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Showing posts with label climate change. Show all posts
Showing posts with label climate change. Show all posts

Friday, 27 March 2015

Global warming?

An interesting  trailer denouncing the cult of global warming.

One day we will see the fanatical cult who believe in global warming, slinking away with their tails between their legs.

Here's a post worth reading on the subject

Sunday, 24 August 2014

Climate hustle- The Trailer

A little piece of a film that will light heartedly post fear into the hearts of climate warmist scientists.

Tuesday, 22 October 2013

Well done Piers.

Piers Corbyn runs the Weather Action, weather prediction site. See how he dismembers  the UN IPCC Vth Assessment Report - Discussion at Royal Society 2-3 Oct 2013 the Royal societies position on man made global warming.

I admit he’s not the most dynamic of speakers, but he is a true scientist. And of course his predictions regularly shame the UK Met Office.

Monday, 2 September 2013


Mitigate the effects of Climate change or bankrupt the world defending against it? The vid below gives the case for mitigation. If at all it’s needed?

What do you think?

Wednesday, 5 June 2013

A reply at last.

Just under a month ago I read a letter in the comments to an article in the financial times. The letter was addressed to our prime minister.

It’s produced  on my site HERE. It's about climate change and energy supplies.

Anyway I thought the author wouldn’t mind if I used it. After a bit of adjustment I sent it to my MP. The reply received today is reproduced (Badly) below. My apologies for the poor quality, but I had to scan it and then snip the content.





It seems he is somewhere on the same planet as me.

Friday, 22 February 2013

Bed time story

A new take on that bedtime story and how the world was going to overheat from Global warming. Just watch it and smile. How true it is.

(Beware. Sweary words at the end).

Friday, 23 November 2012

It’s a dirty little secret that climatologists definitely don’t want you to know.

Just to start the ball rolling on my behalf. Here is a statement:

Firstly:            Scientists aren’t Climatologists.

Secondly:        Climatologists aren’t Scientists.

Of course I’m neither. I’m an engineer. Which personally gives me a better balance than either of these two premises.

Scientists come up with theories and climatologists refer to models.

As an engineer I distrust both of them. (I’m being balanced here). As a Marine Engineer I can’t trust either. I deal in fact. If a scientist were to tell me  theoretically, that the engine standing next to us, that I was going to start,  would give me twice the power, I would tactfully suggest HE presses that start button. (FE would head for his lifeboat).

The same would be if I was told “that models suggest”, I would exit stage left just as quickly.

In my trade, denigrated as we are, I want hard fact not supposition.

Now I’ve got that of my chest, have a read of why a satellite, monitoring solar irradiance is a cause for concern.  

The problem with TSI

And the science is settled? It’s an interesting read.

Tuesday, 1 May 2012

I thought science was settled on climate change.

Obviously not warmists. I think this little snippet will further your downfall.

WASHINGTON, May 1 (UPI) -- A 10-year research plan outlined by the White House will focus on how human economic activity influences climate change, the administration said.

The White House said it formalized a 10-year strategic plan for the U.S. Global Change Research Program. The plan will focus on the relationship between human economic activity and global climate change.

So all you warmist twats who disagree with us sceptics, just look to your consciences.

Tuesday, 3 April 2012

Reduce your carbon footprint you damned old biddy.

It would seem that there are climate evangelists in the medical profession as well.

Housebound Mrs Mulcahy, 83, was astonished to receive a letter from her practice saying she lived too far away, and giving her 28 days to find another doctor. She has been registered there for 30 years.

Their excuse is:

In the letter, the surgery states: ‘Our greatest concern is for your health and convenience but also taking into consideration green travelling issues. Re: Carbon footprints and winter weather conditions, we feel it would be advisable for patients to register at surgeries nearer to where they live.

I despair.

Wednesday, 29 February 2012

It’s going to be cold again

From the Metro

Snow on its way to Britain again as temperatures set to plunge to -5C

Forecasters have predicted a ten-day cold snap will grip Britain from Sunday with temperatures dropping to -5C and the chance of more snow.


