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Sunday, November 15, 2009

Bowing Obama or, How Barry Learned to Stop Wincing and Take it Up The Ass

Dear Leader His Excellency The Affirmative Action Prednint Barack Hussein Obama, Junior
bowed to the Japanese Emperor. LA Times:

    How low will he go? Obama gives Japan's Emperor Akihito a wow bow (Updated with video, pic).

    (UPDATES: 12:22 p.m. A brief news video has been added below, showing the greeting in this photograph. Contrary to some claims, the video shows no reciprocal bow by the emperor, who traditionally bows to no one. And we've added a file photo from 2007 of Vice President Dick Cheney greeting the Japanese Emperor in the same door way in a different fashion.)

I'm guessing it's Barry's habit to bow. He's getting ready to be anally penetrated. He's used to taking it up the arse from his boyfriend, the secretive Mike Signator. Who knows...maybe even spBarney spFrank has had his dingle-dangle up the Kenyan's bi-racial bunghole.

Here's how Former Vice President Dick Cheney greeted the Japanese Emperor:

America bows to no one, except when we have a Cowardly, Marxist, Pacifying, Appeasing Cokcsucker in the White House.

We all remember Pbama's submissive bow to the Saudi King:

Gay Barry. Flaming Barry. Barry likes having his butt up in the air waiting for penetrating incoming projectiles. Come out of the closet, Barry. There is no shame in your being gay. A sham, yes, a sham of everything you claim to be but aren't. Sham yes; shame no.


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Thursday, November 12, 2009

Flaming Obama: Burning Man Obama

Well...now we finally know. Obama is flaming. Flaming Barry. Flaming Barack. He's flaming. I always thought of Barry as a flamer. On the DL, that is, but nevertheless, a flamer.

An artist has created Flaming Barry. Flaming Barack Hussein Obama, Junior.

No, it's not a limp-wristed, lisping, bi-racial, gym-rat representation of the prednint dropping the soap in the showers who always has time for his fitness routine but little time for the real problems facing America and even less time for U.S. Soldiers fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan. It could have been. It could have. But it's not.

Flaming Barry

Flaming Barry was created by Chinese artist Liu Bolin. al-Reuters:

    A sculpture by Chinese artist Liu Bolin titled "Burning Man Obama" is tested at a workshop in Beijing November 11, 2009. The sculpture represents U.S. President Barack Obama's impact on the world.

Yep. Flaming Obama. His impact on the world. He is burning the world, all right. Burning it right down to the ground. A scorched earth policy.

Flaming Barry. Of course, that's the name Mike Signator has called him for years.


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Wednesday, November 04, 2009

Does Obama Have AIDS?

You may have seen the below photos of Barack Hussein Obama, Junior at the Drudge Report. Obama looks sickly and deathly thin.

Could he have AIDS? Many are asking this question: Does Obama have AIDS? It is a question that has many people wondering.

Various cancers will quickly eat away all reserve flesh as well.

Then again, cocaine, crack cocaine and meth will kill the appetite, thereby rendering the addict a deathly ill rail-thin appearance. Is Barry back on the crack? Could be. We know Barry admitted his drug use in his own book the book he claims he wrote but was ghost-written by Domestic Terrorist William Ayers, Barry's good America-hating buddy.

Along with failing to produce his birth certificate, let me take a brief moment to remind everyone - especially his Kool-Aid injecting Cultists - that Pbama has never released his medical and health records. What's he hiding and why?

Obama's dramatic weight loss is being explained - spun, actually - by his defenders offering the following reasons:

Rigorous workouts and high-stress basketball games are said to be behind the dramatic weight loss.

"No, he's not chain smoking," claims an insider. "He's working non-stop for the country... yes, he does occasionally skip meals."

He's not working non-stop for the country. He's doing nothing of the sort.

"Rigorous workouts and high-stress basketball games are said to be behind the dramatic weight loss." Bwa ha ha. That's funny. Of course, a watermelon diet was what was said to be behind the dramatic weight loss of Liberace. And we all know the real reason Liberace lost so much weight so quickly was due to AIDS. Could the same be true for Obama?

The president explained in Miami last week: "Just because I'm skinny doesn't mean I'm not tough."

Who is the Stealth Muslim Marxist trying to fool? He insults our Allies time and time again, insults and feels threatened by the slightest criticism from anyone or any group and considers his biggest threat is FOX News. Meanwhile, he kowtows to terrorists, terrorist groups, world dictators and despots and Communist China.

