Showing posts with label elk. Show all posts
Showing posts with label elk. Show all posts

Friday, July 28, 2017

Roosevelt National Park

What another beautiful park that is chockful
of wildlife.
We hit the trifecta of all wildlife:
wild horses
prairie dogs
Quaint little town that rolls its sidewalks up 
way too early.
 Prairie dogs - 100's of them all over
these fields.
 Elk coming out of the ravine to check things out.
 Bison - were everywhere.
 Baby bison too were all part of the traffic jam
happening in the park about sunset.
 These deer crossed the road, and we stopped of course
to gawk. The deer kept looking back across
the road and we couldn't see what they were looking at
but all of sudden they crossed back over to the right side.
Still didn't see anything.
 Bison rolling in the dirt.
 He was a big guy too.
 Feels better now.
 Wild horses.
Were they running through the ravine with their
manes flying.
 This buffalo strolled on down this hill.
and of course, I didn't post the ENTIRE walk.
I was actually outside of the RV when he started
his stroll and when he got the bottom
he looked right at me so I hot-footed back in the RV
and he casually strolled right in front of me like
he had no plans and walked into the sunset.
So cool.
This photo looks better here than on my FB page.

Saturday, July 1, 2017

Elk and friends...

An entire herd.
 And not so good settings but I do NOT claim
to be a pro.

 The man of the herd kinda lost control LOL!
He was across the street and all his babes were on
the other side of the road.
 And they did stop traffic.

 Battery Point Lighthouse.

I turned around and made a friend.
He thought I had goodies because evidently
people feed them.
Silly squirrel.
 The coastline of Cali..
Made another friend and he has followed me up the coast.
I have proof 💼

The coastline on the west coast is wild and beautiful.
Highly recommend a ride up Hwy 101.

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

The Great Smokey Mountains

(photo heavy)
If you've never been you need to put it on your list.
Its beautiful.
 Yeah the roads are like this.

 ELK! Finally I got pictures and not of their backsides.
They were feeding in a field by the side 
of the road and naturally stopped traffic.

 This is the start of Clingman's Dome.

 Which is a half mile in and out.
Up a paved road that's deceitfully innocent in the beginning
luring you in as an easy walk
that escalates into a 9% grade where you are
practically perpendicular to the road.
Of course there are tidbits of beauty to make you not notice 
that you're sounding like an obscene phone call
with every step you take.
 This is your reward at the top.
You get to walk up another ramp to get to the tower.
Word was a 90 year old man made the trek.
I'm thinking it may have been a rumor so that no one
could now quit in.

 I started up the ramp and got to right here
before I wigged my bad-self out
because we all know I HATE HEIGHTS.
However, I am impressed I got that far.

It was a lot easier going down that up.
However, it was worth the trip.

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Buffalo, bears and elk oh my .... in Yellowstone

This is part of a bubbling pool (which I'm sure has a name)
but it seems my note taking is totally lacking.
This beautiful pool was by the side of the road and we
stopped to wander through the boardwalk.
It was on our way to Mammoth Hot Springs.
 And there are elk in the middle of Mammoth hot springs.
 Like right in the center of town.
 Acting like its all theirs.
 We were making our way back after a delicious
moose track ice cream
- mint and huge chocolate chips in Gardiner
and once again - the bison jam happened right on time.
 Its rutting season and they were bellowing and snorting.
Really rather noisy.
 As we happened down the road - as usual there was the usual
crowd staring out into the tree line and curiosity
got the best of us and we stopped.
So glad we did - that's a grizzly bear and the first one
we have ever seen in the wild.
People were nuts - getting out of the car and sending their kids down
to the stream to see the bear up close and personal.
Just because we're in a park does NOT make them pets.
And Yellowstone Falls at artists' point.
The point where all of whom are of an artistic bent
go to paint, photograph and admire the falls.

Had a bit o'trouble with the lighting as the sun was off to 
the right of the falls.
Got a flair smidge and sky-blowout.

I changed it up and used a "brownify" enhancement in
Aperature that I downloaded from
Thomas Fitzgerald's blog - designer of said enhancement.
Love the old timey look.