Showing posts with label antizionism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label antizionism. Show all posts

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Arab-American Anti-Zionism Before Tlaib and Omar

The undermining of Zionism in America by Arabs and Muslims is not new.

As researched here, by Daniel Rickenbachert, there were early attempts and one of them was in January of 1930, when the Mufti-led Supreme Muslim Council (SMC) and the Arab Executive, sent two delegations to the US and to Britain to promote the Arab cause, this just after the murderous 1929 Riots.

As appears there, the delegation to the US consisted of the Syrian pan-Islamic activist Shakib Arslan, his brother Adel Arslan, Issa Bandak and three other members. In the US, the delegation met with the State Department, arguing that only the abolition of the Balfour Declaration could lead to a reconciliation between Jews and Arabs. The delegation also appealed to the Arab-Americans to “emulate the American Jews” by giving donations to the SMC. However, the undertaking was reportedly a financial disaster. This may explain why there were no further Arab delegations from Palestine during the next seven years.  

But the first one to speak out against Zionism was an American-Lebanese, Amin Rihani who arrived in the US in 1898.  That was in September 1917, two months before the Balfour Declaration, when he published an anti-Zionism piece. In his article

he listed anti-Zionist arguments as it being primarily a religious movement and that Arabs would not tolerate Jewish domination. He added that, echoing arguments from Reform Jews, Zionism would expose Jews to the accusation of dual allegiance.

But he could not avoid the basic truth:

Also in 1917, a Ramallah-born New York surgeon, Fuad Isa Shatara, Nazereth-born, eventually a suicide victim, and N.A. Katibah founded the Palestine Antizionism Society. 

Both of them into the late 1920s and beyond, published in their journal, The Syrian World

and see below.

And they were among the organizers of an anti-Zionist rally on November 8, 1918 in Brooklyn. The rally passed a resolution, describing the Arabs at risk of being  dominated by “a race rendered more powerful and wealthy through contact with the western civilization thus applying might against right” and protesting the “artificial importation of Zionists flooding the country against its natural capacities and thus forcing an emigration of the rightful inhabitants.”

Shatara of the Palestine Antizionism Society wrote two letters to Secretary of State Robert Lansing in November 1918 and February 1919, arguing that Zionism was in contravention to Wilson’s Fourteen Points.In December 1918, Phillip Hitti (a Maronite Lebanese) and George Khairalla established the New Syria National League. The group lobbied for the establishment of a Greater Syria under American protection, reaching from the Sinai to the Euphrates. These groups intensified their activities in light of the upcoming peace conference in Paris. Shatara and Hitti reached out to John Huston Finley, the chief of the Red Cross Commission in Palestine, asking Finley not to detach Palestine from Greater Syria.


And they all failed.


Thursday, February 16, 2012

The Three Faces of Anti-zionism

Max Blumenthal, Helena Cobban and Philip Weiss leading a BDS workshop titled "Palestine and the Media":-

Oh how happy.


Friday, February 10, 2012

A Story on Settlement, Roadblocks - But Where?

Not Israel.


The story:-

A massive settlement in the wake of the mortgage meltdown could impact thousands of people in West Virginia, Kentucky and Ohio. The Obama administration announced a $26 billion settlement Thursday with five of the country's biggest home lenders. They were accused of foreclosing homes based on something called robo-signing. That means they'd speed up taking the homes without proper paperwork.

The banks were also putting up too many roadblocks, keeping people from modifying their loans and putting them further behind on their payments. The settlement is with: J.P. Morgan Chase, Bank of America/Countrywide, Wells Fargo, Citibank and GMAC/Ally.

The Washington Post has a 'better' headline:-

Settlement launches foreclosure reckoning

At least now there'll be a situation wherby there "begins a long-promised reckoning" - which I understand as the recognition of Jewish rights - historic, religious, cultural and legal - to our Land of Israel as the Jeiwsh national home and Jewish nationalism. That's the reckoning promised, the truth.

And that "foreclosure"? We'll be foreclosing on Judeaphobia, Arab propaganda, radical progressive anti-Zionism and all their activites, from BDS to outright antisemitism.


Monday, January 23, 2012

Ultra-Hareidi Anti-Zionist Semantics

Here are four pages of the Tevet issue of Shura D'Karta, an organ of the most radical ultra-Hareidi anti-Zionist groups, a spin-off, split-off, from Neturei Karta, the Ohel Rachel group.

