Showing posts with label Sheikh Jarrah. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sheikh Jarrah. Show all posts

Monday, March 08, 2010

The dogs of Sheikh Jarrah

by Lurker

Have you ever wondered about what Arabs think of their Jewish anti-Israel fellow travellers? The video below might provide a hint. It's from one of the weekly demonstrations held by the radical left in the Jerusalem neigborhood of Shimon HaTzaddik (aka "Sheikh Jarrah")*.

In the video, several demonstrators can be seen getting arrested by the police. The overwhelming majority of the arrestees seem to be Israeli Jews. Meanwhile, starting at about 3:19 in the video, a woman in traditional Arab garb, looking on as these pro-Arab Jewish demonstrators are led away by the police, loudly shouts the following chant:

"Falasteene Bladna, al-Yahud klabna!"

This translates into:

"Palestine is our land, the Jews are our dogs!"

(It should be noted, by the way, that she did not say that the "Zionists" are the Arabs' dogs, or that the "Israelis" are their dogs -- she said that the "Jews" are their dogs.)

Now, this raises an interesting question: Who, exactly, are the Jews that this woman is describing as her "dogs"? Surely not the ones living in the building! While there is no question that the Arabs despise those Jews, it would be absurd to suggest that those particular Jews are playing the role of the Arabs' "dogs". Quite the opposite -- the Jews who live in Shimon HaTzaddik stubbornly refuse to obey the Arabs' will, and do not allow themselves to be intimidated into abandoning their heritage. Hardly what the Arabs would expect from their "dogs".

Clearly, the Arabs' "dogs" about whom the woman is chanting can only be the leftist Jewish demonstrators, who are being marched off by the police as she watches and grins. And very obedient "dogs" they are, dutifully and eagerly carrying out the desires of their Arab "masters", and basely seeking their masters' approval.

The woman seems quite animated and enthused about all the tricks that her "dogs" are performing for her. On their masters' command, they can sit, fetch, beg, play dead -- and even get arrested.

Now, since this video shows an Arab demonstrator in Shimon HaTzaddik shouting a disgusting antisemitic slur, you might assume that the video was publicized by a right-wing, pro-Jewish group, seeking to publicly expose the antisemitism and condescension of the Arab demonstrators at these events.

But then, you would be wrong: In fact, this video was publicized -- believe it or not -- by one of the leftist organizations that demonstrates regularly in Shimon HaTzaddik, as part of their effort to promote their anti-Israel agenda! (The organization, "Ta'ayush", which means "coexistence" -- is funded by -- guess who -- yes, the New Israel Fund.) Apparently, these leftist, anti-Israel Jews have become so accustomed and desensitized by their constant exposure to blatant antisemitism, that it didn't even occur to them that it might not be so smart to publicize a video in which one of their fellow Arab demonstrators declares that "the Jews are our dogs".

In fact, I would say that the most striking thing about this video is not the fact that an Arab said that Jews are dogs (which is hardly unusual), but the fact that the leftist organization that posted it saw nothing at all untoward or embarrassing about this.

Jews have always been particularly adept at convincing themselves that it's only raining while they're being spat upon. But as this video shows, groups like "Ta'ayush" have turned this pathological character flaw into a veritable art.

(For the record, I did a search to see whether "Ta'ayush" or any of the other leftist or Arab organizations who sponsor the demonstrations in Shimon HaTzaddik issued a condemnation of the "Jews are our dogs" chant. I failed to find any such condemnation.)

At 2:36 in the video, extremist anti-archaeology Rabbi Arik Ascherman of the grossly misnamed "Rabbis for Human Rights" (funded by -- surprise, surprise -- the New Israel Fund) can be seen urging all the demonstrators to come back the following week for more of the same.

One cannot help but wonder what the Jewish demonstrators -- especially the ones being led away in handcuffs -- thought as the loud Arab woman "thanked" them for their devotion and sacrifice toward the Palestinian cause, by proclaiming them to be the Arabs' "dogs" -- and in their very presence. Do you think any of them took offense at this vile affront to their people, and decided not to come back the following week?

I doubt it.

Hat-tip: ck of Jewlicious

* Some background on the Shimon HaTzaddik neigborhood:

Shimon HaTzaddik was a Tanna (Jewish sage of the Mishnaic period) and a Kohen Gadol (High Priest), who lived approximately 2300 years ago in Jerusalem. The neighborhood in question is named for Shimon HaTzaddik because his tomb is located there.

The neighborhood was built and settled by Jews in 1876. A community of poor Sefardic Jews lived there, until they were driven out during the Arab massacres of 1936, but they returned shortly afterward. In December 1947, the community came under attack once again by the Arabs, who drove them out.

