Showing posts with label Brayering. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Brayering. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Caught Up In The World Of "Brayering"

I have been fascinated lately with Michelle Zindorf's (the queen of brayering) blog and all her beautiful brayer techniques.  I have to admit the only real brayering I have done in the past is on some Tim Holtz tags I have made for his 12 tags of be easy on me, the first card is one I cased from Michelle's blog, the second one is one I just had fun mixing the colors....I know I need a world of practice, but these cards will be given to a non-card maker and will look "wonderful" to!!  I have a few more I want to do for Halloween...the only downside to this technique is it sure uses lots of wasted ink...wowza...guess that is what refills are for!  Did I mention that Michelle Zindorf will be teaching classes in my area...a girl can only "dream", as its just not in my "budget" this year...sigh!!
My inks used were not the ones Michelle used, mine are rather dark, but its what I had........I just received this set from SU on Friday, I purposely ordered it to try this, I did forget to "sand" my solid images before I inked them, so the black is not quite as "deep" as I would like!