They are the editorial shorts and I've noted some dozen instances of irrational semantics in phrases in the first two pages which I will translate (I am not going to do the entire four pages - even I have my limits of tolerance)

1. "uprooting religion edicts"
2. "their devilish machinations"
3. "communities forcibly destroyed, eradicated and burnt"
4. "in the Zionist ovens"
5. "in the jands of these Amalekites"
6. "these impure Amalekites"
7. "all the pogroms and murders"
8. "the Iranian threat doesn't bother them as much as the Hareidi threat"

9. "these cruel Nazi-zionists"
10. "barbaric and cruel murder"
11. "Nazi police"

Here are the other two pages but without detailed translations.


Wednesday, January 11, 2012

What Jordanian Anti-zionism Looks Like

Do you know what this reads?

والعدو الصهيوني

The "Zionist enemy" as in this:

تعقد اليوم الاثنين الموافق في 9/1/2012 الجولة الثانية من المفاوضات المباشرة بين السلطة الفلسطينية والعدو الصهيوني في وزارة الخارجية الأردنية في عمان وبمشاركتها، كما كشفت فيكتوريا نيولند الناطقة باسم وزارة الخارجية الأمريكية. وقد كانت تلك المفاوضات قد استؤنفت في 3/1/2012، برعاية الرباعية الدولية، وقد أعلن بعدها وزير الخارجية الأردني السيد ناصر جودة في مؤتمر صحفي على قناة البي بي سي في 5/1/2012 أن المزيد من الجلسات ستعقد بين الطرفين لن يعلن عنها إلا من قبل وزارة الخارجية الأردنية! ولهذا جاء الإعلان الأمريكي عن الجلسة الثانية استخفافاً مباشراً بالطرف المضيف، وتأكيداً على قناعتنا أن العودة للمفاوضات العبثية، وقد ثبت أن كل ما يسمى “عملية سلمية” مع العدو الصهيوني هي عملية عبثية، قد جاء خضوعاً لضغوط الولايات المتحدة والحركة الصهيونية للعودة لطاولة المفاوضات بدون أي شروط، وهو ما يمثل رضوخاً جديداً للسلطة الفلسطينية والأردنية، وهاوية جديدة وتفريطاً أخر لا يسرنا أن نرى الموقف الرسمي الأردني والفلسطيني ينحدر إليه.


In the second round of direct negotiations held on Monday, January 9, 2012 between the Palestinian Authority and the Zionist enemy in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Jordan in Amman and, it was announced by U.S. State Department spokespersonVictoria Nuland. It was revealed that those negotiations have resumed in 3/1/2012, under the auspices of the Quartet, as announced after the Jordanian Foreign Minister, Mr Nasser Judeh told a news conference on the BBC o5/1/2012 that more meetings would be held between the parties will not be publicly announced by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Jordan! This affirmation of the conviction that a return to negotiations is absurd and has proven that every so-called "peace process" with the Zionist enemy is the process of absurdity...bowing to pressure from the United States and the Zionist movement to return to the negotiating table without any conditions, which represents a new heeding the Palestinian Authority and Jordan, and the abyss of a new and another sellout is not pleased to see the official position of the Jordanian and Palestinian descend.

This is a Jordanian anti-Zionism site  headed by lawyer Naim Civil with the 'president emeritus of the Jordanian opposition' Engineer Leith Shbeilat.

Their graphics:


Sunday, October 30, 2011

Is Gideon Levy Planning to Leave or Resist?

One might think so ready his latest in Haaretz:-

Hostile takeover

Do you really want to live in a country where the heads of the settlement enterprise allocate its lands, plan its nature sites, rule on its laws and are increasingly controlling its lifestyles?

He is upset and seeks to subvert democracy:

...the name of their game is occupation, of positions of power rather than territory. Their first target is the Israel Defense Forces: Their soldiers and officers are already nearly everywhere. Now they have turned their sights toward the civilian society...a settler as head of the Israel Lands Administration, a settler as director of the Israel Nature and Parks Authority and the first settler is on his way to the Supreme Court. These are sensitive and important positions of power, but they are only the harbingers of autumn that might usher in a winter during which a dangerous and powerful religious, messianic, nationalistic and patently antidemocratic minority will come to run our lives.

Don't kid yourselves: The settlers are assuming these powerful positions for the express purpose of imposing their ideology. Of course they have the right to apply for them, but anyone with a conscience and anyone who is worried about the character of the state has a duty to try to stop this hostile takeover...But the admission of a settler into the Supreme Court may be the most infuriating of all.

Noam Sohlberg is making his way into the Supreme Court on the wings of his religious beliefs, which have already found expression in his outrageous rulings as a District Court judge...

