Terror Alert Level

Monday, July 19, 2010

171/365: Black Staining Polypore

Meripilus sumstinei. It is an edible that is somewhat related to the excellent Hen of the Woods, Grifola frondosa. I spotted this huge growth from about 75 yards away at the base of a big old oak tree.

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Wednesday, June 23, 2010

141/365: Bolete

A pretty bolete I found. Not sure what it is, but it passed the edibility tests for my neck of the woods. No red pores, didn't stain blue, and no bitter taste. It looks like a birch bolete, but there were no birches to speak of where I found it, so I have no idea.

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Saturday, August 15, 2009

Shroom Hunt!

Spent the morning with the Western Pennsylvania Mushroom Club hunting fungi in Indiana Township's Emmerling Park. Things started slowly until I bellowed "CHANTERELLE!" which sent all the 'shroomers, including my very pregnant wife, scrambling up a 50 degree slope to gather in the golden goodness. Abd yes, I didn't do it for laughs, I actually saw a nice clump of 'em.

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There were chanterelles everywhere! Mary and I collected over a pound, and everyone on the walk got at least as much as we did. I also saw lots and lots of chanterelles just poking up, so if we get a good rain next wekk, it may be worth a trip back.

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The Old Man of the Woods! This homely mushroom is supposed to be a good edible, but it turns black as ink when you cook it. I just can't get over the color!

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A pair of nice boletes. These are common, pored mushrooms, but identifying them to species is a nightmare!

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A pair of boletes. I haven't figured out what kind they are yet, however they do not stain blue, the pores are yellow, and they don't taste bitter, so they're likely edible. Now to nail down the species so I can add it to my list!

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Stinkhorns. These are called "Stinky Squid." They smell like roadkill.

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Sunday, May 18, 2008

Mighty Morels!

We packed a picnic lunch on Saturday and headed down to Mingo Creek park to search for morels. Its starting to get late in the season, gotta grab them before they're gone!

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This babbling brook refused to reveal the secret of where the morels were hiding.

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This critter was guarding the water fountain. Had to pay a fee of one grasshopper per drink.

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Someone spends too much time around children! Stop goofing around and lets find some mushrooms!

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Mary spotted the first morel of the day. She called out, "Hey what's this ugly looking thing?" Exactly what we're looking for. We only found five on our little trek through the woods, but they were all HUGE! We found lots of morel stumps though, looked like someone got to the park a day ahead of us.

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