Are you tired of opening gifts yet? How about a chance to open one more? I am giving away the Wonderful Wishes Remixed stamp set, courtesy of
Julee at
Verve Visual! You will LOVE this clear stamp set! It's packed with a lot of "wonderful" sentiments in a beautiful font. All you have to do is leave a comment on this post telling me your favorite part of this Christmas! Easy enough? I'll randomly draw a name the morning of New Year's Eve, Monday, December 31 at 10am EST. Please be sure and leave your email

address so that I can contact you if you are the winner! Good luck, and I look forward to reading what made this Christmas so special for you!
1 – 200 of 228 Newer› Newest»Wow, I guess I was browsing at the right time. :-) My favorite part of this Christmas was seeing the sheer excitement on my 4 year olds face when he saw his new bike Santa left for him! :-) It was priceless!
Thanks for the inspiration and talent you share with us! Happy Holidays! Maria (maria@championdirect.com)
OH Charmaine, Hope you had a wonderful Christmas Holiday. This is an easy question. I was on the schedule to work the Med/Surg floor (which I do not normally do)and had asked to be 1st called off if not need. Hubby was already on to work 12 hrs anyway so I figured if I had to work at least we would be at work together. I called Monday night to see if I could sleep in unless they called me or call Tuesday morning to see if I would be needed. I was not even on the schedule anymore so I could sleep in. Then at 5am the phone rang, I almost did not want to pick it up, it was the hospital calling my hubby off low census. So we both got to be off and together for Christmas. We got to go see the grads so they could show us what Santa brought. YEH! a wonderful Christmas Surprise day.
I LOVE watching everyone else open gifts and the delight that it brings them! Oh and the food is a plus, too!
Merry Christmas!
We had a wonderful Christmas with my family and the best part this year was seeing everyone dressed in their finest at our Christmas table enjoying each other's company and food. It was wonderful to see my two grown boys play with their two cousins who are 6 and 1.
Have a great day.
Merry Christmas, Charmaine!
My favourite part of this Christmas was the same as the last several Christmas'.... seeing the excitement and joy in my kids' faces as they open the gifts we've selected for them... to know that they are so happy to get just the right gift!
My favourite time of the holiday was spending time with my family. I don't get to see my grandmother, mother and brother together very often so it's almost like a family reunion and of course sharing our family traditions with them is even more special.
Thank you for this opportunity to win something. I don't own any Verve Stamps yet.
My favorite part this year was watching my 17 year old boy open gifts from his little siblings. They were very, very generous with him and he was truly appreciative and excited.
My favorite part of this Christmas was watching the boys figure out where to find their "big" gifts with scavenger hunt clues. It was soooo much fun! It is the first time we've done it but we'll do it again for sure!
Thanks for the cute blog candy. :-) My favorite part of Christmas has been seeing old friends and family.
I love your blog and the cards that you share. Happy Holidays and Happy New Year!
Belinda (belinda [at] alumni [dot] cmu [dot] edu)
My favorite part of Christmas this year was when my hubby and I decided to donate the money we would have spent on each other to our local animal shelter. We were so glad that we could help them out that we have decided to do this every Christmas!
Happy Holidays to you and your family!
The looks on my family's faces going from excitement, to joy, to contentment throughout the day has got to be my favorite thing about this holiday!
Hope your Christmas was Very Merry!!!
~Lana B.~
lanastamps at sbcglobal dot net
Happy Christmas! My favourite part of of christmas is the lull after dinner when everyone is full and mellow and everyone is just basking in the love filling the room! oh....and also once my son went to bed for the night!!!
Hi Charmaine, hope you had a nice Christmas. This year was lots of fun for us, my son turns 2 tomorrow and this was his first year really enjoying it - he loved opening presents, playing with new toys, eating dinner with his aunt and uncles at the "big table". It was really special. :-)
The best part is getting my kids and hubby just the gifts they hoped for.
Happy Holidays Charmaine, This was a wonderful christmas. My favorite part was when my boys opened thier gift a sports scapbook for my youngest and a special fame I enhanced for my oldest with a picture of my "grand pupy" they loved them.
My favorite memory for this year will be the sound of my 5 year old son - yelling up the chimney "THANK YOU SANTA, I LOVE IT" and he didn't even know what he had received yet. We had to improvise this Christmas due to the whole family not being able to come for Christmas Eve. So it was a peaceful quiet family evening.
oooh, I so would LOVE to have this set. My favorite part was getting a webacm & sending one to my sister so I can see my sweet niece and everyone open their gifts! Not sure why I hadn't thought of it sooner...I sure didn't miss them AS much as usual because of it!
The most favorite thing about this holiday was watching the kids and grandkids open their gifts. It was so wonderful to have my whole family together and not once was there any disagreements.
Well, considering I have had the flu for three days now, yes all through Christmas, it is hard to find a favorite moment. But I would have to say it was watching my kids and their excitement opening all of the gifts Santa brought - they didn't know where to start. My son (4 yrs) got a Fisher Price digital camera and took pics of EVERYTHING that excited him, it was so fun to watch them. Oh, and we had a PJ day, that's always fun too!
I love this set and haven't had a chance to order it yet. My favorite part of Christmas is seeing my kids' faces when they open their gifts. My youngest is 3 this year and he was so slow opening his gifts. . .it was funny! He had to take time to check each one out! We open them youngest to oldest so my 7 year old kept trying to help him open them up so it would be his turn!!