And he gets downwright nasty:

The settlements are a despicable enterprise based on violence, ultra-nationalism and breaking the law. Every settler has this mark of Cain on their brow. Now ask yourselves: Do you really want to live in a country where the heads of this enterprise allocate its lands, plan its nature sites, rule on its laws and are increasingly controlling its lifestyles?

Is Gideon planning on leaving?

Or joining an armed resistance underground?

After all, he already is a fighter for anti-Zionism with his pen. He already assists the enemy. His sword may be close by?


Monday, August 01, 2011

Retro Anti-Zionism

In Israel's Identity Crisis, one Yonatan Touval, writes that

Regrettably, the Obama administration has bought into Netanyahu’s idea [that is, of pressing the Palestinians to recognize Israel as a “Jewish state”]...Israelis may well be the first to demur at such a definition of their state, or at least to be confused by much of the world “Jewish” today remains a fuzzy term whose precise meaning depends on context. “Jewish” can stand for a religious attribute, an ethical or spiritual one. It can mean an ethnic group or cultural tradition. For some Jews, especially in pre-emancipation Europe, Jewishness was felt to be a destiny. In certain milieus in the U.S. today, “Jewish” primarily defines a genre of humor.

As he admits, though

This failure to forge a coherently national definition of the term “Jewish” dates back to the inception of the Zionist movement...

So much of what is spoken about, and written about and even done today reminds me of the arguments that occured over a century ago and during the 1930s regarding intra-Jewish fights over Zionism.  Tony Judt, Peter Beinart and even J Street are all repeats.

The disputes and arguments and battles were lost then but these "intellectuals" never give up.  They keep fighting again and again, generation after generation.  But they will not admit that the historical record proves them wrong.

They continue to subvert the genuine Jewish nationalist expression and to denigrate the true needs of Israel, especially vis-a-vis the Arab enemy.  Review the chronicles of Herzl, the happenings during the Mandate period and in-between and you'll see the prequels to today's leftist, progressive, humanist rage against Israel and Zionism and the Jewish establishment.  From Lord Montague who fought the Balfour Declaration; from Brit Shalom, Peace Now's precursor; from the American Council for Judaism; and on to the Bund.

And so Touval is granted NYTimes space to regurgitate and ask questions answered long ago like

...What makes Israel “Jewish”? Is sovereignty over biblical lands essential to Israel’s Jewish self-identity (as the settler movement argues)? Is Israel the state of the Jews living in Israel or also of those living elsewhere in the world? (Netanyahu concluded his speech to Congress by stating “I speak on behalf of the Jewish people and the Jewish state.”) Does Israel’s “Jewishness” preclude it from being the state of all its citizens, even the non-Jewish ones?

And in a clever move, shifts the blame on to Israel for the problems created by Islamic religious fanaticism and Muslim totalitarianism and an unwillingness to recognize any Jewish national expression anywhere:

Rather than asking the Palestinians to recognize Israel as a Jewish state, therefore, Israel has its own job cut out for itself. And while it is tempting to pass on the burden to others, it remains Israel’s duty — first and foremost to itself — to discover what it means when it says it is Jewish, and to make sure that such a definition be accepted, and recognized, by its own citizens.

And last but not least, a bit of reserch revelaed that Yonatan Touval

is "a foreign policy analyst based in Tel Aviv" but in Haaretz he describes himself as "a foreign policy analyst with several Israeli NGOs dedicated to advancing final-status agreements between Israel and its neighbors."  In Hebrew, he is a "senior advisor to the Geneva Initiative".

Intellectual or very involved and intetested participant?


Monday, May 23, 2011

Words Worth Quoting

Today, anti-Zionism is the snobbism of the ignorant.  On many campuses, all you need in order to acquire “respectability” without knowledge is to adopt an outraged attitude on Israel.

Emmanuel Navon


Tuesday, May 17, 2011

From Posters to Placards

If you recall, I blogged some Neturei Karta posters maligning Israel and deprecating Israel as an independent state.

Well, from the wall to the sidewlaks of New York and London:


Thursday, May 05, 2011

Neturei Karta Flubs Day of Israel's Independence Celebration

Every year, elements of anti-Zionist Jews amongst the Hareidi sector seek to protest and counter the celebration of Israel's independence.

This year, the 5th of Iyar, the official day, falls on a Monday. But that means that the Day of Remembrance of the Fallen in Israel's Wars falls on a Sunday which, in turn, would mean that the ceremonies would begin on the Saturday night and that might cause Shabbat desecration in the various preparations.

So, the two days have been pushed off a day and we will celebrate Yom HaAtzmaut starting Monday night and all-day Tuesday.

Here is the poster that has gone up and in blue, I have outlined the line that announces that they still presume that Monday is the day:

It is signed "Neturei Karta" and they'll be fasting and saying lamentations.

