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Monday, August 24, 2009

Obama's Illegal Occupation of Afghanistan; Calling For More Troop Deployment

No benchmarks for Afghanistan? Check!

An ongoing illegal occupation of Afghanistan by Dear Leader His Excellency Barack Saddam Hussein Obama, Junior? Check!

Absolute, dutiful and total silence by the Pbama Cultists on Obama's continued illegal occupation of Afghanistan? Check!

Whoa...W. Bush never received the Coveted Free Pass like Pbama is, huh?

More U.S. Troops likely heading for Afghanistan and no clear strategy from Obama in Afghanistan. Washington Examiner:

    With a growing-yet-ambiguous mission and no clear exit strategy, the war in Afghanistan is fast becoming a key political liability for President Barack Obama.

    Last week, the White House gamely tried to characterize Thursday's Afghan elections as a milestone for democracy. But the administration's tepid relationship with presumptively re-elected President Hamid Karzai is one symptom of a larger struggle for Obama.

    "Our goal is clear: To disrupt, dismantle and defeat al Qaeda and their extremist allies," Obama said of Afghanistan. "This is not a challenge that we asked for; it came to our shores when al Qaeda launched the 9/11 attacks from Afghanistan."

    Obama has tried to bring stability to Afghanistan by sending more troops and shaking up the military command. He broadened the regional strategy to include Pakistan and rooting out terrorist safe havens.

    But even so, a Washington Post/ABC News poll last week found 51 percent of Americans said the war in Afghanistan is not worth fighting. Among Democrats, 70 percent are against the war.


    "I think most Americans were on board with the limited objective of getting rid of al Qaeda and the Taliban after 9/11," said Malou Innocent, a Middle East expert at the Cato Institute. "Since that time, however, it's morphed into a more robust state-building effort that many Americans didn't sign up for."

    The president and his family Sunday fly to Martha's Vineyard for a week of vacation. Also heading to the island resort is Cindy Sheehan, the durable anti-war protester who spend consecutive summers protesting near former President George W. Bush's Texas ranch.

    "The only change I have seen in foreign policy is, unfortunately, things are getting worse in Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan," Sheehan said Friday on MSNBC. "We need to revive our anti-war sentiment."

    Sheehan's critique from the Left is problematic for Obama in part because it underscores a criticism from some Democrats that he is merely extending Bush war policies.

    Some lawmakers have said they want the president to clearly explain why the United States is still in Afghanistan and what the end-game will be. For now, Obama describes the conflict as one that will go on.

    "It's at great cost," Obama said in a radio interview last week. "I mean, you know, I have to sign letters to family members who have fallen, and a lot more are falling in Afghanistan than in Iraq. And as a consequence, we've got to make sure that we are really focused on finishing the job in Afghanistan. But it's going to take some time."

I like how Fascist Pbama said, "when al Qaeda launched the 9/11 attacks from Afghanistan." This must be news for his Cult Followers because they said 9/11 was orchestrated and executed by W. Bush and Cheney. Huh. Well, if Cult Leader Pbama says it was al Qaeda, it must be true. I'm sure the Cultists who've spent almost eight years saying and writing that 9/11 was executed by Bush and Cheney are busily correcting their blogs to reflect the truth they now know because their Cult Leader said so.

And Cult Leader Pbama says Afghanistan is, "going to take some time?" Huh...how 'bout that. Because "time" is something The Liberals were never willing to extend to W. Bush.

Remember "Bring The Troops Home Now!" Now is such a relative term for the Pbama Cultists.

It's never all that amazing how Liberals hold their own to completely different, far more lenient standards than they hold and apply to everyone else, isn't it?

Well...there it is, then.

What?...What's that I hear from the Pbama Cultist War is Always Wrong crowd? Why...I don't hear anything. They love them their Warmonger Pbama.

No plan, no strategy, no benchmarks, no endgame in sight, more U.S. Soldiers shipped into Afghanistan. Something tells me the Pbama Cultists weren't so lenient on this issue with W. Bush.

Oh well, Hypocrisy, Thy Name is Pillow-Biting, Kool-Aid injecting Pbama Cultists.


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Saturday, November 01, 2008

Sheehan Headquarters Vandalized

More love and peace from the Insane Liberal Clown Posse and the San Francisco Nanny Pelosi-droids.

Cindy Sheehan's campaign office vandalized.

    Just 5 days before the election, at 3a.m. on October 30th, all of the front windows of the Cindy Sheehan for Congress campaign offices were shattered. Although staffers had been in the office less than an hour earlier, no one was in the building at the time of the incident. No one was hurt and there were no witnesses. Cindy Sheehan is a candidate for Congress in California's 8th Congressional District race against incumbent Nancy Pelosi (D-CA).

