Showing posts with label Pal. terror. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pal. terror. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Why the 'Palestinians' Are An Alleged People

Why are 'Palestinians' an alleged people?

Because their official news agency publishes claptrap propaganda like this:

What "allegedly"?

He rammed the car and was carrying an axe.

Does WAFA think he was out looking for a Christmas tree?


Tuesday, January 07, 2014

They Keep Getting Shot

There are complaints that Israel doesn't treat Gaza Arabs who are near the security fence properly.

I am fairly sure we're doing better than Egypt, however:-

Egyptian army shoots 2 Palestinians crossing through Gaza tunnel

GAZA CITY (Ma'an) -- The Egyptian army shot and wounded two Palestinian youths as they exited a tunnel from the Gaza Strip...Security sources told a Ma'an reporter in Cairo that after the two youths exited the tunnel, Egyptian border police chased them and subsequently opened fire.  The youths were taken under heavy guard to the Rafah General Hospital.

A military source said that the two youths were "smugglers" and would be taken for interrogation in order to discern the reasons for their crossing to the Egyptian side.

Perhaps the Egyptians assume they are terrorists?


Monday, November 19, 2012

Hamas Propaganda is Terror Art

Israel does not target, with malice aforethought, children and other non-fighter populace.

50,000 warning phone calls were made last week to residents at potential locations that could be attacked.

Hamas places its weaponery amidst the civilian population.

Its rockets also kill their own children when they explode on ignition or fall short.

A poster like this

is not only horrendously gruesome and posed but evil misrepresentation.

With an enemy like this, with its warped logic, there is no common language.



Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Fab Fayyad Fibs

Salam Fayyad has been quoted:

Palestinian Prime Minister Salam Fayyad strongly rejected using his people as a justification for the French killings, calling them a "cowardly terrorist attack."

"It is time for those criminals to stop exploiting the name of Palestine through their terrorist actions," Fayyad said in a statement.

But wait, who has been killing hundreds * of Jewish children, women, elderly and even foreigners here in Israel but...Arabs of the former territories of the Palestine Mandate?

You know, the ones they write academic articles about?

Like here and also here. And here where you can learn that

Washington Post journalist Daniel Williams, in an article on the woman suicide bomber Abu Aisheh, estimates that there were fifty-nine acts of suicide bombings in the first eighteen months of the second intifada. Williams also notes that “the pool of potential bombers seems far from exhausted among despairing, hostile youths of Abu Aisheh’s generation.” A Ha’aretz article reports on research conducted by a psychology lecturer at Al-Aqsa University, Fadal Abu-Hin: “In Apri1 2001, Abu-Hin conducted a research study among 1,000 young Gaza Strip Palestinians, aged 9 to 16. According to the results he published, over 40 percent of the respondents said that they were actively involved in the intifada. Over 70 percent said that they wanted to be martyrs. ‘If I were to carry out the same study today,’ says Abu-Hin, ‘I am sure the figures would be even higher,’...

There's this book and this one.



The first suicide attack ascribed to the Palestinian cause occurred on 16 April 1993, [the first modern one was the US Marine barrakcs in Lebanon] when a car bomb exploded near Mechola in the Jordan Valley. Between then and March 2004, 139 suicidal-attack incidents attributed to Palestinian operators transpired against Israeli targets (Figure 1). Between 1993 and September 2000, 27 suicide missions claimed 120 of the 290 Israeli deaths attributed to Palestinian attacks; since then, 112 suicide bombings have accounted for 474 of 918 Israeli Second Intifada fatalities while wounding more than 3,000, despite composing less than 1 percent of all violent incidents. These tallies do not include failed suicide operations (i.e. attacks intercepted by security forces or crippled by device failure); the number of attempted attacks is thus higher...recently an increasing number of these attacks have been claimed by the collaborative efforts of two or more Palestinian militant groups. From 1993 through April 2004, 46 percent of all suicide bombings were carried out by Hamas, 29 percent by PIJ (Palestine Islamic Jihad), and 22 percent by Fatah (Figure 2); the remainder were by the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) or were claimed by two or more groups.
and this:

Since the onset of the Palestinian Intifada in September 2000 through August 2005, 151 Palestinian suicide bombing attacks have been launched against Israeli targets, killing 515 people and injuring almost 3,500 more...