So, because of the concern for a possible religious infraction, the "Zionists" will be celebrating a day after the antizionists will be wailing.


Monday, May 02, 2011

Ms. Brown Almost Gets It All Right

Here are excerpts from an op-ed in The Independent by Yasmin Alibhai-Brown entitled, teasingly, Stop blaming Israel for every grievance in the Middle East but don't be too fooled. My comments in brackets []:

Successive Israeli governments and their global cheerleaders and backers across the world are guilty of crimes against the humanity and rights of the Palestinian people, they who were made to pay for the European Holocaust. Hitler's unspeakable annihilation project can't be laid to rest and shouldn't. But excruciating historical experiences do not entitle a nation to grab land, to humiliate, to destroy the livelihoods of others and to expect no censure; in effect to be above international law.

[no, they don't.  and since (a) the "Arab Palestinian" leadership in pre-war Mandate Palestine collaborated with the Nazis and (b) Jews have been returning to their historic homeland for centuries and since (c) already in 1917 (Balfour Declaration), 1919 (Versailles Peace Conference), 1920 (San Remo Conference) and 1922 (League of Nations), the international law bodies had decided a Jewish national home be reconstituted in the territory that Arabs had illegally conquered and occupied, Brown is either ignorant or a cheap propagandist (or maybe an expensive one since I don't know how much she is paid for her articles).  in any case, what does enable the Jewish people to reside in Judea and Samaria and the state of Israel are historical, religious, cultural and legal rights almost 4000 years old of the Jews]

I am as pro-Palestinian as the next leftie and try to do my bit;...All of us need to stop and think, to use this moment of upheaval to scrutinise ourselves and our habituated responses to the Middle East. For many years now, British and American Zionists have complained that progressives pick on Israel, expect higher standards from that government and most iniquitously, that any criticism of their land is in effect a lightly disguised and now approved expression of anti-Semitism. Using a combination of guilt, suggestion and aggression they have managed to, if not suppress, certainly inhibit fair and free debates on the Zionist nation.

[not really.  we haven't inhibited and certainly haven't suppressed the most vile, irrational and hateful expressions against Israel and Jewry.  remember that "shitty little country" phrase?  British MKs spiteful remarks and actions?  physical assault of a student?  verbal violence at other universities?]

These thoughts have been spooling round and round in my head this last month. As Gaddafi systematically massacres his people and the country descends into civil war, as armies slaughter civilians in Yemen and Bahrain, now Syria, I ask why good people have focused only on Palestine/Israel for more than half a century and not attended to the brutality and oppression endemic in the Islamic states...No flotillas for their victims?...More Muslims are killed by their brethren in religious and power struggles than are killed by foreign powers...It could be that some of the relentless focus on Israel does indeed rise out of a deep stream of anti-Semitism. It is also a useful displacement activity.

[could be?  nope.  it probably is.  and it is quite indicative of the mindset of those who pursue Israel with venom and an insidious determination]

...Why the double standards? We have an obligation to judge all governments and rulers by the same universal values, to listen to Zionists who complain of unfair treatment and open our minds as we enter a new era in the Middle East...We Muslims need to accept our burdens too. Whilst still holding Israel to account, we must stop dumping blame on it for all Middle Eastern grievances....Humans easily excuse themselves and their own for foul acts they condemn in their enemies.

[i congratulate Brown for her mea culpa]

The mulishness and narrow-sightedness of the most unrelenting Zionists is today almost matched by the mulishness and narrow-sightedness of their unrelenting counterparts, anti-Zionist activists.

[oops.  i take that congratulation back]

...It is no longer morally justifiable for activists to target only Israel and either ignore or find excuses for corrupt, murderous Arab despots. That kind of selectivity discredits pro-Palestinian campaigners and dishonours the principles of equality and human rights. It has enabled hideous Arab ruling clans to carry on disgracefully for too long.

[i again congratulate her]

Ms. Alibhai-Brown:

You can let her know your opinion:


Sunday, March 20, 2011

Is There Really A Virginia?

This has been circulating:

From: Thomson-Baldwin Virginia
Date: Sun, Mar 20, 2011
Subject: Fogel family massacre

How do you know for sure that the murder wasn't done by Mossad and then pinned on Palestinians by leaving a trail??

How do you know for sure that you are a Jew? According to the Bible, only the tribe of Judah was called Jews. Most of the people calling themselves Jews today aren't really Jews at all.

The Zionist have used dialectical language to deceive the masses. Their god is Satan.