My favorite part of christmas this year was just having a relaxing day with my family! Everybody is always so busy it was great to have a day together to just be together!
I was blessed by having my 3 1/2 year old remain on her best behavior ALL day long without having to be reminded!
OH! This sounds like a fabulous prize!! This Christmas was special because I have a new Grandson. He is just over 3 months so really didn't know what was going on but it was fun buying gifts etc for him. He loves looking at the sparkly tree lights, etc! Next year will be really fun!
I love that my nieces and nephew were able to make the trip this year, one niece with my great nephew! It's special watching my sis and her DH with the first grandbaby!
It was t'riffic having so many family members present - hugs to my remaining niece in MA and my DH's side of the family, some of whom we'll see over the holiday break!
- SueB of sueblondin.blogspot.com
I think this year my favorite part of Christmas was that I finally got a family pic. after everyone opened gifts, got the timer and tripod action going on, and the picture actually turned out good. Another fav was the fact that Jacob one of my sons, took the camera from me to take pics of me opening my gifts, he truly is a good photographer and he loves taking pics. It just really touched me that he thought about me.
My two sons were thrilled with everything that they got. That made the effort all worth it!
My favorite part of christmas this year was My 5 year old grandson so excited over the disney cars I bought him and he had to have a picture. Also the look of my 7 year old son when he discovered he had the movie underdog. Susan
What beautiful script on the sentiments. Thanks for the opportunity to win this blog candy!
My favorite moment was when my grandniece (3) was opening gifts from my husband and me. There were 3 gifts but the first one she opened was 5 pairs of mittens that I knit - all in different colors. Well, now she had no interest in opening anything else, all she wanted to do was sort and arrange the colors to her liking, lol. Of course, I got pictures!
rede2stamp (at) America on line[dot]com
My favorite part about this Christmas, was how thoughtful my kids became. They were thinking of others over themselves,it was awesome to see!!! there is sooo much Love in the air fro all mankind. Judy rozeview@sympatico.ca
My favorite part of Christmas is watching everyone open gifts and see the excitement and joy on their faces.
My fave part of this Christmas was making candy with my Mom. It was the first year we braved my grandmothers recipes!LOL! She was the BEST candy maker! Just ask Sawyer Brown!LOL!
The best part of this Christmas was being together with our family. Our son was home (4 hrs. away) & we must have the best extended family (our daughter's Inlaws are precious to us) & we received the most thoughtful gifts. Lots of love all around! (I'm a subscriber thru RSS feed so I get your updates daily). Best wishes to you & your family.
How fun! I hope you all enjoyed your first Christmas with Isaac...
My favorite part of this holiday was 'scaling back'. DH and I scaled back on decorating, on cooking, on entertaining, on gifts... I even scaled back on how elaborate my cards were this year! We still enjoyed the holidays, but I caught MONO *YES MONO* right around Thanksgiving, so it was nice to have a quieter-than-usual holiday this year.
Hope you had a wonderful Christmas! The best part of this holiday season was being home with friends and family. We usually go away on vacation during this time, but due to health "issues" ;) we stayed around here. Friends came home and it was a lot of fun seeing everyone!!
My favorite part of the Holidays this year was watching our kids give gifts to each other. I have 8yr old and 6yr old twins. They got to shop at school this year at Santa's workshop to buy gifts for each other and us. It was such a great treat to see how excited they were to give gifts and so proud they did it themselves.
cmclaura at woh.rr.com
Hope everyone had a great christmas.
The best part of Christmas was
having my parents come down on
Christmas Eve and staying over
night. Christmas day us and the rest of the family drove to my
brothers so we could all be together to celebrate the rest of the day and to have dinner together.
We all live so far away from each
other and do not get to spend very much time together any more.
It was nice to be with family, since I am on my own with my two boys.
My favorite part about this christmas is spending ime with my sisters who come home for the weekend. Judy
Wow, nice blog candy! My favorite part of Christmas is the family being all together. We usually get up in the morning to a scavenger hunt that the oldest child does(every year the clues or games are different), then we have breakfast (and clean up) read the Christmas story together, give out the stockings and lastly open the presents under the tree one by one.
The best part of Christmas this year was spending time with my husband and children. Both my husband and I were able to see all of our siblings this season-the first time in a couple of years! It was great to spend time with all of our family.
Hi Charmaine...I think I get excited at the build-up before Christmas (which can be bad since it never can be the same as what you have in your head!)...hope you had a good one!
My favorite part of Christmas this year was spending it with my nephew and seeing his face (he's 14 months) as he opened presents.
The best part of this Christmas was watching my son (20 months) open his gifts from his half brother and sister. It was great to see my step kids so excited to give my son their gifts that they picked out and purchased themselves. Thanks for sharing so much!!! Happy New Year! stampwithkaren@aol.com
Love your blog.
My favourite part has to be seeing my two boys (4 and 2) when they firsted saw all their presents especially the big things they had asked for :)
what i love about christmas....family get togethers! as much as i hate all the plans and hustling around...i wouldn'y habe it any other way! i love to get together with everyone!
My favorite memory of this Christmas is when I opened one of my son's gifts & I got the earrings to match the necklace that I want to go with my gown for my daughter's wedding. What a shocker, I was totally surprised!