    "It seems to have been a calculated intimidation tactic," said Tiffany Burns, the Cindy for Congress campaign manager. "One of our computers was stolen, but no other property was taken from our offices and no surrounding buildings were targeted. Clearly they wanted to both frighten us and to gather information." Total damage to the campaign office is currently estimated at more than $5,000.

    The Cindy for Congress campaign recently chronicled a series of unusual events, including other threats of violence, in a statement issued on October 13th. In that statement, Cindy Sheehan noted "[t]he past few weeks have been a little strange at Cindy for Congress [...] the things that have been happening could just be coincidences, or a run of bad luck, but the climate for the possibility of campaign hanky-panky certainly exists."

    Campaign staffers also note each incident, including today's early morning incident, has followed closely on the heels of a confrontation with Cindy Sheehan's opponent Nancy Pelosi. This morning's incident occurred after an on-air confrontation between the two candidates on KQED's public affairs program Forum with Michael Krasny on Wednesday morning.

    "Each time we confront her, each time we ask her for a debate, each time we gain ground in the polls, something horrible happens," said Burns. "Once or twice might be a coincidence, but such a consistent correlation is hard to ignore."

Nanny Pelosi and her disgusting operatives resort to thuggery and vandalism. Surprised? I'm not. Seriously, is there any reason to believe that anyone other than Pelosi operatives terrorists are responsible for the damage?

Today's Gestapo Wears A Dress
and is heavily injected with Botox

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Friday, August 10, 2007

Cindy Sheehan To Run For Congress

Maybe for the Congress of Iraq or Afghanistan? Sounds like it to me.

Cindy Sheehan, the used, abused and hung up wet to dry "tool" of the Insane Liberal Clown Posse announced her intention to run against Speakeress Nanny Pelosi:

    Former anti-war leader Cindy Sheehan announced on Thursday that in 2008 she will run as an independent candidate against Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA). "I dedicate my candidacy to the people of Iraq and Afghanistan," Sheehan said, weeping. Sheehan later appeared on CNN to explain that she was running because "they're not making the administration change course in Iraq.

I fully endorse and throw all my support to Mother Sheehan. Really, I do! I would love to see her win the race and be elected to the House of Representatives. It would be good for even more divisiveness within the DemocRAT party. She would be a pariah among pariahs. The Democrat Fringe needs more lunatics in their party and Ma Sheehan fits the description to a "T".

In related news, Nanny Pelosi said "the [Iraq] surge is failing." KXMB:

    House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-California, told CNN in an interview Thursday that the surge in Iraq “has not accomplished its goal,” and the first item on her agenda after the recess will be the war in Iraq.

You know how John Kerry's "I voted for it before I voted against it," was the gift that kept on giving? The absolute denial of reality from Libs like Nanny must give Conservatives and Republicans hope for the 2008 election; to regain their majority in the House and Senate, and keeping the White House.

Nanny is at odds with premiere Liberals such as Michael O'Hanlon and Kenneth Pollack who've been to Iraq and wrote a lengthy story for the New York Times saying the surge is working.

Nanny is also at odd with her fellow Socialist Illinois Senator Dick Durbin who said just this week that he saw evidence of the surge working. Durbin, you will recall, is the little pig who compared U.S. Soldiers and Military to "Nazis, Pol Pot and Gulags." He's a true America and Military Hater, isn't he?

Keep it up Dems - you will be your own undoing. Of course, they'll never admit this. They'll react to losses with their usual, unsubstantiated falsehood that "the election was stolen from us."

Ma versus Nanny. This will be a fun race to watch.


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Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Liberals, Champions of Free Speech,
Silence Cindy Sheehan's Voice

I can't be the only one to find humor and trend and record-setting levels of hypocrisy when the Left - the Hard, Insane Liberal Clown Posse Left - who always claim they're for free speech until...the speech isn't what they want to hear.

Cindy Sheehan got booted by the Kos goon squad:

    by Cindy Sheehan
    Thu Jul 12, 2007 at 06:16:05 AM PDT

    I can't post here anymore because my potential run for Congress is not on the Democratic ticket.


    I know a lot of you are hostile towards my candidacy.

    Love always,

A Liberal like Ma Sheehan calling other Liberals "hostile"! Good to see the cannibalization on the Left of the Left and by the Left hasn't subsided and doesn't appear to be slowing down at all.

Revisit The Sheehan Bunch!

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Monday, July 09, 2007

The Return Of Cindy Sheehan:
Sheehan Takes On Nanny Pelosi

From The Washington Post, (that would be not FOX News for you Liberals out there):

    Cindy Sheehan, the slain soldier's mother whose attacks on President Bush made her a darling of the anti-war movement, has a new target: House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.

    Sheehan, who announced in late May that she was departing the peace movement, said she decided to run against Pelosi unless the congresswoman moves to oust Bush in the next two weeks.


