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Sunday, November 15, 2009

Bowing Obama or, How Barry Learned to Stop Wincing and Take it Up The Ass

Dear Leader His Excellency The Affirmative Action Prednint Barack Hussein Obama, Junior
bowed to the Japanese Emperor. LA Times:

    How low will he go? Obama gives Japan's Emperor Akihito a wow bow (Updated with video, pic).

    (UPDATES: 12:22 p.m. A brief news video has been added below, showing the greeting in this photograph. Contrary to some claims, the video shows no reciprocal bow by the emperor, who traditionally bows to no one. And we've added a file photo from 2007 of Vice President Dick Cheney greeting the Japanese Emperor in the same door way in a different fashion.)

I'm guessing it's Barry's habit to bow. He's getting ready to be anally penetrated. He's used to taking it up the arse from his boyfriend, the secretive Mike Signator. Who knows...maybe even spBarney spFrank has had his dingle-dangle up the Kenyan's bi-racial bunghole.

Here's how Former Vice President Dick Cheney greeted the Japanese Emperor:

America bows to no one, except when we have a Cowardly, Marxist, Pacifying, Appeasing Cokcsucker in the White House.

We all remember Pbama's submissive bow to the Saudi King:

Gay Barry. Flaming Barry. Barry likes having his butt up in the air waiting for penetrating incoming projectiles. Come out of the closet, Barry. There is no shame in your being gay. A sham, yes, a sham of everything you claim to be but aren't. Sham yes; shame no.


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Thursday, November 12, 2009

Flaming Obama: Burning Man Obama

Well...now we finally know. Obama is flaming. Flaming Barry. Flaming Barack. He's flaming. I always thought of Barry as a flamer. On the DL, that is, but nevertheless, a flamer.

An artist has created Flaming Barry. Flaming Barack Hussein Obama, Junior.

No, it's not a limp-wristed, lisping, bi-racial, gym-rat representation of the prednint dropping the soap in the showers who always has time for his fitness routine but little time for the real problems facing America and even less time for U.S. Soldiers fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan. It could have been. It could have. But it's not.

Flaming Barry

Flaming Barry was created by Chinese artist Liu Bolin. al-Reuters:

    A sculpture by Chinese artist Liu Bolin titled "Burning Man Obama" is tested at a workshop in Beijing November 11, 2009. The sculpture represents U.S. President Barack Obama's impact on the world.

Yep. Flaming Obama. His impact on the world. He is burning the world, all right. Burning it right down to the ground. A scorched earth policy.

Flaming Barry. Of course, that's the name Mike Signator has called him for years.


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Saturday, July 11, 2009

Obama Eyeballs 16-Year Old Mayara Tavares

Who knew Barack Hussein Obama, Junior would eyeball a 16-year old girl?

What a pervert. A sick, sick, sick, disgusting man. Barack Hussein Obama, Junior eyeballing and ogling a 16-year old child.

The MSM is desperately trying to spin it that Pervert Obama was looking at the step he was descending so he wouldn't trip or fall. Yeah...uh-huh...riiiiiiiight. Look at the image.

Even horndog French President Nicolas Sarkozy looks on, astonished at Barry's infatuation with the rear end of a child. And yes, she is a child.

Does it appear PervBarry is looking at the step or drooling and ogling the butt of a 16-year old girl. It's like the "Seinfeld" episode where George Costanza is caught staring at the cleavage of the underage daughter of the TV executive. Any healthy male might take a quick peek, but like Costanza, Barry is just drooling over an underage girl. What a sicko.

Of course, this behavior from Liberals is common nowadays, lest we forget David Letterman recently joking about raping 14-year old Willow Palin (daughter of Alaska Governor Sarah and husband Todd Palin).

Anything goes with Liberals these days. Jokes about rape from Letterman and Al "Rape Is Funny" Franken to Obama obviously caught in what sexual harassment education defines as ogling.

I wonder if Obama groped her? Did the photographer snap a shot of that and found that his camera was confiscated by Pbama's SS Jackboot Lickers?

From Brazzil Magazine:

    On Thursday, July 9, a representative of each national delegation had the opportunity to meet the leader of their own country for a picture.

    The Brazilian representative, the carioca (from Rio de Janeiro) Mayara Tavares, a 16-year-old beauty on its way to meet Brazilian president Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, caught the eyes of a discreet Nicolas Sarkozy and a much less discreet Barack Obama, the presidents of France and the United States respectively.

    The picture showing Obama's covetous gaze at the girl's derriere has become very popular in the Internet.

There's nothing - not one single thing - discreet about Obama.

Remember last year when The MSM ran a photo of John McCain, implying he was looking at Sarah Palin's butt? Remember how The Left had so much fun with that?

