
Showing posts with label weekend. Show all posts
Showing posts with label weekend. Show all posts

Friday, September 10, 2010


We survived
the first three days of school...
how many more felt?????

The downstairs bathroom is finished
(water leak inside the wall)
new wall,
new floor,
new paint,
dust everywhere....

My Husband an I played tennis...
I didn't know it was possible
for all my muscles to hurt at the same time.

I'm looking forward to the rest of today.
and fabrics...lots of colors...
I see more rosettes in my future!!

After all....

"Weekends don't count
unless you spend them doing something completely pointless"
~Bill Watterson~

So go ahead...
enjoy your weekend and don't forget
to do something completely pointless!!!

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Taking it easy...

This is an extra long weekend...

Kids don't have school on Friday...

or Monday....

or Tuesday...

and for some reason
my brain thinks that the extra long weekend should start today.
I'll not fight it.

I need to save every ounce of energy today because this weekend I need to go Prom Dress shopping with my beautiful 16 year old...
not an easy task...
but I'll survive no matter what!

Friday, April 9, 2010


The cool things about selling to many stores,
all of them with different looks,
is that I can go
from the country...

to the beach...

to Paris...

without leaving my worktable!

This has been a crazy busy week.

I'm almost done with all the orders...

Now it's time for me to get a giant coffee...
yes, at 6:30 pm...
yes, I can still sleep 8 hours with no problems :)

and watch The Lakers.


"Weekends don't count
unless you spend them doing something completely pointless"
~Bill Watterson~

Enjoy your weekend!!!

Sunday, February 7, 2010


After two other days of constant rain, the sun is finally out.
My cold decided to give me some energy back...thank you very much!
and Formal was a wonderful night ...

This week is going to be great...
I can already feel it!!

"It's so hard when I have to, and so easy when I want to"
~Annie Gottlier~

Monday, July 6, 2009

Happy Monday!

Why wait for the weekend to have fun?

We started the week with a Giveaway!
We partnered with sweet Amy from Age Vintage Papier and all her wonderful followers to sponsor a giveaway.
All the goodies included in these pictures can be yours...just visit Aged Vintage Papier for directions.

Easy, fun way to take home chic tags, handmade ribbon, cards, a flower pin and much more!

You have time until July 16Th....

Good luck, girls!

Monday, May 18, 2009

Go Team!!!

This past weekend was not about thrifting or decorating.
Like many of our weekends, it was all about our girls, not just S and C, but also the other 13 pretty girls in the team. They played the Finals in San Bernandino, in about 100 degrees weather and walked away with medals and the first place trophy after a wonderful game against a very strong team.

It makes Clara and I very happy to know that our girls are part of a nice group of girls.
They are all very good students, high achievers, involved in many extra curriculum activities and they all get along!!!...

A weekend full of girl fun, with no makeup, no cute outfits, not having to worry about their hair...a weekend of pure camaraderie and teamwork.

They all worked very hard and it paid off!
Good job, Girls!

"The nice thing about teamwork is that you always have others on your side"
~Margaret Carty~

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Lucky, relaxing weekend...

Oh yes! Everything started on Friday when we won the Aged Vintage Papier Giveaway hosted by Amy Sutter and sponsored by Katzelcraft . We can't wait to receive the beautiful stamps we many possibilities with those cuties!

Later that day we received a "Lovely Blog" Award from wonderful Dawn from Harmony Quest.

Dawn is a Digital Artist and at her Etsy shop you can find the perfect, personalized labels and stickers. Make sute to check it out!

On Saturday we had a sunny, fun soccer day. We cheered the kids from the sidelines and witnessed another win....We always told you we were soccer moms!...You see, our two girls are in the same team, my Husband Eis the Coach, Clara is the Team Manager and D, Clara's Husband and I are very loud.... Let me tell you: it gets intense out there...but we love it!!!

When Sunday came along, it was all about us, the Moms! The Husbands organized a picnic in Dana Point, beautiful weather and views of the Harbor , just the perfect setting!...

Husbands working hard: E on the left and D on the right.

No cooking, no cleaning, delicious food...can it get any better? Yes! After lunch, we drove to Laguna Beach, did some shopping, walked around, visited a couple of art galleries and finished the day at C'est la Vie, a french place on PCH with delicious desserts and coffee....YUMMY!
The 10 of us, (our Sister Ana and her boyfriend joined us), always have a great time together and this Mother's Day was no exception. It was a perfect day, a day to relax, recharge our batteries and realize how lucky we are to have each other!

From left: M, S, C and S2
Our kids with Clara (sitting down), Ana (peach sweater) and Marcela (between the 2 girls)

How about your weekend? Did you make it count? We sure hope so, because you deserve it!!

Monday, April 27, 2009

A perfect week end...

A little thrifting...

...Flip-flops weather...

...Enough goals to win the game.....

...And a little surprise from Blogland Friends...thank you so much Lulu from Coastal Sisters...we LOVE everything!!!

Ahhhh...the simple things in life....!!!

"Just living is not enough. One must have sunshine, freedom, and a little flower"
~Hans Christian Anderson~