    Sheehan said she will run as an independent against the San Francisco Democrat in 2008 if Pelosi does not file articles of impeachment against Bush by July 23.

Nanny Pelosi responds, MSNBC:

    "Speaker Pelosi has said repeatedly her focus is on ending the war in Iraq. She believes that the best way to support our troops in Iraq is to bring them home safely and soon. July will be a month of action in Congress to end the war, including a vote to redeploy our troops by next spring."

Coming July 23, 2007 - "It's Sheehan Versus Pelooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooosi! Let's Get Reaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaady To Ruuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuumble!"


Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Cindy Sheehan Claims To Bid Farewell

"Na-na-nah-na, na-na-nah-na, hey, hey, hey, goodbye!"

Mother Sheehan, writing her fare-thee-well letter at, where else, Daily Kooks:

    I have endured a lot of smear and hatred since Casey was killed and especially since I became the so-called "Face" of the American anti-war movement. Especially since I renounced any tie I have remaining with the Democratic Party, I have been further trashed on such "liberal blogs" as the Democratic Underground. Being called an "attention whore" and being told "good riddance" are some of the more milder rebukes.


    I was the darling of the so-called left as long as I limited my protests to George Bush and the Republican Party. Of course, I was slandered and libeled by the right as a "tool" of the Democratic Party. This label was to marginalize me and my message. How could a woman have an original thought, or be working outside of our "two-party" system?

    However, when I started to hold the Democratic Party to the same standards that I held the Republican Party, support for my cause started to erode and the "left" started labeling me with the same slurs that the right used.


    This is my resignation letter as the "face" of the American anti-war movement. This is not my "Checkers" moment,


    Good-bye America ...you are not the country that I love and I finally realized no matter how much I sacrifice, I can’t make you be that country unless you want it.

"Good-bye America"? Where is she going? Is she moving in with Hugo Chavez?

What did she do other than serve as a polarizing tool, her feelings and emotions preyed upon and manipulated by the Liberals for their own agenda?

In some ways I feel sorry for her, but she brought so much of the "rebukes" on herself, by her words, by her actions, by saying President Bush wouldn't meet with her when he indeed had approximately a year before.

I told you so - that she would at some future point be abandoned by the Left, just like Lila Lipscomb (who?!) and so very many others.

I told you so - that the Libs would never tolerate her when she started applying her standard of criticism to the Left that she applied to the Right.

The Boulevard of Broken Dreams is full of people that the Left exploits, uses, abuses and then tosses aside. Add her name to a long list.

Cindy should have seen this coming a long, long time ago, but she allowed her emotions to overrule whatever objective logic she possessed.



Thursday, April 26, 2007

The Left Exploits The Tillman Family

Another day of a slight Democrat majority in the House of Representatives is another day of the Dems exploiting Military Troops' number of dead and injured and their family members. This time it's the family of U.S. Army Ranger Pat Tillman who was killed in Afghanistan.

Perched in his chair like a vulture, nostrils flaring and slightly salivating at its nascent prey, is California Democrat PigManMoleMan Henry Waxman holding court over the latest egregious example of exploiting Tillmans' the grief in what should be called the Subcommittee on Exploitation. We can call this the Sixth Dog and Pony Show in what is proving to be a rapid series of Dog and Pony Shows since the Dems took office in January.

Lila Lipscomb (who?), yeah, Lila Lipscomb was used, abused, politicized, sensationalized and dumped by the wayside by the Dems when she outlived her usefulness to them. I wonder if the Dems bothered to wave good-bye to her? Cindy Sheehan was once the central and narrow focus of all things Iraq. Now she's on stand-by in the Green Room waiting as a last minute fill-in if a more current and important name fails to show up.

The Tillman family and the U.S. is entitled to an honest and truthful accounting of the circumstances surrounding the death of Pat Tillman. If the initial report of how Mr. Tillman died is wrong, then it must be corrected to reflect what actually happened. If the initial reports were erroneous because of what happens in war zones, then correct it. If the circumstances were deliberately skewed, we need to know who did it that way, why and hold the person(s) responsible.

I don't know the Waxman Inquisition can bring any type of closure to the Tillmans. Waxman is a Grand Manipulator, pushing an anti-War agenda using the Tillman family as his case. Waxman will abuse their grief - and Tillman's death - at some future point as an example of a solid reason why the Democrat Majority in the House must vote to cut the war funding.

You don't think the timing of Democrat Senator Harry Reid saying, "we've already lost the war," is coincidental or happenstance to Waxman's biased treatment of Pat Tillman and his family, do you? Reid calls the Vice President an "attack dog"; this coming from a man whose entire party is compiled of nothing but attack dogs. Rich, very rich.