Oh My Goodness - of course I would enjoy opening up another gift and especially these stamps! *wink*
My favorite part of Christmas this year was when my 5 year old son realized that mommy (that's me) didn't really get much for Christmas exclaimed, "Oh momma you must have been bad this year." the look on his face was so sad for me. Oh how cute was that?! How could I help but giggle and hug him tight.
Hope you and your family had a wonderful Christmas. My favorite part was seeing the excitement on my niece and nephew open their presents. Thanks for the chance at some awesome goodies. :)
Woo hooo, i want to open 1 more gift or two =)
My favoritte part would be seeing my daughter's expression every Christmas morning. Then off to church we go and a nice family movie =)
Thanks for the chance!
It was so great to finally have a white Christmas here on the coast. We usually have rain but this year we got a beautiful dusting of the white stuff. Makes this Christmas memorable for sure. Hope you enjoyed the holidays as much as we did! Lynn
what i love most about christmas is egtting together with family!
thank you for having this give away!
regina cornelius
This might sound strange but it is a Christmas our family will not forget for some time. Everyone was so disorganized and things were so different then years past we will laugh for years to come about this one.
My favorite part of Christmas is spending time with the family.
I hope you had a fabulous Christmas!!!
My favorite part, is seeing the sheer joy on my Grandsons' faces, when they open their gifts...priceless!
Have a really wonderful 2008! :D
Hi Charmaine
I really love your blog!!!
My favorite part was dinner with my family.....
I love cooking and the food was vwery good LOL!
My favorite part of Christmas would have to be the "group gift" that my family and I always go together to give to charity. It is a special time for all of us to get together to think of the special item or cause, and then for all of us to look forward to getting the news of or photos of our gift's impact.
Thanks so much for the chance to win...and for all of the samples and inspiration you have for us!
We had a new baby in the family. She is 3 months old---first new baby in 8 years. She is my great niece and I got to hold her a lot---made my day very special.
Linda Peterson
This was the first Chritmas with my 15 month old daughter opening gifts. My favorite part was watching her open and play with her new gifts and read her new books.
It's a good life!
Terri E.
My favorite part of Christmas is having my two beautiful grandchildren over and watching them open their gifts. Grandchildren truly are the BEST!
Lynda K
What an awesome set! My favorite part of Christmas is Christmas morning, when we are in our PJ's, listening to Christmas music in front of the fireplace. I love taking turns opening our gifts and seeing everyone so happy.
Would love to win this set with all the sentiments. My favorite part of this Christmas was spending it with a very special man.
Love the cards you create.
I think one of my favorite parts this Christmas was watching twin 2 year olds and their brother who is 4 opening all their gifts and my daughter's boyfriends place ... that was sooo delightful
Merry Christmas
My fave part was having my mom here with us for Christmas and watching my five year old light up!
My favorite part of Christmas this year was watching my 2 year old experience the "magic" of the holiday. She "heard" the sleigh bells before bed, baked cookies, learned the songs (Rudolph is her favorite!), and the look on her face Christmas morning -- priceless. She brings so much joy!
I hope you had a wonderful holiday!
My favorite was singing "Silent Night" by candlelight at church!
Thanks for the drawing opportunity!
lisa B.
My favorite part of the Christmas was seeing the faces of our kids when they opened their gifts.
My favorite part of this holiday season thus far has been having the shopping and parties and potlucks and running around done, finally done! Teachers' gifts are bought, packages mailed, and if anything got missed, it's too late now! I'm so happy to have some time to relax and just stay at home and enjoy our gifts and each others' company. Happy holidays to you and thanks for a great giveaway! --mollyklug@msn.com
Thanks for the inspiration you give and the blog candy. I think the best part of Christmas, outside of excitement of present opening, familey, etc, was stying home today and letting the kids play and playing with them. After all the running around, it was a nice break.
Cheers to you and yours
I really love it all..but I Especially love seeing my son's face when he sees new things
My favorite part of this Christmas was having my oldest son spending Christmas Eve and Christmas Day with us. This meant the whole family was together. The fact that he bought me lots of new stamp sets all on his own and a gc to my favorite stamp store was just icing on the cake!!!!(Irishlassie56@aol.com)
My favorite part this year was being able to go outside and play football, go for a walk with my dad and my boys! Of course, everything else was wonderful too. Enjoy reading your blog!
This is so much fun to have more than one chance to win these awesome stamps. My favorite part is decorating and watching the kids get so excited on Christmas morning. Thanks for a chance.
My favorite part is that my daughter and her fiance were not hurt in the car accident they were in today. So thankful for that. Thanks to you for these offerings...Karin
Merry Christmas to you!!
I think my favorite part was having my sister nad Brother and their families along with my parents and extended family all together for the first time in years!! The kids were all so funny with each other and my siblings and I got a chance to tease my parents about things we did that they didnt' know about while we were growing up!! It was funny to see the look on my Mom's face!! Happy New Year!
I LOVE these FABULOUS sets!! They are just perfect!! This is just too exciting of a giveaway!! My favorite part of this Christmas was hearing my 2 year old daughter's excitement when she opened her gifts. She was so cute and funny with her commentary!
Cheryl KVD
Of course just spending time with the fam is so much fun! But I'd have to say I really enjoyed seeing how excited my MIL was when she opened her Nestabilities sets! She was giddy like a five year old! It made the hassle of getting them (they were hard to find!)totally worth it!