Did you know that the Israelites from the 6 - 8th century BC Diaspora emigrated to Europe? Hmmm, guess that means I might even be a Hebrew.

Always two sides to every story.


According to this, Virginia is (was?) an elected official within the US political system, a Precinct Committee Officer and from an old settler colonial family.

If this is real, how do we know that Virginia is actually descended from a colonial family? Or if she actually is a ... Hebrew?

If this represents the thinking of this purported lady, as perverse, silly, hateful and weird as it is, woe is the Republic and for which it stands.


Saturday, March 19, 2011

Helen Thomas Strips


Helen Thomas to Playboy: White House in pockets of the Israeli lobbies

It's here.

Contributing Editor David Hochman got the idea to call Thomas to see if she wanted to talk...They also broke bread at her favorite Palestinian restaurant. “I was curious whether I’d find the ranting woman from the YouTube video,” Hochman says. “She turned out to be a person in full possession of her faculties and impressively articulate. Mostly she was the Thomas the public has known forever: feisty, passionate and not afraid to speak up.” Does Hochman, who is Jewish, believe Thomas is an anti-Semite? “I’ll let the reader decide. But I did think it was amusing when she presented a plate of ham sandwiches and then said, ‘Oh, I hope I haven’t served the wrong thing.’ ”

PLAYBOY: Take us back to the White House courtyard on May 27 when Rabbi David Nesenoff pointed his camera at you and asked for your comments on Israel.

THOMAS: He pulled that thing out like a jackknife...I said, “They should get the hell out of Palestine.”

PLAYBOY: Did you realize how controversial those words were as you spoke them?

THOMAS: I knew I’d hit the third rail. You cannot say anything about Israel in this country. But I’ve lived with this cause for many years. Everybody knows my feelings that the Palestinians have been shortchanged in every way. Sure, the Israelis have a right to exist—but where they were born, not to come and take someone else’s home...—I was going for broke. I had reached the point of no return. You finally get fed up...I understand they formed Jews for Helen Thomas at one point...I also heard from Jimmy Carter. He called a few weeks later...It was very nice of him to call, but I don’t want to get him into trouble.

...there’s no understanding of the Palestinians at all. I mean, they’re living there and these people want to come and take their homes and land and water and kill their children and kill them...Our government bribes the Israelis by saying, “Please come to the [negotiating] table and we’ll give you this and we’ll give you that.” Obama’s last offer to the Israelis was $22 billion in new fighter planes [Editor’s note: The offer was actually just under $3 billion], a veto at the UN for anything pro-Arab or pro-Palestinian and a three-month freeze on the colonization and settlers. I mean, what is this? They gave away the store...Stop all this aid to Israel when they’re killing people!

PLAYBOY: It was your follow-up comment, when you said the Jews should go back to Poland, Germany and America, that really infuriated people.

THOMAS: ...What I meant was they should stay where they are because they’re not being persecuted—not since World War II, not since 1945. If they were, we sure would hear about it. Instead, they initiated the Jackson-Vanik law, which said the U.S. would not trade with Russia unless it allowed unlimited Jewish emigration. But it was not immigration to the United States, which would have been fine with me. It was to go to Palestine and uproot these people, throw them out of their homes, which they have done through several wars. That’s not fair...What is this? How can anybody accept it? I mean, Jewish-only roads? Would anyone tolerate something like that in America? White-only roads?

PLAYBOY: You mean Israeli-only roads, not Jewish only, right? [Editor’s note: Israel closes certain roads to Palestinians, but roads are open to all Israeli citizens and to other nationals, regardless of religious background.]

THOMAS: Israeli-only roads, okay. But it’s more than semantics because the Palestinians are deprived of owning these roads. This is their land. I’m sorry, but we’re talking about foreigners who came and said, “God gave this land to us.”...
PLAYBOY: Do you acknowledge that some Palestinian behavior over the years, including hijacking and the use of suicide bombers, has been wrong and has added to the problem?

THOMAS: In an ideal world passive resistance and world disarmament would be great. Unfortunately we don’t live in that world. Of course I don’t condone any violence against anyone. But who wouldn’t fight for their country?...The Palestinian violence is to protect what little remains of Palestine. The suicide bombers act out of despair and desperation...Remember, Menachem Begin invented terrorism as his MO—and bragged about it in his first book...

PLAYBOY: Do you have a personal antipathy toward Jews themselves?

THOMAS: No. I think they’re wonderful people. They had to have the most depth. They were leaders in civil rights. They’ve always had the heart for others but not for Arabs, for some reason. I’m not anti-Jewish; I’m anti-Zionist. I am anti Israel taking what doesn’t belong to it. ...who are these people? Why do they think they’re so deserving? The slaughter of Jews stopped with World War II...they carry on the victimization. American people do not know that the Israeli lobbyists have intimidated them into believing every Jew is a persecuted victim forever—while they are victimizing Palestinians.

