Sunday, March 19, 2023

Some thoughts re Parashat Vayakhel-Pekudei (slightly belated)

Whatever happened to Yitro's/Jethro's suggestion that Moshe/Moses delegate labor? Why did HaShem command Moshe himself to do everything to set up the Ohel Moed? See for yourself--every single command in Exodus, chapter 40, verses 1-15 is in the masculine singular in the Hebrew. I thought the Superman role was restricted to HaShem.😀 Besides, would it even have been physically possible to set up the Mishkan with just one pair of hands?!

Also, I'd love to know how our ancestors (allegedly) got hold of all the luxury items (gold, silver, copper, previous stones, etc.) with which to build the Mishkan/Sanctuary in the Wilderness and sew the priestly garments despite being former slaves and despite being in the middle of nowhere.
On a related note, our ancestors found dolphin skins in the middle of the wilderness?! I don't think so, and neither do the Bible scholars at, who may have solved the mystery by identifying what "tachash" was.


Blogger Shira Salamone said...

Copied from Facebook:

Judith Naimark
Read closely, and you will see that Moses was not named to do the labor, but actually, a group of talented and skilled volunteers, under the direction of Head Carpenter/Smith B'tzalel and his right-hand man, Oholiav. Even women (yikes) were included among the artisans, though they seem to have been restricted to making the textiles.

Shira Salamone
Judith Naimark , true, but the set-up was another matter--G!d's command to actually assemble the Mishkan doesn't seem to include any of the volunteers who designed and/or created the components, but is addressed to Moshe alone. That's neither considerate nor logical on HaShem's part.

Sun Mar 19, 12:25:00 AM 2023  
Blogger Shira Salamone said...

Copied from Facebook:

Judith Naimark
Shira Salamone keep in mind that, when the instructions are given initially, Trumah and T'tzaveh, Moses is still up on Mount Sinai, being spoken to alone. The instructions are always addressed in the singular, because the people said, "You go up and speak with God, and we'll stay here." That doesn't mean the instructions applied only to Moses. In Vayakhel-P'kudei, Moses is down among the people, relaying the instructions and recruiting the crew to carry out the job.

Shira Salamone
Judith Naimark , ah, that makes sense.

Mon Mar 20, 08:25:00 PM 2023  

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