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Last Updated: Friday, 22 July, 2005, 11:49 GMT 12:49 UK
Your pictures: London alerts continue
Stockwell station
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BBC News website readers have sent in their pictures of Friday's events in London. Chris Pollard sent in an image of Stockwell station.
Journalists at Stockwell
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Alexandra Kudryashova: "I was opposite Stockwell station when the police closed all the neighbouring streets. Nobody was allowed near, even the journalists."
police search
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Police search youths at Waterloo train station.
Number 26 bus Hackney.
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Chiara Zanesi: "The part of Hackney Road where we live is still cordoned off. We were told the bus would be here for another day, but around 10.45 am this morning we saw it leaving."
Vauxhall Station entrance
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Peter Faulkner: "I have just taken these showing the scene at Vauxhall."
Kingsland Rd/Old St junction, 1am
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Ania Dabrowska: "Inside the cordon at Kingsland Rd, Old Street junction, 01:00 BST Friday."
Bus in Shoreditch
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Anthony Hunt: "I live in Shoreditch and took a picture of the bus from my window."


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