Showing posts with label PUCCINI. Show all posts
Showing posts with label PUCCINI. Show all posts

04 March 2024

Puccini. La Boheme - Gigli, Albanese, La Scala / Berrettoni - HMV 1938

Giacomo Puccini: "La Boheme"

................. Beniamino Gigli  (Tenor)
................. Afro Poli   (Baritone)
................. Aristide Baracchi   (Baritone)
................. Duilio Baronti   (Bass)
i................. Licia Albanese   (Soprano)
................. Tatiana Menotti   (Soprano)
Benoit / Alcindoro
.............. Carlo Scattola   (Bass)
................. Nello Palai   (Tenor)

Chorus & Orchestra of Teatro alla Scala, Milan  conducted by  Umberto Berrettoni             4 files 16/44 zip FLAC  MediaFire Download

EMI Music for Pleasure  MFP 2076/7. 1967 LP's/matrices: 2XBA117-120 -1 (QALP 10777/78 -1955 HMV Italiana transfer) from HMV DB3448-3460. Recorded: February (March) 1938.   

MFP 2076 cover / Sleeve-notes / Labels >>>

23 December 2015

Eva Turner sings... Verdi, Ponchielli, Mascagni, Puccini, & Songs - Columbia 1926-1933

Verdi:  "Aida", Act 2, sc.2 - Ritorna vincitor!    /    Act 3 - Qui Radamis verra! ... O Patria Mia
Verdi:  "Il Trovatore", Act 4 - D'amor sull'ali rosee
Mascagni:  "Cavalleria Rusticana" - Voi lo sapete
Puccini:  "La Tosca", Act 2 - Vissi d'arte
Puccini:  "Turandot", Act 2, sc.2 - In questa reggia
Verdi:  "Aida" Act 2 - Gloria all'Egitto 
Ponchielli:  "La Gioconda", Act 3 - Gia ti veggio    /   Act 4 - Suicidio!
Grieg:  I love thee    /     Tosti:  Goodbye    /    Landon Ronald:  O lovely night
Puccini:  "Madama Butterfly", Act 2 - One fine day 
Eva Turner, Soprano  - Orchestra  conducted by  Stanford Robinson / Sir Thomas Beecham 
Soloists, Chorus & Orchestra of La Scala Milan, Orchestra, piano
12 files zip FLAC  Mega Download
Columbia  COLC 114  (original 1960 LP)  /  HMV  HQM 1209  (1970)  /  HMV  HLM 7033  (1973) 
COLC114 is superior to the same (6) 1958 French transfers in HQM1209: added slight treble EQ to the latter.    
File folder includes COLC114 booklet.  HQM cover sleeve-notes libretti EMG reviews data >>>

21 September 2013

Lotte Lehmann - "Die Lyriken der Gesangskunst" - Grammophon/Odeon/HMV 1916-1935

Volume One: Side 1 - 106 Le Nozze di Figaro / 189 Die Zauberflote / 143 Der Freischutz / 084/085 Oberon / 103/104 Fidelio
Volume One: Side 2 - 190 Die Lustigen Weber von Windsor / 205 Manon / 185 Mignon / 151 Schmerzen / 152 Traume / 243 Die Walkure, Act 2 / 177 Tristan & Isolde
Volume One: Side 3 - 169 Tannhauser / 067 Lohengrin / 193 Othello / 102/149 Tosca / 200 M.Butterfly / 081 Turandot / 063 Die tote Stadt
Volume One: Side 4  - 111 Ariadne auf Naxos / 210 Arabella /  217 Der Rosenkavelier / 206 Die toten Augen / 107 Das Wunder der Heliane
4 files zip FLAC  Mega Download
Volume Two: Side 1   - 207 Le Nozze di Figaro / 064/065 Der Freischutz / 169 Tannhauser / 005 Lohengrin / 009/066 Die Meistersinger
Volume Two: Side 2 - 177 Die Walkure / 176/184 Mignon / 175 Faust / 204 Tales of Hoffmann / 085 Andrea Chenier / 086 Jocelyn / 063 Die tote Stadt / 187 Die Fledermaus 
Volume Two: Side 3 - 056 Manon / 202 Werther / 052 Manon Lescaut / 150 La Boheme / 101 Tosca / 192 Madame Butterfly / 082 Turandot / 068 Der Rosenkavelier

Volume Two: Side 4 - 105 Der Rosenkavelier / 208/209 Arabella / Lieder: 124 Morgen / 181 Die Mainacht / 117 Der Nussbaum
/ 194 Die Lotusblume / 094 Der Tod und das Madchen / 091 An die Musik
Schubert Lieder: 095 Sie mir gegrusst / 096 Auf dem Wasser zu singen / 100 Geheimes  (HMV  RLS 766)   
Wagner: Lohengrin: 171 Euch luften / Die Walkure, Act 2: 242/243 Raste nun hier / 245/246 Zauberfest...  (HMV  RLS 7711  &  EX29 01313)
8 files zip FLAC Mega Download
EMI Electrola 'Dacapo'  1C 147-29 116/117  &  1C-30 704/05    EMI Germany LP's: c.1975 & (my purchase) 1977   
Chock-full of dazzling gems...(2 folders = 4'30")  Volume 2 has generally noisier transfers and much editing/waveform repair was required.
Current Discography @  - as numbered above + sleeve-backs included in all folders / Sleeve-backs >>>  

14 April 2013

Ljuba Welitsch sings... "Salome" (1944) -&- "Salome"/ Tchaikovsky / Verdi / Puccini / Weber / Lehar / Millocker - Columbia 1947-8 / Decca 1950