PLAYBOY: Let’s get to something else you said more recently. In a speech in Detroit last December, you told an Arab group, “We are owned by the propagandists against the Arabs. There’s no question about that. Congress, the White House and Hollywood, Wall Street, are owned by the Zionists. No question, in my opinion. They put their money where their mouth is. We’re being pushed into a wrong direction in every way.” Do you stand by that statement?

THOMAS: Yes, I do. I know it was horrendous, but I know it’s true. Tell me it’s not true and I’ll be happy to be contradicted. I’m just saying they’re using their power, and they have power in every direction.

PLAYBOY: That stereotype of Jewish control has been around for more than a century. Do you actually think there’s a secret Jewish conspiracy at work in this country?

THOMAS: Not a secret. It’s very open. What do you mean secret?...Everybody is in the pocket of the Israeli lobbies, which are funded by wealthy supporters, including those from Hollywood. Same thing with the financial markets. There’s total control.

...Why do we have to keep paying the price and why do they keep oppressing the Palestinians? Do the Jews ever look at themselves? Why are they always right? Because they have been oppressed throughout history, I know. And they have this persecution. That’s true, but they shouldn’t use that to dominate...You know damn well the power they have. It isn’t the two percent. It’s real power when you own the White House, when you own these other places in terms of your political persuasion. Of course they have power. You don’t deny that. You’re Jewish, aren’t you?


THOMAS: That’s what I thought. Well, you know damn well they have power...I want to tell the truth. I want everyone to accept the truth. It’s horrible to say some of my best friends are Jews, but they are and they have been.

PLAYBOY: Don’t take this the wrong way, but the question many people have is, Has Helen Thomas lost her mind? You’re 90, after all. Do you still have all your faculties?

THOMAS: I resent that question! I thoroughly resent it. Why are you interviewing me if I’m crazy? It wouldn’t be worth it to you, would it?

PLAYBOY: It’s not an unreasonable question.

THOMAS: I resent it. You should apologize.

PLAYBOY: But it’s the question everyone wants answered—and you’re the one who always tells journalists to ask the hard questions.

THOMAS: They want to know if I’m crazy? You have to be crazy to criticize Israel?...

Don't you just like your enemies to be so clear?


Found this:

Do not blame me for any gurgitation events.

(k/t: DL)


Thursday, February 24, 2011

Academic Interpretations

There's a new book out, edited by one Rory Miller, "Britain, Palestine and Empire: The Mandate Years", Ashgate: Farnham, Surrey, which seems to me, according to this review, to be decidely anti-Zionist.  Indeed, Miller has made a career out of the theme.

For example, as here:

In “Flawed Foundations: The Balfour Declaration and the Palestine Mandate,” (Chapter 1) James Renton offers a highly nuanced analysis of the 1917 statement; he emphasizes that the majority of British policy makers viewed the document as a wartime measure (17-18) and that most did not, at the time, envisage it as laying the foundations for an actual Jewish state. However the reference to the “native population” rather than specifically naming the Palestinians left them at a distinct disadvantage in future negotiations. Since the Balfour Declaration did not specifically mention the Palestinians (citing only the “non-Jewish population”) they were subsequently viewed as a “disparate series of peoples” (35) and were therefore little considered or often ignored altogether. The recently published full-length book, The Balfour Declaration (2010), by Jonathan Schneer, provides a further expansion on the many motivations for and impacts of the 1917 Balfour statement.

Susan Pedersen describes the relative strengths of Zionist and Palestinian arguments for statehood in “The Impact of League Oversight on British Policy in Palestine” (Chapter 2). Pedersen convincingly demonstrates the pro-Zionist stance of the League’s Mandates Commission. She also details the successful efforts by Zionist leaders, particularly Chaim Weizmann, in putting their case before the international community. Indeed, the essays in this collection effectively highlight how the Palestinians were consistently out-maneuvered and out lobbied by the Zionists in the corridors of power in London and Geneva and even within Mandate Palestine. Thus the League increasingly came to support the argument that Mandate had been established to create a Jewish state and that it did not entail a “dual obligation” (58) as many British policy makers increasingly came to believe.

