Who knew that root canals are sometimes temporary, that they may have to be re-done? And who knew that a molar with no nerve could be so friggin' painful? I was laid up this week in utter agony when my root canal, done back in the 80s, formed a nasty abscess and spread like wild fire throughout the left side of my face. I looked like a pumpkin -- well, at least the left side of my face did. I couldn't sleep. I couldn't eat. I couldn't care less about going online. The penicillin took its sweet time to kick in, too. When it finally did, giving me a bit of relief, I spent hours cleaning out my mailboxes and trying to catch up with the news that I missed.
While I was "gone" (in no particular order) ...
8 Anna Nicole Smith died, and with 474,000,000 rea$on$, the bastards are already lining up to declare their paternity-hood. I suppose Anna was a beauty, in her own way. Her little baby daughter certainly is. Dying at 39 is very sad, indeed. And I don't mean to speak ill of the dead. But Anna led a hellish life, in my opinion. To which Andrea Peyser warns THIS BELLE TOLLS FOR THEE, BIMBOS: THE ugly death of Anna Nicole Smith should be a wake-up call to the upstart bimbo triumvirate of Paris, Lindsay and Britney. You, too, Nicole.
From the hand of God, you've been given a warning. Heed it. Embrace it. Get straight. Get dressed.
8 Meanwhile, in Sofia, Bulgaria, A city-run bus company is showing dirty movies on monitors at bus stops to help commuters in the Bulgarian capital while away the wait after midnight. ... Some Bulgarians complained security in Sofia has been reduced as police officers prefer to watch pornographic films instead of chasing criminals.
8 She “campaigned on the promise that she would clean up the GOP's waste and abuse of taxpayer's dollars,” but, unlike her tastes, the madame's talk was cheap and is continually proving it in the most blatant ways. AIR PELOSI: THURSDAY morning, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi stepped out of her Georgetown home and into a government-owned black Chevy Tahoe SUV. That gas-guzzler truck took her directly to the Rayburn House Office Building - where she was the lead witness at a Science and Technology Committee hearing on global warming.
8 Even in my mind-numbing pain, the diaper-wearing astro-nut got my attention! Those poor children, but still, she wore a diaper!!!
8 This is rich. From one -- *a'hem* --femme fatale to another: Donatella to Hillary: Don't Be So Manly! Has Donatella seen this picture?
8 Hisssssss, spit! Nancy Sinatra Upset With Victoria Gotti for, like, totally copying her look. Obviously, Nancy doesn’t buy that old saw that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.
These sad tales almost make one pine for The Year of the Woman.
Or not.
But enough with these "beauties."
There is a beast amongst us.
The Bandwidth Beast.
He's BIG.
And Lucianne needs our help.
Like Audrey Jr. in The Little Shop of Horrors,
he demands, FEED ME, FEED ME!
Just click the picture of BB and drop a few bucks in the cup.
I did.
Lucianne is the true beauty here.
Besides, what would a day be without
Labels: Anna Nicole Smith, global warming, Hillary, Lisa Nowak, Lucianne, Pelosi, porn, root canals, Victoria Gotti
My previous post, HAS PELOSI PEAKED?, irked one erudite commenter named LanceThruster (whose ISP is from the University of Southern California, so he must have smarts.)
LT: I'll look for your previous posts berating Katherine Harris for her "extreme makeover."
I didn't notice, did Speaker Pelosi stand at an angle like Harris did when on Hannity and Colmes in order to prominently display "the twins?"
KL: LanceThruster? My aren't we conceited :)
LT: Kitty Litter - Your function is clear as is the value of the product you are named for once used (though I actually find it playful and cute. I was responding to your *words*).
There is a story to my nick, but you never asked. Not all the connotations are sexual. Since you responed directly, can you give me the link(s) for your digs at KH's attempts at more attractive living through surgery? I'm sure they're as funny as this piece. No, really.
KL: No, I can't give you the links because I wasn't blogging in 2000. KH had cosmetic surgery? So what?
LT: That's my point re: Speaker Pelosi. So what?
You drop inane little choco-logs in your litter box and people marvel at it as if it were pearls of great wisdom.
The nature of still capture is such that we all look wild or bug-eyed at one point or another. I have my own issues with Pelosi but considering the bar is set very low, she's undeniably a lesser evil than what has gone before.
KL: "the bar is set very low"
You're talking about standards, right? You mean elected Democrats have standards?
Of course, you could just as easily read LanceThruster's answer to mean that the House Madame couldn't have been elected unless the bar was set so low. To which DogMan replied, “I thought Democrats were elected because they didn’t have standards.”
Labels: Bill Clinton, Katherine Harris, Pelosi, Pelosi's surgeries, standards
I just can't move beyond the House Madame's implants. I usually don't comment on physical appearances, but why would she, as the House Speaker no less!, want to look like something out of a Russ Meyer movie -- at her age? It certainly underscores her priorities.
Is this the peak of Pelosi's political career, or is the White House her ultimate goal? Is Her Royal C worried? Will HRC consider surgery to plump her poll numbers? Dick Morris is already commenting on Hillary showing her age, while Rush pictured the two fems as queen bees.
I think Wyatt Earp sums up the House Madame nicely: First of all, she's a lying sack of crap (and there’s more :). h/t Pam
As a reminder ...
Labels: breast implants, Hillary, old age, Pelosi, queen bees
Just don't pay any attention to that evil wizard behind the curtain. It seems that while the House Madame was displaying her power, along with her surgically enhanced puppies, Kim Jong Il has been a busy little boy.
North Korea Prepping Nuclear Weapons Test : "We think they've put everything in place to conduct a test without any notice or warning," a senior U.S. defense official told ABC News.
Which begs the question: Just who has the power?
8 In the meantime, Doug Powers reports that The nation is just three hearbeats away from a most frightening newspaper cover ...
8 Heads up, winos! Farmers cool to mild winter : Farmers, especially local vintners, are worried that a few more weeks of unusually mild temperatures followed by a hard freeze could wreak havoc on their crops.
Labels: liberals, North Korea, Pelosi, wine
Everyone has commented on her facelift -- check out those chipmunk cheeks -- but take a gander at those hooters!
Interblogatory detours ...
1) I find it's easy to waste a couple of hours with this.
2) When you're done with #1, calculate how many calories you burned.
3) Skinny girls to blame for late trains?: The MTA strongly urges all riders to eat something - anything - in the morning to keep the subway rolling.
4) So much for partisanship: Rangel is "giddy."