lame dah tak tulis something kat sini... banyak bende yang nak di settle kan sebelum i berhijrah to my next destination seeking a better place n happiness.. ehehehe.. n now, i'm still here (where else if not at cosmo jb) enjoying my last moment here before i go... yakkk??? enjoying la sgt... takde makne nyer.. ;)
actually, yes i'm still here.. working as usuall.. giving my services to this company n to all my students.. kesian plak kat sume students... so, before i go to my new destination, i think i want to settle down all my work here (such as marking all the assessment given to students and etc) so that the person who take my place r not suffer... ehehehe... yo lah... 4 subject tuh... ambik la korang... mintak maap le pada sesapa yg terpaksa take over my class nnt.. ehehehe... tak dpt nak yolong... pennaat dah... terpaksa la tinggalkan kelas n my students sume pd uols.. ehehehe...
its 'bout two week since my last post in my blog... macam² nak kena settle selain drpd pegi intebiu sana sini n attending test for PTD post... eheheh... ader hati tu gi intebiu n attend test lagi.. padahal, my next destination is waiting... takpe lah, kite mesti try seeking for a best n better life.... ehehehe... n akhirnye, at last, without any arguments n tanpa was², my next destination is dot dot dot . . . ehehehe... tak bleh nak reveal skrg lah... coz i'm still here... but actually, some of my collegues dah tau where is my next destination... tp still ader yg tak tau... so better i tell uols later... after i'm really at my new next destination..