Of course, the idea that the powers convened at San Remo and at the League of Nations, as well as those at the Versailles Peace Conference simply knew that there was no "Palestinian Nation" but rather Arabs as individuals residing in the Mandate-to-be area, would never occur to Renton.  Pederson couldn't believe that the diplomats and their aides, despite heroic pro-Arab efforts, especially by Lawrence and then others at that March 1921 Cairo Conference, simply knew that the Jews were much more deserving of attention because of their historical connection which, at that time, unlike today, was indisputable and very-well known and accepted.

The Arab inability was based on their bad case.  They were at a distinct disadvantage because Zionism was genuine, portrayed a true and just concept which merited international support: legal, diplomatic and moral.

Any other interpretation, would be predicated on personal ideological frameworks.


Thursday, February 10, 2011

Psssst! Wanna See Something Dirty?

Well, I think it is.


7th Annual Conference
5- 6 March | Brunei Gallery | School of Oriental and African Studies – London

organised by SOAS Palestine Society

and hosted by the London Middle East Institute

For over a century, Zionism has subjected Palestine and Palestinians to a structural and violent form of destruction, dispossession, land appropriation, and erasure in the pursuit of a new colonial Israeli society. Too often, this Palestine ‘Question’ has been framed as unique; a national, religious, and/or liberation struggle with little semblance to colonial conflicts elsewhere. The two-day conference, Past is Present: Settler Colonialism in Palestine, seeks to reclaim settler colonialism as the central paradigm from which to understand Palestine. It asks: what are the socio-political, economic and spatial processes and mechanisms of settler colonialism in Palestine, and what are the logics underpinning it? By unearthing the histories and geographies of the Palestinian experience of settler colonialism, this conference does not only chart possibilities for understanding Palestine within comparative settler colonial analyses. Rather, it also seeks to break open frameworks binding Palestine, re-align the Palestinian movement within a universal history of decolonisation, and imagine new possibilities for Palestinian resistance, solidarity and common struggle.

Day One: Saturday, 5th March 2011
Registration and Refreshments: 9.00-9.30
Opening and Keynote: 9.30-10.15
Hassan Hakimian – London Middle East Institute
Not Another Racism: Zionism, a Logic of Elimination
Patrick Wolfe – La Trobe University

Session One – Empire, Settler Colonialism and Zionism: 10.45-12.15
Chair: Nelida Fuccaro – School of Oriental and African Studies
Playing the Zionist Card: The British Empire and the Middle East
John Newsinger – Bath Spa University
Literature of Settler Societies: Albert Camus, S. Yizhar, and Amos Oz
Gabriel Piterberg – University of California, Los Angeles
The Settler Colonialism Paradigm and its Place in Palestinian Political Development
Naseer Aruri – University of Massachusetts, Dartmouth

Refreshments: 12.15-12.30

Session Two – Zionism Destroys to Replace: 12.30-14.00
Chair: Laleh Khalili – School of Oriental and African Studies
The Palestinian Labour Market and the Politics of Zionist Settler Colonialism
Gershon Shafir – University of California, San Diego
The Erasure of the Native
Ilan Pappe – University of Exeter
The Second Phase of the Settler Colonial Conquest of Palestine: The 1967 Allon Plan and the Search for a Zionist ‘Settlement’
Gilbert Achcar – School of Oriental and African Studies

Lunch: 14.00-14.45

Session Three – Zionism Controls the Native: 14.45-16.15
Chair: Ruba Salih – School of Oriental and African Studies
Chronicles of a Cultural Destruction: The Appropriation of Palestinian Knowledge during the 1948 War
Gish Amit – Ben-Gurion University
Indigenous Citizens and the Contradictions of Status amongst Palestinians in Israel
As’ad Ghanem – Ibn Khaldun, The Arab Association for Research and Development
Frontier Wars and Robotic Colonisation
Eyal Weizman – Goldsmiths College

Refreshments: 16.15-16.30

Session Four – A Political Economy of Settler Colonialism: 16.30-18.00
Chair: Elisa van Waeyenberge – School of Oriental and African Studies
A ‘Bad Lot’? Palestinian Businessmen and the British Colonial State
Sherene Seikaly – American University of Cairo
The Exploitation of the Palestinian Economy by Israel
Shir Hever – Alternative Information Center
Palestinian Capitalism, Regional Accumulation Processes and Implications for Liberation Strategy
Adam Hanieh – School of Oriental and African Studies

Day Two: Sunday 6th March 2011

Registration and Refreshments: 10.30-11.00

Keynote: 11.00-12.00
Letter from Gaza: On Colonialism, Capitalism and Resistance
Rabah Mohanna – Palestinian Legislative Council, Gaza