I hope you enjoyed your Christmas with all of your beautiful babies!
Thank you for a chance a your fab blog candy!! My favorite part of the holiday is watching my 2 boys get antsy and so excited as Chrismas Day approches! They can't stand the excitment...neither could I! Thanks again and happy new year! pauls@rcom-ne.com
My favorite part of this Christmas was finally coming home Christmas day after driving all over and half a dozen christmases just relaxing at home and watching Christmas movies with my hubby while cuddling out new baby and our 3 year old playing with his new toys.
My favorite part of Christmas was when I asked my 2 teens if they enjoyed Christmas and they replied, "yes, of course!". I was so pleased that they didn't tell us what they were disappointed that they didn't get, etc. They truly enjoyed their gifts and the time we spent together as a family. I guess I have pretty great kids! I hope your Christmas was truly wonderful! Happy New Year!
HI Charmaine,
My favorite thing about Christmas this year was being able to celebrate with both my family and my husband's family. This year my family had dinner on Christmas Eve and my hubby's family was on Christmas. It was a real treat to see everyone! Also, my uncle's health has been poor for a while, so it was wonderful to see him and have a chance to chat.
I hope your Christmas was terrific as well.
All the best in 2008!
Heather L.
Hello Charmaine! Hope you had a nice Christmas!
My favorite part of Christmas this year was waking up and having my whole family around. As children get older they often decide to spend time with other people during the holidays (girlfriends, boyfriends, and their family...). So it is a big pleasure for me to have my daughter and my son (with his girlfriend) with my husband and I, to open our stockings and presents on Christmas morning. A great souvenir - and I forgot to take pictures can you believe!.
The best part of our Christmas was the snow. The first snow in our area in 17 years... yahoo
My favorite part of Christmas this year was spending time with our family. Our kids are grown adults and they were excited for everyone to open the presents they bought for us. Wow how the tables have turned. LOL
Having my family here for Christmas was great. I'd love a chance to win the stamp set. Thanks so much.
My favorite part was reconnecting with family and friends.
smilynstef at aol dot com
Charmaine; I really enjoy the cards that you make. I can't believe you have a newborn and you are still stampin! You are awesome! Thanks for sharing your cards. Also thanks for the opportunity to win some Verve on your blog. Hope you are having a Merry Little Christmas!
Kelly (ksun_1999@yahoo.com)
Its easy...putting up the tree and then switching on the lights..i swear there's something magical about it.
Thanks for a chance..
Happy holidays!
Oh Wow, such great goodies. I hope you had a wonderful Christmas! My favorite part of Christmas is seeing if everyone likes their gifts. The past few years I've found the perfect gifts for a few people in my family and it's always exciting to see if they're as happy with it as I was to give them the gift. Oh, and the desserts can not be left out.. Love that everyone feels the need to bake and give me yummy cookies and candy :)
Happy New Year,
I am happy that it is over, and that a new year will be starting and spring will come fast (I hope) and then I can see the damage the dog has done-I got a peek today as the snow melted and it was 40. I will need a new tree at least.
Hi Charmaine, thanks for offering a wonderful set. My favorite part of this Christmas was being with my wonderful husband. He has been very ill and the doctor was doubtful that he would be with us for Christmas. He's such a fighter and none of us wanted for anything except for him to be with us. This Christmas exceeded our expectation as our house was filled with joy, love and thanks to our Heavenly Father.
My favorite part is having my parents here in Eugene with me!!
I think you make amazing cards!
My favorite part of Christmas is usually the family part, but this year I didn't get to go see my family. Instead I was so blessed to spend Christmas with a few families that have become like family to me. They welcomed me in and made me feel at home.
Oh yes, One more gift to open would be wonderful. Thanks
My favorite part of Christmas is watching my family open the gifts they had so longed for. The joy they express and smiles on their faces are always the best part.
Happy Holidays to Everyone!
Thanks for sharing - I enjoy your blog. My favorite part of Christmas is spending time with my family!! Have a great day! Venessa
My favorite part of this Christmas was waching my children's faces, when it actually snowed ON Christmas! ( we get snow, but usually not on Christmas)
What a great giveaway and I just LOVE that card!!!
We've just moved and have extended family in the area, being with family for Christmas was the best!
TFS! Great candy right after Christmas... my fav part was seeing DS open his presents... he's been building animals out of his Lego ever since...
The best part was that everyone was home this year.
Happy Holidays.
Cindy (cinmfoster@aol.com)
Merry Christmas! I love sitting around the dinner table talking and eating with family.
My favorite part was enjoying the time with family (still have a "Christmas" yet to go). We lost some loved ones this past year and it was just a reminder of how dear everyone is to us.
Belated Merry Christmas! My favourite part of Christmas is watching my nieces open their gifts. Though they are growing up, they still LOVE opening their gifts. It's the one time of year that they don't mind getting up early!
Those sets rock! I hope I win! :-)
I have several favorites spending time with family at christmas meals, baking with my kids, and making christmas crafts with my kids too. Thank you for such a wonderful chance to win! Happy New Year. Love your beautiful card ideas-Thank you!
Thanks for the chance to win these great stamps. I think my favorite part of Christmas was making the few gifts I made, knowing they were something the recipents would really like. There is such joy in finding the "perfect" gift to give a person dear to you. Happy New Year!