Monday, January 31, 2011

From Post-Zionism To Retro-Anti-Zionism

Here's a headline:-

More than 1,000 Jaffa residents protest
Jewish settlement project being built in the heart of the city


So, those things are not restricted to beyond-the-Green-Line-Israel?

On May 1-2, 1921, Arabs killed Jewish immigrants and others staying at a hostel as well as Yosef-Chaim Brenner, the novelist, in a nearby orchard in Jaffa.

The "killing of Zionism" continues.

Remind me, was it the "Arab port" of Jaffa from where Jonah attempted to flee his mission? A "Palestinian port"? Was Jonah a "Palestinian"?


Wednesday, September 08, 2010

Five Lousy Pennies and One Rotten System

Heard of Um Yusuf Hamid?

She's a mother of five.

And each one of her progeny has been a terrorist and killed Jews.

Four are in prison and one was killed.

And the PA gave her an award of recognition (in Hebrew).

It was presented by Issa Kraqa, a PA minister in charge of Prisoners.

She lives in El-Amari, in Ramallah.

Think about that.

(Kippah tip: Muqata)

- - -

Monday, September 06, 2010

Can Israel Act Similarly?


I was wondering, if Spain can be so doubtful, can we?

Spain Dismisses Basque Truce Announcement

Spain’s interior minister said on Monday that he did not trust a cease-fire announcement from ETA, the Basque separatist group, dismissing speculation that the country’s long fight against terrorism had come to an end.

In a video and statement issued on Sunday, ETA said that it was observing a cease-fire, a decision that it claimed to have taken months earlier. However, ETA did not offer to hand over weapons, nor did it describe the cease-fire as permanent.

“We have not changed by an inch our stance because this is reversible,” Alfredo Pérez Rubalcaba, the minister, said in a morning interview on Spanish television, in what amounted to the first official government response to ETA’s announcement. “I don’t trust this one bit,” he added. “The only facts are that there is an ambiguous statement from ETA.”

Nothing is ever exactly comparable, but still...

- - -

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Write to PETA

I did it the last time the Pals. used an animal for their terror.

And now they've done it again:-

A small Syrian-backed terrorist group in Gaza said its activists blew up a donkey cart laden with explosives close to the border with Israel on Tuesday, killing the animal but causing no human casualties.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Long History?

Edith Garwood of Concord, N.C., is a member of the Middle East Coordination Group for Amnesty International USA (*). Here's her letter in the NYTimes today:

To the Editor:

“Palestinians Try a Less Violent Path to Resistance” (front page, April 7) seems to propagate the notion that the Palestinian struggle has been only violent. Just because the media choose to ignore the long history of Palestinian nonviolent resistance does not mean it hasn’t always existed.

Saying that “nonviolence has never caught on here” does a great disservice to the many Palestinians who have been killed since the early 1900s while nonviolently resisting injustices and ignores the Palestinians, Israelis and others who have acted nonviolently for years.

Israel has increased harassment of nonviolent protesters in the occupied West Bank and East Jerusalem with nighttime raids and arrests of both leaders and participants, including children. These people, and those who came before them, deserve to be acknowledged and supported, not erased from history.

Long history of nonviolent resistance?

What "long history" of nonviolence?

The conflict can be said to begin in April 1920 when Arabs conducted a violent riot against Jews in Jerusalem. In the following 90 years, we have these highlights:

- 1921: Jaffa riot, spreading to Petah Tikva and Hadera; Jlm violent demo
- 1929: country-wide attacks
- 1933: violent riot in Jlm
- 1936-1939: country-wide attacks
- 1947-1949: war
- 1949-1956: Fedayeen terror
- 1964-present: PLO terror
- 1987-1992: Intifada
- 2000-2006: Intifada

and much in-between.

Thousands of dead Jews, foreign workers, tourists and others in Israel and in airports and restaurants all over the world.

I say there was no long history of Arab nonviolent struggle.

