Questions for Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu
1. Who gave the order to evacuate children at 3AM from the outpost near Kiryat Arba on Wednesday night, January 11-12?
2. Will you ask that someone be punished for evacuating children at 3AM from outpost near Kiryat Arba on Wednesday night, January 11-12?
3. Will you look into the allegation that the IDF used Arabs to participate in the evacuation of the outpost and that these Arabs looted the property?
I'd ask if the Israel National Council for the Child or Orr Shalom have anything to say.
Can you gtuess who said this?
'Enforcement moves will tear kids from the only country they have ever known,'
Minister of Defense Ehud Barak's Media office has asked our agency to pose the questions to the IDF
Hi David,
Thank you for your email. To receive answers, please contact the Israel Police. They carried out the operation.
Shabbat shalom,
North American Media Desk
Spokesperson's Unit, Israel Defense Forces
Funny, the IDF is the sovereign in the area.
After two days of hourly media reports that the IDF conducted the 3AM operation in Kiryat Arba, the Israeli police have taken full responsibility for the action
An oral response was just received from the Israeli police spokesman, Mickey Rosenfeld, who said that "The police will decide when they want to carry out an operation of law enforcement at any time that it is convenient to the police".
In other words, the Israeli police ignored the Knesset testimony of the Israel Assn.for the Protection of the Child, who had asked that the security establishment refrain from removing children in the middle of the night, which constitutes wanton child abuse.
In answer to the fourth question, about the use of Arabs in the demolitions, and the allegation that these Arabs looted the possessions of the residents, the answer was that he was "not familiar" with this subject.