
Showing posts with label recycle. Show all posts
Showing posts with label recycle. Show all posts

Thursday, December 2, 2010

There is always room...

for a little Pink Christmas Inspiration!

To all the pink lovers out there:

Linking to the wonderfuk
Vintage Inspiration Friday

Thank you, Deb!


Thursday, November 11, 2010

Inspiring words...

"Use the talents you possess ...

for the woods would be a very silent place
if no birds sang except for the best."

~Henry Van Dyke~

That was my inspiration
when I decided to recover
an old, ugly lampshade.

I hope they will also inspire you
to create something pretty today!

For more Inspiration,
visit Debra at Common Ground.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010


Sometimes I just feel
like kicking my own butt...
but then I realize that
that will take some dangerous moves
that I'm not willing to try anymore...

The point is that it took me
6 years to work on this...

6 years!!!

I finally got my act together,
got to work
and only....

it was finished... and ready to be taken to Country Roads.

4 Hours!!!
How many of these could I have made in 6 years???
Too many to count...
Enough to depress me even more!

"A year from now you may wish you had started today"

~Karen Lamb~

I wish I would have read this quote before!!!!


Tuesday, September 14, 2010

White Wednesday

I tried to get rid of "it" a few times...
but every time I looked at it"
all I saw was a missing eye
and a big open mouth pleading for help.

I know I might have lost it,
but look... don't you see the same?

It's OK...
you don't need to respond...

In any case,
"it" got her makeover and this is She now...
New dress,
new makeup...

and a whole new life!

Just in time for another
White Wednesday!

"The most important thing in communication
is to hear what isn't being said."
~Peter F. Drucker~

Linking also this week to:
The DIY Show Off
Cheap Chic Home

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Second time around...

It amazes me what some people will throw in the trash.
I know these are not the cutest chairs we've seen...
they are sure deserving of a second look.

and definitely deserving of a second life!

"Change always comes bearing gifts"
~Price Pritchett~


Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Happy dance

A couple of days ago,
my Husband told me that the garage was starting to look emptier...

♪♫♪ Music to my ears ♪♫♪

The loud,
happy music...
and my happy,
happy feet
took me back to the garage
where I found this...

....ugly, ugly thing.

just waiting for a face lift!

The happy dance made me tired...

but there is no time to rest...
I'm on a roll!!

I have a lot more junk treasures to work on!!

What's making you dance today??

Linking to:
Faded Charm
Cheap Chic Home

Tuesday, August 24, 2010


1. (noun) purge, purging
an act of removing by cleansing; ridding of sediment or other undesired elements.

The definition is clear...

but undesired elements???

I don't know about that...

some of the things I found in my garage are not un-desired...
they are just un-designed ...

in need of some re-design...

A few cuts and some wooden knobs for a cute picket rack...

and some tips from Rita on how to make these cute signs.
That's all it took!

One more thing out....
1000000000 more to come!

Thank you Kathleen for hosting White Wednesday!!

Monday, August 23, 2010


As some of you already know,
I'm moving next year.

Not only to a new home,
but to a new city.
Well.... actually,
to a new "old" country.

My family and I are moving to Argentina in July.

Big ...huge move that involves lotst of:
Do we take it?
Do we leave it?
Do we want it?
Do we need it?

The list of things to move with us will change numerous times on the months to come,
but some things like my magazines, need my attention right away.
My baskets,


and piles...

are being tackled,
reduced (the magic word!).

While watching HGTV,
I sit on my rocking chair...
(shhh she will not be making the trip, but doesn't know it yet!)
and go thru them all...

so far I have a
Recycling Ideas Folder...

a Cool Crafts Folder....

An Inspiration Folder...

and a Fave Quotes Folder...

I also have a
"They are crazy folder".

That's where I keep people's thoughts about our move...
and it's already full.