The most favorite part of Christmas for me is sitting back, being with family and watching everyone else open gifts - me last!
Thanks for the goodies!!
What made this Christmas so special for me was having all my family together for the last time. My middle son will be getting married this next year, so we'll be adding a member, which is great, but the dynamics change...in a good way. It was wonderful having all three boys close. I love your blog. Thanks for sharing your talent with all of us.
My favorite part of this Christmas holiday was being with my family and having my daughter at home for Christmas....she wasnt able to be home last Christmas, so that was very sad for me and my family. So everyone was there this year and I really enjoyed watching them open all their presents and having a sit down family meal together.
My favorite part of this Christmas was having my mom here with us. My kids had such a fun time playing with her and that was wonderful to watch!
Thank you for the wonderful ideas on your blog!
Lorelei (bbaker4@kc.rr.com)
After nine years, my parents came to spend Christmas with us. We do see them at other times of the year but coming from a tropical country and we living in IL, winter isn't as pleasant for them as it is for the kids. So, this has been a very special Christmas. Thanks for the chance to win some goodies. Sandra
My favorite part of Christmas is being with family & watching the awe & wonder in the eyes of all the children.
Thanks you so much for sharing your talents & inspiration!
Beth Mak
Thanks for the chance to win this Verve set.
The best part of Christmas for me is being able to spend time with family. We really enjoyed it this year as it was the first time in 3 years that my stepson could spend Christmas Eve with us.
I hope you enjoyed your holiday with your family as much as I did mine.
Susan B
Wow, what a great gift to share.
My favorite part of Christmas this year was my kids and my husband's boys all here at the same time to share Christmas dinner together. With everyone's busy schedules, it was nice to slow down and share each other's company.
I love having our family "toothpick dinner" (all finger foods) by candlelight on Christmas Eve and then reading the Christmas story from the Bible and having the kids put out the pieces of our nativity at the appropriate time in the reading. It really helps me focus on what Christmas is about.
Thanks for the chance at the after Christmas goodies!!
Would just love to win the wonderful set of sentiment stamps! Hope you had a great holiday!
Mary Puskar
Thank you so much for sharing your amazing talent with us - you ROCK!!! Christmas was very tight for us this year, and I was concerned that my kids (14 & 11) would be dissapointed - but, they were wonderful - so obviously the lack of gifts thing was MY hangup, not theirs!!!
Happy New Year!!!! Karon
I would have to say seeing the expression/comments from my 8yr old daughter when she only got a piece of coal in her stocking this year since she had been bad in school. It was priceless!
And, I got it on tape!
What a cool set. One of my favorite parts of this Christmas was staying up til the wee hours of the morning on Christmas day and watching old home videos with my family. We laughed so hard and it was nice seeing family members that are no longer with us anymore.
I think my favorite was hearing my 1 year old exclaiming wow over and over again as he sat in his new tricyle.
My favorite part of this Christmas was seeing my 3 y.o. daughter face any time she opened a present, goodness she had a lot, (grandma always so that) that made me feel very happy, she is my precious baby and everything that makes her happy, makes me happy too.
Thanks so much for the blog candy!!!
God bless you
As the others have said the look of pure amazement at what Santa had brought for my twin 3 year olds is a memory I will treasure always....Deidre
I stayed with my gd, so I was there when the ggkids (8 mo, 3 yrs, 7 yrs & 9 yrs) got up Christmas morning - what chaos, but so much fun!
NancyS (momsnack)
My favorite part of Christmas is walking in the cold, dark street to the warm glowing church for Christmas Mass. I am not Catholic but we go and are welcomed.
I would love to win.
Having my entire family together brings me the most joy every holiday. Christmas just isn't the same without the laughter of children & I feel so blessed that I have a 5,4, and 1 yr. old grandkids to share it with. Reflecting on the true meaning of the holiday is what fills my heart with the most Peace.
Great blog candy!
My favorite part of this Christmas was watching my grandsons opening their gifts and seeing the excitement on their faces.
My favorite part of Christmas this year was I helped out at the local bookstore on the 23rd. They were having special readings of Christmas books. I came up with a plate and cup that the kids decorated for Santa's milk & cookies. It was alot of fun spending the time with all of the little kids!
Thanks for sharing on your blog!
My favorite part of Christmas was seeing the happiness on others face as they opened the gifts I choose for them.
Deborah B said...Favorite time of Christmas this year, was receiving our brand new grandbaby! Her name is Kaylie Aubrae and she weighed in at 5lbs 12 ozs. She was born at 3:00 am Christmas morning. She is so precious and I could just smell the "Breath of Heaven " upon her. Grandbabies are so wonderful! I was given the honor to help clean her up and prepare her for her mommy as mommy had some minor complications. I just kept kissing her little forehead and telling her Grandmommy loves you all the way back to her mommy's arms. That is what Christmas is all about. The gift of life from our Lord and Savior!
The best part of Christmas is watching my grandchilden opening up their presents. Of course catching on people who you don't get to see often during the year is great too.
Thanks for the chance to win such yummy blog candy.
I enjoyed going to visit my husband's grandparents for the holidays. I don't have any grandparents left and my hubby has all of his! That is the best part of the holidays for me. We also have a Christmas party at his aunt's house where we decorate gingerbread men and houses and then have a contest! Unfortunately, I haven't won yet! :) Thanks for the giveaway, Charmaine! Have a great day!
