Showing posts with label adventures. Show all posts
Showing posts with label adventures. Show all posts

Friday, August 22, 2008

Why Not

Why not post. I'm sitting in the Phoenix airport...and I just missed my connecting flight. :( I was up at 2.45 this morning for my flight. Everything went fine until I made my connection. I was happily seated for the second leg of the trip when the flight attendant confirms the final destination...JFK. "JFK?!?!" I shouted at cute guy beside me. "I'm on the wrong flight!" I grab my extremely heavy bag because my laptop weighs the amount of a small boulder and RUN like it's nobody's business out the plane and down the concourse. I go from classy JCREW chick to my days in London as a commuter school girl. And anyone who commutes knows to stay out of the way of a late commuter. I book it down the concourse 10 EXITS long run down the connecting path which is almost just as long and then run down the next concourse all the way to the end. I practically threw myself at the ticket counter and breathlessly told them what happened. "Sorry, the flight's boarded, we can't let you on." Big sigh on my part and I forlornly slop my way all the way back up the concourse to the ticket agent and get rerouted for another flight.

So now I'm sitting in the airport blogging away and waiting for the flush in my face to die down as I chug my second bottle of water. Way to go me.........

(I can't fix punctuation and spelling because my battery is running out, so if this post is sloppy then so be it. Bleh.)

Friday, July 11, 2008

The Cannons

I think it's been over a week since I've posted! Sorry guys, I know I haven't been around to read your blogs and such. I just haven't had much to say. Plus, I'm leaving for Cannon Beach, Oregon for a girls long weekend in a few hours, so I gotta pack.

I'll be sure to bring my helmet when they shoot me out of the cannons. (Kidding) Maybe I'll even post some pictures when I get back....Vacation, here I come.

Sunday, June 29, 2008


Today was pretty great. (Mom- if you're reading this you will want to stop right now.) I jumped off a 25 foot bridge with some friends this afternoon. (Mom! I told you to stop reading!) It was so incredibly hot. I loved it. 97 degrees. So after church a bunch of us grabbed some lunch and headed to this beautiful area just below the mountains where you can go swimming. There was a bridge above the river and since the water was very deep-some of us decided to jump off it. The first time I went I jumped fast. I needed to prove to myself that I could do it. It felt awesome, but when I hit the water I totally forgot about the jump because it was ice cold. The water was the snow runoff from the mountains and the temperature was enough to literally take my breath away.

The second time I jumped it was much harder for some reason. I stood on the ledge for about 10 minutes. I think it was because I lost my adrenaline rush and logic set in. I started psyching myself out. "I can't do it." I said. "Sure you can." My friend Jimmy prodded. "You did it before, you can do it again." "I'm too scared now, Jimmy!" I said as I stood with my pink toes on the edge of the cement railing. After he counted down from three and up to three almost half a dozen times I told him to stop it because that wasn't going to work. Finally, after gazing down into the sparkling current below I turned my head around and looked down at him. "I want you to push me, or I won't do it." I said. "Really?!" He said incredulously. "Yeah. I'm gonna count to three and then you're gonna push me as I lean forward." I said. "Okay! That 's like a dream come true!" He said. Not necessarily to push me, but anyone. I counted to three as I leaned forward, he gently pushed the back of my legs and I fell and it was awesome.

I think sometimes in life, we all just need a little push.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008


I'm listening to the very excellent Allison Krauss at the moment. Ugh. I LOVE her voice and her music. She's so feminine and her voice is so sweet. Tomorrow I've got a business trip. My first one ever. (Did I ever mention I only taught part-time because of my other job?) I've spent the whole year chasing after children in my Converse or little flats. This weekend those will not be appropriate. I'm busting out my big girl shoes-my high heels. Can I pull this off? Ummm...(Taps fingers, looks up in the air.) Yeah, it'll be good.

I'm going to Arizona. Won't be back till Monday. I'm nervous and very excited. This is a big deal, but I'm ready for it. Been planning this trip with my boss for weeks now. Tomorrow it's wheels up at 14:40. I've never been to Arizona before. I hear it's real hot. Good. Because it seems that summer has come to every state in the union except ours. It was 50 degrees today. I was wearing my wool jacket and in downtown Seattle everyone was all bundled up too.

Tonight after a very disappointing dinner my roommate and I went for ice cream at the drive through. I asked her if I could talk to them in Chinese and she told me that if I did this again to her she would kick me out of the car and make me walk home. Humph. =(