Terror Alert Level

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Looks Like Its Going To Be A Good Year

I found five more morels today, and I wasn't even looking for them! With all the rain we've had, coupled with the fact that I've found over a dozen morels so far without even trying, I suspect that this is going to be a VERY good year for mushrooms. Now having typed that, I probably wont find another morel this year!

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Monday, April 25, 2011


Monday, May 17, 2010

110/365: The Last Morel?

I think we're done with morels in these parts for the year. I spotted this one clinging to a creekbed. I found nearly 50, so it is my best year yet for morel hunting. Next up, chanterelles!

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Saturday, May 15, 2010

108/365: Smurf Village

Monday, May 10, 2010

103/365: Bag of Gold

Saturday, May 08, 2010

99/365: Look What I Found!

97/365: A Fine Find

96/365: Morel!

Friday, May 15, 2009

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Hey its a morel! Oh wait, no it isn't. Turns out this little bugger is verpa bohemica. Some people eat this. Some have no problems as a result. Some lose muscle coordination. I found about a dozen of these, and was really excited, until I cut one open and saw the cottony insides. Always check your mushrooms!

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Deceptive little buggers! They LOOK like morels, but they're actually verpas.

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Sunday, April 19, 2009

Fungi Frustration

Well, I've read reports that the morels are up, so I decided to take a look after work today at some promising areas I scouted out. There's an old overgrown apple orchard that I know of, where the trees transition to a stand of tulip poplars. Both types of trees are known to host morels, and with the recent rains, I thought I'd have a good chance.

Well, two hours of beating the bushes yielded: One bracket fungus and two LBM's (little brown mushrooms). I just might be a week early. More rain today, I'll try again next Sunday.

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Monday, March 23, 2009

Adventures In Fungiculture!

Wel, I decided to try my hand at growing morels, which is notoriously difficult. I spent much of the past month preparing the bed for the mushrooms, and I've now inoculated it with morel spawn. We now wait a year to see if it works.

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Sunday, May 18, 2008

Mighty Morels!

We packed a picnic lunch on Saturday and headed down to Mingo Creek park to search for morels. Its starting to get late in the season, gotta grab them before they're gone!

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This babbling brook refused to reveal the secret of where the morels were hiding.

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Someone spends too much time around children! Stop goofing around and lets find some mushrooms!

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Mary spotted the first morel of the day. She called out, "Hey what's this ugly looking thing?" Exactly what we're looking for. We only found five on our little trek through the woods, but they were all HUGE! We found lots of morel stumps though, looked like someone got to the park a day ahead of us.

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Look at the size of that morel!! That's Mary's foot in the backgroud.

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Saturday, April 26, 2008

More! More!!!

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