Jordan did not allow the Jews to return to Shimon HaTzaddik after the war. The armistice agreement stipulated that Jordan would permit Jews to visit their holy sites, and the tomb of Shimon HaTzaddik was mentioned explicitly. However, Jordan did not abide by this agreement, and in fact shot dead any Jew who approached the border. (Similarly, Jordan did not allow Jews to come to the Western Wall, or to the ancient Mount of Olives cemetary, whose tombstones they desecrated and turned into latrines.) In addition, Jordan changed the name of the neighborhood to "Sheikh Jarrah", and populated the Jewish-owned homes with Arab settlers.

After Israel captured eastern Jerusalem during the 1967 war, the illegal Arab settlers were permitted to remain on the property, with the stipulation that they pay rent to the legal Sefardic Jewish owners. The Arabs refused to pay rent, however, and eventually the Jewish owners filed suit for the squatters' eviction. Several months ago, the Jews won their (rather open-and-shut) case in Israel's Supreme Court, and two illegal Arab settler families were ordered to vacate the premises. After they refused, they were evicted. Jewish families then returned to the Jewish-owned homes of Shimon HaTzaddik, for the first time since they were attacked and driven out in 1947.

From that point onward, radical Israeli leftists have been holding anti-Jewish demonstrations in "Sheikh Jarrah" every Friday. As a rule, the Israeli left purports to hold the "Rule of Law" as a fundamental value, and demands strict adherence to the rulings of Israel's Supreme Court, which they regard as the cornerstone of Israel's democracy. In spite of this, however, these same leftists are now stridently calling for the Supreme Court's ruling to be disregarded, and for the "Rule of Law" be abandoned: They are demanding that the State flout the Supreme Court's ruling by expelling the Jewish, legal owners of the Shimon HaTzaddik homes, and by allowing the illegal Arab squatters to return. Apparently, for Israel's leftists, the true value of "Rule of Law" and "Democracy" depends upon the ethnicity of whose ox is being gored...

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Monday, February 01, 2010

Some ideas for the next Sheikh Jarrah Demonstration

One of the most often repeated statements by Center-Left people in Israel is that its imperative to negotiate with the Palestinian Authority and Fatah, since they are moderate...unlike the "radical" Islamic Hamas. This of course, is a fiction -- yet these people have convinced themselves that Fatah really are the "good guys" while Hamas are the evil terrorists.

At the next Sheikh Jarrah demonstration this coming Friday, where "center-left" Israelis and ISM anarchists decry the ongoing Jewish presence in this Jerusalem neighborhood, I suggest they broadcast some of the Palestinian Authority TV programs as moderate, soothing background entertainment.

For example, a sermon calling for the genocide of Jews was broadcast this past Friday by PA TV, which is under the control of PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas. This is the same Abbas, who in a recent interview with Haaretz, proudly declared that there is no more incitement in the mosques:

"They [Israel] said there is a problem with incitement in speeches in mosques during Friday prayers. Today there is no more incitement at any mosque," he [Abbas] said." [Haaretz, Dec. 16, 2009, via Maan News]

The speech called the Jews the enemies of God and humanity, and compared Jews to Nazis.

The following is the transcript of excerpts of the hate speech in a mosque broadcast on PA (moderate-Fatah) TV, this past Friday:

"The loathsome occupation in Palestine - its land and its holy places - by these new Mongols and what they are perpetrating upon this holy, blessed and pure land - killing, assassination, destruction, confiscation, Judaization, harassment and splitting the homeland - are clear proof of [unintelligible word - Ed.] hostility, of incomparable racism, and of Nazism of the 20th century. The Jews, the enemies of Allah and of His Messenger, the enemies of Allah and of His Messenger! Enemies of humanity in general, and of Palestinians in particular - they wage war against us using all kinds of crimes, and as you see - even the mosques are not spared their racism...

"Oh Muslims! The Jews are the Jews. The Jews are the Jews. Even if donkeys would cease to bray, dogs cease to bark, wolves cease to howl and snakes to bite, the Jews would not cease to harbor hatred towards Muslims. The Prophet said that if two Jews would be alone with a Muslim, they would think only of killing him. Oh Muslims! This land will be liberated, these holy places and these mosques will be liberated, only by means of a return to the Quran and when all Muslims will be willing to be Jihad Fighters for the sake of Allah and for the sake of supporting Palestine, the Palestinian people, the Palestinian land, and the holy places in Palestine. The Prophet says: 'You shall fight the Jews and kill them, until the tree and the stone will speak and say: 'Oh Muslim, Oh servant of Allah' - the tree and the stone will not say, 'Oh Arab,' they will say, 'Oh Muslim'. And they will not say, 'Where are the millions?' and will not say, 'Where is the Arab nation?' Rather, they will say, 'Oh Muslim, Oh servant of Allah - there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him.' Except for the Gharqad tree [tree mentioned in the Quran - Ed.], which is the tree of the Jews. Thus, this land will be liberated only by means of Jihad..." [PA TV (Fatah), Jan. 29, 2010]

hat-tip; Palestinian Media Watch

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