Showing posts with label GRETCHANINOV. Show all posts
Showing posts with label GRETCHANINOV. Show all posts

10 September 2015

Feodor Chaliapin - 50th Anniversary Album - 64 sides - Gramophone/HMV 1902-1936

Glinka:  "A Life for the Tsar" / "Ruslan & Ludmilla"   Side One/Bands 1-2-4    Side One/Band 3
Dargomijsky:  "Rusalka"   Side One/Bands 5-6    Rubinstein:  "The Demon"  Side One/Bands 7-8  
Mussorgsky:  "Boris Gudonov"  Side Two/Band 1    Side Two/Bands 2-5    Side Two/Bands 3-4     Side Three/Band 1
Borodin:  "Prince Igor"   Side Three/Bands 2-3-4    Rimsky-Korsakov:  "Sadko"  Side Three/Band 5
10 files zip FLAC  Mega Download

Rossini / Bellini    Side Four/Bands 1-2-3     Meyerbeer / Donizetti / Verdi    Side Four/Bands 4-5-6    
Verdi / Boito    Side Four/Bands 7-8
Gounod / Delibes    Side Five/Bands 1-2-4-5     Gounod / Flegier / Massenet    Side Five/Bands 3-6-7    
Marseillaise / Glazunov    Side Five/Band 8 + Side Seven/Band 3
Beethoven / Mussorgsky    Side Six/Bands 1-6     Schubert / Koenemann / Sokolov    Side Six/Band 2 + Side Seven/Bands 4-5
Tchaikovsky / Glinka    Side Six/Band 3 + Side Seven/Band 1-2      Glinka / Rubinstein    Side Six/Bands 4-8    
Mussorgsky / Rubinstein / Stenka Razin    Side Six/Bands 5-7 + Side Seven/Band 9
Unaccompanied Folksongs    Side Seven/Bands 6-8 + Side Eight/Band 1    Brigands / Red Sun / Nevstruev    Side Seven/Band 7 + Side Eight/Bands 2-3     Wedel / Strokin / Gretchaninov / Archangelsky    Side Eight/Bands 5-6-7-8
Telephone Sketch    Side Eight/Band 9
15 files zip FLAC  Mega Download  
HMV  EX 7 61065 1  (1988: 4LP's DMM - bought 1989)   Transfers by Keith Hardwick  (much editing required......)     Full details are in the album notes, below >>>