The Dems just couldn't march in last January after being sworn in and start cutting the war funding. As much as they wanted to do this and appease the Insane Liberal Clown Posse, they realized the severity of political repercussions they would receive if they did so. With each and every Dog and Pony Show, with every "we've lost the war" remark uttered by elected Democrats, the Dems build their case piece by piece to justify cutting the funding in the future.

President George W. Bush has said that General David Petraeus indicates that come the end of September, we should have some type of assessable and measurable idea of progress. (Believe it or not, Bush said this on Tuesday night's Charlie Rose PBS program. I know - I know - hard to believe that Charlie wasn't interviewing Noam Chomsky or Madeleine Albright.)

The Dems can't wait five more months? Why not? Why the rush? Dems are usually the group sitting on their hands delaying any specific response to anything preferring a course of wait-and-see and if something isn't working it's "because we're not spending enough money on it". Why are these two critical components so obviously missing from their attitude on Iraq? It doesn't push forth their agenda of never again becoming the minority party. It doesn't advance the cause of Liberalism. It takes away from them an issue to politicize.

I hope the Tillman family receives the answers they seek, my heart goes out to them. After their chapter is completed, Waxman will move on to another victim, another family and another death to exploit and politicize for no reason other than sustaining the livelihood of his political party..



Thursday, January 04, 2007

Yum! What's For Dinner? Democrats Eating Their Own! Let The Cannibalization Begin!

It didn't take long did it, for the Democrats to turn on each other.

It started a few weeks ago when Democrat Congressman John "Cut and Run" Murtha called an ethics bill from his own party "Total Crap"!

And today we see Cindy Sheehan and other Anti-War Protestors Causing a ruckus and breaking up a press conference by House Democrats! Heh...oh it's so funny when the Democrat Cannibals eye each other up, isn't it?

And Jane Harman, D-CA, is peeved over Nancy Pelosi nixing her for chairman of the House intelligence committee. Oh, that wacky Stab-You-In-The-Back-The-Moment-You-Turn-Around Democrat Family Value!

Michigan Commiecrat, Carl Levin - who in the past has been leading Cheerleader for Cutting and Running from Iraq - now says that he may "consider" a troop "surge" in Iraq! Why...that's not what supporters of Levin want from him, do they?

And LOSING Florida Democrat Christine Jennings Still Refusing to Concede, Wants More Recounts.

Florida...Recounts...damn, that sounds familiar, doesn't it? I wish I could put my finger on why....


Tuesday, December 19, 2006

The Top Eleven Winners Of
The 2006 First Annual LPOS© Awards

Welcome to The 2006 First Annual MrsSatan blog LPOS Awards

Regular readers may be familiar with my acronym, LPOS , for Liberal Piece (Pieces when used in plural form) of Shit when referring to the Extreme Hardcore Insane Lefty Liberals.

LPOS can be spoken and pronounced by saying each of its individual letters: "L-P-O-S", although the preferred pronunciation is saying it as one full actual word: "EL-POSS" with a short vowel sound over the "O".

The criteria and qualifications is most stringent in deciding who is eligible and ultimately selected for this great, prestigious and distinctive honour. This is no casual list of Liberal Lunatics, not by a long shot.

Each of these LPOS has shown themselves to be extremely hypocritical. They apply a set of standards to others that they do not apply to themselves or other Extreme Hardcore Insane Lefty Liberals.

They are a myopically selfish group of individuals who subjectively and selectively judge those that do not fully agree with their own philosophies and ideologies.

Their mission of anything politic is motivated by only one thing: Furthering The Liberal Agenda. Each of these LPOS demonstrates an unequalled and egregious knack for their prejudiced and intolerant political partisanship far exceeding the level of your Average Run-Of-The-Mill Liberal.

Each of these LPOS sets a new standard, possessing an amazing ability to deny both truth and facts, always blazing a new trail in setting the bar higher for Liberals who follow them, making it harder and harder to define the Edge of Extreme Liberalism.

Thus, I am proud to present the top eleven recipients of the MrsSatan blog's 2006 First Annual LPOS Awards:

11: AirHead America Host Al O'FrankenFailure - every time he opens his mouth and speaks, lies come out. Every. Single. Time. Always. Without Fail. Always. Forever. While eager to hold accountable and judge those who differ with his own personal political philosophy, he steadfastly refuses to apply the same standard to any Liberal. When he can't find anything factual to criticize those he hates, he manufactures and attributes half-truths and conjecture as fact. A Greater Liar you will not find --- anywhere!

10: MSNBC Wiener Keith Olbermann - for being himself. It's unfortunate his parents weren't militant believers in abortion. Had they been so, they could have saved us from this bloated, phony, selfish degenerate. Olberweinie considers himself an informed pundit. No, this man is pure flatulence. Keep all flames a safe distance from him.

9: Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton A Tag Team Counting As One - for their unparalleled applications of racial hypocrisy. While correctly condemning racist statements made by people like Michael Richards, they manage to remain completely silent in condemning racist remarks made by individuals like Hillary Clinton, Spike Lee and Chris Rock.