There was only a long and protracted and evil campaign to kill Jews and prevent the international guarantee of a reconstituted Jewish national home from being fulfilled. And in doing so, by linking up with the Nazis, they effectively contributed to the Holocaust.

What do you say, Edith?


(*) And more:


Monday, February 22, 2010

A 75% Negative News Item

IDF Spokesperson's Unit announced:-

On Monday (Feb. 22), Army Radio reported that Palestinian security forces gave Israel information on a Qassam rocket manufactured in Judea and Samaria planned to be launched towards Israel.

According to estimates, the rocket was ready to be launched towards the center of the country. Information about the existence of the rocket was received from the Palestinian security apparatus.

The detection of the rocket is due to the successful cooperation between the IDF, the Civil Administration and the Palestinian Security Forces, as reflected in several recent cases, such as right-wing activists’ breach to Jericho where cooperation between both forces avoided a violent confrontation between Palestinians and Israelis.

Well, one good news item and three bad news items.

One: the rocket launch was halted.

That was the good one.

Two: they are trying to shoot rockets and have the capability.

Three: the IDF Spokesperson's Unit should know that Judea and Samaria are two different regions. Where was the rocket placed for launch?

Four: although the Pals. informed Israel of its existence, were they not capable of eliminating the threat themselves?

Those were the three bad ones.

That's a 75% negative news item.

Sunday, December 27, 2009

So, Bibi Will Release More?

You'll notice something horrifying:

Names of Terrorists Killed During Tonight's IDF Operation

Nader/Raed A-Gabar Machmad Surkajy, a 40 year old resident of Nablus, is a Nablus Fatah Tanzim activist and has been imprisoned in Israel in the past. Prior to his arrest in 2002, Surkajy was a senior member of the Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades and was involved in multiple terror attacks. Surkajy was also involved with the manufacturing of explosives and the establishment of an explosives-manufacturing laboratory in Nablus. Surkajy was arrested in April 2002 and was released earlier this year in January 2009.

Assan Fatachi Naif Abu Sharach, a 40 year old Nablus resident, has also been previosly imprisoned in Israel. He is the brother of Naif Abu Sharach, the former head of the Fatah Tanzim in Nablus, who was responsible for planning multiple terror attacks until he was killed by IDF soldiers in 2004.

Annan Saliman Mustafa Tzubach, a 36 year old Nablus resident, a Shahad Al-Aqsa activist and was involved in widespread militant activity within the framework of the Nablus Fatah Tanzim. The group was led by Naif Abu Sharach until his death. Annan served as an arms dealer and supplier. During an attempt to arrest him tonight, Annan was killed after an exchange of fire with the IDF while he was found in a hiding place along with weapons and ammunition. Annan was included in an agreement in which wanted terror suspects were granted amnesty in exchange for a cease and desist in all terror involvement.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

I'm Safe, Thank God

Israeli moderately hurt in West Bank shooting

An Israeli driver was moderately wounded on Tuesday evening when Palestinians opened fire on his car near the central West Bank settlement of Shiloh, between Ramallah and Nablus.

According to initial reports, the Israeli was driving outside the outpost of Shvut Rachel at the time of the attack. He was immediately evacuated by heliocopter to hospital with arm wounds.

The driver was identified as a settler from the area en route from Shvut Rachel to Kida, an outpost that connects Shiloh to the Jordan Valley.

According to the report, the man drove through to Kida before summoning emergency help.

"I can confirm it was a terrorist attack," said police spokesman Micky Rosenfeld.

The Israel Defense Forces has cordoned off the area.



Wednesday, September 09, 2009

The IDF Dismantles...

No, the IDF did not dismantle an outpost, a satellite community or any other Jewish residential location.

So, what did it dismantle?


IDF dismantles two explosive devices planted along Gaza fence

Monday, September 07, 2009

The Little Foxes

Rock Attack near Shiloh

Reported: 21:43 PM - Sep/07/09

( Arabs threw rocks at an Israeli vehicle travelling on Highway 60 south of of the Samarian Jewish community of Shiloh, shortly before 9 pm on Monday. No injuries or damage were reported.

