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Last Updated: Saturday, 23 July, 2005, 18:51 GMT 19:51 UK
Good response to CCTV bombs plea
Police appealed for information based on the CCTV images

More than 500 members of the public have contacted police after CCTV images of four men suspected of Thursday's failed London bombings were released.

Met Police Commissioner Sir Ian Blair told the BBC the public's response to the appeals had been "extremely good".

Detectives are hopeful the calls and e-mails, many including pictures, will lead to significant lines of inquiry.

Two men have been arrested by police after bombers targeted three Tube trains and a bus.

One other man, who police have confirmed had no links to the bombings, was shot at Stockwell Underground station on Friday after a police surveillance operation.

Two other suspects are still being questioned under anti-terrorism laws.

CCTV debate

The images of four men were released on Friday.

Scotland Yard said it had received almost 500 telephone calls and around 80 e-mails from the public.

Scene of Friday's police raid
A man was arrested after a raid on this building in Stockwell

The Met's assistant commissioner Andy Hayman said the public's "responsible attitude", the volume of calls and quality of information, was "extremely encouraging".

He added: "We are still keen to hear from as many people as possible who have information about these suspects."

Police are now urging the public to store the anti-terrorist hotline number into their telephones.

Earlier, Sir Ian Blair said the CCTV footage was "very, very important" to the inquiry and had ended the debate over the usefulness of cameras.

He also hailed the investigation team as "fantastic" and said the Met police force was "playing out of its socks".

Suspects' movements

Members of the public have been warned not to approach the suspects, whose movements are listed below:

  • The first image showed a man in a black sweater running away from Oval station's Northern Line at 1234 BST on Thursday. Police believe he had travelled north from Stockwell. His top was later found in nearby Brixton.

  • The second image showed a man on the number 26 bus travelling from Waterloo to Hackney Wick. He got off the bus at Hackney Road at about 1306 BST.

  • The third image showed a man leaving Warren Street station at 1239 BST.

  • Police believe the man pictured at Westbourne Park station at 1221 BST travelled west on the Hammersmith and City Line to Shepherd's Bush, where he ran from the station.

Scotland Yard has urged anyone who believes they have seen the men captured on CCTV to call 999.

If anyone knows their whereabouts, or can identify any of them, they should call the anti-terrorist hotline on 0800 789 321.

The four bombers targeted Oval, Warren Street and Shepherd's Bush stations and a bus in Hackney.

Watch the CCTV footage

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