Well, now we have Obama drooling over some chick's butt. The difference is at least McCain, if he was taking a glimpse of Palin's butt, took a glance of someone who is an adult and legal age.

But since Barry lives on the
DL, this might all be for show. It's not Michelle Pickles the Dangerous Washerwoman who'll be jealous, oh no, it will be Barry's vanilla boyfriend Mike Signator.

I'll ask what I've asked before: will it be Malia or Sasha that's the first to get knocked up and have an abortion while in the White House?


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Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Obama Fingers! In The Frozen Section

Food is being marketed under the Obama Pbama brand name
by a German Frozen food company: Spiegel Online:

    A German frozen food company hopes to raise sales with a new product: Obama fingers. The tender, fried chicken bits come with a tasty curry sauce. The company says it was unaware of the possible racist overtones of the product.


    There are Obama dolls, Obama T-shirts, Obama soap-on-a-rope(1). There is even Obama thong underwear on offer.

    Not wanting to miss the boat, a German food company has now gotten into the act. Sprehe, a company that has all manner of frozen delicacies on offer, has come up with a new product it calls "Obama Fingers." Far from being real digits, though, the "fingers" in question are "tender, juicy pieces of chicken breast, coated and fried," as the product packaging claims.

    Fried chicken, in other words. With a curry dip.

Well hell's bells, I'm sure Pbama and wife Pickles The Dangerous Washerwoman loooooooooooooooove fried chicken. I mean, who doesn't!

(1) Pbama soap on a roap? I bet Mike Signator has been there, done that! Bwa ha ha ha ha!

The funniest product - IMHO anyway - is the below Pbama doll pictured at the Spiegel link. Shouldn't the doll be wearing a turban and a Swastika armband?

Oh, the makers made sure that the Fascist From Kenya had a U.S. Flag lapel pin, didn't they!

From the Spiegel story: While in Germany, a toymaker
tried to, rather unsuccessfully, make an Obama doll.


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Thursday, March 12, 2009

Pbama Signs Spending Bill In Private

For someone who campaigned on transparency, the Illegal Kenyan His Excellency Dear Leader Barack Cocaine
Signator-Hussein Pbama, Junior sure knows exactly when to do his nasty things in private, doesn't he?

Yep, Ole' Barry McTeleprompter signed his $410 billion dollar spending bill in double secret private. APee via Yahoo:

    President Barack Obama, sounding weary of criticism over federal earmarks, defended Congress' pet projects Wednesday as he signed an "imperfect" $410 billion measure with thousands of examples.


    Obama signed the bill in private, unlike a number of recent signings that took place with fanfare[.]

Why no fanfare? Because Barry is a Marxist Fascist Pig Dictator with a whole bunch of dirt to hide.


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Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Stimupork Rush, Now Pbama Delays Signing

February 6, 2009: His Excellency Dear Leader Mister Pushy Sunshine Smile Barack Hussein Pbama, Junior condemns Republicans for trying to delay stimulus. The Telegraph:

    [Obama said], "if senators failed to pass the 736-page bill "an economy that is already in crisis will be faced with catastrophe".


    "...every day that Washington fails to act, that recovery is delayed,"[said Obama].

    "It is inexcusable and irresponsible to get bogged down in distraction and delay while millions of Americans are being put out of work," [said Obama].

So, Congress rushes to pass the stimupork bill and where is Pbama? He takes a four day weekend because he's been working so gosh darn hard. NY Post:

    After pushing Congress for weeks to hurry up and pass the massive $787 billion stimulus bill, President Obama promptly took off for a three-day holiday getaway.

    Obama arrived at his home in Chicago on Friday, and treated wife Michelle to a Valentine's Day dinner downtown last night. The couple was spotted leaving upscale Table Fifty-Two, which specializes in Southern cuisine, with the first lady toting what appeared to be a doggie bag.

    The president plans to spend the Presidents' Day weekend in the Windy City, and is not expected to sign the bill until Tuesday.

If this bill was so important, why isn't His Excellency hightailing his bi-racial ass back to Washington to sign it? Because it's all Political Theater, Smoke and Mirrors, a Dog and Pony Show.

You've been had, America. Pbama has Pwned You.

I wonder if, while in Chicago, Barry had time to hook up with his boyfriend Mike Signator. I guess yes!


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Thursday, January 29, 2009

Pbama Clumsy, Mistakes Window For Door

Oh, how The Left and the Pbama Cultists had a fun eight years making fun of George W. Bush and his clumsiness.

Well, it seems the messiah, The Affirmative Action Illegitimate Prednint-In-Training Barack Hussein Pbama, Junior tried to walk through a window because he thought it was a door. NY Daily News:

    It looks like President Obama hasn't gotten acquainted to his White House surroundings. On the way back to the Oval Office Tuesday, the President approached a paned window, instead of the actual door -- located a few feet to his right.