Christmas is always a special time of year for us but it's always special when we are together with my parents. They came up to our place and spent the day with us yesterday. Our favourite time together is when we all sit down and play a new board game. This year it was one called Sequence and it was a lot of fun! Good times!!
It was a wonderful Christmas this year. It was fabulous to watch everyone open gifts and see the joy in their faces. It was a nice and relaxing day of just enjoying one anothers company.
Thanks for the opportunity to view your creations and the great Oodagoodies!
My favorite part of this Christmas was spending time with my family, especially the grandchildren and great-grandchildren.
JoAnn B. (scrappingnana@yahoo.com)
Spending time with family and friends is, of course, my favorite part of Christmas, but I also have to say that I really enjoy how much *nicer* strangers seem to become during this time of year, more so than the rest of the year... More smiles, more kind words and greetings, more doors held open and other random acts of kindness... Christmas spirit!
Thanks, Charmaine!
Oooh! I just love this set.
My favorite part of this Christmas and every Christmas is spending time with extended family. This year we traveled through a snow storm to Salt Lake City and had a blast with my husband's family.
Christmas is the best!
This year we were all able to get together as a family, except for one grandson who we missed terribly,but chatted to him on the phone. It was great playing Cranium as a family and seeing al the gifts and talents our kids have. We are truly blessed.
Your blog is wonderful.Thank you for sharing your gifts.
My favorite part of this Christmas was hearing the true thankfulness that my 9yr old daughter Madeline expressed the day after Christmas. She was so honest and open with her feelings about the joy she felt over the gifts she received and even more so over the excitement she felt for the gifts she gave. It was a true Christmas moment.
I hope you had a wonderful Christmas, too.
My favorite part is when we gather on Christmas Eve, read the Christmas story out of Luke, then open gifts. It is just as delightful (in different ways) as when my daughters were children. Family time is precious and sacred to me.
This Christmas our gathering included 17 little ones aged 6 months to 12; the majority being 4-7 years old. A low platform stage was filled with 10" red and green balloons by my brother for the kids to enjoy. It was great to see the delight on their faces as each one learned it was there for them. Simple pleasures.
My favorite part is when we gather on Christmas Eve, read the Christmas story out of Luke, then open gifts. It is just as delightful (in different ways) as when my daughters were children. Family time is precious and sacred to me.
We drove home and hours after we arrived my mom fell and broke her shoulder. We'll always remember this Christmas! My mom, always anxious to clean, has had to let us clean for her this year!
Happy holidays
My faborite part of this Christmas was a hug I received from my DD when she got a puppy on Christmas morning. She was so happy and at her age, those moments are rare :) .
We also had a blast playing board games after dinner. Good times!!
Spending the day with my "little sister" baking homemade goodies and packing them in pretty packages and giving them out to friends and neighbors.
I love visit Oodabug Alley-your ideas are magigical!
Happy New Year! Shannon
Wow for me to pick one thing that I love about Christmas? Well every year we have birthday cake. My kids love cake, since it is Jesus' birthday we have a cake for him! But I have to say, like everyone else, it is the smiles and excitement of each and everyone of my children!
Also, I wanted you to know that I read you everyday! Thanks for always being there!!!
I loved watching the snow come down all day (got 5 inches)...It was the large fluffy kind that just "blankets" everything.
Merry Christmas to you! My favorite part of THIS Christmas was spending the day quietly with my DH. Normally we're going in 100
different directions, like everyone else, but Christmas day was spent talking, cooking together, opening a few gifts, calling our families and just being together.
I love seeing the kids faces when they are unwrapping their presents.
Thanks for the blog candy offering, Charmaine! Hope you had a wonderful Christmas!!
my favorite part of the Christmas was hearing the word "truck" over and over again from my 18 month old grandson. watching is face light up as he open his gift, put down one present to pick up another. then walking with him outside just taking in the sights. that was priceless.
karen m. kmills2@ec.rr.com
Hope you had a great Christmas yourself! The best part of this Christmas was seeing my kids open their new Wii (which was totally unexpected, and I was lucky enough to be able to get), but more importantly, being able to reconnect with family on Christmas and Boxing Day.
My favorite part of Christmas is spending time with my family, now that we've all moved out of the house...coming back to Mom & Dad's & spending time together is my fave!! I also like to see joy on my children's faces at what we picked out for them. =)
Wow with this many comments I think I am sure NOT to win!! But I love your blog so I'll give it a try! My favorite part of Christmas singing carols with my babies. I have a 5 year old and a 2 year old and they were so excited for Christmas this year! I hope you had a great holiday!
I enjoy sharing Christmas baking.
I love to bake cookies, OK, I love to eat them too ;)
My favorite part of this Christmas was watching everyone open their gifts from me , the roast and scallop potatoes was pretty good too .
Hi- My day was spent with loving family as we enjoyed eating a nice dinner and watching movies. Thanks for your inspiration you have shared on your wonderful blog! Hugs Kay (petking@vcn.com)
I love checking in on your site. The best part of this Christmas is seeing my grandsons faces when they come through the door on Christmas. They are 3 and 7 and they have smiles from ear to ear as they see us at the door and then they start looking around at the Christmas tree. And they get so excited when they give their gifts to Grandma and Grandpa. Christmas is so exciting with kids around. Sandy slknecht@sbcglobal.net
My favorite part of Christmas is being with my family. I cherish the time we (my husband, kids & I) spend together on Christmas morning.
