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Showing posts with label Inspirational. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Inspirational. Show all posts

Sunday 12 June, 2011

First Thing First...

First Impressions are said to be lasting Impressions....

As human beings, we readily recall things that we see or learn first, in any given period, far better than those we see or learn later on....We probably think of the first born, or the first school, the first job, the first meeting or the first trip together.... much more fondly n favorably than others; for their added warmth, curiosity, excitement, n off course new found novelty.

Likewise, for a gardener, the seasons First Blooms in the Garden are always wee-bit X-tra SPECIAL!

We have had a few Lily bulbs growing in this particular pot for a while now, but its for the very First Time, a bulb has ever blossomed.......that too in the middle of  Summers. Unlike Easter lilies or Day Lilies, going by the enormous size of the Bud n its lustrous texture, they  probably are some exotic variety, Beautiful  n Glossy Trumpet Lilies or probably Oriental Lilies???

To the Chinese, Lily means 'Forever in Love' 
 Feng Shui believers hold the lily as an emblem of summer and abundance.....

To me, well... The Star-like Lily reminds me of  the Nursery Rhyme.....Twinkle Twinkle Little Star...

How I Wonder, what you are.....
Up above the World so High.....
Like a Diamond in the Sky.....

My entry for Today's Flower # 147 n Macro Saturday

Have a great Weekend n Shine on.... Like a Star Diamond in the Sky!

Tuesday 31 May, 2011

Yipppppeeeee! Its Raining....

Today morning I woke up to this really awesome weather after the rain and the dust storm, last night.  The storm did leave its trail of leaves n branches strewn all over the yard, a basket full of Mangoes which must have fallen down during the storm, a displaced bamboo fencing,10 -12 broken pots wherein their plants had to be re-potted first thing in the morning n more....

YET, in-spite of all this damage, I am not complaining and merely enjoying the aftermath of the first rains of the season.... the wet grass, the distinctive scent of the soil after the rains, the pearly droplets on flowers, overcast skies n the refreshing site of the rain washed greens all around....

The Garden... after the Rain this morning
 Bougainvillea in all its glory. Wonder how these delicate paper-y flowers are still up there even after the storm????
Fountain Palm.... braving the changing seasons, 24 * 7... 365 days a year!
Bravo! This MANGO seems to have stuck it out....
........while most others, were 'Gone with the Wind'  
Crepe Pretty Pinks!
PINK..... Seems to be the colour of the season in our garden this summer
More Pinks @ Portulaca's, waiting in the wings to bloom n for the sun to come-up again.....

"Sunshine is delicious, rain is refreshing, wind braces us up, snow is exhilarating; 
there is really no such thing as bad weather, only different kinds of good weather"
~John Ruskin

Hope you enjoy the 'good weather' times ahead.....

Wednesday 11 May, 2011

Life is a Beach....

Thinking of  Sand, Sea  n beat the Sweltering Indian Summer Spell ahead....
 & SPLASHING in the Deep Blue Seas of the Great Barrier Reef.
Whoa! A Truly Refreshing thought...
BEWARE! .... these soft, mushy n colourful sea jellies actually sting. Scary....
Came across some interesting pc of Driftwood on the beach... a Dino // a Snake ?????
Looks like the lads are having a whale of a time.....Wanna Join them at Play?????
Well... thats ME n my Shadow Shot.
"Don't grow up too quickly, lest you forget how much you love the beach"
The three great elemental sounds in nature are the.... sound of rain, the sound of wind on primeval wood,
and the sound of outer ocean on the beach.
Caught'ya! ....But hey, I didn't mean to pry. Likewise, was merely enjoying the boundless ocean view.
The Beach @ Green Island, Great Barrier Reef, Cairns
NOTHING can be more cooling in summers than LIFE ON A BEACH.......

My entry for : Wordless Wednesday n  Outdoor Wednesday  n Watery Wednesday
PS: Its only May & the mercury has already touched 44 Degree Celsius here. Phew! I HATE Summers.
PSS: Its meant to be a FEEL GOOD ( read COOL) blog, as I take this pictorial trip down memory lane.