What's next? Choking on a pretzel?

Some say he can walk on water, but he hasn't yet mastered de-materializing through solid objects and walls. And those crazy White House windows and doors - they all look the same, much like Black people. What's up with that?

And remember how Bush was ridiculed by The Left for being a physical fitness buff? And, somehow Pbama isn't one, if not more of a gym rat, of which he's referred to himself? I think it's because he like the all-male showers.

Dipshit can't tell a window from a door...Liberalism comes full circle. You gotta love it!


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Friday, January 23, 2009

Pbama's First Day Itinerary

Unreliable sources have provided me with the itinerary of the very first day in office of The Affirmative Action Illegitimate Prednint-In-Training Barack Hussein Pbama, Junior:

Noon: Woke up. Snorted coke, smoked crack. Bottomed for Michael Signator.

1:00-2:00 PM Watched rerun of The Hughleys then watched Judge Mathis on The CW.

2:03 PM Smoked more crack with Signator; then showered with him.

Told White House maid to clean up the jizz stains on the carpet. Maid replied, "I'm Michelle, god damn it."

2:19-2:37 PM: Phoned William Ayers asking him, "what do I do now that I'm in the White House?"

2:40-3:17 PM: Placed phone call to György Schwartz aka George Soros, asking him, "what do I do now that I'm in the White House?"

3:21-3:37 PM: Phone call to Osama Bin Laden: "Yo, Bro, w'sup? Don't attack us no more, leave us alone at least for the next four years."

3:38-3:52 PM: Ran nekkid through entire White House yelling, "I be 'da King, I be 'da King, fo' shizzle!"

4-5 PM: Time to watch Oprah

5:01-5:29 PM: Smoked crack

5:30-6:01 PM: Made prank phone calls to world leaders.

6:07 PM: Met with staff and cabinet. Told them "I'm in way over my head, don't know what I'm doing." Asked if federal government can be put on 'cruise control' for the next four years. Asked Joe Biden to be "Shadow" Prednint.

6:45 PM: Smoked crack, bottomed again for Signator.

7:34 PM: Played nekkid basketball with homies. Showered afterwards, intentionally kept dropping the soap.

8:55 PM: Dinner: Fried Chicken, Pigs Feet, okra, arugula and goat cheese

9:38 PM: Smoked crack with, and bottomed again for, Signator

10:34 PM-5:15 AM: Party in da House with Diddy, Jay-Z, Beyonce, Aretha, Chris Rock, Hootie and shitloads of other famous, sycophantic celebrities that consider Pbama royalty.

5:53AM: Took Seconal to fall asleep spooning with Signator.

No it isn't. It's all a joke.
Don't like it? Gee, that's a shame.
You must think that I care what you think.


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Sunday, October 26, 2008

How Does Michael Signator Pay
Both Rent And A Mortgage?

Who is Michael Signator; is he Barack Hussein Obama, Junior's secret gay lover, bodyguard, drug dealer, workout partner? Well, click on the previous hypertext link and you'll find out that Signator is quite the mystery man. Nobody knows anything about him. And it seems the MSM isn't interested in finding out anything about him either, unlike the MSM's obsession with Sarah Palin.

According to Pan Asian Biz.com, Signator has been paid the following amounts from Obama:

    Michael Signator has been paid $47,600 so far this year.

    Michael Signator was paid $50,000 by Obama in 2004.

According to Politico, very little is known about Signator, but we do know this much about him:

    A police officer in a suburban Chicago town, Signator met Obama while volunteering for his 2004 U.S. Senate campaign, which eventually hired him as Obama's driver.


    Though Signator owns a home in suburban DuPage County — about an hour west of the Obamas' Chicago home — he also rents an apartment on the 16th floor of a high-rise called Regents Park, located just a few blocks from Obama's house in the leafy Kenwood neighborhood on Chicago's South Side.

So, it's rather curious how Signator can afford to pay rent at Regents Park and at the same time pay a home mortgage in DuPage County.

Regents Park advertises itself as luxury apartments for rent. Scroll down that page and you will see the words RENT RANGES. Click on those words and a small window opens showing the following monthly rent for the various apartment sizes:

    Apartment Size / Apx. Sq. Ft. / Rent Range
    Studio / 550 - 650 / $1,025 - $1,250
    One Bedroom 715 - 750 / $1,195 - $1,435
    Two Bed / Two Bath / 1,095 - 1,140 / $1,495 - $1,875
    Three Bed / Two Bath / 1,255 / $1,895 - $2,250

DuPage County, where Signator owns a home, is no low cost affordable housing either:

    The residential real estate values in 2006 in DuPage County, Illinois are greater than the Census values accounted for in the year 2000. The values have increased by $123,900 or 63.5%, since their median values in that year of 2000 of $195,000.

