Showing posts with label Neturei Karta. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Neturei Karta. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

From Dissent to Degradation

I hope this won't be too deep an observation and I will not make it long (extended references and details are in the embedded links).

Far left forces, mainly but not exclusively American,  consider Israel's military government regime in the territories liberated from Jordanian occupation as immoral, illegal and un-Jewish.  They began and continually attempt to affect a tectonic change in Diaspora Jewry's mutually important relationship with Israel by declaring that military government to be an illegal occupation in the face of major evidence to the contrary 

That "occupation", I think, despite all sorts of outlandish claims, is fair and just in the conditions in comparison to that existed which before 1967, when that administration was applied to regions of the historic Land of Israel as well as today, under the despotic Palestinian Authority rule.  

These forces, in one apparition or another, in one manifestation or another, have always been with us. They fought Herzl. They struggled against the Balfour Declaration. They denied Jewish nationalism. They were either non-Zionist or anti-Zionist. They waged campaigns against President Woodrow Wilson approving the idea of a Mandate that would reconstitute the Jewish National Home. They insisted, despite all past and current evidence, that there should not be a Jewish state, or something quite less than a political entity.

They were called the Bund. The Reform Movment until 1937.  Neturei Karta. The American Council for Judaism. Jewish Fellowship in England. Palestine Communist Party (who actively supported Arab terror in the 1920s and 1930s* and see: Budeiri, Musa. The Palestine Communist Party, 1919-1948: Arab and Jews in the Struggle for Internationalism)

Brit Shalom. Ihud. Breira. Jewish Voice for PeaceIfNotNow. Open Zion. V15's interference in Israel's democratic process. NIF's previous assistance to subversive groups.  Rabbi Kaufmann KohlerLord Montagu, Peter Beinart. Michael Chyabon & Ayelet Waldman, Tony Judt. The "tragic mockery" of Leon Trotsky. IJAN. Haaretz. Jews supporting Boycott. Breaking the Silence. Mondoweiss. Richard Falk. Ken Roth. George Soros. Noam Chomsky. Norman Finkelstein. Gideon Levy. Amira Hass and Haaretz's owner, Amos Schocken. They, among others, are ideological opponents, and less than pragmatic critics.

And they lost because their thinking was wrong, because their observance of events was incorrect, because their understanding of political, economic, military and cultural elements was in error and worse, they have not learned from their mistakes in the past.

Now, more than ever, the trend of their promotions is leading not to a singular criticism of a specific policy, of an approach, or lack thereof, of a party or a person.  It is directing anger, frustration and self-impotence against Israel as a whole.

Israel, it is claimed, is an "apartheid" state. It has always been a project of settler colonialism is the assertion. It is "racist". And worse. Now, Nazi memes are employed a la Rogel Alpher.

Basically, what has developed, is that the very idea of Israel is to be rejected and it is being pushed forcefully and prominently.  To be generous, it is difficult to think of these op-ed columnists and bloggers and 'intellectuals' and such as truly intelligent, for any claim that that language and contextualization they employ is not what they intend, although many quite openly do, cannot they see what they are creating?

They present an "Israel situation" that is, in the end, a la Judt** and Mick Davis, bad for the Jews.  As Daniel Gordis phrased it, "It’s not about what Israel does. It’s about what, to their minds, Israel is."  Israel is less important than Diaspora Jews and the existence of a Diaspora. Babylon is better than Jerusalem.  That was done in the 1930s by socialists, non-nationalists and ultra-Orthodox and we know that in a few years, they were all proven wrong.  Shalom Asch declared in 1938 that “what Jabotinsky is now doing in Poland [his evacuation plan] goes beyond all limits…Heaven help a people with such leaders.” Asch eventually declared at a press conference in Jerusalem in 1952: “I deeply regret that I fought against Jabotinsky’s evacuation plan”. 

In the past, these ideas led those that held them to betray Judaism, assimilate, join revolutionary movements, assist the detractors of Jews or be eliminated by anti-Semites.