The Weather Channel said a ‘giant temperature swing’ would arrive at the weekend, bringing snow in the Pennines and blizzards in Scotland.

Monday could see snow in Yorkshire and Lancashire and there would be a risk of widespread snow across eastern England from Tuesday.

Of course I couldn’t help  commenting.

Friday, 24 February 2012


I don’t know if you’ve been aware of the Fakegate scandal where a member of the fanatical cadre of AGW, fraudulently obtained documents belonging to the Heartland Institute and proceeded to attempt to smear the institute by linking the documents to a blatantly fake policy document. The perpetrator was a certain professor Gleick who has now confessed in public to his stupidity.

However certain sites that he distributed this information to, are hailing him as a hero. They’ll stop at no ends to smear the HI.

Take this piece of crap from Desmogblog. 

If you really want to feel really dirty, go and read their manifesto. It is the real antithesis of what science is all about.

Friday, 2 December 2011

You’re being lead down the low carbon path

I’ve just downloaded a copy of the “Delinquent teenager who was mistaken for the world's top climate expert”, by Donna Laframboise.

If you, like me, are a climate change sceptic (and if you do believe in AGW you’ll be shocked, and maybe slightly worried and may question your beliefs), then her book is well worth a read. She doesn’t go into long technical discussions. That isn’t the purpose of the book. Instead she takes the IPCC decision making process apart, and tears it to shreds. This is a book you should send to your Member of Parliament so they might see how the wool has been pulled over their eyes.

Just to wet your appetite, follow the link below for a free sample


The full PDF version can be found HERE.  Priced at $4.99.

Thursday, 24 November 2011

Professor Jones admits climate change can be natural

Climategate Email No. 0235

This is a reply given to a freelance journalist asking Professor Jones if there was another period in history where the climate was worse than now. The bit that astounded me in his reply, was the closing remarks in his E Mail (I’ve emboldened it). I’ve also re-formatted the E mail to make it easier to read, but not altered the content in any way.

REDACTEDOriginal Message -----  date: Tue, 9 Oct 2007
From: [5]Phil Jones
To: [6]Jo Carlowe
Sent: Tuesday, OctoberREDACTED:06 PM
Subject: Re: BBC Focus Magazine
I was away all last week, so apologies for being slow. Here are a
few thoughts.

REDACTEDYou and other may feel more insecure now, but this is coming from the knowledge you now have. This knowledge was quite different from earlier centuries, so this affects how earlier events were perceived then as opposed to now. So, any comparisons with the past are not that relevant to what is happening now or what will happen in the future.

REDACTEDThere have been good/bad times for humans in the past (and I'm thinking here purely of those related to the environment). The impacts of such events, that I know of, though are only related to the effects across Europe.
Agricultural crises DID NOT trigger the Little Ice Age - even if such an
event took place. Europe WAS not gripped by a chill that lasted 300 years. Your view here is completely wrong. There were more cold years, but there were also some very warm periods.

REDACTEDThe clearest impacts of climate in the historical past that I'm aware of took place when the climate of western Europe warmed from the early 1700s to about 1739. There were a number of good harvests in Britain and Ireland and our population increased dramatically as more children survived.
You should now see why your premise about the Little Ice Age is completely wrong. The 1730s temperatures in the UK are exceeded by two decades – the REDACTEDs and the 2000s.
In the late 1730s the population of Ireland was about twice what it is now!
In 1740 the coldest year in the Central England Temperature record occurred.
This led of famine across western Europe, especially Ireland. As many
people left Ireland then as did from the potato famine a century later. Probably as many died, but it is a forgotten famine because of the later on in 1845/6.
The latter was due to the potato blight (and a one crop agricultural system), but the one in 1740 was purely to the weather.
I'm attaching an article about this - the book to look at is by Dickson - in the references.

