Showing posts with label Queensland. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Queensland. Show all posts

Friday, December 02, 2016

'UNESCO' and 'endangered' hovers over the coral reefs of Queensland.  The ocean has warmed up and as a consequence, disastrously, colour has drained out of areas of coral. Cycles of recovery occur but are predicted to be less likely with increased global warming.
  The minister to do with global warming wants to rest on his laurels. Can't we do better than his reasoning that if the coal mines (in Queensland) are not developed than another country such as Indonesia will produce more coal of a type that is more polluting.
 Saving the wonders of the reef and reduction of carbon pollution comes at a cost. There is a price to pay in money and jobs.

 The coral in the photo is a rather old souvenir that was found by chance in Newcastle. It is more colourful than the image and surely it is the natural colour.  Although I have been to the reef area I never saw the coral except for a bit of snorkeling where coral was not a big feature but the island was lovely. 

Sunday, October 25, 2015

Undara, Queensland is hundreds of isolated kilometers from a cross road or "trading post" yet on each day a wave of humanity arrive, day tour, and clear out the next day - by and large.
 Dry season conditions challenge, forget cute and green, but weather is warm in the middle of winter and the swimming pool is fresh. 
 Other groups share transport and tents in safari style. Well, "safari" is how I name it rightly or wrongly.   

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Briefing before the intrepid mob left for Undara.  Learn how the lava tubes were formed.

Sunday, October 18, 2015

Under this open landscape are found the Undara lava tubes.  Volcanic shapes are seen in the distance and it could be said that those landforms are totally dormant - this land is ancient and mostly flat.

In contrast, Indonesia is no distance away but is a location with active volcanoes where a string of large islands surround a long string of active volcanoes. Mildly active is it.  None the less the population density breaks all records - as I understand.  A long treck in the pre-dawn to view a smoky volcano is a popular endeavour.
Two utterly cataclysmic eruptions are recorded among others.  One eruption was in the much more distant past and has become the scene of a peaceful picturesque and very deep extensive crater lake about 100ks in length. It grabs the imagination.

Saturday, October 17, 2015

The Lava Tube tunnel went on and on,  Almost total darkness.
A little toddler in the group was fearless and enjoyed running around out towards the entrance and back again.

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Undara.  The easy expedition, another tour is offered that is more challenging and less developed.

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Undara Lava tubes of north Queensland. Arches, cave-ins and deep caves to be explored

We need an international rule that a date be included in every web site.
 The question is whether a site is still current. Clues and intuitions are used but....
 For instance, seeking a shuttle bus timetable for a strange location, well, who can tell whether or not it is still a goer. Has such and such an airline gone out of business?  Is that review from 2002 or 2014?
Give us a break!

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Endeavour River, Cooktown.
Two months earlier, June 1770, explorer, Cook, limped into the sheltered waters. The isolation was rather extreme in the event of shipwreck yet a whole nation of indigenous people was near.
About 6 August 1770 the Endeavour left after repair work and sailed north to Indonesia on the return to England.
The recorded details are tragic, it was no love boat. 
The township is below hidden from view.

Monday, August 10, 2015

 Where the tropical rainforest meets the sea in far north Queensland a Cassowary (bird) and youngster strode by.  Numbers are killed and injured by cars and their rehab centre has lost its funding.
Numerous road signs alert motorists to the presence of the birds but they have a risky life and need all the help they can get. 
Next sand crabs played marbles on the beach.

Tuesday, August 04, 2015

Liquids. This is Macca free country.  This is beyond the Golden Arches. No sighting are made of McDonalds in some northern latitudes despite the global reach. The inbetween snacks are ok at McCafe, parking is always handy, newspapers to read, the scene is familiar, or too familiar, for the traveller.

  Underground water is pumped to a watering hole near the highway. Supposedly ready for whatever live stock are in the area even when nearby rail transport is no more. Judging by the hoof prints all the cattle carefully follow the same little track as they approach the dam despite the wide open spaces.  Ducks also like the oasis.
  The greenery is a change but the thorny plant is a pest that spreads.

Monday, August 03, 2015

Skeletal remains of a rail link ran near a cattle yard.
Then disused rail lines were put to use to build the fences.
Once upon a time the steel came from Scotland it seems.
No rail, it is road transport nowdays.  Of southbound traffic, 98% were vehicles moving cattle to Roma area. Northbound traffic was 98% southerners heading to warmer latitudes in recreational vehicles.

Friday, July 31, 2015

Roma Queensland cattle yards.
Fight for bovine freedom
Any darn fool thing is undertaken if there is a quid in it. Live export of cattle is an extreme cruel process. 
Instead of the export of butchered fresh or frozen meat we have been blackmailed into live export.
Forget value adding.  Forget decent animal husbandry. Turn a blind eye to the sick conditions on the ships and at the destinations, the barbaric slaughtering methods and the hugh distances the cattle are moved within Australia.
Any way, vegetarianism is beneficial for our world.
Lower, can't say grass was plentiful north of Hughenden.

Thursday, July 30, 2015

Not only transports, big and strange things emerge in deep north Queensland.
 Firstly, regular hamburger and chip potatoes, also comes in large and extra large, when the cook is working who that day was Irish on a working holiday. 
 The Tree of Knowledge, Barcaldene

Anomaly in Longreach. Qantas began in the area as a small rural air service.

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

 Driver climbs up on rig to quickly peer in at the cattle on each level in the three trailers before he has a spell in the roadhouse.
  If an animal is found 'sitting'' then there are means of getting it on its feet again.  If an animal is lying down it is a worse problem.
  The rump of one beast had rubbed raw against the side of the trailer. Noses or rumps, either seem jammed into a position and the cattle are transported hundreds of kilometers. Was said, for example, the cost is $37 per head from north west Qld to Roma sale yards.

Thursday, July 23, 2015

 Corfield, central Queensland, to the east.  Corfield sports club.  Communications.

Saturday, July 04, 2015

Thursday, July 02, 2015

Endeavour River just inside the entrance. Cooktown. 
The barque, Endeavour, was repaired on the shores of this side, below Grassy hill in 1770.

Where were the planets in July 1770? The transit of Venus was specially observed by the expedition.
At dusk to the NW in Newcastle, Venus and Jupiter are seen close together and to the east a splendid full moon is rising for all humanity see. Here, the planets will set in several hours time.  

Wednesday, July 01, 2015

 Cooktown, far north Queensland, with the Endeavour River just in view, where explorer Captain Cook stayed June to August 1770 to repair his ship.
From the museum balcony.  The anchor and other items have been salvaged after their jettison in an attempt to refloat the good but troubled ship Endeavour

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

For sheer ambiance the camp around the remote old pub at Nindigully was the place to be.
Most of the traffic on any road is a steady stream of holiday rigs.

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Roadside art from Jillambie
Getting closer to the New South border and return to winter weather although it was freezing the other night at Augathela.