I'm not sure if we were supposed to put our email in with the comment?? I'm Lori, ljatwood@gmail.com
My favorite part of this Christmas was having my parents stay with us & and then getting together with my whole family. It was also really fun to see my kids' faces when they opened their gifts.
My favorite part of Christmas is Christmas Eve. My family goes to church and then we come home and feast on a ton of hors d' oeuvres. It is SO MUCH FUN!!!! Thanks for the fun blog candy! Happy new Year!
OOOOOHHHHHH...I love this set! The best part of this holiday season (so far) was having all of my daughters home and getting to spend quiet family time with them. Nothing exciting...nothing new....just hanging out together. Fabulous!
The best part of Christmas this year...my niece just had a baby and before she joined us for dinner the family took up a collection to help her out. The amount that was given was awesome and she was so surprised by her family's generosity. we were all astonished over the amount. God was good to all of us this year and we just payed it forward. jdgilch at msn dot com
The best part of this Christmas season was being able to go home to Germany and spend it with my family. I hadn't been home in quite a few years. Plus my husband was able to take time off and come too!!
I hope you have a wonderful holiday season!
My favorite part of Christmas is spending time with my family and seeing there faces as they open there presents.
Happy Holidays!
My favorite thing about the holidays this year, and every year! was the chance to see family and friends. This year was special though, because due to last minute changes and circumstances, I was able to see and visit with some family and friends I don't get to see often, and might not have gotten to see otherwise! Happy New Year, and thanks for the chance to win!
My favorite part of Christmas was spending time with my family and friends. Also I loved watching my granddaughters (5 years old) open their gifts. Christmas Day was great with everyone enjoying the day together.
My favorite part of this Christmas was my hubby remembering what I wanted and getting it for me even though I didn't get my written list to him in time!!! (a new sewing machine and a heated mattress pad) Plus he even got me stamping stuff so he realizes how passionate I am about it!! It was wonderful!!
My favorite time at Christmas is/was having my incredible grand babies here from Canada along with my DD and son in law. Happy New Year Charmaine! Deb
Other than the mad rush to get a few handmade gifts done, we had a fairly relaxing Christmas, plus I have 2 weeks off of work - woohoo!
What made my Christmas special was being reunited with my aunts on my mom's side this year. Two of her four sisters had been estranged for what I think was silly reasons, and a few months ago they decided to forget the past and move on the the future together. I was so blessed by that! I remember the times as a kid when we would gather for Christmas and we had so much fun! That was lost for our family for several years, but this Christmas we were one big family again and that did my heart good, not just for me, but for my mom and all her sisters.
My favorite part of Christmas is having family together for the day. This year my oldest grandson got the letter jacket he was hoping for but thought he would never get. the surprise on his face was worth the cost. Linda Gray
I get so much inspiration from your cards, love visiting your site. Christmas - the best thing for me was having my 2 daughters back with me, I do miss them.
Charmaine, hope your Christmas was spectacular. There's nothing like a new baby to make the true meaning of Christmas come to life. I know this from personal experience.
Okay, the best part of my Christmas this year was a gift from my daughter, Tiffany. She knows I can't stand or walk well and have trouble cooking meals. She ordered a Christmas dinner for four to be delivered on Christmas Eve for hubby and me. I cried like a baby when she told me because I really thought dinner was going to be hot dogs and fries! I was overwhelmed by her understanding and thoughtfulness of our situation this year.
I WISH I had this set of stamps! LOL!
What I remember most about this Christmas is that we gave the grandkids far less than in previous years, and they seemed to appreciate everything so much more! What an eye-opener for me!
wow... not hard to think on that one... I just got married about a year and a half ago (but don't think here that means youth... at age 58) I'd been single 18 years. Last Christmas was our first and we had looked forward to it but his house sold on Dec 20th and they gave us ONE WEEK to clear out. It was an AWFUL Christmas and hubby got allergy SICK from dust in attic. ... So this year was really highly anticipated!! Hubby had one daughter 22 and my son is 31.. My son has lived overseas 9 years and was to be here. The four of us have to able to be together and the kids are getting to know one another... This will be a long treasured memory!!!! jwojecki@yahoo.com
Besides being in Florida with record highs, my favorite part of this Christmas was Emerson being old enough to open and appreciate her gifts. Watching Christmas through "little eyes" is the best ever!
What a great set. Thanks for offering it up to us!
My favorite part of Christmas this year, was my husband's idea. We decided to load up the car and take a road trip to see family. We decided to forego gifts for each other and spend the money on gas instead. We were able to see my mother, and my hubby's grandparents. Which was particularly special because my hubby's grandmother has been in assisted living after falling and breaking her knee. Her face just lit up to see him. We couldn't stay as long as we would have liked, but the look on her face was well worth the drive.
Happy New Year to you!
oooooh - more pressies! The best part of Christmas for me is always watching the kids open their gifts and receiving something that we had told them there was no chance they would get! And the food..
Hope Isaac enjoyed it!! Happy New Year
ooh I'd luff to win! I hope you and your family had a wonderful holiday season!
Thanks for the opportunity to answer this question. This was the first year in quite a while that I was able to have all of my Children and Grandchildren together. It was GREAT!!! Also my Parents were here and my older brother and his wife. The only one missing was my younger brother and his family, the were in the process of moving back to CA, he just finished up his Masters and they were moving back home. There is nothing better than FAMILY at Christmas, it made my year. Thanks!