About two hours earlier, an Israeli vehicle was damaged in a similar incident at that location, although no injuries were reported. Israeli troops were dispatched to the scene to look for the perpetrators.

Saturday, September 05, 2009

Obama: 'Settlements' vs. Pal. Terror (UPDATED)


Office of the Press Secretary
For Immediate Release September 4, 2009

Statement by the Press Secretary on Israeli Settlements

We regret the reports of Israel's plans to approve additional settlement construction. Continued settlement activity is inconsistent with Israel's commitment under the Roadmap.

As the President has said before, the United States does not accept the legitimacy of continued settlement expansion and we urge that it stop. We are working to create a climate in which negotiations can take place, and such actions make it harder to create such a climate.

We do appreciate Israel's stated intent to place limits on settlement activity and will continue to discuss this with the Israelis as these limitations are defined.

The U.S. commitment to Israel’s security is and will remain unshakeable. We believe it can best be achieved through comprehensive peace in the region, including a two-state solution with a Palestinian state living side by side in peace with Israel.

That is the ultimate goal to which the President is deeply and personally committed.

Our objective remains to resume meaningful negotiations as soon as possible in pursuit of this goal. We are working with all parties – Israelis, Palestinians, and Arab states -- on the steps they must take to achieve that objective.

The 'legitimacy'?

Is that worse than illegal?

When was the last time the White House condemned terror by Pals. which is also an "inconsistent commitment under the Roadmap"?

January 23, 2009:

He [Obama] asked for Saudi support for efforts to stop weapons smuggling into Gaza and expressed interest in continuing counter-terrorism cooperation.


April 9, 2009:

SUBJECT: Waiver and Certification of Statutory Provisions Regarding the Palestine Liberation Organization Office

Pursuant to the authority and conditions contained in Section 7034(b) of the Department of State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs Appropriations Act, 2009 (Div. H, Public Law 111 8), I hereby determine and certify that it is important to the national security interests of the United States to waive the provisions of Section 1003 of the Anti-Terrorism Act of 1987, Public Law 100-204.

This waiver shall be effective for a period of 6 months. You are hereby authorized and directed to transmit this determination to the Congress and to publish it in the Federal Register.


Not a very good record, eh?

Moral relativism? Preference for terror over Jewish residency in areas of their national patrimony, I'd say.



Looking around I found this example of Obama's thinking from May 2008:

Is Obama naïve enough to think that an extremist ideological organization like Hezbollah can be mollified with a less corrupt patronage system and some electoral reform? Does he really believe that Hezbollah is a normal social welfare agency seeking more government services for its followers? I spoke with Obama Tuesday to ask him what he meant by all this. Right off the bat he reaffirmed that Hezbollah is “not a legitimate political party.” Instead, “It’s a destabilizing organization by any common-sense standard. This wouldn’t happen without the support of Iran and

...The U.S. needs a foreign policy that “looks at the root causes of
problems and dangers.” Obama compared Hezbollah to Hamas. Both need to be compelled to understand that “they’re going down a blind alley with violence that weakens their legitimate claims.” He knows these movements aren’t going away anytime soon (“Those missiles aren’t going to dissolve”), but “if they decide to shift, we’re going to recognize that. That’s an evolution that should be recognized.”

...he continued: “There are rarely purely ideological movements out there. We can encourage actors to think in practical and not ideological terms. We can strengthen those elements that are making practical calculations.” Obama doesn’t broadcast moral disgust when talking about terror groups, but he said that in some ways he’d be tougher than the Bush administration...

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Left on Left - And All Wrong

Tony Judt on Amos Elon:

His sympathy for the "stateless, dispossessed, and dispersed Palestinians" did not blind him to the ineptness of their leaders. He had met enough Arab and Palestinian politicians to know just how inadequate they were to the tragedy of their peoples and the tasks facing them. In all his writings, notably an influential 1996 New York Review essay entitled "Israel and the End of Zionism," he was distinctly evenhanded in acknowledging the errors of both sides. But the historic mistakes of the Palestinians had come primarily before 1948, whereas Israel was overwhelmingly responsible for the disastrous missteps that followed its great victory in 1967.

