Showing posts with label life. Show all posts
Showing posts with label life. Show all posts

Friday, October 11, 2013

At Four Months...

good morning!
with mr m sharing my computer,
it feels like i am a visitor who pops in now and then
i feel the need to reconnect today
to see how everyone's faring.
on my 'visiting days'
i usually try to skype my little grandson.
he is now four months old
in taiwan where he lives
they have a few customs that are very different
to us here in australia.
one of those
is the tradition of tying a red string
with cookies...or more recently...
the trend of tying donuts
around the neck of the baby and family and friends
eat them.
i'm not sure
what this means really
but maybe you've heard of it
and can let me know.
little kai also had his first swim recently
was accompanied by about forty other babies
who were born at about the same time as him.
sounds like good fun!
i'm off to shop for dog food
in the cool of the morning
then when it gets hotter
i'm heading down to the pool myself to keep cool...
my kinda fun.
i hope you've got some fun things lined up for today...
or maybe the weekend
naturally Carol xox

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

How does your garden grow?

good morning!
when i last wrote,
i lay down my to speak...
took a rest.
it was like at the end of all those 500 posts
i'd finished
really didn't know whether i'd take it up again.
but this morning
after a dry spell
i leapt out of bed and there had been a storm in the night.
the world was new again.
 i had a desire to write again as well...
to share something fresh.
i don't know quite where i'm heading
with all this
but as with life itself...
it'll just unfold
a story will be told!
oh what a beautiful morning...
oh what a beautiful day....
doris day here is warbling away!
have a great day...
naturally Carol xox

Monday, August 19, 2013

A Bit About This & That!

how are you?
today i feel the need to just chat a bit...
life is full of little opportunities,
like the time the sun was just shining perfectly
on this tiny spiderweb
despite its broken unevenness
it made a moment beautiful.
of course not all moments are beautiful are they?
mr m has had a heart infection over the past few weeks
fortunately after many tests
the most recent tell us he's on the mend
and his heart size is back to normal...
then mr m's dog became very unwell...
it turned out that she had a two cancers in her uterus.
a week and a half ago
she had a hysterectomy and the vet took out the aggressive cancer...
the size of a baseball!
she's on the mend
bouncing about like it never happened!
ms b is transforming our garden
she's truly a green thumbed girl
like her auntie jill and both grandmas.
she's planted this pot of sweet Williams
tool boxes full of pansies and renunculas
to bloom in spring.
lavender and mondo grass to withstand the summer heat
fuschias, hibiscus and frangipanis
now grace our garden as well.
what a treasure a good gardener is!
our tiny kai is now 3 months old!
it has sped by and he's growing up
faster than a weed...hehe!
check out this bright baby boy...

he's the apple of his grandma's eye.
how are things at your house?
we have plenty to be grateful for.
naturally Carol xox


Tuesday, August 13, 2013

No Sugar Please!

today i am celebrating
having been {almost} sugar free
white flour free
practically processed foods free
for six weeks.
i say 'almost' & 'practically'
i allow myself one day a month
to indulge in anything i may be totally yearning for
sometimes a little tiny bit of white flour or sugar may
creep into a meal
as a thickener or to enhance a flavour
for as much as possible i have stuck to it.
was it easy?
not at first.
it was ok for the first few days
then it got harder
before it got easier again.

the best video inspiration?
go to youtube,
watch "sugar: the bitter truth"...enlightening!
meals were not much of a problem...
basically meat or protein with veges/salad.
i have learned to love nuts, raisins, dates
& fresh fruit,
sometimes a bit of cheese.
my favourite is
greek full fat yoghurt, banana,
a tsp honey and a bit of fresh cream...yummo.
this satisfies all my sweet 'n' creamy desires!
have i lost weight?
yes...not really fast but it's going.
what are the advantages then?
i sleep better.
i'm happier with a clear conscience knowing
my body is getting vitamins and minerals it needs to thrive and heal.
i am more energetic.
i'm setting a better example for my family.
i want this to be a way of life, not a diet.
it's early days yet
i've got this far!
what good things are you doing for yourself today?
naturally Carol xox
p.s...what did i indulge in on those two days?  first day in july, american marshmallows and sausage rolls for dinner....second day in august, sticky date pudding with caramel sauce and cream! i wonder what september's will be?