For these new critics of Zion, these new dissenters, the line of their opposition to certain or any specifics has moved to that of generalities and soon, the line to a totality of rejection will be crossed. And they were learn the lessons of those who trod this path before them, while Israel and Zionism continues to triumph.

For example, as described here:  "A squad led by Daniel Abramovich scattered nails on the roads for a few nights, to harass Jewish transportation, and also cut down electricity poles. Two bombs were thrown in Haifa, one of them at the building of the Labor Council. There was also a plan to attack the new dock that was then under construction in Tel Aviv, but it was too well guarded, so the activists set fire instead to a pavilion of the Orient Fair.  Dothan maintains that [Simcha] Tzabari, who was then the only Jew on the Central Committee (Meir Slonim was in prison), bore responsibility for the terrorist policy...Dothan quotes a leaflet written by Tzabari in July 1936 [but not distributed], which explained that by “destroying the economy of the Zionist occupiers through acts of sabotage and partisan attacks, the Arab liberation movement seeks to make the continuation of Zionist colonization impossible.” 

"Diaspora Jews cannot influence Israeli policies, but they are implicitly identified with them, not least by Israel’s own insistent claims upon their allegiance. The behavior of a self-described Jewish state affects the way everyone else looks at Jews. The increased incidence of attacks on Jews in Europe and elsewhere is primarily attributable to misdirected efforts, often by young Muslims, to get back at Israel. The depressing truth is that Israel’s current behavior is not just bad for America, though it surely is. It is not even just bad for Israel itself, as many Israelis silently acknowledge. The depressing truth is that Israel today is bad for the Jews."


Tuesday, December 01, 2015

Neturei Karta Goes Arabic

The extreme Neturei Karta gang is at it again.

They tried to placate the Muslims back in 1931

and now, another attempt, in 2015 by publishing an ad in Arabic in Al-Quds 

which reads, in part:

...F. Orthodox Jewry has declared, and continues to declare, that Zionists do not represent the Jewish People. Therefore, the statements of Zionist leaders and spokespeople, their declarations, and their actions do not have any connection to the Jewish People. Unfortunately, we hardly have a platform from which to voice the truth, as it is strangled and silenced by the Zionist leadership.

G. Recently, the Temple Mount issue has created quite a storm. We wish to clarify as follows:

a. Since the destruction of the Temple, Jews have been forbidden to set foot on the Temple Mount. The status quo of Judaism for the past two thousand years has been to completely prohibit ascending the Temple Mount. This prohibition was reiterated this year by every authentic Jewish Rabbi and Rabbinical Court without exception.

b. Specifically in these times, when ascending the Temple Mount results in conflict, we are forbidden from setting foot on the Temple Mount per another commandment of the Torah, which obliges us to behave in pleasant, peaceful ways.

H. Orthodox Jews have recently exerted much effort in holding back individuals who planned to ascend the Temple Mount. To a great extent, they were successful, and many Jews who visited the Temple Mount in the past have ceased this practice. The hope is to continue keeping people away from the Temple Mount as much as possible.

I. We stretch our hands out to you in peace, and we once again declare that we wish to live with friendship and fraternity with our Arabic [?] neighbors and the Palestinians as we did in the past. We pray to G-d that we may reach a peaceful agreement with mutual understanding, without any loss of human lives – neither Palestinian or Jewish – at all. Every human casualty is a tragedy. Every human being was created by G-d, and the Torah commands us to treat him or her with respect, without regard to his or her nationality, type, or background.

We hope and pray for the day when the entire world will recognize G-d’s Kingdom. This conflict will end. When the dust settles, peace will reign. At that time, whoever had promoted peace and friendship will be rewarded by G-d. “G-d has not found another vessel for blessing but peace.”

True Torah Jews 
For more information about Jews opposing Zionism:

(More in Hebrew

They never seem to learn or is it that their interpretation of Judaism is all wrong?  Not to mention their comprehension of Islamist thinking.


