- A man quietly putting in a few dollars without looking up and feeling inspired to say "God Bless You" to him. His smile in response lit up the night as if that was exactly what he needed to hear at that moment.
- Speaking a little bit of Spanish to a wee girl who could barely reach up to put her money in. As she walked away with her mother, she turned and called back to me, "Cuidado!"*
*Be careful!*
Yay, you did ring the bell!
The Salvation Army is the only pocket money my husband ever gives up. He'd die if he knew I somtimes give to strangers on corners, says they're all shysters.
It sounds so beautiful Lynn, the moment with that man. That's what Christmas is to me!
I loved that two hours so much. People from my church rang all day. On Sunday everyone talked about how much fun it was to turn over the bell and Santa hat to the next people there to ring.
I was outside Macys and they had their one-day sale, so that was a busy spot! Also fun - having dinner with a couple from church and their twenty-something kids after we were done at 8pm. A tradition that I hope will live on!
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