Showing posts with label friends. Show all posts
Showing posts with label friends. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 6, 2019

MM - Friends forever, laughing

Love this lady and the hat, and I have more
in my stash. My pal Holli lent her
stamp and I love it.
It was also perfect for this page.
I created this page for another photo and once
it was done, it just didn't work.
 It was waiting for the right photo.
And shazam.
Because of the lighting and lack thereof,
and the fact that we're total amateurs in the picture taking
area, AND we were so no patient,
We have this photo.
 I did so some work on it because we all
looked like wild women with crazy eyes, so in
the spirit of looking less like Salem witches,
I changed it to black and white which made
it easier to fix.
We had a great time at an impromptu dinner and
in wishing our pal Barb and her hubby John
good luck with their new life in Ocala.

If you'll notice the little photo - this photo was also 
part of the 2-2x3 on a 4x6 photo page
fiasco. I do like the little pix so it may not have
been all back.

Studio Calico, watercolors, stamps & stencils.

Monday, September 24, 2018

The Festival of San Gennaro - Little Italy NYC

Took a ride to the train, to hop the subway to walk
a few blocks to Little Italy to the festival where the streets
are lined with all kinds of yummy food.
 Our pals Peggi and Lester who graciously let us camp
in their yard hung out with us on the streets of Little Italy.
 Nothing screams Italian like the colors on this building.
 Just a few of the sights, sounds and smells of all this 
yummy food.
 One of each???

 Made a new friend. LOL!
 Forgot my hat.
 This is the statue of Januarius, Bishop of Benevento and
people stopped to pay their respects.
 While we were in NYC and catching the
train at the WTC we decided to go to the 911 Memorial.
 A lot has changed since we were there, the trees
have grown and as well as the crowds.
 Lots of neat things.
Love this art work.
And there's our motely crew.
 George, Robin Peggi, Lester and Tom
The Jersey sky line in the front and NYC in the back.

It's a cool skyline.
It was fun. 
It would've been more fun if there weren't so many
people involved. LOL.
BIG crowd.
The food was terrific, however, there was a
seriously lack of facilities.
And I had my first gelato. It was delish!

Friday, February 16, 2018

Oversized Tags Tags Tags!

Clever title as you shall see.
Had a girls day out and of course it has
to be documented.
I really don't do enough of that and
it's gonna change.
So voila- 3 tags...tags 3times in the title.
I really have been into tags these past 10 pages or so.
Totally focused.
Anyway I thought they'd be a fun change to matting.
Of course the lighting is bad but nonetheless, we had a
great time at the comedy club.
The doily ties everything together and love the
colors of the cards on the grey.
Gasp*** I didn't doodle around the page.

Studio Calico and I am stash busting people.

Thursday, February 1, 2018

More with grid and whimsy!

Loving the grid and actually used my sewing
machine for this one.
And as you can tell I am one straight stitcher.
I also need to erase my pencil lines.
 Tossed some mists in the background because I could.
 and then it was fun decorating all the PL cards
and again, still not worrying about does it pertain.
Love that!
I believe this is the end of this kit although
I suspect some papers lurking about.
This was a fun day with friends at the seafood festival
and then a visit to the north jetty.

Studio Calico.

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

I started the page by stamping feathers

And then fussy cut them out.
Love the way they lay curled on the page.
(they really are curled)
I then broke out when of my background stamps
of dots along with some paints -
Studio Calico - yellow 05 Color theory and
Heidi Swapp screen paint - pink and blue and put
all three on the stamp and went to town.
 Love how it turned out and it broke up the
black and white.
 Except for the stamped background this page
turned out quite monochromatic.
It totally works too.
Changed the photo to b&W
because the colors were wild and the b&w just
worked. Really well.
We were celebrating Memorial Day with a cookout
And we had bathing suits on sooooo the
less seen the better LOL.

Doodle-y border. Studio Calico, Heidi Swapp

Thursday, January 4, 2018

Our Christmas Tree & Annual Dinner

This paper from Studio Calico is a lot of fun
so I decided to use tree paper with a Christmas tree picture.
I had been fussy cutting pieces of this striped paper
and this wonky strip called my name.
 Fun little cluster anchoring the two photos.
 Our annual dinner party happens near
Christmas and we have a sit down meal for 16 people
and thankfully, the weather is
perfect to have in on our lanai.
We had a lovely time. Lots of great food and laughs.
Journaling is on the back of the page.

Studio Calico.

Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Seeing the sights in and around Boothbay Maine

Sorry I haven't been around for awhile - we flew
through the midwest states (which means not a lot of photos), 
hung out with the grands
and now visiting with friends, 
hanging out in their driveway that I tended 
to forget the camera and just have fun.

 Tom and Gail at Boothbay harbor.
 Me and Gail.
 Lots of really cool and fun shops.

 These flowers were everywhere and so pretty and vibrant.
 Kitchey but Kool. LOL.
 Love black eyed susies and a bee.

 Hendricks Head Light Station.
Found it was privately owned so this was as close as we could get.
Pretty cool living in a lighthouse.

Thursday, July 20, 2017

Meeting up with friends on the road

Of course this caught my fancy on the way to Long Campground
in Idaho where we will be meeting up and hanging
for a few days with our friends Paul and Sharon.
We were able to meet up with them a couple years ago and it was so
much fun.
 It was a beautiful ride along the Clearwater River.
 Of course we went exploring and poked our
collective noses into all kinds of things.
 This was the first courthouse in Pierce Idaho
built in 1862. The town evolved when a gold rush
happened in the area on the Nez Perce's land (pronounced Nez Purse).
Anyway a treaty was drawn up because of all the trespassing
going on and the Nez Perce lost 90% of their land.
The gold ran out and basically left the Nez Perce pretty much screwed.
 We then went to the Logging Museum that
had lots of stuff.
Naturally I photographed what interested me.
 First off, my gram had both of these items.
The wringer washer was in the basement where every
Monday she did the laundry and hung it outside.
The tub on the wall was where I had baths when I was a
kidlet in the middle of her kitchen. 
 As you may or may not know I had a career in the telephone
company (GTE) and my first job was the cord board.
NOT as old as this one mind you,
but it was a fun job.
 My aunt Toot (short vowels there) had one of these babies
and she used to love to sew and passed it on to my
cousin Judy. I, too loved to sew but I was never as good
as either of these two.
 This is a logger's cabin.
 It was cozy with just the essentials.
Except for those things that are essential to me, i.e., running 
water and a bathroom.
Just sayin....
 Check out the locomotive bell that was used
as a dinner bell at the logging camp.
 Sharon and I were really hot on finding out what the
heart of the monster was all about.
And here it is in a nutshell....
A monster was eating all of the animals. Coyote fooled the monster into swallowing him. Using a set of stone knives that he had brought with him, Coyote cut apart the monster from the inside to release all of the animals that were trapped in the monster. Upon emerging from the remains of the monster, Coyote cut it up and threw the pieces all over the land, creating the Indian people who inhabit the land. Fox asked Coyote about the land around the monster, it had no people, what was he to do? As Coyote washed the blood of the monster off his hands, the drops became the Nez Perce.

My artistic approach to black eyed susies that
were abundant in our campground.
 More Clearwater river pix.

And doesn't that railroad bridge make you swoon.