Showing posts with label thankful. Show all posts
Showing posts with label thankful. Show all posts

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Sweet Things and Slacklining

Now first let me just say that I'm not one of those girls that looks at every baby and pines for one of her own...C'mon, I mean first thing's first right?

I don't know why, but this week I just kept thinking about how cool it must be to be a mother. How amazing it must be to have that special bond with your very own see your face in their face must be pretty darn amazing.

It just so happen that last night my girlfriend's husband was out of town and she asked if I would want to come for a sleepover. I said sure. She's a dear friend of mine whom I don't get the chance to see that often since our lives are so different and busy.

Well, she happens to have a one year old boy. Pretty stinkin' cute kid if you ask me. Early in the morning I heard him crying and since my girlfriend had been up about 4 times with him I decided to get him myself.

I scooped him out of his crib. He was all warm and baby smelling and I brought him out to the couch with me to quiet him down. I put him on my chest and patted his back. He would lay there with his head on my chest and then every so often he would pick up his head and look at me. He would pat my face with his little hand and then he would stop and put his head down again. This went on and on. It was so precious. I just felt so thankful, that even though I'm learning contentment with were I am in life, I had the desire to be around a baby and had the sweetest time with this little one.

I don't was just really neat....

oh yeah, and I actually had the chance to try slacklining this afternoon with some friends. All I can say is that it's an awesome alternative to working out AND feeling like a kid! Don't worry Mom. I didn't fall too far ;-)

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Saturday's Girl

Well, it's Saturday afternoon, and I should be out playing or running errands, but instead I'm working. At least I can work wherever I want. So I'm sitting here in one of my favorite coffee shops in Seattle with my butt glued to this wooden bench. Can we say comfortable? (Yeah, notsomuch.) Got my iHog Music in my ear, listening to one of my current favorite artists, Phil Wickham. It beats the strange indie/reggae/rock while I'm trying to concentrate. It is the offical Nerd Girl at work, (on a break) glasses and all. Tough life?...hmmm, not really =)