    DuPage County had a median home value in the year 2000 of $195,000 according to the 2000 Census. This value is greater than the State of Illinois 2000 home value of $130,800.

Here are some communities in DuPage County and current asking prices for homes:

    Bloomingdale, IL - $469,975

    Roselle, IL - $115,000

    West Chicago, IL - $158,900

    Roselle, IL - $219,900

    Bartlett, IL - $498,990

    Naperville, IL - $170,000

    Winfield, IL - $295,990

    Wheaton, IL - From the upper $600's

I guess I have to ask how Signator affords paying rent at Regents Park and a mortgage on the rather meager salary paid to him by Obama? Maybe this is all attributable to Obama's Trickle Up Economics.


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Saturday, October 25, 2008

Obama's Mysterious Mystery Lover Man

You remember Larry Sinclair, right? The man that said he performed oral sex on Barack Hussein Obama, Junior and that Obama procured cocaine for him (Mr. Sinclair) and crack cocaine for himself (Obama).

Well, it seems there is a new mysterious mystery man in Obama's life. His name is Michael Signator. Politico:

    He's the star of bulletins chronicling Barack Obama's movements, one of only a few nonrelatives to consistently get time with the Democratic candidate for president and a trusted confidant who has shared some of the most pivotal moments of Obama's career with him.

    Yet journalists who have followed Obama's campaign for the better part of two years don't know what he looks like, staffers who have logged countless hours traveling with Team Obama didn't even know he works for the campaign and there's never been a story in a major media outlet about him.

    He is Michael Signator, an aide and buddy of the man who — according to polls — stands a better-than-50-50 shot of becoming the next president of the United States of America.

    Technically, Signator's job is to provide "supplemental security support" for Obama's presidential campaign and also to coordinate the Obama family's personal and campaign schedules, according to Obama campaign spokesman Ben LaBolt.

    A police officer in a suburban Chicago town, Signator met Obama while volunteering for his 2004 U.S. Senate campaign, which eventually hired him as Obama's driver.

    For security reasons , Obama's presidential campaign refuses to reveal the details of Signator's
    role, but LaBolt said it brings Signator into frequent, close contact with the Obamas. [And even in closer contact with Barry! LOL! - Drake]


    Though Signator owns a home in suburban DuPage County — about an hour west of the Obamas' Chicago home — he also rents an apartment on the 16th floor of a high-rise called Regents Park, located just a few blocks from Obama's house in the leafy Kenwood neighborhood on Chicago's South Side.

    When Obama is at home, he works out regularly in the well-appointed gym on the ground floor of the building. But according to "protective pool reports" distributed among journalists following the campaign, Obama may also occasionally stop by the building just to hang out with "Sig," as some campaign staffers call him. [Oh, is that what living on the Down Low is called by Obama, "hang out with Sig"? - Drake]

    On a Sunday morning in late June, for instance, a pool report explained that Obama "went for a workout at his friend's Mike Signator's building. He wore his black White Sox cap; a gray T-shirt and black workout pants. He only stayed about 15 minutes. [Who does a 15 minute workout? No one. But that's plenty of time to...um...have some male-on-male action. - Drake] Press staff was unsure whether he worked out or just hung with his friend."

    Pool reports have characterized Signator as, among other things, a "friend," a "longtime aide" and a "former bodyman." [Wow, does this not just scream SECRET GAY RELATIONSHIP!?! - Drake]


    Signator, though, is 50 years old [Oh, so Barry likes his men older than he is, huh? - Drake] — three years older than Obama — and displays few of the trappings of a rising Beltway insider, with public records indicating he's spent most of his adult life in and around Chicago.

    Reached by telephone, he declined to comment on his relationship with Obama ["He's my beeatch", is what Sig is rumored to have said. - Drake] and his family, and asked how Politico obtained his telephone number.

PanAsian Biz:

    Michael Signator consistently gets time with Obama. [I'll bet he does! Wink, Wink, Nudge, Nudge!- Drake]


    Michael Signator is unrecognizable to Obama’s staffers.


    Michael Signator has been paid $47,600 so far this year.

    Michael Signator was paid $50,000 by Obama in 2004.


    Michael Signator has been quoted as joking joked that he “thought Barack was going to rise up over the people and start saying, ‘My children, my children, I have come to free you.’”

Gay Socialites.com asks, "When do the gay rumors start?"

Consider them started.

I bet Signator is on that flight to Hawaii with Obama...the flight that Obama didn't take his wife and children on.

Barry, come out of the closet. It's okay to be gay or bi.

I wonder if in the relationship Barry is the catcher or the pitcher? My money says he's the catcher.

I wonder if any Republican politician could get away with having such a mystery man in their campaign or staff and the MSM wouldn't go ape-shit in trying to discover and report every single detail about him?


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