Session Five – Indigenous Life and the Reverberations of Settler Colonialism: 12.00-13.30
Chair: Lori Allen - University of Cambridge
Counterfeit Citizenship: On the Politics of Property in Nahr El-Bared
Monika Halkort – Queen’s University, Belfast
Ethnic Cleansing in the Naqab: The Razings of the Bedouin Village of
Mansour Nsasra – University of Exeter
Policing, Self-Policing and Indigenous Collaboration
Mouin Rabbani – Institute of Palestine Studies

Lunch: 13.30-14.30

Session Six – Overcoming Zionism, Dismantling Settler Colonialism: 14.30-16.00
Chair: Jan Jananayagam – Tamils Against Genocide
Decolonising Settler Colonialisms
Lorenzo Veracini – Swinburne University of Technology
The Power and Pitfalls of a Support Movement: Campaigning Against the Jewish National Fund
Selma James – International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network
Towards Common Liberation
Mezna Qato – University of Oxford

Refreshments: 16.00-16.15

Roundtable – Unsettling (Settler) Colonialism: 16.15-18.15


Monday, February 07, 2011

Words From The Depths of Hareidi Meah Shearim

The latest publications of Toldos Aharon, Toldos Avraham Yitzchak and Neturei Karta.

The first above is Divrei Kodesh of Toldos Avraham Yitzchak, their weekly Torah portion sheet.
The second is Dibrot Kodesh of Toldos Aharon, their weekly Torah portion sheet.
The third is HaChoma of Neturei Karta, a bi-monthly hate sheet against Zionism.


Try this from this:-

The Rebbe Aharon "Reb Areleh" Roth (d. 1946) was the founding Rebbe of Shomrei Emunim dynasty in the town of Satmar, Hungary, and Jerusalem.
Rebbe Avrohom Chaim Roth, present Shomrei Emumim Rebbe in Jerusalem and Bnei Brak is the son of "Reb Areleh" Roth.
Rebbe Avrohom Yitzchok Kohn (d. 1996) was the previous Toldos Aharon Rebbe of Jerusalem, son-in-law of "R' Areleh" Roth.
Rebbe Shmuel Yaakov Kohn - present Toldos Avrohom Yitzchok Rebbe in Jerusalem is the eldest son of the previous Toldos Aharon Rebbe.
Rebbe Dovid Kohn - present Toldos Aharon Rebbe in Jerusalem - is the son of the previous Toldos Aharon Rebbe.
Rabbi Avrohom Yitzchok Kohn, the previous Toldos Aharon Rebbe, died during Hanukkah of 1996. Rabbi Kohn had many sons, two of whom are rebbes today. After Rabbi Kohn died, these two sons came to an agreement whereby the younger son Rabbi Duvid Kohn from Monsey, New York, a disciple of the Klausenburger Rebbe, inherited the title "Toldos Aharon Rebbe". The eldest son, Rabbi Shmuel Yaakov Kohn, a disciple of the Viznitzer Rebbe, became a rebbe as well, of a group that was entitled Toldos Avrohom Yitzchok named after his father, the previous rebbe of the group. The main beis medrash of Toldos Avrohom Yitzchok is also in Meah Shearim, one block away [actually a block an a half and across the street] from the Toldos Aharon building. Both live in Jerusalem.

It's not all that bleak. A short tantz at a wedding:

Reb Areleh chassidim are big on covering theri eyes lest they see something they shouldn't.


Monday, January 31, 2011

"Destroy Israel" Is The Cry From Egypt

This is democratic reform?


Roger Cohen:-

One way to measure the immense distance traveled by Arabs over the past month is to note the one big subject they are not talking about: Israel.


The arguments of those who say, “Better the devil you know” are already clear. Mohamed ElBaradei, the Nobel-prize-winning Egyptian opposition leader, has immense stature but no organization. The Muslim Brotherhood, Islamist Israel haters, will fill any void. Look at what Arab democracy brings: Hamas in Gaza, Hezbollah in Lebanon and chaos in Iraq! You want that in Egyptian guise? These arguments are facile...A representative Egyptian government — the one whose birth pangs I believe we are witnessing — will talk about Israel one day...



From Post-Zionism To Retro-Anti-Zionism

Here's a headline:-

More than 1,000 Jaffa residents protest
Jewish settlement project being built in the heart of the city


So, those things are not restricted to beyond-the-Green-Line-Israel?

On May 1-2, 1921, Arabs killed Jewish immigrants and others staying at a hostel as well as Yosef-Chaim Brenner, the novelist, in a nearby orchard in Jaffa.

The "killing of Zionism" continues.

Remind me, was it the "Arab port" of Jaffa from where Jonah attempted to flee his mission? A "Palestinian port"? Was Jonah a "Palestinian"?