8: Albert Gore, Jr. - While we thank the former Vice President and LOSING Democrat presidential nominee for inventing the internets, he is to be condemned for his panicky, unrelenting, hyperbolic and rank hypocritical efforts to stop so-called global warming while allowing himself the right to deplete as much energy as possible by flying here, there and everywhere with a motorcade in tow that makes funeral processions for heads of state seem small by comparison.

7: Kofi "Hell No" Annan, Outgoing United Nations Secretary General - A ten-year tenure as the head of the UN and a ten-year record of nothing substantial or proactive to offer any country, nation or people. Whether its the Oil For Food Scandal, cozying up with dictators, expressing sympathy for terrorists, an unrelenting push for worldwide Socialism, his eagerness to sacrifice his son, DeCaf, in the Oil For Food Scandal thereby keeping the wolves at bay from himself or looking the other way while Rwandans were slaughtered- Kofi's actions demonstrate every reason why the U.S. Ambassador to the UN has to be someone like John Bolton. When asked to resign from his post because of the OIL FOR FOOD SCANDAL, Annan replied, "HELL NO!" And for his failed attempts to claim "ownership" of the internet through co-opting ICANN into the UN.

6: Cindy Sheehan - the most recent Liberal Cause Celebre' Poster Girl for the Democrats since Lila Lipscomb, she allows herself to be used and abused by the Hardcore Left, exploiting a personal tragedy and redefining the definition of Over The Top Pro-Socialist Behavior. Whether protesting by sitting in a ditch in Texas, smooching cozily with Venezuela's Socialist Leader Hugo Chavez, getting herself arrested, claiming to "fast" but not really doing so, Mother Sheehan reinvents and adapts herself to whatever needs the Left feels they must exploit for the political moment. Cindy is there for them, ready to proudly service their needs and allow herself to be manipulated.

5: Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad - for being a despot and madman, for advocating the annihilation of Israel, for suggesting Israel "relocate" to Alaska or Germany, for seeking nuclear weapons, for harassing the people of the United States and their President with rambling and incoherent letters, for being the titular hero for U.S. Liberals and Democrats, for banning "indecent music" and shutting down newspapers in his own country based on political ideology. For being the Adolf Hitler of our time, of which the Left refuses to acknowledge.

4: Senator John Kerry - for his LONG and DOCUMENTED HISTORY of insulting the U.S. Military:

Vietnam: "Atrocities [by US Soldiers] occur every day in Vietnam." "I committed the same kind of atrocities as thousands of other soldiers." "I personally witnessed instances of electronic torture."

Iraq: "And there is no reason, Bob (Schieffer, CBS host of "Face The Nation), that young American soldiers need to be going into the homes of Iraqis in the dead of night, terrorizing kids and children, you know, women, breaking sort of the customs of the--of--the historical customs, religious customs."

"You know, education, if you make the most of it, if you study hard and you do your homework, and you make an effort to be smart, uh, you can do well. If you don't, you get stuck in Iraq."

Most prominently however, for Kerry failing to instruct his supporters to "back off and cease and desist" the reprehensible and disgusting treatment and actions taken toward the Swift Boat Veterans during the 2004 presidential campaign. Kerry could have told those who smeared the SBV's to stop the attacks, but he didn't. He allowed them to run wild with their baseless and fraudulent allegations towards the fine Members of the Swift Boat Veterans. Kerry has no shame, none at all.

Oh - and for his ridiculous appearance in one of the 2004 presidential debates showing up with his hideously fake Tan In A Can looking darker than any equatorial native.

John Kerry, the man and the senator, is a Botched Joke who never was, is not now and never will be funny or anything remotely approaching humorous.

You may be thinking by now, if the Number 4 LPOS is John Kerry, why, who could possibly be in the number three, two and one spot?

Well, dear reader, just continue reading.

3: Congressman John Murtha - like Kerry, for condemning the U.S. Military by calling our Marines "murderers". For advocating the Iraq strategy of cut-and-run, for his resistance to work with "Screw them" Republicans, for whining about being called a "Defeatocrat", for calling an ethics and lobbying reform bill being pushed by HIS OWN PARTY LEADERS, "Total Crap", for - at the very least - the appearance of impropriety of his Washington lobbyist brother, Robert "Kit" Murtha, whose firm reeled in millions and millions of dollars for its defense contractor clients in the 2004 Defense appropriations bill - a committee of which John Murtha sat on. For being given by CREW a "dishonorable mention" for being "involved in a number of pay-to play schemes involving former staffers and his brother 'Kit' and for proudly stating again and again that he proudly "Voted against every tax cut."

