.S. Senator, Full-Time Drunk, Misogynist and unidicted manslaughterer Fat Ted Tumor Head Kennedy. LA Times:
...a new CNN/Opinion Research poll of 1,136 Americans (with an oversampling of blacks) just released reveals that the barest majority of fellow citizens have a favorable opinion of the senior Massachusetts senator -- 51%.
That's down two points from last February and down five points from last August.
His unfavorable percentage is holding steady right at 35-36%. Three percent claim to have never heard of the guy. And more than one in ten (11%, up from 7% in Feb.) say they don't even have an opinion about the man who once carried the glamorous mantle of his slain brothers' Camelot days and even tried for the presidency himself unsuccessfully.
Relatively surprising numbers for a famous-named fixture in American politics for more than four decades. Is it the buried accumulation of feelings over his long-ago scandals -- the college cheating, the divorce, the Mary Jo Kopechne death?
And The Fascists will use his death in any way possible to advance their Nationalized, Socialized and Rationed Healthcare. SPIT!
And they're going to expect that no one bring up or mention the harm he inflicted on so many people. SPIT!
Hell waits for this Fat Fucking Pig. A nice, toasty eternity. When this Fat Pig dies, it should be a day of national celebration, not mourning. I know that's how I'll be treating it.
Labels: Any Kennedy Male, Corrupt Democrats, Liberals Lie, Liberals Suck, Rationed Health Care, Ted Kennedy
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Eunice Kennedy Shriver Dies, Age 88
Eunice Kennedy Shriver has died at the age of 88. BBC:
Eunice Kennedy Shriver, the sister of President John F Kennedy and founder of the Special Olympics, has died aged 88.
She died at Cape Cod hospital in Massachusetts on Tuesday morning, her family said in a statement.
Mrs Shriver organised the first Special Olympic Games in 1968, partly inspired by her mentally disabled sister, Rosemary Kennedy.
She is credited with helping to transform views of the mentally disabled through her campaigns.
Mrs Shriver was the fifth of nine children of Joseph P Kennedy and Rose Fitzgerald Kennedy.
After earning a degree in sociology from Stanford University in 1943, she became a social worker at a women's prison before taking a job at the Chicago juvenile court.
In 1957 she took over the Joseph P Kennedy Jr Foundation for the mentally disabled.
The Special Olympics grew from a summer camp at Mrs Shriver's home in Maryland in 1962.
They were designed to give opportunities to people with mental disabilities to be considered athletes in their own right.
Peter Collier, who wrote The Kennedys, an American Drama, described Eunice Shriver as the "moral force" of the Kennedy family.
I have enormous respect, sympathy and empathy for any Kennedy female or any female who marries into the Kennedy family. Except for Caroline
It's the Kennedy males that have caused so much pain and suffering throughout the nation and the world. A bunch of males who are serial adulterers, drunks, druggies, bootleggers, misogynists, unindicted manslaughterers, who have affairs with 14-year old babysitters and who partake of incestuous relationships with their own mentally disabled daughters (that would be Joe Senior and his daughter Rosemary, many of whom write that he forced her to undergo a lobotomy).
May Mrs. Shriver be rewarded in the afterlife for her good deeds and charity. She was, indeed, the moral force of the Kennedy family.
Rest in peace.
Labels: Any Kennedy Male, Caroline Kennedy, Eunice Kennedy Shriver, Ted Kennedy
Friday, August 07, 2009
Sotomayor, The Affirmative Action Justice
The Senate confirmed Sonia Sotomayor as the first Hispanic justice on the Supreme Court by a 68-31 vote, handing President Barack Obama a victory right before lawmakers leave town for their August recess.
All of the chamber's Democrats and independents voted in Judge Sotomayor's favor except for ailing Sen. Edward Kennedy of Massachusetts, who was absent. Among Republicans, the vote was nine in favor and 31 against.
The spineless Moderate Repubs who voted for Sotodouche are...SeeBS News:
Sen. Lindsey Graham (S.C.), Sen. Lamar Alexander (Tenn.), Sen. Christopher Bond (Mo.), Sen. Susan Collins (Maine), Sen. Olympia Snowe (Maine), Sen. Richard Lugar (Ind.), Sen. Mel Martinez (Fla.), Sen. Judd Gregg (N.H.) and Sen. George Voinovich (Ohio).
Sotomayor is not wise, her past bench experience is unimpressive, the real SCOTUS overturned her Ricci/Firefighter decision and her manner of talking and speaking would have made her a wonderful backwoods character in the film "Deliverance."
Liberalism means striving for mediocrity and almost achieving it.
Labels: Affirmative Action Justice, Dems Are Racist, Liberal Hysteria, Liberals Suck, RINO, Sonia Sotomayor, Ted Kennedy
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