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Näytetään tekstit, joissa on tunniste nursery. Näytä kaikki tekstit

lauantai 6. huhtikuuta 2013

Verhot - Curtains

Jahkailu sikseen, johan sitä on jo tehty yli kymmenen vuotta verhojen suhteen. Poimutuslautakin on ollut varmaan saman ajan ja nyt vasta kunnolla uskalsin kokeilla sitä. Tässä lastenhuoneen verhot. Eikä se nyt tosiaan niin vaikeaa ollut. Verhot on silkkiä, joka on kyllä ihana materiaali, jolla ei voi kuin onnistua. Liimasin päärmeet ja koristenauhan paikoilleen ja sitten verhot poimutuslautaan. Kevyesti silitin höyryraudalla ja annoin kuivua. Suihkautin verhot LV:n hajusteettomalla hiuslakalla (löytyi lähikaupasta). Kiitos vaan Ainolle ja Susannalle hiuslakkavinkistä. Nyt sitten verhotehdas pystyyn.

I have been planning on making curtains for my doll house more than ten years. Now I had the courage. I had even bought the pleater back then, but now I finally used it. Here are the curtains for the nursery. It was not hard at all. I used silk which is a lovely material with which one cannot go wrong. I glued the hems and picot on place. Used the pleater and steam-ironed the curtains lightly. Then I let them dry and sprayed them with non-perfum cheap hair spray from my local supermarket. Thank you Aino and Susanna for the tip to use hairspray. Now I only have to put a curtain factory.

keskiviikko 3. huhtikuuta 2013

Lontoosta - From London

 Postilaatikko on matkamuistomyymälästä ja se on oikeasti säästölipas.

The post box is from a souvenier shop and it is a piggy bank.

 Kensingtonin palatsin museokaupasta löytyi enemmänkin nukkekotitavaraa. Ostin tämän käsinmaalatun lasten keinutuolin, keinuhevosen ja kuningatar Victorian patsaan. Taksi ja kruunajaisvaunut ovat matkamuistoja, joista tulee leluja, kunhan katkaisin tuon ripustuslenkin pois.

 I found some doll house items in Kensington Palace Museum Shop. I visited the museum too and I liked it a lot. I bought a hand-painted  child's rocking chair, a rocking horse and Queen Victoria's statue there. The cab and carriage are souveniers which will become toys after I cut the rings off.

There was not yet Queen's statue at the study and after visiting Queen Victoria Exhibition at Kensington Palace I had to correct that .

perjantai 15. tammikuuta 2010

Lisää kuvia - More pictures

Lissu toivoi lisää kuvia nukkekodistani ja nythän se olikin helppo toteuttaa ilman luonnonvaloakin. Tässä ensin kolme kuvaa makuuhuoneesta. Huone on pääosin valmis, vain katto-ja lattialistat puuttuvat sekä ovi. Pikkuesineitä voi tietysti lisätä loputtomasti.

Lissu wished for more pictures of my Dollhouse and now it was easy do even without the natural sun light. Master bedroom is basically ready except for skirtings and door. Of course I can always add new little ornaments. The picture above the fireplace is a souvenier My little sister got me from Chicago Dollhouse store "Think Small". I just love Monet's Water Lilies. I have made most of the items myself or I have collected them during the years or gotten them from my dear miniaturist friends. The mat is the second doll house mat I have ever made and I still like it a lot.

I have made the fire place, the bed, the dressing table and wash-stand myself. I have also made the chair from a unexpensive doll house furniture by changing the legs and sanding the whole thing and staining it with diluted acrylic paint. The round table in the middle is from a McQueen kit. I really love those McQueen kits. They are just the easiest to assemble and I love the wood. The wardrobe is also an unexpensive doll house furniture I just sanded and stained with diluted acrylic paint.
This is a picture of the only finished room in my Dollhouse. It has a window, door and skirtings in place. I made the door myself and it looks quite convincing. It is a working door of course. Most of the stuff is selfmade. The baby carriage is bought from a skillful Finnish Miniatyrist Anna-Liisa Soikka from a Doll and Teddy Bear Festival last December.
There are quite many things that I have gotten from my friends in swaps. For example the picture above the fireplace, the Rabbit pillow, the Beatrix Potter book, knitted socks and the doll beside the old nanny.