Saturday 30 April, 2011

Oh Lily!

You, serve as a beautiful reminder,
that Easter is a time for much rejoicing and celebrating.....
You are also the white-robed apostle of hope.... 
Ever wondered how the whole year around, they lie low, almost inconspicuous, but come Easter (March-April) one can find them springing back to life, when a shaft of Green shoots upwards towards the sky bearing tiny buds, which blossom into trumpet shaped flowers in varied colours of  Pure White, Ravishing Red, Mellow Yellow,  Delightful Orange n more….
Springing Back to Life after a long long wait.....
Easter Lillies @ Symbolic of  Joy, Purity, Virtue, Hope n Yearning for Life....
Lilium all its Pristine Glory!
Amaryllis Lily......Hippeastrum

"Hippeastrum" is Latin for "horseman's star",  also known as "knight's star" as buds on the verge of opening  look something like a horse's ear, while the blossoms resemble six-pointed stars....
Orange Day Lilies

Daylilies are clump forming perennials with Flowers that are large, ornamental, and orange in color while the Leaves are Long, Grass-like, and green in colour. . A leafless stalk, called a scape, extends above the leaves, bearing the flowers. In most varieties the flowers open one at a time, and last only one day, hence the name…. Day Lilies!

Cheer-y Yellow Daylillies.... n  Buzo, our adorable, 8 yr old Lab......sun bathing in the garden.
Some flowers have uniform colors or patterns on all six petals 
while others have more pronounced colors on the upper petals than on the lower ones.... 
as can be seen in this flower.

I had meant to do this post on Lily around Easter, but nonetheless
Hope this Easter was Joyous for you and your near dear ones!

My entry for : The Haute, The Loud, The Proud # 14 n Flowers on Saturday n
Camera CrittersTodays Flowers # 141 , Mosaic Monday , Outdoor Wednesday
Click on the link above to visit other participants....

Tuesday 24 August, 2010

Catchy Corner

The picture below showcases a utility corner in the dining room, used for keeping jars of pickles. Adding a dash of flower arrangements makes it all the more colourful n catchy. Isn't it?

This last one month or so has been tough, as I somehow managed to fracture my right elbow (neck of the radius) after a slip n fall, leaving me fairly handicapped with my good arm in a cast n sling.

Though, I am still recovering from the injury, it’s indeed rejuvenating to be able to post a blog after a month long hiatus today. ERGO, It will be a while before I can get back to regular blogging. 

In the mean while, do continue Growing your Greens and spreading the Good Work n Word across…..Happy Gardening!

Sunday 13 June, 2010

In Memory of Uncle J

My grandfather's first cousin, who is no longer amidst us today. He had been battling cancer for the last few years and finally succumbed to the dreaded disease last Sunday. A renowned floriculturist, a successful nursery owner, an ardent plant lover who had gifted me this plant (Bilbergia fantasia) on one of my visits to his farm a few years back. He will be missed by me and all the bereaved family members he left behind.

In Memory of our 'Trail Blazer' Uncle J

Happy trails to you, until we meet again.
Some trails are happy ones,
Others are blue.
It's the way you ride the trail that counts,
Here's a happy one for you.
~Dale Evans

Sunday 16 May, 2010

Compliment-ary Golden Shower....

Click on the link above for more information on Cassia fistula

Sir Richard Branson, Chairman of Virgin Group, said:-

"My parents brought me up with......
 lots of PRAISE and little criticism. 
We all flourish  with praise. Flowers do well when they are watered and shrivel up when they are not, and people are exactly the same, whether you are the chief executive or a switchboard operator".

~ Excerpt from a Book that I have been reading lately....

The 50-50 rule and eight key principles of motivating others 
~ By John Adair 

Seize every opportunity, to give recognition, to praise, 
and bestow  people with Compliment-ary Golden Shower....

