Showing posts with label telecommunication. Show all posts
Showing posts with label telecommunication. Show all posts

Tip for Improving Your Wi-Fi Network's Performance (4)

posted by my-blogmedia | Thursday, September 11, 2008 | , ,

Hi my-blogmedia readers. Sometime we feel unhappy with our Wi-fi connection, especially when we need the urgent and fast connection to share the media or browse the internet. Here is another tip for you. Hope this can help you. Enjoy.

Can We add a network hard drive to our Wi-Fi net?
There are two basic ways to add storage to your wireless network, but in either case, it's best to physically locate the drive(s) next to your router and connect them by wires rather than using a wireless adapter. Generally, you needn't put a network drive in a different room, and a wired connection is always faster and more reliable than wireless, especially if you have gigabit-ethernet equipment.

What you are really looking for is access to your network storage over your Wi-Fi net, which you can achieve by connecting any Network Attached Storage (NAS) device to one of your router's ethernet ports. Alternatively, you can buy a device like the Linksys Network Storage Link NSLU2, which connects two USB hard drives to any router via ethernet.

(source: tech.msn)

Tip for Improving Your Wi-Fi Network's Performance (3)

posted by my-blogmedia | Wednesday, August 27, 2008 | ,

Hi my-blogmedia readers. Sometime we feel unhappy with our Wi-fi connection, especially when we need the urgent and fast connection to share the media or browse the internet. Here is another tip for you. Hope this can help you. Enjoy.

How do I share a printer or game console over a Wi-Fi network?
For between $50 and $100, you can buy an adapter that will convert any device that has a wired ethernet port into a Wi-Fi-capable one. These Wi-Fi-to-ethernet bridges are available from companies like D-Link and Netgear, and are usually marketed as "wireless game adapters" for PlayStations, GameCubes, and Xboxes. But they work equally well with ethernet printers and network security cameras.

Often the adapters work right out of the box if your Wi-Fi net is configured to use DHCP, which enables dynamic IP addressing. If it's not, you can set up an adapter by connecting it to your PC and then assigning an IP address. Note that with some older game consoles, you must attach a networking adapter that equips them with an ethernet port before you can add the bridge. The Xbox 360 has a USB port, for which Microsoft sells a Wi-Fi adapter.

For printers without ethernet ports, you can buy a wireless print server, also available from companies like Belkin, D-Link, and Linksys. Be sure to choose a print server with ports (USB and/or parallel) that match your printers. Note, however, that multifunction devices usually lose all but their printing functions when networked this way.

(source: tech.msn)

Tip for Improving Your Wi-Fi Network's Performance (2)

posted by my-blogmedia | Saturday, August 09, 2008 | , ,

Hi my-blogmedia readers. Sometime we feel unhappy with our Wi-fi connection, especially when we need the urgent and fast connection to the internet. Here is another tip for you. Hope this can help you. Enjoy.

What's 802.11n? Do I need to upgrade my router?
Wi-Fi standards are continually evolving as technology advances. The first Wi-Fi routers were 802.11b, with a maximum of 11-megabits-per-second throughput. Next, 802.11g increased that to 54 mbps. Now, MIMO and draft-802.11n routers have pushed the wireless frontier to 280 mbps and beyond, rivaling wired ethernet. This year, the Wi-Fi Alliance will start certifying draft-802.11n routers. If you are in the market for a new router, definitely buy one of these models.

But if your old router provides satisfactory performance throughout your house, you needn't upgrade immediately. Your current equipment will operate just fine with 802.11n devices as they begin to appear. Wait to upgrade until you really need the added performance for bandwidth-intensive applications such as streaming video. Prices will only go down in the meantime.

(source: tech.msn)

Tip for Improving Your Wi-Fi Network's Performance (1)

posted by my-blogmedia | Wednesday, July 30, 2008 | ,

Hi my-blogmedia readers. Sometime we feel unhappy with our Wi-fi connection, especially when we need the urgent and fast connection to the internet. Here is the tip for you. Hope this can help you. Enjoy.

How can I extend the range of my home Wi-Fi network?
First, make sure you are getting the most out of your current Wi-Fi router: Mount it in a central location in your house, preferably high on a wall; make sure that other 2.4-GHz devices such as cordless phones, baby monitors, wireless audio speakers, Bluetooth gadgets, and microwave ovens are not causing interference; and separate your router from your neighbors' router on the Wi-Fi spectrum. If they are using channel 1, for example, try channel 12 to minimize the chance of cross-channel interference.

If you still get a poor signal, consider upgrading to a router that incorporates MIMO (multiple-input, multiple-output) or draft-n technology. These routers not only provide far greater range than standard 802.11b/g routers, but they also boost speed by as much as ten times.

Finally, if you have particular Wi-Fi trouble spots in your house, such as odd corners, a basement, or an attic,
power-line networking can be a great way to serve those areas. With power-line devices, you simply plug one adapter into a wall outlet and run an ethernet cord to your router; then you plug another adapter into an outlet near the device you want to connect to the network and run an ethernet cord to that device. You'll need reasonably clean power--free from excessive interference from other electrical devices--but the newest technologies, such as HomePlug AV and HD-PLC, work very well.

(source: tech.msn)

Hi, my-blogmedia readers. Do you have a connection problem to the internet? Here are several steps to boost your connection. Hope this can help you. Enjoy.

If you're serious about the Internet, chances are you spend anywhere from $30 to $99 per month for a broadband Internet connection. But regardless of how much you pay, are you getting all the speed that your Internet service provider promised you? And does your connection persist reliably without dropping out frequently or requiring modem reboots? With our quick guide, you can squeeze every last kilobit-per-second (kbps) of throughput out of your broadband modem and keep your connection running smoothly.

1. Test Your Connection Speed
Before you start tweaking, get a baseline reading of your downstream and upstream connection speeds at If possible, measure the speeds at different times of day, especially during the hours when you use the connection most frequently and at least once after midnight or 1:00 a.m. (when competition for bandwith is likely to be at its lowest level).

Wait for the next tips in the next post.

(source: tech.msn)

Intro: VoIP

posted by my-blogmedia | Thursday, May 22, 2008 | ,

Hi readers, my-blogmedia would like to introduce you about VoIP. What's VoIP?. Here is the introduction.

You've made a few Skype calls and you've looked into digital phone service from your broadband provider, but that's as close as you've gotten to VoIP (voice over IP) technology. Or so you think. In truth, VoIP is revolutionizing the telecom industry, blurring the lines between voice calls and digital networks.

Those prepaid calling cards that offer rock-bottom international rates? VoIP makes them possible. Similarly, a growing number of businesses use VoIP behind the scenes to eliminate long-distance charges between branch offices.Routing calls over the Internet circumvents traditional telephone company charges, and fewer fees and taxes mean lower prices. Digital calls are easier to direct and manage, which makes them attractive even to traditional telephone companies. Don't be surprised if soon the landline you've lived with forever is replaced by an all-digital alternative -- though you'll likely be none the wiser.

(source: msn)

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