Zionism, as Amos came to realize, had outlived its usefulness.




For those leaders, past and present, it is not a question of "Palestine" or any "Palestinianism" but of thwarting Jews from achieving their rightfull claims to their national homeland and their nationalism. It is all a negativistic campaign with nothing of any positive value or worth for their own character.


the historic mistakes of the Palestinians had come primarily before 1948

is all wrong.

They were terrorists, adopted the worst form of terrorism and continue to do so.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Nothing New

Itamar Marcus and Nan Jacques Zilberdik report:

Fatah official:
"Our goal has never been peace.
Peace is a means; the goal is Palestine."

The PA will resume violence and terror against Israel when Fatah is "capable," and "according to what seems right," Fatah official Kifah Radaydeh says in a PA TV interview. Radaydeh, Fatah Regional Committee member, Jerusalem, states openly that peace is not a goal for Fatah:

"It has been said that we are negotiating for peace, but our goal has never been peace. Peace is a means; the goal is Palestine."

Radaydeh says that "armed struggle" has not been ruled out and will continue, depending on how "capable" the PA forces are.

Click here to see the PATV interview with Fatah official, Kifah Radaydeh.


"Fatah is facing a challenge, because [Fatah] says that we perceive peace as one of the strategies, but we say that all forms of the struggle exist, and we do not rule out the possibility of the armed struggle or any other struggle. The struggle exists in all its forms, on the basis of what we are capable of at a given time, and according to what seems right...
What exactly do we want? It has been said that we are negotiating for peace, but our goal has never been peace. Peace is a means; and the goal is Palestine. I do not negotiate in order to achieve peace. I negotiate for Palestine, in order to achieve a state."
[PA TV July 7, 2009]

It should be noted that when Fatah refers to "Palestine", it is routinely referring to all of Israel.

And she seems like so nice a lady.

Tuesday, June 09, 2009

Where Is PETA?

After an incident when a donkey was laden with a bomb at the Gush Etzion checkpoint and was blown up in a terrorist attack, I contacted PETA and extracted from them a protest(*).

Read this:-

Under the cover of morning fog, a group of around 10 Palestinian gunmen armed with "huge amounts of explosives" launched a failed Gaza border assault at the Karni Crossing on Monday, in which booby-trapped horses were used

Why not contact PETA?



February 3, 2003

Yasser Arafat, President
Palestinian National Authority
Ramallah, West Bank
Palestinian Authority

1 page via facsimile: 972 7 282 2365

Your Excellency:

I am writing from an organization dedicated to fighting animal abuse around the world. We have received many calls and letters from people shocked at the bombing in Jerusalem on January 26 in which a donkey, laden with explosives, was intentionally blown up.

All nations behave abominably in many ways when they are fighting their enemies, and animals are always caught in the crossfire. The U.S. Army abandoned thousands of loyal service dogs in Vietnam. Al-Qaeda and the British government have both used animals in hideously cruel biological weaponry tests. We watched on television as stray cats in your own compound fled as best they could from the Israeli bulldozers.

Animals claim no nation. They are in perpetual involuntary servitude to all humankind, and although they pose no threat and own no weapons, human beings always win in the undeclared war against them. For animals, there is no Geneva Convention and no peace treaty—just our mercy.

If you have the opportunity, will you please add to your burdens my request that you appeal to all those who listen to you to leave the animals out of this conflict?

We send you sincere wishes of peace.

Very truly yours,

Ingrid Newkirk
President, PETA

Sunday, June 07, 2009

New form of terror attacks?

New form of terrorism?

Henya Meshulam, a Jewish teen-age girl from Hevron, was killed Friday afternoon in a car crash near the city of Efrat. The accident occurred when an Arab driver failed to give the right of way to the vehicle in which Henya was a passenger, and crashed into the side of the car. Several people were injured in the crash.

One day earlier, Israeli citizen Dr. David Matar, a pediatrician and husband of Nadia Matar - Head of the Women in Green - was wounded under similar circumstances near the site of Friday's fatal crash. Dr. Matar suffered broken bones when an Arab driver crashed into his car.