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Around the Backyard...

i know it's been a while...i apologise.
things have been pretty stressful around here
when i'm in turmoil
my creative energy leaves me completely.
there were a few years
when i didn't get 'round to anything creative at all...
probably serving out the dinner attractively
or brushing my daughters hair into a ponytail smoothly
were the artiest things i did at that time.
well thankfully
those days have passed
i have only needed a few weeks so far...hehe!
i thought i'd take you on a little tour
of the happenings in our backyard today...just for fun.
i haven't seen this variety of pansy before...
we found a metal toolbox to plant them into...
much cheaper than a ceramic or plastic pot.
we couldn't resist buying this stunning hibiscus either.
we have had many days recently
cleaning walls and furnishings
and rearranging the furniture
to fit an extra body in the house.
we thought a pot of lavender
at the front steps
would be just the thing to survive
the intense afternoon heat
of queensland's summer sun.
i haven't bought seedlings for ages
it was a lot of fun shopping for them
with my newly arrived home daughter!
are you thinking of spring yet?...
just a few weeks away now
down here in australia!
naturally Carol xox

Saturday, June 29, 2013

This Week...

good morning!
i'm just taking the time
on this rainy saturday
to think about some lovely things
that i enjoy at the moment...
my daughter arrived home after two and a half years spent in canada...yay!
spending time catching up and sharing coffee with her and my daughter in law...lovely!
hearing and seeing baby kai on skype...marvellous!
enjoying time out from regular events 'cos it's school holidays here...refreshing!
the little things...
sipping a hot mug of green tea this morning

finding a different google illustration when i switched the computer on this morning,
a reminder of the tour de france coming up...
looking forward to a friend's birthday lunch today,
good food and great company with much laughter and silliness...
makes this day special.
i hope today is special for you as well...
happy weekend!
naturally Carol xox

Saturday, June 15, 2013

All Kinds of Wonderful!

good morning!
this morning is all kinds of wonderful...
the sun is shining,
the bed linen is changed,
the washing is drying on the clothes line,
the dishes are done,
the ensuite is clean,
the dinner is cooking in the slow cooker...
kai is four weeks old today...
his dad has just informed me
that he's having his belly button checked this morning...
my ladies beach beanie is finished...
{it's called that 'cos i think it would make the perfect beanie
for walking along a beach on a cool windy day!}

i like the way it's looking
with its contrasting tiny stripes.
isn't it amazing how a little bit of sunshine...
and feeling heaps better after beating the lurgy...
can energise a person!
how's the weekend looking from your end?
naturally Carol xox

Friday, June 7, 2013

Friday Snippets...

good morning!
i'm just quietly celebrating friday here.
it's queen's birthday weekend
so a long one for us with monday off work for mr w...and some of the boys.
it has been a normal week here...
no new babies
no falling down steps
or other nonsense...
thank goodness.
so i've just put together a few photos to capture
a normal week here...
..snuggling up warmly and comfortably
is popular at night here in front of the tv or computer...
...a bit more knitting has been done
over the past couple of days.
{ a beach ladies beanie actually??}
there's always washing up to do every day...
but the oranges are lovely freshly picked
from an orchard just up the road a bit...juicy!
i love my new black tempered glass 'black board'...
i bought it yesterday from aldi...only $14.99.
i think it's a bargain..
my new toy.
mr m was very efficient putting it up for me...
he did a great job and it only took him 5 mins!
what's going on at your place?
have a great weekend!
naturally Carol xox
ps...some of you think we have baby kai here...unfortunately location wise he is in taiwan and we're in australia.  skype and email are our best friends!

