Showing posts with label tea towels. Show all posts
Showing posts with label tea towels. Show all posts

Monday, December 6, 2010

Makin' an Apron...

this one's for terri!

miss b gave me this georgeous
blue bird print fabric.

the order was for blue...
so out of my little stash of possibilities,
a souveneir tea towel from norfolk
came begging to be used too...

snowy white ric rac and a few bright yellow buttons...

a strip of blue floral 'cos we needed a tie or two.

and here's a blue apron for you!

miss b is heading back to brisbane
as we speak
a bright and early start.
mr w journeys back up north to work
in a few hours...
and wants me to type up his resume
before he leaves!
{so i better get a wriggle on with that!}
mr brother has an appointment in brizzy too
so will be leaving mid mornng as well!

so mr m and mr p and me
shall have a quiet monday.
just us...
and the pitter pattering rain on our tin roof
that's enough for today!

hoping your monday
will be peaceful too...if you want it that way!

naturally Carol xox

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Glamour Puss...

i've a friend,
she's georgeous,
loves hot pink and purple
teamed with black and lots of sparkles

i think she's a glamour-puss!

these are for you mrs l.

i apologise for the lack of purple
and sparkles.
will you accept hot pink, orange and green
with your tea towels?

a little ric rac in lieu of a sparkle or two?

i hope you do.

'cos they're made,
ready and waiting...

for YOU!

hope your day sparkles!

what's thrilling you this thursday?

i've finished my bible college homework so..
i'm off to get a coffee, sew and shop,
that's the plan.

'til tomorrow then,

naturally Carol  xox

Friday, September 24, 2010

Perfectly Practical...

tea towels are perfectly practical
as opposed to...
mary poppins
as we all know is
practically perfect!

they only take a few minutes
to cut out and sew,
perfect for using
oddments of fabric.

the butterfly fabric
is a leftover from miss b's endeavors.
the patches
are 'city weekend' charm squares,
which happen to contrast with
royal blue

these 'maxwell & williams' teatowels
come in a pack of three
and are only a few bucks each
on special....yippee!

i reckon
they will make
great gifts...
thank you and i'm thinking of you
presents and stocking fillers...

i'm a practical kind of person,
i guess.


naturally carol xox

Monday, September 20, 2010

Monday Blues...

miss b has gone back to brisbane,
well she has to work,
so that was expected, but i miss her.

my car is at the repairers.
a fortnight ago -
mr william and i
were sitting at maccas
having a lovely cup of coffee and catching up,
a big white bus
decided to park in the bays next to ours
reversed straight into our car.
i have lost my freedom for three days...
and i miss it already.

i love the rain
i wanted to get you a picture of
my newly sewn
Amy Butler apron,
and the sun has gone away behind the rain clouds.
today i am missing the sunshine
and the perfect light for photos.

looking on the bright side though....

i do have a couple of pics which i took the other day,
of random sunshiney things
that may cheer us all up 
(if your day hasn't gone according to plan). 

i put this dotty border on this tea towel the other day...
just for fun.

this is one of the last poincettia flowers of winter
that is blooming
right alongside my house,
next to my front door.
i love the bright bracts and its knobbly stems...

and these babies

were from the last bunch

of glads i bought a couple of weeks ago.

i must have been saving these photos
for a rainy day!


well i feel a lot happier now...
i hope you do too.

naturally Carol  xox

Friday, September 17, 2010

Freesia Friday and a Surprise!

i promised you all
a peek at the freesias
growing au naturale
behind my crepe myrtle...

isn't it wonderful
when something springs up

our house
is an old lady,
she is in her eighties.

one of her past caretakers
must have planted
a few freesias,

not even dreaming
that they would still be here
in 2010...
delighting us
with their glory

who'd 'a' thought it!

this morning i surprised myself.
getting up early,
noone else was around,
{only the dogs - i'll introduce them anon}
i had an idea.

thought i'd use the last
'fandango' charm squares
{left over from the cushions}

...loving the yellow,
sunshiney golden yellow.
five charm squares
fit perfectly
along the edge of a tea towel
to make it special.

i feel
that i have been
very productive for a


naturally Carol xox

ps....thank you, you know who, for your lovely comments...very touched.