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Showing posts with label flowers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label flowers. Show all posts

Sunday 5 February, 2012

Dance with the Daffodils....

In vacant or in pensive mood,
They flash upon that inward eye
Which is the bliss of solitude;

And then my heart with pleasure fills,

And dances with the daffodils.
~~ *****~~
William Wordsworth
Spring is in the air, with the blooms everywhere.....
Early Buds...
Just Beginning to Blossom...
& Finally,  A cluster of Dazzling Daffodils,
Symbolizing onset of Spring  for Today's Flower

Happy Sunday n Happy Spring Season ahead....

Sunday 31 July, 2011

Burst of Pink

So Delicate n Dainty....
 A teeny-tiny Floral Firework.... for Todays Flower # 154

A Flower's appeal is in the contradictions -
So delicate in form, yet strong in fragrance...
So small in size, yet big in beauty..........
So short in life, yet long on effect.

Sunday 24 July, 2011

Floral Carpet

Pretty in Pink  @ Rain Lilies...

With so many of them blooming together in the garden, during the rainy season, they form a beautiful pink floral carpet
(A carpet, one would never wanna walk on.....)
Truly Magical these Magic Lilies!

Pink Zephyr Lilies for Todays Flower # 153 

Happy Sunday! n Hope you have a Magical Week ahead....

Monday 11 July, 2011

Cheery Cherry

The Buds, the flowers n the Fruits @ Mosaic Monday
It is one of the most commonly used floweringfruiting tree, grown by beginners and novices, introducing them to the world of miniature greens (Bonsai), along with the (naarangi)/Oranges, (Amrood)/Chinese Guava, (Anar)/Pomegranates, (Chikoo)/Sapodilla and (Imli)/Tamarind. It is a fairly hardy plant with fine ramification, easy to look after and thrives well in sunlight. The branches are stiff and hence difficult to wire n bend.  
My World  @ The Cherry Tree - Informal Upright style 
Teeny Tiny Buds formed at the pinnacle
 Pink Flowers .....with five fringed petals
 Flowers giving way to teeny tiny Cherries

one of them finally turning Ripe Red over a matter of days. The Fruits are a rich source of Vitamin C
This Cherry Tree has been under training since July 2006

Throughout the growing season, the plant grows profusely and has to be pruned back in shape. The tree with its glossy green leaves, contrasting pink flowers n bright Red fruits add a beautiful accent to the garden. 

For more wonderful collages n Mosaic work visit here n see more of the World here.

Sunday 26 June, 2011

Today's Flower: Sunflower

Whoa! This one is really huge, had to support it with my hand.
Flowers have an expression of countenance as much as men or animals.  
Some seem to smile; some have a sad expression; some are pensive and diffident; 
others again are plain, honest and upright, like the broad-faced sunflower and the hollyhock.  

~Henry Ward Beecher, Star Papers: A Discourse of Flowers

A night shot with some creative effects

Entry for Todays Flower # 149 n Mellow Yellow Monday

Have a Super-Duper weekend!

Sunday 12 June, 2011

First Thing First...

First Impressions are said to be lasting Impressions....

As human beings, we readily recall things that we see or learn first, in any given period, far better than those we see or learn later on....We probably think of the first born, or the first school, the first job, the first meeting or the first trip together.... much more fondly n favorably than others; for their added warmth, curiosity, excitement, n off course new found novelty.

Likewise, for a gardener, the seasons First Blooms in the Garden are always wee-bit X-tra SPECIAL!

We have had a few Lily bulbs growing in this particular pot for a while now, but its for the very First Time, a bulb has ever blossomed.......that too in the middle of  Summers. Unlike Easter lilies or Day Lilies, going by the enormous size of the Bud n its lustrous texture, they  probably are some exotic variety, Beautiful  n Glossy Trumpet Lilies or probably Oriental Lilies???

To the Chinese, Lily means 'Forever in Love' 
 Feng Shui believers hold the lily as an emblem of summer and abundance.....

To me, well... The Star-like Lily reminds me of  the Nursery Rhyme.....Twinkle Twinkle Little Star...

How I Wonder, what you are.....
Up above the World so High.....
Like a Diamond in the Sky.....

My entry for Today's Flower # 147 n Macro Saturday

Have a great Weekend n Shine on.... Like a Star Diamond in the Sky!

Tuesday 31 May, 2011

Yipppppeeeee! Its Raining....

Today morning I woke up to this really awesome weather after the rain and the dust storm, last night.  The storm did leave its trail of leaves n branches strewn all over the yard, a basket full of Mangoes which must have fallen down during the storm, a displaced bamboo fencing,10 -12 broken pots wherein their plants had to be re-potted first thing in the morning n more....

YET, in-spite of all this damage, I am not complaining and merely enjoying the aftermath of the first rains of the season.... the wet grass, the distinctive scent of the soil after the rains, the pearly droplets on flowers, overcast skies n the refreshing site of the rain washed greens all around....