I think my favorite part is watching my daughter open her gifts and get all excited...especially about Santa's visit! It's so much fun to experience Christmas through a child's eye again!!
My favorite part of Christmas was the Dastardly Santa gift exchange -- kind of like a grab bag, but more fun!
Carolyn Mustopa
Seeing my 85 year old mom be happy and relaxed. She has been unexpectedly handed a difficult hand when my vibrant father had multiple strokes and is left with a very different personality from the one she married 64 years ago. Between his short term memory loss, incontinence, and his complete turnabout to a unpleasant man, this has been a very difficult road for her as she is the primary caregiver. It was so good to see her relaxed and like a little kid opening presents, without a care in the world.
My favorite part of Christmas was having my family together again for the last week! My oldest son and his wife and my younger son were here and we had a great time!!
Happy New year and thank you for the chance to win!
I love your blog-you are so talented. My favorite part of Christmas is sitting in the dark with the Christmas tree lights on...and a warm cup of coffee for a few minutes before the rest of the household rises. Happy New Year.
Charmaine, Love Love Love your blog!
My favorite part of this Christmas season was getting to visit with my closest (in age) sister. She comes "home" for Christmas every year, but she just finished chemo and we have all been worried about her. It was wonderful to have her here to fuss over her in person, especially when she initially thought she wouldn't be able to come this year.
Having everyone "home" for Christmas is always my favorite part...and there are 11 of us total (counting my parent), plus spouses and children. It's a crazy good time!
THe best part of Christmas was seeing the excitement in my children's faces. I also loved giving handmade cards and receiving TONS of compliments on them!
Janet D.
Wow! My favorite part of Christmas, besides my family Christmas party (My brothers and sisters fly in from all over just for the party) is having the two weeks off from school. I usually get so much stamping and scrapping done as well as many dinners and lunches out with friends. Thanks for the chance to win. Take care!!
My favorite part of Christmas was wakeing up with my Husband on the snowy Christmas morning, gave our two great Dogs their Christmas bones and spent the day up on the slopes, snowboarding.
I am a new person to your blog and I love it. Have a great New Year.
Aura Battis
The most Magical moment over Christmas: We drove all night to get home on Christmas Eve to make sure we were here in time for santa to visit. ( I was dreading the entry into a DIRTY house, we left in a bit of a hurry.) As soon as we walked in at 3am, I noticed my entry had been vaccumed and the baby doll bed that I knew was left in the entry was put up neatly where it goes in the play room (visable from the front door). My MIL had come over and cleaned my entire house. What a Christmas present!!!!
Wow! Just stumbled onto this.
My favorite part of Christmas is having the family all together. I have four grandchildren and love seeing them all play with their new toys and interact with each other. We are only all together about three times a year.
Happy New Year
Hi Charmaine! What a cool set you are giving away. My favorite part of this Christmas was that everyone was home and in good health and happy. The little people played well together and the teens behaved and the adults sat and chatted. We had people from 91 years to 1 year old. Quite a spread, huh?
Sheri Danielson
My favorite part of Christmas always is the Christmas Eve service at church...to hear the sweet voices of our children's choir and the handbells, violins and organ. It brings peace to my soul. My favorite gift this year has to be the generous gift certs. from my loving husband for Stamp Fanci-one of my favorite places to play :)
Hi, Charmaine! Hope you and yours had the happiest of Christmases! My favorite memory from this Christmas? Watching my three-year-old "cook" in his brand new kitchen, and then later that day, watching he and his cousin dance to their matching golf carts' horns playing "It's a Small World" (the miniature golf carts were gifts from their grandparents)! So sweet and adorable! My personal favorite part of Christmas is Christmas Eve -- I love the anticipation and the solemness, wrapping presents and hoping the recipients will love what they receive. My favorite day of the year! Hugs to you!!
My favorite part of Christmas was watching my kids get excited over the gifts they got to personally shop for and buy! They are 6,6, and 8 years old. They are growing up so fast! They were so excited about their gifts that were personally chosen for the recipient. It didn't matter that each one cost only a few dollars. It was the thought that counted. We sometimes forget that in today's society! Happy Holidays!
Hope you had a wonderful Christmas. Thanks for the chance at your giveaway. Just before Christmas, my first-grade son had a chance to go shopping all by himself at his school. My favorite part of Christmas was seeing how excited and proud he was of his selections for each person. The gumball-machine ring he chose for me means as much (or more) to me as any fine jewelry I've ever received.
Happy holidays to you and yours! My fave part of this Xmas was the consideration my daughters showed us by hosting our Xmas Eve get-together and Xmas day dinner so hubby and I got to relax and enjoy the festivities. We have both been sick these past few mths and are on the mend but were finding the holiday season so tiring for us. Not having to cook at all made it much more stress-free for me!
I have this set, but in red rubber. I would love it even more in acrylic! Oooh -- the ease of placement!
Merry Christmas Charmaine!!
I love the traditions of Christmas. Reading t'was the night before Christmas, the cookies and the carrots for the reindeer, the putting up of the Nativity Scene. I was doubly excited about this because we just found the perfect one in Oberammergau in Germany this year. It just makes me so happy to see my girls put the baby Jesus in the manger :)
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