There is something in the paper about the effects of the very cold year
in different regions of Europe.
The important thing in all this is
the exceptional cold of the year occurred after exceptional warmth of an entire decade, so the effects were likely much worse as the population had got used to a better climate. The conclusion of the paper is that the event was natural (with no known cause) so it could occur again!
The follow on influence of this is that people are not affected much by climate or climate change. What effects them is the Weather!


So Professsor Jones now admits that it could happen again naturally. Mmmm.

Wednesday, 23 November 2011

Climategate II. The Movie

This where the sh1t hits the fan.

We can but hope this derails the Anthropogenic climate change fuckwittery. Another nail in the coffin at least.

H/T to Max. Shamelessly nicked.

Tuesday, 22 November 2011

The Blogger network and new climate change Emails

Since I started blogging, the one thing I’ve appreciated is that bloggers  network to share information. Bloggers are not like the MSM who jealously guard their articles, and in a lot of online cases, do not allow comments on contentious issues. Anyone is entitled to comment on any post I write, as long as it is not abusive.
Bloggers will share information, because they are the new means of unbiased reporting of day to day events. What have bloggers to lose?
We are unpaid, but consider we have a duty to counteract the drip drip of untruths fed to us by the organs of government. Government is increasingly worried about this trend. No longer can they just release a press release without it being challenged.
Hot off the blogger press is that there is another set of leaked E mails on the subject of Climate change. 
You can read them at Tallbloke’s Workshop.
I’m not sure of the veracity of them yet as I’ve only just started reading them.
Just a little snippet to wet the appetite.
As we are testing EIR with the other climate audit org request relating to communications with other academic colleagues, I think that we would weaken that case if we supplied the information in this case. So I would suggest that we decline this one (at the very end of the time period)
<1577> Jones:

[FOI, temperature data]
Any work we have done in the past is done on the back of the research grants we get – and has to be well hidden. I’ve discussed this with the main funder (US Dept of Energy) in the past and they are happy about not releasing the original station data.

There is even more here.

Thursday, 2 June 2011

Another Climategate in the Offing?

This should be interesting. Hopefully this will assist the wheels to fall off the Global Warming bandwagon.



Virginia university releases correspondence of professor involved in ‘Hockey Stick’ controversy

Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Christopher Horner,
Paul Chesser,

American Tradition Institute’s Environmental Law Center has learned that George Mason University, in response to a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request from USA Today, promptly released an academic’s correspondence and related records of the same class as those sought by ATI from the University of Virginia regarding former assistant professor Michael Mann. This provides a new complication for UVA’s argument that its delay and withholding of records are consistent with practice and the Commonwealth’s FOI Act, regarding ATI’s long-stalled (more than 4 ½ months) request.

I’m so looking forward to reading that mail.


Friday, 1 April 2011

An honest Climate Scientist

Whatever next?  The vid is 32 minutes long but well worth a watch.

Thursday, 30 September 2010

Coming to their senses?



Britain’s leading scientific institution has been forced to rewrite its guide to climate change and admit that there is greater uncertainty about future temperature increases than it had previously suggested.

The Royal Society is publishing a new document today after a rebellion by more than 40 of its fellows who questioned mankind’s contribution to rising temperatures.

Maybe they might let me become a member. I’ve been saying that for years.

And the barbecue summers that the  Met Office warned us about.

The Royal Society even appears to criticise scientists who have made predictions about heat waves and rising sea levels. It now says: “There is little confidence in specific projections of future regional climate change, except at continental scales.”

But of course it’ll take years for the political class to come round to the fact that they’ve been conned by all the vested interests in the “settled science”. They’re still being duped.

Meanwhile, the Government is planning an exercise to test how England and Wales would cope with severe flooding caused by climate change. Exercise Watermark will take place in March and test emergency services and communities on a range of scenarios that could occur.

Of course they are trying to confuse us by just changing the name from AGW to “global climate disruption”, in the hope that their green followers will remain in a state of perpetual panic.