Monday, January 23, 2012

Ultra-Hareidi Anti-Zionist Semantics

Here are four pages of the Tevet issue of Shura D'Karta, an organ of the most radical ultra-Hareidi anti-Zionist groups, a spin-off, split-off, from Neturei Karta, the Ohel Rachel group.

They are the editorial shorts and I've noted some dozen instances of irrational semantics in phrases in the first two pages which I will translate (I am not going to do the entire four pages - even I have my limits of tolerance)

1. "uprooting religion edicts"
2. "their devilish machinations"
3. "communities forcibly destroyed, eradicated and burnt"
4. "in the Zionist ovens"
5. "in the jands of these Amalekites"
6. "these impure Amalekites"
7. "all the pogroms and murders"
8. "the Iranian threat doesn't bother them as much as the Hareidi threat"

9. "these cruel Nazi-zionists"
10. "barbaric and cruel murder"
11. "Nazi police"

Here are the other two pages but without detailed translations.


Tuesday, May 17, 2011

From Posters to Placards

If you recall, I blogged some Neturei Karta posters maligning Israel and deprecating Israel as an independent state.

Well, from the wall to the sidewlaks of New York and London:


Thursday, May 05, 2011

Neturei Karta Flubs Day of Israel's Independence Celebration

Every year, elements of anti-Zionist Jews amongst the Hareidi sector seek to protest and counter the celebration of Israel's independence.

This year, the 5th of Iyar, the official day, falls on a Monday. But that means that the Day of Remembrance of the Fallen in Israel's Wars falls on a Sunday which, in turn, would mean that the ceremonies would begin on the Saturday night and that might cause Shabbat desecration in the various preparations.

So, the two days have been pushed off a day and we will celebrate Yom HaAtzmaut starting Monday night and all-day Tuesday.

Here is the poster that has gone up and in blue, I have outlined the line that announces that they still presume that Monday is the day:

It is signed "Neturei Karta" and they'll be fasting and saying lamentations.

So, because of the concern for a possible religious infraction, the "Zionists" will be celebrating a day after the antizionists will be wailing.


Monday, February 07, 2011

Words From The Depths of Hareidi Meah Shearim

The latest publications of Toldos Aharon, Toldos Avraham Yitzchak and Neturei Karta.

The first above is Divrei Kodesh of Toldos Avraham Yitzchak, their weekly Torah portion sheet.
The second is Dibrot Kodesh of Toldos Aharon, their weekly Torah portion sheet.
The third is HaChoma of Neturei Karta, a bi-monthly hate sheet against Zionism.


Try this from this:-

The Rebbe Aharon "Reb Areleh" Roth (d. 1946) was the founding Rebbe of Shomrei Emunim dynasty in the town of Satmar, Hungary, and Jerusalem.
Rebbe Avrohom Chaim Roth, present Shomrei Emumim Rebbe in Jerusalem and Bnei Brak is the son of "Reb Areleh" Roth.
Rebbe Avrohom Yitzchok Kohn (d. 1996) was the previous Toldos Aharon Rebbe of Jerusalem, son-in-law of "R' Areleh" Roth.
Rebbe Shmuel Yaakov Kohn - present Toldos Avrohom Yitzchok Rebbe in Jerusalem is the eldest son of the previous Toldos Aharon Rebbe.
Rebbe Dovid Kohn - present Toldos Aharon Rebbe in Jerusalem - is the son of the previous Toldos Aharon Rebbe.
Rabbi Avrohom Yitzchok Kohn, the previous Toldos Aharon Rebbe, died during Hanukkah of 1996. Rabbi Kohn had many sons, two of whom are rebbes today. After Rabbi Kohn died, these two sons came to an agreement whereby the younger son Rabbi Duvid Kohn from Monsey, New York, a disciple of the Klausenburger Rebbe, inherited the title "Toldos Aharon Rebbe". The eldest son, Rabbi Shmuel Yaakov Kohn, a disciple of the Viznitzer Rebbe, became a rebbe as well, of a group that was entitled Toldos Avrohom Yitzchok named after his father, the previous rebbe of the group. The main beis medrash of Toldos Avrohom Yitzchok is also in Meah Shearim, one block away [actually a block an a half and across the street] from the Toldos Aharon building. Both live in Jerusalem.

