Showing posts with label circus. Show all posts
Showing posts with label circus. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

In the Circus ring are skillfull gymnasts and full-on contortionists and more. The Moscow Circus offers very good entertainment and is here till next week.
Support for alternative entertainment is a worthwhile act.
PS. Only a fairly slender connection remains with Russia but it's good.

Friday, December 19, 2008

Onion domes have sprouted in the park as part of the Moscow Circus which features international stars, acrobats, death defying acts and........ the Globe of Death motorbike stunt.

The circus is from Michael Edgley who has long been part of the entertaiment industry. Originally the family were English immigrants.
In the 1960's Eric Edgley established an innovative working relationship with the Russian authorities and started bringing Russian performers to the West beginning with 25 members of the Bolshoi Ballet touring Australia in 1962 and followed on by other renowed attractions and extravaganzas presented by the Michael Edgley company.

Monday, March 24, 2008

Remember the circus tents in Burwood Park? Remember when we drive down King Street it was the scene of an earlier urban 'battle' when the park was given up to the roadway as I seem to recall.
I am mistaken. This is really Birdwood Park not Burwood.

A smaller version of Birdwood Park remains in between the roadways.

An old stadium was near this end of the park.
I think the stadium held popular housie games but of course would have had other uses.

Marketown was built there with something of the circus or stadium theme in mind.

Friday, February 15, 2008

Webers Circus is in town until March 2nd, they have a colourful web site here. The circus is next to Newcastle Showground in Chatham Road. Here they were organizing the tent. It was a team effort.
"Hey there, hoopla, the circus is in town
Have you seen the elephant?
Have you seen the clown?
Have you seen the dappled horse gallop round the ring?
Have you seen the acrobat on the dizzy swing?"... ............" by C J Dennis...a verse from primary school days