Thursday, May 30, 2013


good morning to you!
i must say the morning has improved with age..

heading down these very same steps this morning was a very different matter!
as usual these days
every second week mr m and i have a very early start.
just after half past three in the morning
i take him to work.
just as he's putting on his shoes and socks
i head out the door to warm up the car,
saying, "i'll meet you in the car".
that said i stepped outside and noticed the bulb in the outside light was blown.
i thought to myself...
'i'd better be a bit careful on the stairs'.
i can't take my own advice.
i stepped off the second to bottom step
bit the dirt.
i squealed in surprise ...and a bit of pain...
but the only creatures to notice
were the dogs across the road.
i lay in complete shock
spitting out bits of pencil pine
and dirt.
first glasses...not broken..sigh of relief.
second beautiful near new 'sacs' purple handbag...
brushing it survived too.
nothing broken...good.
thank goodness for strong bones...and a bit of padding!
later i noticed i was still finding grit in my mouth
and in my hair.
i got up very slowly...a bit embarrassed really...
at stepping out into thin air
and falling over like a school kid..hehe...
a bit pleased that it was the middle of the night, in the dark,
where the world wasn't watching.
i limped to the car.
mr m emerged from the house.
i told my story.
he was surprised...hehe..he didn't feel the earth quake
or hear my protest.
i'm all washed up now
but nursing my tender leg and a knee that's a little stiff.
i'll recover,
but today i'm a fallen woman.
bottom step...
i fell for you once
but never again
if i can help it!
unfortunately i know for sure
that i can't fly...oh well.
have you ever taken a fall?
{maybe i've been too proud lately.}
naturally Carol xox


Thursday, May 16, 2013

Creatively Exhausted!

my creative mojo is gone with the wind this week...
last week every spare minute was spent crocheting the rug,
when i finished that i cast on another baby beanie,
blue this time.
i finished quickly...
but then
i think i was creatively exhausted.
{parsley & thyme, a gift from a sweet friend}
sunday..mother's day...
i didn't want to knit, crochet, sew or even read or watch tv.
the boys gave me two angry birds computer games
so it was loaded
and it has been a week of playing a few games
inbetween all the usual stuff.
i think it's just what i've needed this week.
tomorrow is 'show day' here...a public holiday...just in our town,
it is there so the locals have a chance to visit their local show.
different places have different 'show days' here in queensland.
'baby bean's' mum is booked in on saturday for a c section..
he's a breech baby just like his dad was.
we have bought a banner and balloons and party poppers...
stashed a good bottle of wine too.
we'll  have a skype party when the good news comes through.
i hope you're pacing yourself creatively this week...
a nice balance will do,
so you don't burn out too!
naturally Carol xox

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Mopping Up...

and thank you for your kind & supportive comments
on our fire event last sunday.

the shaking has ceased
my equilibrium has returned.
after some thought
my husband seems to think that
due to the temperature readings the firies took...
that the self cleaning mode
has somehow clicked in by itself.
apparently this self cleaning mode
brings the plates on the insides of the oven
up to 800 degrees celsius
where they burn off any food or oil in the oven
and then when the oven is cool
you just sweep up the ashes.
i think
that because there had been a more substantial spill
on the floor of the oven,
that it caused flames to ignite with that extreme temperature.
well there is nothing but a little ash now
on the bottom of the oven.
we still need to have an electrician out to have a look
and maybe an insurance assessor.
....but the dogs have had a few delicious dinners
off the leg of lamb now...
and today kara finished off the last bone...
she's lying down
with a very rounded tummy
here now...hehe!
 now back to knitting,
preparing bible studies,
organising myself for mainly music
other normal weekly events...
i hope your week is rolling along smoothly!
naturally Carol xox

Thursday, March 21, 2013

While They Were Sleeping...