2: Arizona Senator Harry Reid - for redefining the ultimate text book case example of a conflict of interest and the blatant appearance of impropriety of his multiple land deals in his home state and his Milk Producers scandal. Whether he's profiting from land being sold that he didn't own or lobbying for a bridge near the Colorado River where he oddly just happens to own land, Reid escapes scot-free from all investigation because he's a Militant Card Carrying Liberal. While claiming he identifies with, and represents, every day people, Reid lives in a state of undeniable comfort and bliss...from his Suite at The Ritz.

And the Number One Winner of the 2006 First Annual LPOS Award is:

Virginia's Kiddie P0rn Writer Cum Senator-Elect Jim Webb.

For rank and unparalleled behavior exploiting the War in Iraq by wearing his son's combat boots - his son serving in Iraq - (keep in mind no Conservative could ever get away, or escape unrelenting criticism from The Left, by wearing their son's combat boots during a campaign) and for his disgusting and obscene novel writing:

Lost Soldiers: "A shirtless man walked toward them along a mud pathway. A naked boy ran happily toward him from a little plot of dirt. The man grabbed his young son in his arms, turned him upside down, and put the boy's penis in his mouth."

Something to Die For: "Fogarty . . . watch[ed] a naked young stripper do the splits over a banana. She stood back up [and] left the banana on the bar, cut in four equal sections by the muscles of her vagina."

A Sense of Honor: "...that is, if you knew who your sister was, Brustein, and if she'd been born with anything between her legs except an asshole, I'd be happy to bring some class to your low-rent name by knocking the bitch up."

A Sense of Honor: "She wasn't bad looking, he mused again, staring at her thin frame. If she'd just get laid every now and then she'd mellow out and stop being such a damn witch."

And for his total lack of effort to express "working beyond party lines" in his behavior, actions and response - saying he wanted to "slug the president", when asked by President Bush, "How's your boy."

We Salute you, Jim Webb, as the Clear Winner of The 2006 First Annual LPOS Award:

Honorable Mentions:

Robin Williams: You were funnier when you were a cokehead and a drunk. Please return to consuming those two vices. Thank you.

Howard Dean, DNC Chairman - for displaying the most bitter and partisan political rhetoric since Joseph Goebbels.

Michael Moore: For being the Fat Bastard propagandist that he is.

Nancy Peloshit: Multi-multi-multi-millionaire limousine Liberal who Marched hand-in-hand in a parade with a self-acknowledged gay pedophile.

Rob "Meathead" Reiner for his preschool commission violating state law and his not being held accountable or answerable to anyone at all. Good thing this didn't happen to Mel Gibson! Thirteen months ago a Field Poll Reflected that 41% of people polled viewed Reiner UNFAVORABLY! Gee Rob, those numbers aren't much higher than approval ratings for President Bush! How does that make you feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeel? Go eat something rich and full of calories, like a warehouse full of ice cream, you'll feel better.

Helen Thomas, Press reporter since The Madison Administration, this sour, old and wrinkly grape couldn't report objectively on the misdeeds of Democrats if her life depended on it.

Patrick Kennedy, for his Late Night Joy Ride and his ubiquitous Kennedy behavior of blaming booze and prescription drugs for his actions. A Kennedy...boozing it up? Really?!

Madeleine Albright, EX Secretary of State - for placating North Korea and Kimmy Jong Il, for the war atrocities she is responsible for in Bosnia, but mostly for her sick salivating response to "60 Minutes'" on 5/12/96 with Leslie Stahl's question:

"We have heard that a half million children have died. I mean, that's more children than died in Hiroshima. And, you know, is the price worth it?"

And Albright's answer: "I think this is a very hard choice, but the price--we think the price is worth it."

Hugo Chavez, "Democratically Elected" president of Venezuela, for his "Bush is The Devil" speech. This two-bit dictator is just the kind of socialist we would have killed in WW II, and then happily celebrate his demise.

Tony Bennett, crooner - just shut up about politics, old man, and sing. That's all we want to hear come out of your mouth. Sing, old man, sing.

Jason Leopold, predictor that "Karl Rove will be indicted any day now..." Are you Still standing by that prediction, Jason?

Barbra Streisand, for being a Liberal Political Tool, manufacturing faux-protest shouting matches during her recent concert tour. What a Expletive Deleted !

Ratty Rhodes, AirHead America Talking Head - for hypocrisy that knows no bounds when it comes to applying a different standard to Liberals than she applies to Conservatives and for knowingly telling her listeners blatant lies that she claims is truth. Ratty, a self-described former rock star groupie, simply consumed too much rock star...uh...DNA during her years as a groupie. There's no other explanation for it. Squeeze her fat head, and DNA shoots out from her ears. (Oh...my bad.)

Kimmy Jong Il - North Korea's ill tempered dictator, suffering from short man syndrome and grotesque delusions of grandeur.

Who will the nominees and winner be in 2007? Gee, you don't suppose many of the above same names will reappear twelve months from now, do you?