So...does Obama have AIDS? Americans have a right to know.


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Sunday, November 01, 2009

Raging Aging Queen Gore Vidal Kvetches About Shit Nobody Cares About

These raging aging Queens like Gore Vidal never go away, do they?

Vidal, of whom was called "a queer," by the late great William F. Buckley (transcript here and video here) is talking to The Atlantic:

    Atlantic: You said earlier this month that you now wish you had supported Hillary Clinton in the Democratic primaries instead of Barack Obama. You said that she would make a better president.

    Vidal: Well, I was in a thoughtful mood.

    Atlantic: Do you really wish you had supported Mrs. Clinton?

    Vidal: She would have been a wonderful president.


    Atlantic: What is Ted Kennedy’s real legacy?

    Vidal: It’s nothing.

Vidal says the following about John Kennedy, former President:

    He was a good friend—witty, sharp, and very smart. I would rather be with him than practically anybody now alive. But what did he do for us in a thousand days? He invades Cuba, fucks up, and brings the world close to a nuclear collision over the so-called missiles down there in Cuba. Deplorable.

Well...let it never be said that there wasn't at least one or two areas where I agree with Mr. Vidal.

In the interview, Vidal also refers to the 13-year old girl who was brutally raped by Roman Polanski as a "young hooker," that he's not about to weep over a "young hooker [who] feels as though she's been taken advantage of."

Well, then...perhaps we could say the same thing about Matthew Shepard? We can refer to him as a young gay hooker who happened to be murdered in part because of his sexuality. No big deal. We shouldn't weep over him. He asked for and got what he deserved, right? I mean, hey, I'm only thinking along the lines of the great Liberal Gore Vidal.

Gore Vidal. Aging, Raging Bitter Queen. Rendered Obsolete Several Decades ago.


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Saturday, July 11, 2009

Obama Eyeballs 16-Year Old Mayara Tavares

Who knew Barack Hussein Obama, Junior would eyeball a 16-year old girl?

What a pervert. A sick, sick, sick, disgusting man. Barack Hussein Obama, Junior eyeballing and ogling a 16-year old child.

The MSM is desperately trying to spin it that Pervert Obama was looking at the step he was descending so he wouldn't trip or fall. Yeah...uh-huh...riiiiiiiight. Look at the image.

Even horndog French President Nicolas Sarkozy looks on, astonished at Barry's infatuation with the rear end of a child. And yes, she is a child.

Does it appear PervBarry is looking at the step or drooling and ogling the butt of a 16-year old girl. It's like the "Seinfeld" episode where George Costanza is caught staring at the cleavage of the underage daughter of the TV executive. Any healthy male might take a quick peek, but like Costanza, Barry is just drooling over an underage girl. What a sicko.

Of course, this behavior from Liberals is common nowadays, lest we forget David Letterman recently joking about raping 14-year old Willow Palin (daughter of Alaska Governor Sarah and husband Todd Palin).

Anything goes with Liberals these days. Jokes about rape from Letterman and Al "Rape Is Funny" Franken to Obama obviously caught in what sexual harassment education defines as ogling.

I wonder if Obama groped her? Did the photographer snap a shot of that and found that his camera was confiscated by Pbama's SS Jackboot Lickers?

From Brazzil Magazine:

    On Thursday, July 9, a representative of each national delegation had the opportunity to meet the leader of their own country for a picture.

    The Brazilian representative, the carioca (from Rio de Janeiro) Mayara Tavares, a 16-year-old beauty on its way to meet Brazilian president Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, caught the eyes of a discreet Nicolas Sarkozy and a much less discreet Barack Obama, the presidents of France and the United States respectively.

    The picture showing Obama's covetous gaze at the girl's derriere has become very popular in the Internet.

There's nothing - not one single thing - discreet about Obama.

Remember last year when The MSM ran a photo of John McCain, implying he was looking at Sarah Palin's butt? Remember how The Left had so much fun with that?

Well, now we have Obama drooling over some chick's butt. The difference is at least McCain, if he was taking a glimpse of Palin's butt, took a glance of someone who is an adult and legal age.

But since Barry lives on the
DL, this might all be for show. It's not Michelle Pickles the Dangerous Washerwoman who'll be jealous, oh no, it will be Barry's vanilla boyfriend Mike Signator.

I'll ask what I've asked before: will it be Malia or Sasha that's the first to get knocked up and have an abortion while in the White House?


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