another very early 'good morning' to you!
this time mr m needed a lift to work
so i'm up early again.
the photos i showed you yesterday
were from the coast of taiwan
that we visited just over a year ago.
miss b will be there soon
and it brought back memories of our visit.
here are a couple more...
they are from the north western coastline,
the rock formations were unlike any i've seen
with their rounded tops.
the day we visited was wet and windy,
just like it has been here the last couple of days.
i love that kind of weather though,
it is invigorating to be out in,
dramatic and wild...
cool but not cold.
was just across the sea...not far at all.
it seems amazing to me
that a little baby will be born in taiwan
who will be a part of our family.
genetically coded to be one of us...
and yet belong to a country we hadn't known until recently.
the things life brings are incredible really,
things we never think of until they're reality.
the things you think of
early in the morning!
have a wonderful day...
naturally Carol xox

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Seizing the Moment...

good morning!
it's very early morning here.
every second week
mr m has to be at work by 4 a.m.
i find myself waking up at 3 or thereabouts
in sympathy.
mostly i just go back to sleep when his car drives off
but this morning i'm wide awake.
my mind was buzzing with some material
i'm teaching later this morning
i've just done some extra prep
that i was too tired to do last night.
the early hours of the morning
are like a bonus to the day.
they are good hours for thinking
when the house is quiet
a special kind of stillness pervades the neighbourhood.
even the birds are silent.
by the time they
start their morning chorus
i'll be back in bed
just catching a few extra zzzzz's
before getting up for real
this morning!
what opportunities
await you today i wonder?
seize the moment
live life to the fullest and a little!
naturally Carol xox

Monday, February 25, 2013

Let's Catch Up!

good morning!
let's catch up...
let's face it,
i haven't been around much lately,
just been generally busy really,
but i have been knitting too.
i've finished knitting my stripey blue scarf
and i'm up to sewing in all those pesky little ends...
the downside of so many stripes!
hopefully sometime this week i'll have pictures to show you.
can you see the raindrops on the tree in the backyard?'s raining again.
hopefully not too much.
we had a minor flood event last week
after our major one last month.
fortunately the centre of town wasn't affected
and the swimming pool was still open.
i've been swimming almost every day...
i can now do several laps at a time,
a big improvement.
when i started at the beginnning of january
i couldn't swim...or
i was very rusty...and all my joints were clicky...hehe!
how has church been? ask politely.
it's been a blast!...i say.
we have seen miracles, this weekend.
clark taylor has been ministering to us.
he prayed for my friend fiona
and her back has been healed.
she can feel a toe,
that due to a pinched nerve in her back,
she has not been able to feel in two years.
it's been quite a time.
i've been visiting you all...
every few days,
'cos i want to keep up to date on your comings and goings
and see what you've made.
you're very creative you know.
thanks for sharing a cuppa today...
i'll catch up with you again very soon, i promise.
have a great day!
naturally Carol xox

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Flooding Rains!

hello again!
this week we've got floods..hehe!
it has rained incessantly for the last four days
with mighty gusts of wind to boot.
there are jacaranda leaves and twigs and even branches
littering the ground
our bush with the orange berries
snapped off to ground level
narrowly missing the laundry trolley and clothesline.
now, look at this...sideways..hehe!

there are about seven little poinciana seedlings
which have sprouted suddenly since the rain started.

they are all about 3-4 inches high already
after only 4 rainy days...
trying to turn my desert of mud into a forest!

isn't life grand?

sorry about the sideways photo.
tim took the photo on his ipad
and when he sent it to me my computer refused to let it be edited,
so i couldn't rotate it...?????

the whole house feels damp now
and the eastern windows won't open as the wood has swollen,
shutting them tight!
she's a funny old house alright!

this afternoon
we went rubbernecking.
there's always a good view of the flood levels
at macca's {..mcdonald's, for those who are outside the land of oz}.
a hot apple pie each
was a welcomed afternoon tea today.
it was nice to be cool enough to enjoy something hot for a change!

we have our fingers crossed
that the swimming pool won't go under the floodwaters
just as we've grown to love our daily swims too.

i hope things are well with you...

naturally Carol xox


Friday, January 4, 2013


i got up early this morning...around five.
after washing up
i decided to reorganise my linen drawer.
it is deep and wide.
in fact,
whole universes have probably dwelt there under the layers of tablecloths and doilies!
it was a huge mess.
there were not only tablecloths and assorted linens
but out of date bags of spices..coriander seeds anyone?
then right down the bottom
there was a big bag of macadamia nuts
another bag of their shells.
i think they may have been from christmas 2011!