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Thursday, April 20, 2006

It's Time To Play: "Spot The Heckler!"

One of these women protests legitimate concerns such as Communist oppression of people, government controlled and censored media, government sanctioned murder of practitioners of religious freedom, suppression of those who attempt to practice free speech, imposes strict control on aspects of everyday life, enforces a One-Child Policy among its people, has an atrocious record on basic Human Rights, restricts its people from freely moving and relocating within its own country, represses those who dissent or criticize its government, condones low pay and long hours of labor in unhealthy and polluted conditions, endorses child labor, sponsors Reeducation Camps, and a host of other atrocities.

The other is just a heckler - a tool - of the LiberNazis. Can you pick which is which? I thought so!

- - -

Wang Wenyi, 47, a reporter with The Epoch Times protested visiting Chinese President Hu Jintao this morning. And she had every right reason to do so.

Cindy Sheehan, on the other hand, practices the worst kind of propaganda imaginable; being the mouthpiece of, and for, any concocted Left Wing Fringe political ideology used only for the purposes of stirring up political discourse.

Remember Lila Lipscomb? Who? Yeah, That's Right - - - Who?

Who will the Left use next, after they are finished with Cindy Sheehan?

Information Sources on China:
Amnesty International

Human Rights Watch
The CIA World Factbook
Library:Thinkquest-China's Child Labor Laws


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Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Cindy Sheehan: The Liberal's Wet Nurse

Cindy Sheehan: The Liberal's Wet Nurse, was Detained and handcuffed -- Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha -- that's funny. It was reported by CNN - and CNN would never, ever, in a million billion years report anything that wasn't true - that Mother Sheehan had an anti-war banner and was wearing a T-Shirt with an anti-war slogan.

She was warned, and knew beforehand, that neither of these things would be tolerated, but she made the choice to knowingly disobey. Lock her up and throw away the key. Let her rot in a rat infested cell with pictures of Stalin, Lenin, Hitler, Bin Laden, Hussein, and Mao Tse-Tung to comfort and inspire her. Oh, and give her a DVD of "Farenfart 9/11" and a radio tuned into only one station; that of the Mikey Mawwoy show.

Cindy Sheehan does not speak for me or for a majority of the people. She is the Wet Nurse of the Liberals and nothing more.


Tuesday, January 31, 2006

The Pots and Pans Brigade

Geniuses, these Intellectual Elitists are, are they not? Gore Vidal (Gore Vidal...is he still alive?) as well as other big, BIG name marquee celebrities are being encouraged to "Make Noise by banging pots and pans" during tonight's State of The Union Address. Whew...highbrow this crowd is, yes? I can only imagine the ridicule from the LiberNazi's if the Right/Conservative/Indie Party advocated something like this during a SOTU delivery by a Lefty.
One can only imagine Gore Vidal, outside in his chiffon housecoat, wearing pink fuzzy slippers, banging together his omelet and quiche pans shouting "You've been listening in on my telephone calls with Myra Breckinridge!"

While Vidal is not pictured below, let's take a look at some of the other Pot and Pan Activists, shall we:

From Left to Right: We have activist/murderer supporter, Mike Farrell modeling the non-stick sauce pan from Farberware. Mike enjoys this pan for making his favorite sour M*A*S*H moonshine. Harry Belafonte wears the "Day O" aluminum soup kettle made especially for brewing Anti-U.S. Stew. To the left of Mr. Belafonte is someone who needs no introduction to readers of this blog, but in case you don't recognize him, it is none other than The Fat Bastard. TFB (ahem, The Fat Bastard, not the other term of the acronym "TFB") is seen here with the triple extra-large and extra deep pasta boiling pan. It should be noted that it is no easy feat for TFB to get this on and off his extremely large, fat, rolly poly head, so he greases the inside of it with butter flavored lard. Next to TFB is every Leftist's favorite Wet Nurse, Cindy Sheehan. Cindy prefers the T-Fal Adonized soup pan. Cindy feels this particular model enhances her desirability to Latin American dictators and Crawford, Texas trench dwellers. Finally, we have Iraq's adopted son, Sean Penn. Shown here, Sean proudly models the KitchenAid Stalin Red Terror Casserole Crock Pot.

Ahhhhhhh, banging pots and pans together during the SOTU Address. How mature, how professional, how classy. Any questions why the Libs are the minority and shrinking ever so quickly? I didn't think so.


Wednesday, November 30, 2005

GASP! The Left Suffers An Alleged Misrepresentation

Ever so slowly parceling out every precious last milli-nano-second of her Fifteen Minutes of Fame, Cindy Sheehan took umbrage that the Associated Press and Reuters misrepresented her overwhelmingly successful, and complete blow-out book signing in which, apparently while the press was not there, had thousands...nee...tens of--hundreds of thousa...mill...BILLIONS of people standing in line, all chomping at the bit for her to autograph their book. It was the Post Thanksgiving Sale of the Year.