It's not all that bleak. A short tantz at a wedding:

Reb Areleh chassidim are big on covering theri eyes lest they see something they shouldn't.


Thursday, January 27, 2011

Black Thursday


On Thursday, January 27, with the help of the Almighty, Orthodox Rabbis and supporters from the Neturei Karta movement will gather in front of the Palestine Mission to the United Nations at 115 East 65th Street in New York City. At 9:30 AM a delegation of Rabbis will enter the mission to meet with His Excellency Ambassador Riyad Mansour, Permanent Observer of the Palestine Authority to the UN, and present him with a gift: a Palestinian flag to be flown over the mission building. Following the meeting, the delegation will address the gathering of the NK supporters and deliver a message to the press.

Rabbi Moshe Beck, a former Palestinian resident, Holocaust survivor, and senior Rabbi of the Orthodox anti-Zionist movement, said, "Masses of Orthodox Jews around the world who stand in strongest opposition to Zionism, because founding a Jewish state is against the Jewish belief and the Torah, salute this advancement toward a Palestinian state, and are honored to present a Palestinian flag to be flown high over their mission. We see the proud flying of the Palestinian flag as a step toward the complete peaceful dismantlement of the Zionist state. We are certain, with the help of the Almighty, that a Palestinian government over the entire Holy Land will bring about the harmonious coexistence of Jews and Arabs in Palestine and in the rest of the world, as they coexisted for centuries before the advent of Zionism."

Date: January 27, 2011
Time:  9:30 AM
Place: Palestine Mission to the United Nations, 115 East 65th Street in New York City
Nturei Karta International, URL:

They will miss the Messiah when he does come. Too busy demonstrating against God's work.

(K/t: EOZ)


Tuesday, June 08, 2010

Neturei Karta Consoles Humaniterrorist Flotilla Guerrilla


(Kippah tip: LBD)

And who pays the flights, the accommodations and the super kosher food for these Neturei Karta people?


Oh, and these people are not really what you think they are:

- - -

Tuesday, June 01, 2010

Anti-Zionism In Meah Shearim

That small group of anti-zionists have been at work again.

This was snapped by me yesterday on Chevrat HaShas Street just behind the main synagogue of Meah Shearim Square.

It reads "Arabs, Yes; Zionists, No" and that's supposed to be the "Palestinian" flag:

At least someone had the decency to deface the flag.

(Photo credit: Y. Medad)

Saturday, April 17, 2010

What Attracts Neturei Karta Folks to Iran

Extramarital sex fuels earthquakes, warns Iran cleric

A SENIOR Iranian cleric has claimed that dolled-up women incite extramarital sex, causing more earthquakes in Iran, a country that straddles several fault lines, newspapers reported today.

"Many women who dress inappropriately ... cause youths to go astray, taint their chastity and incite extramarital sex in society, which increases earthquakes," Ayatollah Kazem Sedighi told worshippers at overnight prayers in Tehran.

"Calamities are the result of people's deeds," he was quoted as saying by reformist Aftab-e Yazd newspaper.

"We have no way but conform to Islam to ward off dangers."

The Islamic dress code is mandatory in Iran, which has been under clerical rule for more than three decades. Every post-pubescent woman regardless of her religion or nationality must cover her hair and bodily contours in public. Offenders face punishment and fine. But this has not stopped urban women from appearing in the streets wearing tight coats and flimsy headscarves and layers of skilfully applied makeup.

Friday, April 16, 2010

It's Independence Eve and Neturei Karta, Etc. Go Bonkers

No entrance to Zionists at Batei Wittenberg

This one reads: Keep Eretz-Yisrael Clean of Zionists. Arabs, Yes; Zionists, No. Found at Batei Wittenberg

Psalms will be read at Mishkenot HaRoim-Metivta Amram:

Go to Torah veYirah to bewail

Danger, Impure Festival

In Exile in Israel

Linked here.