so i've tweaked my cabinet vignette from yesterday
displayed the walnuts in a beautiful handmade wooden bowl
which mr w made himself
then decided to put mr owl on a pedestal of books...
all owls read books at night,
it makes them wise..hehe!
i've washed all of the linen today...just to freshen it up...
polished the coffee table
cleaned the louvre windows in the kitchen.
all in all a satisfying day of progress.
how are you doing today...
lazing on holidays or planning your new year?
both are good!
naturally Carol xox

p.s...blogger won't let me upload pics from my computer at the these are ones i was fiddling with for doing up my header that mr w. complained was too big for his i altered it...just in case you were wondering!

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Slow Down January!

good afternoon!
i have been messing around with this today,
changing the header and colours...
i'm quite liking a kind of woodsy rustic feel at the moment.
i think i've caught it from some of the delightful fabrics around
all of those christmas deer ornaments.
there aren't any squirrels in australia
so miss b just had to send her dad one this year
i found a brown owl languishing at the back of a cupboard
while looking for christmas platters in december!
after the christmas tree went
there was a bare patch,
which i've filled with a cabinet to hold mr m's things.
who could resist the opportunity to freshen up the corner
with a few woodsy folk,
a couple of apples,
gingerbread and cinnamon candles
a nice green pot plant?
i may just attack another corner of clutter...
please slow down!
i'm enjoying you too much to have you rush past fast!
do you get the urge to organise and clean at this time of the year...
it must be something about the idea of a new start.
what do you think?
naturally Carol xox

Friday, November 30, 2012

xox from Mum...

when most school leavers
are going to 'schoolie's week' down at the coast,
my friend's daughter has gone to thailand
to help at 'destiny rescue'.
{a halfway house/charity that gives young women a chance at another life style
after they have been sold or enslaved, against their will, into a life of prostitution.}
she has gone armed with small gifts
her guitar.
her aim is just to encourage them in their new journey
and to make some new friends.
her mum is a legend.
as well as making and selling
hundreds of jars of homemade jam,
lemon and passionfruit butter
for her daughter's trip
she is renovating her bedroom
while she's away.
the windows have all been reputtied
and the walls undercoated.
 a couple of friends and i went around there this morning
and my job was to sand down the furniture
ready for painting...white.
there will be white walls
except for one...
this fabric
will be made into cushions for her bed...

i hope it will be the best surprise for her!
was mary's funeral...
a young woman, a friends daughter,
who died going to work a week and a half ago.
rest in peace, mary.
she had a smile as wide as the sky,
an infectious laugh
was a loyal mate
with a passion for life & love.
a bag to make...two cushions & an apron.
well, that's the plan.
what have you got planned for the weekend?
whatever it is..
do it with all your heart...
naturally Carol xox

Thursday, November 22, 2012


good morning!
a big thank you for all your thoughts and prayers
for my friend and her family...
the peace of God is evident there.
further down my street
a gate caught my eye.
the house is empty right now.
 the front gate stands...
then there was this one i noticed
directly across the road...
as you can tell
i live in an area with plenty of character!
it led me to wondering though.
i wondered when it was
that these gates got opened or closed
for the last time.
isn't it funny
how we lay things aside.
maybe it was the last time you rode your bike
or put on roller blades
or twirled wearing your favourite twirly skirt.
we never think
'this is the last time'.
it just happens...
while new gates are opening
mr m made these...
they looked like chocolate earthquakes..haha!
very chocolatey
light and cakey inside...
good with a cup of tea to wash them down!
so big
half was enough.
i'm tossing up
whether to go to mainly music today.
it's not my week
but some of the helpers will be away.
....and it's ms s's birthday.
i can't wait 'til she gets up
so i can give her
her presents.
are you like that too?
as soon as i wrap something up
i want to give it and see them open it..hehe!
much love to you all...
naturally Carol xox