The press...misrepresenting something? "Here...in America?" You're kidding, right?


Thursday, September 29, 2005

The Sheehan Bunch

The Sheehan Bunch©

(With major apologies to The Brady Bunch and nothing but respect for Sherwood Schwartz, a sit-com genius)

It's the story of an attention-seeking lady
Who went way, way, way, way off the deep end.
With misplaced emotional cause and effect,
It was far beyond any rational mend.

It's the story of her anti-U.S. groupies,
Seeking more than their fifteen minutes of fame.
None of them had any solid, proactive ideas
What they offered was impotent and lame.

Til the one day when the lady met a camera,
With willing media that had a sneaking hunch,
To cover her story ad infinitum and ad nauseum
That's the way they all became the Sheehan Bunch!

The Sheehan Bunch.
The Sheehan Bunch.
That's the way they all became The Sheehan Bunch.

With Bill Maher portraying Ann B. Davis as Alice


Today's episode: Bill helps boyfriend Sam The Butcher case his salami.

Scene: The Sheehan Bunch Back Yard

Bill: Oh Sam! That's the biggest salami I've ever seen!
(Cue Moderate laugh track)
Sam: Just wait until you see the casing that goes on it, honey!
(Cue Huge laugh track)
Cindy (Enters): Republicans are all warmongers.
Jesse: There, there. Hey, I see a camera!
Dan: Why look, here comes Reverend Sharpton!
Rev Al: Hallelujah everybody! I sense a celebrity factor spike. How can I get in on thi...I mean, how can I help?
Bill: Well, Sam wants me to help him case his salami and...
Cindy: I think he was talking to me.
Joan: No, I think he was talking to me.
Baba: No, I think he was talking to me!
(Cue Wild laugh track)
Cindy: I think he was speaking to Joan.
Baba: Everything is always Joan, Joan, Joan! You like her best.
Cindy: That's not true!
(Cue Moderate laugh track)
Al: Uhhh, is anyone going to men-men-men-mention the li-li-lies this White House tells?
Baba: Here comes my boyfriend, George. George Glass!
George: Um, Soros, not Glass. This certainly is a rather bland, middle class neighborhood. Why aren't there any Bentleys in the driveways?
Rev Al: I was speaking to the pretty lady.
Baba: See, he was talking to me.
Joan: No, he meant me!
Bill: No, he meant me!
(Cue Wild laugh track)
Al: Ahhhh...ahhhh...urrr...ummm....are-are-is....ahhhh...
Dan: I think Al is having a stroke!
Joan: No, he's trying to complete a lucid thought.
Baba: What's that?
Jesse: What is that...'lucid'?
Cindy: I don't know what that is.
Dan: It's courage. Ummm, no, strike that.
George: I'm buying this whole block and turning it into a poppy field.
Sam: Hey, are you all gonna stand around gabbing? Who's gonna help me case my salami?
(Cue Wild laugh track)
Fade To Black


Friday, September 09, 2005

Katrina vs Sheehan















Friday, August 26, 2005

Cindy Sheehan: Shill For The Left

A shill is an associate of a person selling a good or service, who pretends no association and assumes the air of an enthusiastic customer. The intention of the shill is, using crowd psychology, to encourage other potential customers, unaware of the set-up, to purchase said good or service. And: Usually, shills are employed by confidence artists.

Actually, Ms. Sheehan is a whore for the Left.

Who are her pimps? There are many.

Michele Mulkey of Fenton Communications, Ben Cohen of Ben & Jerry's, Moveon.Org, and Code Pink are but a few.

Others include: White Supremacist from Stormfront have joined the Sheehan cause, and the Sugar Daddy of The Left, George Soros.

Even Super-uber, ultra-Liberal Susan Estrich knows an Anti-Semite when she hears one. I will give Ms. Estrich credit for that.

Of course, The Fat Bastard, if he were not paying the outrageous sum of $3,800 per week to learn to 'Eat Less, Exercise More', would be at her side. (More on The Fat Bastard below).

The Castrati Boi is a staunch Sheehan supporter. That shouldn't be a surprise to anyone since he gravitates directly to Anti-Semitism.

Here's information you won't hear from the MSM and their one-sided, pro-Sheehan reporting.
Read the comments, not the top story.

So the Left will use Ms. Sheehan to further their anti-Bush and anti-Republican cause(s), and in two or three or five years, people will say "Cindy Who", just as they say today "Lila Who?". Yes, Fat Bastard, when was the last time you interacted with Ms. Lipscomb, other than when you used her as a shill -- when you pimped her out for your own fictitious political agenda.

Shills, Whores, and Pimps. This, my friends, is the Liberal Party.

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