The Garden... after the Rain this morning
 Bougainvillea in all its glory. Wonder how these delicate paper-y flowers are still up there even after the storm????
Fountain Palm.... braving the changing seasons, 24 * 7... 365 days a year!
Bravo! This MANGO seems to have stuck it out....
........while most others, were 'Gone with the Wind'  
Crepe Pretty Pinks!
PINK..... Seems to be the colour of the season in our garden this summer
More Pinks @ Portulaca's, waiting in the wings to bloom n for the sun to come-up again.....

"Sunshine is delicious, rain is refreshing, wind braces us up, snow is exhilarating; 
there is really no such thing as bad weather, only different kinds of good weather"
~John Ruskin

Hope you enjoy the 'good weather' times ahead.....

Saturday 30 April, 2011

Oh Lily!

You, serve as a beautiful reminder,
that Easter is a time for much rejoicing and celebrating.....
You are also the white-robed apostle of hope.... 
Ever wondered how the whole year around, they lie low, almost inconspicuous, but come Easter (March-April) one can find them springing back to life, when a shaft of Green shoots upwards towards the sky bearing tiny buds, which blossom into trumpet shaped flowers in varied colours of  Pure White, Ravishing Red, Mellow Yellow,  Delightful Orange n more….
Springing Back to Life after a long long wait.....
Easter Lillies @ Symbolic of  Joy, Purity, Virtue, Hope n Yearning for Life....
Lilium all its Pristine Glory!
Amaryllis Lily......Hippeastrum

"Hippeastrum" is Latin for "horseman's star",  also known as "knight's star" as buds on the verge of opening  look something like a horse's ear, while the blossoms resemble six-pointed stars....
Orange Day Lilies

Daylilies are clump forming perennials with Flowers that are large, ornamental, and orange in color while the Leaves are Long, Grass-like, and green in colour. . A leafless stalk, called a scape, extends above the leaves, bearing the flowers. In most varieties the flowers open one at a time, and last only one day, hence the name…. Day Lilies!

Cheer-y Yellow Daylillies.... n  Buzo, our adorable, 8 yr old Lab......sun bathing in the garden.
Some flowers have uniform colors or patterns on all six petals 
while others have more pronounced colors on the upper petals than on the lower ones.... 
as can be seen in this flower.

I had meant to do this post on Lily around Easter, but nonetheless
Hope this Easter was Joyous for you and your near dear ones!

My entry for : The Haute, The Loud, The Proud # 14 n Flowers on Saturday n
Camera CrittersTodays Flowers # 141 , Mosaic Monday , Outdoor Wednesday
Click on the link above to visit other participants....

Sunday 20 March, 2011

Splash In Spring Colours....

The center of our garden is a riot of  'PHLOX' colours, this HOLI
as opposed to the pristine white carpet of candy tuft flowers we had last spring.
Phlox adding a dash of colour to our spring garden, this year
White Carpet @ Last Spring, around HOLI

LOOK! Our domestic helper’s son spotted these two teeny tiny nests with one and two eggs each nestled deep within the two Thuja orientalis Trees growing in our garden. (Though, only one of them can be seen in the extreme left corner @ the topmost snap above).

The little one helped me to peep through the dense and bushy foliage and click a picture or two of the 'NESTS' to share here via  my blog, Evergreen Tree. 

 BTW, Can you spot the little black birdie within its bushy foliage @ top left snap in the collage.

And, Did you know? 

Wild Sweet William is a specific variety of Phlox.  

We have them growing wild, in one of the flower beds this year, still adding a dash of blue n violets to the garden, while the other beds showcasing the early bloomers like the Calendula, the  California Poppy n Dog flowers need to be cleared in the coming week ahead after a flourishing winter flowering season. They will be replaced with fresh  plantation comprising of Green needle like Cochia’s, Sunflowers and Zinnia’s in the front garden.

The Garden sometime back in November
Talking of FLOCKS aka PHLOX, they are such prolific growers and seem to have taken over the marigolds encircling them as a border edging. The cluster of flower on top of the stems is very bright and showy, as their vibrant blossom comes in various shades of purple, pink, red, violets, blues and even white. They seem to like full sun and once established they grow well with regular watering, weeding and the best part, without much effort and care.

Whoa! They have filled up the entire bed by March

 Being Perennial, these Phlox flourish well through the Flowering Season, in Spring and early Summer, when they are planted in November. Come April, these beds would soon be cleared to be replaced by the nine-o-clock flowers aka Portulaca, which  will add much needed colour around the Fountain during the scorching Indian summer months ahead….

My entry for Todays Flower # 136
Click on the Links to visit them.

  Its a Festive SUNDAY for us here, as we are celebrate the Indian festival of colours today,

Wishing all a Very Happy n Colourful HOLI!