Yes, yes.... i know! It has been ages! Long time, no see... right?
Well, I have been stamping, just haven't been so good at up-dating my blog. It's a new year, and I have a new stamp room... so hopefully, things will be a lot more up-to-date!
Here's the latest card I've created. It's called a Suspension Card. The small heart in the center is hung there using some white thread. You 'wind' up the small heart before you put it in the envelope, and the person receiving the card watches it spin when they open it up!
Not only do I have some pictures to show you...
But..... I also have a video to go along with this. It's a little 'rocky' in the beginning, but I really didn't feel like doing it over, so... here it is...
Happy Stampin'
Carol Maynard