Friday 14 May, 2010

Sky Watch Friday: A Bird Eye View of the City

From EverGreen Tree

Standing atop the roof of our 4-storey Office building with other colleagues, gazing out into the horizon, I could see a maze of steel n concrete, sparsely interspersed by the greens in between. The sky a clear blue, sans the clouds, the birds appeared soooooo serene this morning, at the onset of this l-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-n-g beautiful working day.....

Thought for the Day
We'd never know how high we are,
 till we are called to rise;
and then, if we are true to plan,
our statures touch the sky....
@ Emily Dickinson

Have a Wonderful Day ahead......

Wednesday 17 March, 2010

Get Yourself Heard .....

..... With this Floral Trumpet!

   It appears as though this HIBISCUS............ blowing its own Trumpet. Isn't it?????

Wednesday 10 February, 2010

My Name is RED!

They each, more or less, look like an X- Copy of the other .
- Isn't it???

Some in pastel hues..... 

Some more Variegated Varieties.... 
Showing subtle differences and Unique shading patterns...

 I Love the Reds.....
From EverGreen Tree

Though its a Wordless Wednesday post, I would like to supplement it with a befitting quote by E.E. Cummings....
"The hardest thing is to be yourself in a world that is trying its best, day n night, to make you like everyone else."

Friday 17 April, 2009

Tree Talk by Ever Green Tree

North Indian Summers isn’t exactly ‘my-kind-of’ a season......rather it never has been. The fiery glare of the sun burns my tender delicate leaves & desiccates the new set of shoots which are usually formed at the onset of spring. My hardy bark appears shriveled up, while the roots remain parched & thirsty, craving for water. Yet, I survive......battling the odds; because I am an Evergreen Tree.

We plants anxiously await the onset of spring, followed by sunny summers.... but definitely not the scalding, simmering summers wherein the day temperatures vacillate between 44 - 48 degree Celsius, scorching and blistering our leaves.

Merely complaining and voicing my annoyance & my concern about something as trivial as the hot, hotter, hottest, seething summers proffers a rather cooling, refreshing, breezy respite.

Most people do have an option to stay indoors probably in their air conditioned offices and homes when the afternoon sun is directly overhead casting its strongest glare.

But what about us plants?

What about the school children who have to beat the heat probably cycling back on their way home at 2:00 o’clock in the afternoon?

What about the rickshaw puller with beady sweat trickling down his brows, pedaling as he ferries people to and fro?

What about the college goers & others like us who have little option but to brave the torturous hot temperature outdoors?

N. Indian Summer weather is fairly UNPREDICTABLE. One moment it could be bright and sunny and the very next moment, a tempestuous gale could rage, turning the sky from bright blue to a blurry pallid golden yellow.

Moreover, A Mid Summer Nightmare lurks, waiting to come alive and haunt city dwellers.... ........What with locality wise power cuts imposed by the electricity board or a major grid break down, ever so often, whenever such a Herculean dust storm hits the city.

Some of my own aged frail green friends face repeated threats of being uprooted by these strong bellowing winds while still others suffer irreparable damages / scars on their bodice. Absolutely Torturous!

I admit, in spite of the freezing cold, I still have a special preference for winters, because of the embellished, ornate feeling of being encircled by a rainbow of colors. The vibrant flush of seasonal FLOWERS, which encircle the evergreens beautifying every speck of the earth, the gardens, the roadside, the wilderness alike.

On the contrary, summers to me, appears Blanched, with Green’s looking more like discolored, scorched, patchy yellows, browns n grey. A rather disheartening sight!

However, one look at the bright yellow flush of the AMALTAS and the resplendent fiery reddish orange blooms of a GULMOHAR is enough to brighten any bland summer day.

Friends, let’s do our bit, and ensure that we all get treated to Bright Colourful Days, all the year round.

I don't want to stray and broach on the dire consequence of rapidly diminishing Green Cover, a major cause for 'Global Warming' , but instead lets make this miniscule effort together to...

Plant a Tree’
Plant a Hope.

Wishing all Friends a Kool n Breezy Summer Vacations ahead.....
PS: Article published in HT City, 13th May, 2009