Sir Liam Donaldson has quit from his post as head of the NHS. About time too.
As a fully paid up member of the Labour Stasi, he has done as much as any Politician to make our lives more miserable.
Case 1: The Junior Doctor recruitment Debacle.
Last night, Remedy UK, which represents junior doctors, said his resignation had come two years too late.
They called on him to go two years ago after the introduction of a botched online application system for junior doctors, which led to hundreds of candidates not being interviewed for jobs.
More than 15,000 doctors failed to find posts and some were forced to seek work abroad.
Case 2: Attempting to have a minimum price for Alcohol introduced.
And earlier this year his relationship with the Government was strained after his plea for a minimum price on alcohol was rejected.
Case 3: The ban on smoking in Public places.
But he was praised for the introduction in 2007 of the smoking ban in pubs and restaurants.
Case 4: His hysteria over swine flue.
In recent months he has been in charge of swine flu preparations, in which millions have been spent on Tamiflu, vaccines and facemasks.
Those are only a few of the many. Remember CJD, Bird Flue, etc, and many more.
He is just one of the Killjoys in the society that we live, that should have been hounded out by the mob many years ago. Instead he is jumping ship before the election because he knows damned well that he will be out of a job then.
Wonder which Big Pharma company will be offering him a job?