Tchaikovsky:  "Eugene Onegin" -  Tatiana's Letter Scene    /     Verdi:  "Aida" - Ritorna Vincitor! **
Puccini:  "La Tosca" -  Vissi d'arte     /    Weber:  "Der Freischutz" -  Wie nahte mir der Schlummer  
The Philharmonia Orchestra  conducted by  Walter Susskind  (**Josef Krips)   
Puccini:  "La Boheme" -  Quando m'en vo?          Vienna State Opera Orchestra
5 files zip FLAC   Mega Download

Richard Strauss:  "Salome" - Final Scene.         Wiener Rundfunk Orchester  conducted by  Lovro von Matacic
Richard Strauss:  "Salome" - Jochanaan descends into the cistern  /  Final Scene  (with Gertrud Schuster, Contralto -&- Josef Witt, Tenor)*    
Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra  conducted by  Herbert von Karajan                              
2 files zip FLAC  Mega Download
HMV  HLM 7006 + EMI World Records  SH 286*  Matrices:  HLM 7006A -2 (SH 289 used)  / HLM 7006B -2G  + 2XVH 9134 -1*.

Tchaikovsky:  "The Queen of Spades" -  Ich muss am Fenster lehnen   /   Es geht auf Mitternacht
"Un Ballo in Maschera" -  Ma dall’arido stelo divulsa   /   Morro, ma prima in grazia  
 "Zigeunerliebe" - Hor ich Cymbalklange     /     Lehar:  "Die Lustige Witwe" - Vilja-Lied   
 "Grafin Dubarry" - Ich schenk’ mein Herz      /     Lehar:  "Der Zarewitsch" - Einer wird kommen   
Vienna State Opera Orchestra   conducted by   Rudolf Moralt                                    4 files zip WAV  Mega Download 
Decca  BR 3053  (originally LXT 2567)   1960 10" LP/matrices: TRL938 -1B / TRL939 -1B.   Recorded: c.June 1950 - Musikvereinsaal, Vienna.  Decca: slightly re-edited: Dec.2013     EMI 78 transfers by: Bryan Crimp / *Anthony Griffith     (Texts/SH 286 details in HMV/WRC folder)       
1949/50 Met - Reiner/Rudolf recital     Paul Schoeffler - Decca 1950. Excellent recital     The superb 1952 Moralt/VSO 'Salome'

EMI sleeve-note/recording details + EMG reviews >>>

11 November 2012

Webster Booth sings... Arias -&- Songs - HMV 1938-1944

Handel:  "Serse" - 'Grove so beautiful & stately...Shadows so sweet'  /   Handel:  "Jeptha" - 'Deeper & deeper still.. Waft her angels'
Handel:  "Semele" - 'Where'er you walk'
Mozart:  "Don Giovanni" - 'Mine be her burden' / 'Speak to me my lady'  
Mendelssohn:  "Elijah" - 'Ye people rend your hearts... If with all your hearts'  
Verdi:  "Aida" - '... Heavenly Aida'  /  Gounod:  "Faust" - 'All hail thy dwelling pure & lowly'  /   Bizet:  "Carmen" - 'Flower song'
Puccini:  "La Boheme" - 'Your tiny hand is frozen'  /   "Madama Butterfly" - 'Ah, love me a little' (with Joan Hammond, Soprano)
Boughton:  "The Immortal Hour" - 'The Faery Song'   /   Sullivan:  "The Gondoliers" - 'Take a pair of sparkling eyes'
German:  "Merrie England" - 'English Rose'  /  Coleridge-Taylor: "Hiawatha" - 'Onaway! Awake, beloved'    
5 files zip FLAC  Mega Download
HMV  HLM 7109   Issued 1977/matrices: 2XEA 5836 -2 / 2XEA 5837 -2.   78 Transfers by Bryan Crimp - except Keith Hardwick: "Madama Butterfly" (Liverpool PO/ Sir Malcolm Sargent. Rec: 21 Oct.1943 - from "The Art of Joan Hammond" HMV  RLS 2900143 (2LP 1984).      Full recording details/sleeve-note >>>

25 October 2011

John McCormack. Opera Arias - Odeon 1907-09 / with Melba, Thornton, Sammarco, Kirkby-Lunn, Destinn - HMV 1910-12

1907/8....  Mascagni: Cavalliera Rusticana - Siciliana  /  Leoncavallo: I Pagliacci - On with the motley  /  Puccini: Tosca - E lucevan le stelle  /
                  Puccini: La Boheme - Che gelida manina  
1908/9....  Thomas: Mignon - In her simplicity  /  Bizet: Carmen - Il fior che avevi a me  /  Donizetti: La favorita - Spirito gentil.  /
                  Verdi: Aida - Celeste Aida
1909/10...  Verdi: Rigoletto - Questa o quella  /  La donna e mobile.  /  Bella figlia dell'amore  /  Gounod: Faust - All'erta!
1911/12...  Rossini: Il Barbiere di Siviglia: O meglio mi scordavo..  /  Ponchielli: La Gioconda - Badoer questa notte.. /
                   Wolf-Ferrari: I Gioielli  della Madonna - T'eri un giorno  /  Rossini: 'Mira la bianca luna'        4 files zip FLAC Mega Download
with:  Nellie Melba ~ Edna Thornton ~ Mario Sammarco ~ Louisa Kirkby-Lunn ~ Emmy Destinn  ...see sleeve-note for full recording details.      
EMI World Records  SH 399    Issued 1982.  Matrices: 2XEA 7174 -1 / 2XEA 7175 -1.   
Transfers by Keith Hardwick (and a vast amount of editing by me).  The sound can be very vivid. (Now on CD..)      Sleeve-note >>>