Saturday, January 02, 2010

Silly Jews

Rabbi Yisroel Dovid Weiss of New York City and three other men holding American and Canadian citizenship spent a Shabbat in Gaza.

They were there in July:

a) blessing a future suicide bomber?

b) so they do recognize Jerusalem? As an Arab city?

c) ah, they're walking away with the Dome of the Rock?

d) now a geography lesson:

e) wow, the Integral Land of Greater Israel!

Now, tell me, have you seen anything more silly than that?

Friday, July 10, 2009

The Satmar Anti-Zionists or, Jews Against Judaism

Abraham Wieder is the mayor of the Satmar Kiryas Joel in New York.

With nothing else on his municpal table, he sent off a letter to President Barack Obama bashing Israel. Sources say that the letter was written in reaction to the anti-Obama rhetoric of some religious pro-settler organizations, which have become increasingly vocal in recent weeks as the Obama administration continues to push the Israeli government to curb settlement growth in the West Bank as a prerequisite for a peace settlement.

Wieder’s letter reads in part (the full text is up at Jews Against Zionism):

“Life is Judaism’s most precious commodity; its preservation and the prevention of bloodshed are its more central tenet. When life is in jeopardy all commandments that guide Jewish life must be set aside in order to preserve human life. My heart therefore aches over the endless loss of innocent life just to hold on to lands inhabited by one’s enemies. I therefore deeply respect and support you and pray that divine providence guides your every move.

“Some Israeli politicians resist relinquishing any part of the holy land claiming religious prohibitions. This is wholly fallacious! In fact, after the destruction of Israel in 69 CE, Jews were commanded to await divine redemption and prohibited from conquering the land. To this day Jews yearn and pray for the divinely inspired return to Jerusalem… The modern State of Israel stands in contravention of the Almighty’s prohibition. Its effort to cloak itself in religion as a means of continuing the contravention of the Almighty is laughable if it weren’t so sad.”

Just one comment.

This assertion - "Jews were commanded to await divine redemption and prohibited from conquering the land" - the central tenet of Reb Yoelish, saved from being burnt alivve by a Zionist but let's not get personal - is hogwash. I have dealt previously with the issue of the Three Oaths but there is no 'command' character to this Midrash. It is but an outlook element, hashkafa, and the amount and quality of Rabbios opposed to such an interpretation basically classify Satmar and its Neturei Karta spin-off and Jews Against Judaism.

(Kippah tip: Failed Messiah)

Sunday, May 17, 2009

New Set of Wall Posters

The Internet is really bad news. Absolutely disgusting.

The buses traveling to Meron pass through an area in Tiberias that is off-limits to Kohanim, no matter what they claim.
Another anti-bus route to Meron poster due to traveling through an area that's considered a cemetery:

This one "welcomes" you from abroad to the bad bad Israel
and you'll notice that it's a Neturei Karta front organization:

Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Another Set of Wall Posters

A poster protesting occurrences in Tiberias and the situation of youth during the breaks from studies in Nissan and now, with the summer vacation coming up:

It is prohibited to take part in Israel Independence Day festivities, marches and the like:

"In the Exile in Israel", also a prohibition to celebrate Israel's Independence Day:

Independence Day they will pray and then congregate outside to bewail the situation of Israel's Independence and declare their loyalty to only God above:

The pagan festival of the Zionists, signed Neturei Karta:

Sunday, February 15, 2009

What Would We Do Without the Neturei Karta?

If you don't know, every election time there is a concerted effort made by the non- and anti-Zionist Jewish elements in the ultra-orthodox communities to prohibit, ban and otherwise prevent voting in the elections.

No Messiah from God, no participation in Zionism or the state of Israel. It's paganism, it's really a bad thing.

They are mainly, but not exclusively, from the Neturei Karta elements.

Here are a slew of the posters that I caught (except for the first two in English) in my lens: