Tuesday, December 25, 2007

A Columnist Talks About Missing Louisiana

I was checking out Crunchy Con and saw he had this piece up "What's time to a hog?". I suppose around Christmas time a lot of Louisiana expats thoughts go to "home" Rod is of course in Dallas. It seems like half the state has gone to Dallas or Houston at times. In Louisiana if you have half decent grades you can pretty much get your College education paid for through the TOPS program. I always joke that Louisiana does a great job educating some of the best workers for Texas. Like him I hope Jindal can turn it around.

Rod Dreher is from an interesting part of the state. I believe he was raised in St Francisville which is just north of Baton Rouge. It is a beautiful town with plantations and nice Bed and Breakfasts. It has a Catholic presence but it starts to get real less Catholic and more Mississippi like real quick around that region. Confederate President Jefferson Davis's home is not too far away up in Woodville Mississippi. I used to love to go there and then take the ferry across the river to False River Louisiana. It was interesting to note the slight cultural differences. Any way nice links there for the homesick.

Monday, December 24, 2007

Pope's Midnight Mass Homily (Full Text with Pics)

I managed to watched this on EWTN via the net. It was very nice. I just saw an promo for a movie with Morgan Freeman and Jack Nicholson called Kick the Bucket. The premise looks like they are doing all the things they want to do before they "kick the bucket"
I suppose Midnight Mass at At Peters is one of the those things I want to do before I "kick the bucket". Anyway I am going to Midnight Mass tonight. I guess when I get out the Holy Father will be doing Morning Mass in Rome. Anywho ,here is the translation from the Vatican Via the Ratzinger Forum that also has these nice pics I am putting up. I very much like this Homily in which the Holy father expounds in part on "no room at the inn"

Dear Brothers and Sisters,
"The time came for Mary to be delivered. And she gave birth to her first-born son and wrapped him in swaddling clothes, and laid him in a manger, because there was no room for them in the inn" (Lk 2:6f.). These words touch our hearts every time we hear them. This was the moment that the angel had foretold at Nazareth: "You will bear a son, and you shall call his name Jesus. He will be great, and will be called the Son of the Most High" (Lk 1:31).
This was the moment that Israel had been awaiting for centuries, through many dark hours - the moment that all mankind was somehow awaiting, in terms as yet ill-defined: when God would take care of us, when he would step outside his concealment, when the world would be saved and God would renew all things. We can imagine the kind of interior preparation, the kind of love with which Mary approached that hour. The brief phrase: "She wrapped him in swaddling clothes" allows us to glimpse something of the holy joy and the silent zeal of that preparation. The swaddling clothes were ready, so that the child could be given a fitting welcome.

Yet there is no room at the inn. In some way, mankind is awaiting God, waiting for him to draw near. But when the moment comes, there is no room for him. Man is so preoccupied with himself, he has such urgent need of all the space and all the time for his own things, that nothing remains for others - for his neighbour, for the poor, for God. And the richer men become, the more they fill up all the space by themselves.

And the less room there is for others. Saint John, in his Gospel, went to the heart of the matter, giving added depth to Saint Luke's brief account of the situation in Bethlehem: "He came to his own home, and his own people received him not" (Jn 1:11). This refers first and foremost to Bethlehem: the Son of David comes to his own city, but has to be born in a stable, because there is no room for him at the inn.

Then it refers to Israel: the one who is sent comes among his own, but they do not want him. And truly, it refers to all mankind: he through whom the world was made, the primordial Creator-Word, enters into the world, but he is not listened to, he is not received. These words refer ultimately to us, to each individual and to society as a whole. Do we have time for our neighbour who is in need of a word from us, from me, or in need of my affection? For the sufferer who is in need of help? For the fugitive or the refugee who is seeking asylum? Do we have time and space for God? Can he enter into our lives? Does he find room in us, or have we occupied all the available space in our thoughts, our actions, our lives for ourselves?

Thank God, this negative detail is not the only one, nor the last one that we find in the Gospel. Just as in Luke we encounter the maternal love of Mary and the fidelity of Saint Joseph, the vigilance of the shepherds and their great joy, just as in Matthew we encounter the visit of the wise men, come from afar, so too John says to us: "To all who received him, he gave power to become children of God" (Jn 1:12). There are those who receive him, and thus, beginning with the stable, with the outside, there grows silently the new house, the new city, the new world

The message of Christmas makes us recognize the darkness of a closed world, and thereby no doubt illustrates a reality that we see daily. Yet it also tells us that God does not allow himself to be shut out. He finds a space, even if it means entering through the stable; there are people who see his light and pass it on. Through the word of the Gospel, the angel also speaks to us, and in the sacred liturgy the light of the Redeemer enters our lives. Whether we are shepherds or "wise men" - the light and its message call us to set out, to leave the narrow circle of our desires and interests, to go out to meet the Lord and worship him.

We worship him by opening the world to truth, to good, to Christ, to the service of those who are marginalized and in whom he awaits us. In some Christmas scenes from the late Middle Ages and the early modern period, the stable is depicted as a crumbling palace. It is still possible to recognize its former splendour, but now it has become a ruin, the walls are falling down - in fact, it has become a stable. Although it lacks any historical basis, this metaphorical interpretation nevertheless expresses something of the truth that is hidden in the mystery of Christmas. David's throne, which had been promised to last for ever, stands empty.

Others rule over the Holy Land. Joseph, the descendant of David, is a simple artisan; the palace, in fact, has become a hovel. David himself had begun life as a shepherd. When Samuel sought him out in order to anoint him, it seemed impossible and absurd that a shepherd-boy such as he could become the bearer of the promise of Israel. In the stable of Bethlehem, the very town where it had all begun, the Davidic kingship started again in a new way - in that child wrapped in swaddling clothes and laid in a manger. The new throne from which this David will draw the world to himself is the Cross. The new throne - the Cross - corresponds to the new beginning in the stable. Yet this is exactly how the true Davidic palace, the true kingship is being built.

This new palace is so different from what people imagine a palace and royal power ought to be like. It is the community of those who allow themselves to be drawn by Christ's love and so become one body with him, a new humanity. The power that comes from the Cross, the power of self-giving goodness - this is the true kingship. The stable becomes a palace - and setting out from this starting-point, Jesus builds the great new community, whose key-word the angels sing at the hour of his birth: "Glory to God in the highest, and peace on earth to those whom he loves" - those who place their will in his, in this way becoming men of God, new men, a new world.

Gregory of Nyssa, in his Christmas homilies, developed the same vision setting out from the Christmas message in the Gospel of John: "He pitched his tent among us" (Jn 1:14). Gregory applies this passage about the tent to the tent of our body, which has become worn out and weak, exposed everywhere to pain and suffering. And he applies it to the whole universe, torn and disfigured by sin. What would he say if he could see the state of the world today, through the abuse of energy and its selfish and reckless exploitation?

Anselm of Canterbury, in an almost prophetic way, once described a vision of what we witness today in a polluted world whose future is at risk: "Everything was as if dead, and had lost its dignity, having been made for the service of those who praise God. The elements of the world were oppressed, they had lost their splendour because of the abuse of those who enslaved them for their idols, for whom they had not been created" (PL 158, 955f.).

Thus, according to Gregory's vision, the stable in the Christmas message represents the ill-treated world. What Christ rebuilds is no ordinary palace. He came to restore beauty and dignity to creation, to the universe: this is what began at Christmas and makes the angels rejoice. The Earth is restored to good order by virtue of the fact that it is opened up to God, it obtains its true light anew, and in the harmony between human will and divine will, in the unification of height and depth, it regains its beauty and dignity.

Thus Christmas is a feast of restored creation. It is in this context that the Fathers interpret the song of the angels on that holy night: it is an expression of joy over the fact that the height and the depth, Heaven and Earth, are once more united; that man is again united to God. According to the Fathers, part of the angels' Christmas song is the fact that now angels and men can sing together and in this way the beauty of the universe is expressed in the beauty of the song of praise. Liturgical song - still according to the Fathers - possesses its own peculiar dignity through the fact that it is sung together with the celestial choirs.

It is the encounter with Jesus Christ that makes us capable of hearing the song of the angels, thus creating the real music that fades away when we lose this singing-with and hearing-with. In the stable at Bethlehem, Heaven and Earth meet. Heaven has come down to Earth. For this reason, a light shines from the stable for all times; for this reason joy is enkindled there; for this reason song is born there. At the end of our Christmas meditation I should like to quote a remarkable passage from Saint Augustine. Interpreting the invocation in the Lord's Prayer: "Our Father who art in Heaven", he asks:

What is this - Heaven? And where is Heaven? Then comes a surprising response: "... who art in Heaven - that means: in the saints and in the just. Yes, the heavens are the highest bodies in the universe, but they are still bodies, which cannot exist except in a given location.

Yet if we believe that God is located in the heavens, meaning in the highest parts of the world, then the birds would be more fortunate than we, since they would live closer to God. Yet it is not written: 'The Lord is close to those who dwell on the heights or on the mountains', but rather: 'the Lord is close to the brokenhearted' (Ps 34:18[33:19]), an expression which refers to humility. Just as the sinner is called 'Earth', so by contrast the just man can be called 'Heaven'" (Sermo in monte II 5, 17).

Heaven does not belong to the geography of space, but to the geography of the heart. And the heart of God, during the Holy Night, stooped down to the stable: the humility of God is Heaven. And if we approach this humility, then we touch Heaven. Then the Earth too is made new.

With the humility of the shepherds, let us set out, during this Holy Night, towards the Child in the stable! Let us touch God's humility, God's heart! Then his joy will touch us and will make the world more radiant. Amen.

A Louisiana Christmas Tradition- The Feux de Joie

Tonight on both the banks of the Mississippi River between Baton Rouge and New Orleans a wonderful thing will happen. That is the Feux de Joie which means Fires of Joy. People will gather and set a ton of bonfires on both sides. This site has a short description.

If you're having trouble swallowing Santa slipping - or squeezing - down the chimney, and reindeer flying through the sky with a red nose lighting the way, you might like to ponder the New Orleanean way.
They light feux de joie, fires of joy, along the banks of the Mississippi from Baton Rouge to New Orleans to cleverly guide Papa Noel (and that IS what they call him) as he glides down the river in his paddleboat. Now, doesn't this make more sense? ....Thought to have begun as early as the 1750's with the Arcadians (now Cajuns), who settled along the riverbanks, the celebration goes on the entire month of December with a big boat parade, music and a huge bonfire kicking off the event on the 2nd of December (3rd this year, due to unwieldy winds).

The highlight is of course tonight. Sadly I was never able to attend the Christmas Week and especially Christmas Eve fires. When I lived in Baton Rouge I often had to head to North Louisiana to start the marathon of Family Christmas events that would take me from Homer to Shreveport, to Mississippi and back again. How I hope I can go one day. I think it would be wonderful to go and then end the night with the community attending midnight mass in one of those river towns. Perhaps I will be able to do it soon.

I did not realize this but this also appears to be a tradition in the Southwestern part of the State which makes somes sense. By the way Cajun folks. You might be interested in this article. There appears you might have a family connection to people in WEST VIRGINIA. That nugget is contained in this article.

DOWN along the levees of southwest Louisiana today, they're assembling piles of brush and logs for tonight's big bonfires.
It's Christmas Eve, and the Cajuns - those descendants of French-speaking Canadians who were forced from the maritime regions of Canada more than 200 years ago - celebrate Christmas in what some may think is a peculiar way.
The real reason for lighting the bonfires on the levees is perhaps lost in antiquity. The current story is that the fires help Santa find his way to Cajun country so he can bring toys to good girls and boys.
The German families who live among the Cajuns will celebrate Christmas as well, but a couple of weeks ago they celebrated the Feast of St. Nicholas. The Germans gathered as families to party and await a visit from St. Nicholas, a man garbed in bishop's robes.
He was accompanied by an elfish character known as "Black Peter," who carried a sack on his back. It's said that Black Peter puts bad children in his bag and carries them away to who-knows-where.
His arrival stirs tension among the kids. But Black Peter has never been known to carry a kid away, thank goodness.
But back to those Cajuns and their bonfire tradition: Before he passed away, my guru on Appalachian topics, Dr. O. Norman Simpkins, said there might be a cultural connection between the Cajuns and mountain folks.
Simpkins speculated that the cultural ancestors of the Cajuns could well be the Parisi, a tribe of Celts who inhabited the islands in the Seine River.
The Celts were not Christians until they were converted by early missionaries.
The early Celts were similar to today's Wiccans. They probably celebrated the Winter Solstice around this time of the year. They saw the sun getting lower in the sky every day and thought it was about to die.
So what did they do?
They built bonfires and kept them blazing for days to heat the sun and revive it. When they saw the sun slowly rising in the sky again, they thought they had saved the sun again.
That meant party time. The Celts didn't need much to party.
Could it be that the Cajun tradition of lighting bonfires on Christmas Eve comes from the Celtic tradition of lighting bonfires to save the sun?
Whatever the reason, the bonfire celebration in Cajun country is a family affair. The Cajuns are as family-oriented as mountain folks.
And they suffer from many of the same maladies - poor economic conditions, poor health and a cultural inferiority complex that may rival the one mountain people share.
But what better way of fighting the darkness than with light? What better way of doing what you can to bring cheer to the sometimes cheerless winter weather than by celebrating with a bonfire, and helping Santa along his route as well?
Whatever you do to bring warmth to yourself, your family or the world this holiday season, may it bring you happiness, peace and light

Preparing To Celebrate the Catholic Liturgical "12 Days" of Christmas

There is always a segment of the Catholic and Anglican Blogsphere that does a great job of reminding us that there is season of Advent and lets not rush into Christmas during the first weeks of Dec. Christams Time is a season of the Church. Though a very short one. I have to admit I have not embraced and delved into the full spirit of it as I should. I start out great with the Feast of the Holy Innocents and the Saint Stephen, Martyr. However it goes down hill from there.

I just finished printing out and bookmarking a excellent and beautiful post that From Burke to Kirk and Beyond... has done. Go see 12 Days of Christmas! I am putting this on the fridge to remind me and inpsire me to get into the season.

A Christmas Eve Mass For Those Having a "Blue" Christmas

I am very happy to see that the some in the Church recognize that Christmas for many people is a tough time. Whispers in the Loggia has a great post on a special "Blue Christmas" Mass that will be occuring tonight. Go see Getting Through a "Blue Christmas" . A few years back I so wish I had something like this to go to when I was a having a very tough year.

Things To watch For In the Christmas TIme Papal Liturgies

There are some interesting to watch for in the upcoming Christmas time Papal Liturgies. This is a translation of article from the Italian paper which is located on this thread. Many of these can be seen on EWTN

Novelties as well as continuity with tradition will mark the Papal liturgies this season

Continuity with tradition and with the Council, a language of signs, but above all, careful attention to creating an atmosphere of meditation and prayer which should characterize all liturgical celebrations. These are the principal criteria which, at Pope Benedict's wishes, the Office for Pontifical Liturgical Celebrations is following in preparing the solemn liturgies for the Christmas season and for the Pope in general.

There are quite a few novelties this year which are significant. Among this, the fact that on Christmas Day, the figurine of Baby Jesus will be laid on the small 'throne' used during Vatican-II to hold the Gospel. This would highlight the mystery of the Word made flesh in the Baby of Bethlehem, who will be laid there as the Gloria is sung at the Christmas Mass.

And a special attention for the papal liturgical vestments for the season. The vestments, as well as certain details in the rites themselves, are intended to underscore the continuity between liturgical celebration today and that which characterized Church tradition before Vatican-II. Mons. Guido Marini, master of pontifical liturgical rites, noted: "Just as the Pope cites in his texts the Pontiffs who preceded him, so too in the liturgical context, the Pope may use the vestments of his predecessors to show the same continuity even in the lex orandi." Thus, tonight at the Midnight Mass and at the Mass of the Epiphany, Benedict XVI will wear his own miter, but for the Urbi et Orbi blessing on Christmas Day, he will wear a miter that belonged to John Paul I; for the New Year's Day blessing, a miter that belonged to Benedict XV; and for the Feast of the Lord's Baptism, a miter that belonged to John Paul II. As Mons. Marini has done since he took over as liturgical MC at the Vatican, the Cross will be placed in the center of the Altar. [For some reason, the Novus Ordo had displaced the Cross from the altar.]

This obviously indicates the centrality of the Cross in the Eucharistic celebration and the orientation which the entire congregation should have during the liturgy: looking at the Savior who died and was resurrected for us. The altar will also have a seventh candle, as provided by the ceremonial manual for bishops, particularly for the papal liturgy, as a symbol of perfection - the reference is in the book of Revelations.

Two other signs will be common to all the liturgies of the Christmas season. First, the use of a more solemn cathedra (chair) for the Pope is intended to underscore the special significance of the seat from which the Vicar of Christ on earth exercises his Magisterium over the universal Church. Second, the Pope will always be assisted either by two deacons (as at the Midnight Mass, the Te Deum on December 31, and January 13, at the Baptism Mass) or by two cardinals (at the Christmas Day and New Year's Day benedictions, and on January 6) to emphasize the Pope's liturgical presidence.

Other novelties will be seen according to the feast celebrated. On Christmas Eve, there will be a brief prayer vigil before the Midnight Mass, with the chanting of the Kalenda, an ancient hymn which shows the birth of the Savior as rooted in history. After the deposition of the Baby Jesus on the Gospel throne, children representing all the children of the world will bring floral tributes to the Baby Jesus. this is a reminder of Jesus's admonition that men must become as children to enter the Kingdom of God. At the end of the Mass, the Pope will carry the Baby Jesus to the manger in the creche on St. Peter's Square.

On Dec. 31, the New Year's Eve Vespers will be followed by the Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, with a Te Deum to give thanks for the year past, and a eucharistic benediction. This underscores the centrality of Eucharistic adoration in the life of the Church and the Lord's disciples, and to accompany the start of the new year with the Lord's benediction.

On January 1, the prayers for the faithful at Mass will be inspired by the Pope's message for the World Day of Peace on New Year's Day. After the Mass, there will also be a veneration of the Madonna, since January 1 in the liturgical calendar is the Feast of Mary as the Mother of God. The image used is one that has been kept in the Vatican Museums.

On the Feast of the Epiphany, January 6, the Credo will be recited in the form of renewal of the baptismal vows. In any case, Mons. Marini said, "What is fundamental to a liturgical celebration is an atmosphere of meditation and prayer, as well as a sense of mystery - and to these, everything should contribute: words, images, gestures, song, music, silences." He described it as the ars celebrandi which aims to make the liturgical sense luminous and clear. The true and authentic meaning of active participation in the liturgy, he said, is to participate in the moment that is being celebrated by the liturgy which recreates for us the history of salvation, and every element of liturgy should help to realize this. "The fruit of authentic participation," he said, "is growing in holiness, and therefore, the transformation of our life to be in Christ and with Christ." Avvenire, 23 dicembre 2007

Where The Feast OF Christmas Was First Celebrated

I find this very interesting. Again thanks to the Ratzinger Forum that has so many interesting things up today. Of course the first Christmas was celebrated when Christ was born. However this is the place where it was first celebrated after it had been "officially" established as a feast day. I find the nuggets of info that are at the end of this article interesting.

The first official Christmas celebration was in 335 in Rome

VATICAN CITY - It's the dawn of the year 336 and in the Church of St. Athanasia in Rome, Christmas is being celebrated. It was the first Christmas officially celebrated in history.

The identification of the Church where the first ceremony honoring the birth of Christ was held is the work of archeologist Andrea Carandini who gave a lecture at the Ministry of Cultural Assets to discuss some archeological discoveries in the Palatine Hill and the home of Augustus. It was in 335, said Carandini, that the Emperor Constantine, in agreement with Pope Silvester, officially established the date of December 25 for the birth of Christ.

The Church, which is now dedicated to St. Athanasia, weas called the church of Bethlehem and was built precisely behind the Palatine bridge, the pagan site par excellence of ancient Rome. In fact, however, the choice was seen as an outright provocation. Constantine himself was careful to avoid coming to the Eternal City. Not just that. It seems that under the church of St. Athanasia, they have found a door that appears to have a door that led directly to the Lupercale, the cave where according to legend, Romulus and Remus were suckled by a she-wolf.

That is why it was transformed by Augustus into a place of worship for the Romans. At Carandini's lecture, also present was the Minister of Culture Frnacesco Rutelli wcho spoke about "a reconstruction consistent with the hypotheses developed by Carandini in the past ten years."

Cardinal Ratzinger Christmas Story-The ox and the donkey

The Ratzinger Forum is the place to check today for a lot of Catholic Christmas Stories from around the World. I was very struck by this entry that I shall reprint in full. This is a Christmas Story as told by the then Cardinal Ratzinger that was published in IMMAGINI DI SPERANZA (Images of Hope), a book published in Italy in 2005. I think this a great reflection on the Nativity scene.

At Christmas time, it is our heartfelt wish that in the frenzy of feasting, we will also have time for reflection and the joy of contact with the goodness of our God, which will give us the courage to move forward. At the start of this reflection on what the feast can tell us today, a brief look at the origins of Christmas celebration would be very useful. The Church's liturgical year, first of all, did not develop with reference to the birth of Christ, but to his resurrection.

That is why the oldest feast in Christianity is not Christmas but Easter. In fact, it was only the resurrection of Christ that founded the Christian faith and therefore gave rise to the Church. Because of this, Ignatius of Antioch (who died around 117) defined Christians as "those who have stopped observing the Sabbath but live according to the Lord's day": to be Christian meant to live in the Paschal manner, by virtue of the Resurrection, which was celebrated every week in the Paschal feast of the Sunday Mass.

The first one to affirm with certainty that Jesus was born on December 25 was Hippolytus of Rome in a comment to Daniel, written around 204. Bo Reicke, who was a professor of Biblical exegesis in Basel, called attention to the festive calendar, according to which the stories in the the Gospel of Luke about the birth of the Baptist and of Jesus are linked. We may deduce that Luke already presupposes in his Gospel the date of December 25 as the date of Jesus's birth. In those days, it was celebrated as the feast of the dedication of the temple established by Judas Maccabeus in 164 B.C.

Thus, the birth of Jesus came to symbolize the fact that with him, who appeared like the light of God on a wintry night, the consecration of the true temple came to pass - the coming of God to this earth. In any case, the feast of Christmas took clear shape in Christianity only in the fourth century when it took the place of the Roman feast of 'sol invictus' (invincible sun) which taught the faithful to conceive of the birth of Christ as the triumph of the true Light. Reicke's research showed that this transformation of a pagan feast to a Christian solemnity was in keeping with an ancient Judaeo-Christian tradition.

Nonetheless, the particular human warmth which so moves us at Christmas to the point that it has surpassed Easter in the heart of Christians, only developed in the Middle Ages when Francis of Assisi, profoundly enamored of Christ the man, God-with-us, introduced this new element. His first biographer, Tommaso da Celano, tells us in his Seconda Vita: "More than any other feast, Francis celebrated Christmas with indescribable joy, because on that day, God became a baby and suckled milk like all other babies. He would embrace with tenderness and transport any image which represented the Baby Jesus and would speak to it with compassionate and gentle words as one would to a baby.

On his lips the name of Jesus sounded sweet as honey." It was this sensibility that gave rise to the famous Christmas celebration in Greccio, perhaps inspired by his pilgrimage to the Holy Land and by the Nativity scene in Rome's Santa Maria Maggiore. He was also urged by his thirst for closeness to Jesus, to relive the experience of Bethlehem as close as possible, so he could directly experience something of the joy at the actual birth of Jesus and transmit this to all his friends. In his first biography, Celano writes about the night of that first Christmas creche, in a manner that remains touching to any reader and which contributed decisively to the dissemination of the most beautiful of Christmas traditions, the creche. or Nativity scene.

We can therefore rightly say that the night in Greccio gave back to Christianity the feast of Christmas, so that its authentic message, its particular warmth and humanity, the humanity of our God, could communicate itself to the souls of men and give our faith a new dimension. The feast of the Resurrection had focused our attention on the power of God who triumphed over death and teaches us to hope in the life to come. But what was now highlighted was the defenseless love of God, his humility and his goodness, which are manifested in this world in our midst to teach us a new way to live and to love.

It may be useful to pause a little at his point to ask: Where is this Greccio, which has assumed such significance for the story of the faith? It is a small town in Umbria, not far from Rome, to the northeast. Lakes and mountains have given the town its particular fascination and silent beauty, which succeeds in moving us even today, especially since it has hardly been touched by the confusion attendant to mass tourism. The convent of Greccio, some 2000 feet above sea level, has retained much of its original simplicity; it has remained modest, like the little town at the foot of its mountain. The forest surrounds it as in Francis's time, and invites us to pause and reflect. Celano recalls that Francis had a particular liking for the residents of the area, because of their poverty and simplicity.

That is why he went there often to rest, drawn by the idea of living in an extremely poor and simple cell, where he could dedicate himself undisturbed to the contemplation of celestial things. Poverty, simplicity, silence and speaking to nature: these were surely the attractions that linked the Saint of Assisi to this place. It became his Bethlehem and would inscribe the mystery of Bethlehem once again in the geography of our soul. But let us go back to the Christmas of 1223. Some land in Greccio had been placed at Francis's disposition by a nobleman named Giovanni who, according to Celano, although he had noble lineage and high position, "gave no importance to nobility by blood but rather sought to gain nobility of the spirit", such that he earned Francis's affection. Celano writes that Giovanni had the grace of a marvelous vision in which he saw a baby asleep in a manger, which awoke when Francis came near.

He adds: "This vision in fact coincided with what was really happening, because until then, the baby Jesus had effectively fallen into the sleep of oblivion in many hearts. Through his servant Francis, remembrance of him has been revived and impressed indelibly in memory." This picture describes with precision the new dimension that, through his vivid and passionate faith, Francis conferred on the Christian feast of Christmas: the discovery of God's revelation embodied in the Baby Jesus. In this way, God has really become Emmanuel, God-with-us, from whom no barrier of superiority or distance separates us: As a baby, he made himself so close to us that we can easily address him familiarly and reach his heart directly. In the Baby Jesus we see the defenselessness of God's love: God comes to us unarmed, because he does not intend to conquer externally, but rather to win us over and transform us internally.

If anything is capable of winning over man, his despotism, his violence and his greed, it is the helplessness of a baby. God took on that defenselessness, in order to win us over and lead us to our true selves. In this respect, let us not forget that the greatest title of Jesus Christ is that of "Son", Son of God: his divinity is indicated by this term, which presents Jesus as a perennial baby. His condition as a child corresponds uniquely to his divinity, which is the divinity of the 'Son'. Therefore, it is an indication of the way that we can reach God, the way to divinization. It is in this light that we should understand his words: "Unless you repent and become as children, you will not enter the kingdom of God" (Mt 18, 3). Whoever has not understood the mystery of Christmas has not understood the decisive fact of Christianity. Whoever has not accepted it cannot enter the kingdom of heaven. It is this that Francis wished to remind Christianity in his time and in all the times that followed. Following Francis's instructions, on that Holy Night of 1223, an ox and a donkey were placed in the cave in Greccio.

In fact, he told Giovanni: "I would like to present the Baby born in Bethlehem, so that in some way, I will see with my own eyes the discomfort which he experienced, not having all the things necessary for a newborn baby, and how he was placed in a manger and lay on the hay between the ox and the donkey." From then on, the ox and the donkey have become part of all Nativity scenes. But how did the idea itself originate? As we know, the Nativity accounts in the New Testament do not say a word about them. If we look deeper into the question, then we will discover something important both for Christmas tradition as well as for the liturgical and popular spirituality of Christmas and Easter for the Church.

The ox and the donkey are not simply products of popular piety and fantasy, but they have become ingredients of the Nativity because of the Church belief in the unity of the Old and New testaments. In Isaiah 1,3, we read: "The ox knows its owner, and the donkey, his master's manger; but Israel does not know and my people do not understand." The Fathers of the Church saw in these words a prophecy which refers to the new people of God, the Church made of Jews and pagans. Before God, all men, Jews as well as pagans, were like oxen and donkeys, without intelligence and knowledge. But the baby in the manger opened their eyes, so that now they recognize the voice of the owner, the voice of their Lord. In the medieval representations of Christmas, we see that the two animals are given almost human faces, how they incline consciously and respectfully before the mystery of the baby.

This was perfectly logical, because they had the value of being prophetic symbols behind which is concealed the mystery of the Church, our mystery, according to which, before the eternal, we are all oxen and donkeys, who had our eyes opened on that Holy Night, so that now we can recognize the manger of our Lord. But do we really recognize it? When we place the ox and the donkey in our Christmas creche, we must remember the words of Isaiah, which are not only Gospel - therefore, the promise of future knowledge - but also a judgment on our actual blindness. The ox and the donkey recognize, but "Israel does not know and my people do not understand". Who are the ox and the donkey today, who are 'my people' who do not understand? How do we recognize the ox and the donkey, ad how do we recognize 'my people'?

How is it that beings without reason recognize, while reason is blind? To find answers to these questions, we should return once more with the Fathers of the church to that first Christmas. Who recognized? And who did not? And why did this happen? Well, someone who did not recognize was Herod. He understood nothing when he was told of the Baby. On the contrary, he was blinded even more by his thirst for power and his consequent mania for persecution (Mt 2,3). And 'along with him, all Jerusalem" did not recognize. Neither did the educated, the scholars of Scripture, the specialists of interpretation who knew the exact and correct Biblical passage and still understood nothing (Mt 2,6). Instead, those who recognised were 'the ox and the donkey' - that is, in comparison to those exalted persons: the shepherds, the Magi, Mary and Joseph. Could it have been otherwise?

The cave stall, where the Baby lay, was not inhabited by refined persons; it was, in fact, the home of the ox and the donkey. And what is our position? Are we very far from that stall precisely because we are too refined and intelligent? Have we not lost ourselves in scholarly Biblical exegesis in an attempt to demonstrate the historical authenticity or lack of it of a certain passage, to the point of becoming blind to the Baby and not to see anything more of him? Don't we perhaps live too much in 'Jerusalem', closed in on ourselves, in our self-sufficiency, our fear of persecution, such that we are no longer able to perceive in the night the voices of angels so that we may join them in adoring him? On the Holy Night, the faces of the ox and the donkey remind us of the question: My people do not understand, do you understand the voice of your Lord? When we place the figurines in our Christmas creche, we should pray God to grant to our hearts that simplicity that recognizes the Lord in the Baby, as Francis once did in Greccio. Then we may experience what Tommaso da Celano - almost with the same words Luke used about the shepherds on that first Christmas (Lk 2,20) - said about the participants of that midnight Mass in Greccio: And everyone went home, filled with joy.

The Plight of Bethlehem

I am going to try to keep the posts more upbeat and celebratory today. However I think it would be negligence not to take note of this. Go see the WSJ 's The Plight of Bethlehem

The Importance of the Proclamation of Christmas At Midnight Mass

THis is often my favorite part of the liturgy at Christmas Eve Mass. I love when it is sung. I was struck a couple of years back when Scott Hahn talked about this. He said:

One of the very first times I attended Mass as a non-Catholic, a Protestant, Christmas Eve; it was the Midnight Mass in a suburb of Pittsburgh, my home town. I got there just in time to hear this cantor stand up and before the actual Mass began, he began to sing a song. It is actually a part of the ancient Christmas liturgy. I asked for a copy afterwards and I got the Proclamation of Christmas. I won't sing it or you'll all flee my presence, but I will tell you what it says: "The twenty-fifth day of December in the 5,099th year of the creation of the world from the time in the beginning when God created the heaven and the earth, the 2,957th year after the flood, the 2,015th year from the birth of Abraham, the 1,510th year from Moses and the going forth of the people of Israel from Egypt, the 1,032nd year from David's being anointed king, and the 65th week according to the prophecy of Daniel and the 194th Olympiad, the 752nd year from the foundation of the city of Rome, the 42nd year of the reign of Octavius Augustus, the whole world being at peace, in the sixth age of the world, Jesus Christ, the Eternal God and the Son of the Eternal Father willing to consecrate the world by his most merciful coming, being conceived by the Holy Spirit and nine months having passed since his conception, (all kneel) was born in Bethlehem of Judea of the Virgin Mary being made man (rise), the nativity of Our Lord Jesus Christ according to the flesh."

I was a non-Catholic, but when I heard that, I wanted to jump up and shout because all of a sudden a panoramic, bird's-eye view of salvation history was given in song to approximately 900 uncomprehending Catholics who were sitting there. You know, if they could understand the words they were like, "What week of the prophecy of Daniel?" You could just see the looks on their faces. It's a beautiful song but the awareness, the understanding and the appreciation for how much went into preparing the world and the nations and the whole broken human family for the coming of Christ was lost to I would say the vast multitude that night and on many other Christmas Evening Masses.

It just highlights the importance for us as Catholics, as Christians, to enter into more fully the liturgical worship of the family of God, the Church; we need to know the Bible. It is not a Protestant book. It was written by Catholics in the Catholic Church and for Catholics. I am so glad Protestants and other non-Catholics have it. We can profit so much from mutual sharing back and forth. I don't want to say anything to gainsay the profit we can actually acquire from studying Scripture with non-Catholics. But it really is a most treasured family heirloom, and it's also a most neglected family heirloom. So it's important not only to bring them and to follow along, but also to study prayerfully in the days, the weeks, the months and years to come

An Arab Christmas Carol to Start Out Christmas Eve

Pretty Breathtaking and Beautiful.

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Dreher Slams Faux Huckabee Catholic "Controversy"

Rod at Crunchycon has the best post so far on this Faux Huckabee Catholic Controversy. What would you expect from an LSU Grad( Geaux Tigers). Anyway go see Huck contra Catholics. This is a great followup to another post of his I linked. That is Huck, Hagee and tolerance. Of significance is that he brings up that far right Catholic idol , Alan Keyes, appeared at Bob Jones and has a excerpt of his talk.

If you are a non Catholic or Catholic Huck supporter, I would be posting and linking this to major Catholic sites if this issue comes up. Rod was a Protestant that became Catholic and now is Eastern Orthodox. However his relationship and insight is still very respected by a lot of Catholics.

This shall be the last post I shall do on this subject unless there is attempt by certain folks to give this faux controversy legs. Looking at the early papers it looks PERHAPS that most media is not buying. SO we shall see.

Catholics Now Dominant Faith In Great Britian

Whispers in the Loggia has a very interesting post called Reformation, Undone . Roman Catholics have overtaken Anglicans as the country's dominant religious group. Well besides Tony Blair it appears people are Poping quite a bit.

and in an op-ed piece for the paper, the editor of The Tablet Catherine Pepinster writes on the new reality:
Speak to people who have been received into the Catholic Church and the comment they make is nearly always the same: "I feel as if I have come home".

It also appears that another person in the line for throne is having to be "ejected" out of the line of succession. We learn from Whispers:

The great irony in all this, of course, is that Catholics -- and Catholics alone, and anyone married to one -- remain barred from ascent to the British throne.While the UK monarch serves by law as supreme governor of the church of England, the 1701 Act of Settlement specifically prohibits the crown to be claimed by "papists" or the spouses thereof. No other religious group is similarly prohibited, and in keeping with the provision, several senior royals who have married Catholics have been forced to relinquish their places in the line of succession.The latest -- and, to date, highest-ranking -- disqualification will likely take place in May, as Queen Elizabeth's eldest grandchild marries a Canadian Catholic.Eleventh in line to the throne, Peter Phillips and Autumn Kelly will wed in a royal -- read: Anglican -- ceremony at Windsor Castle's St George's Chapel.

The firstborn of the monarch's only daughter, Princess Anne, Phillips' engagement to Kelly, a Montreal-born management consultant, has re-ignited the push to scrap the 18th century law crafted to protect the state-church (and, by extension, the kingdom itself) from the specter of Roman control.

I must say this. I hope if Anglicans are not using some of those magnificent Churches they just let us take care of them. No need to build any "modern" no doubt post Vatican II Churches for the new Catholics. Also I would love if they would throw in some of the those wonderful all boy Choirs that are so awesome

Anti-Catholics Can be Catholics' Brothers in Christ

Ok, I am glad to say the reaction to the Huckabee visit to Hagee's Church by Catholics and other Christians has been pretty sane so far. However there are a few bloggers(very small) out there(Catholic or Otherwise- I am noticing a few non catholics jumping in and saying I ashould be offended) that are on a mighty high horse and saying things that are not nice or Christian.. I have now done four posts on this subject. Links are contained at the post Reuters Doesn't Interview Pro-Huckabee Catholic Bloggers!!!

I am going to veer from the political Realm and talk about how we treat each other. David Armstrong is a person that has done more interaction with anti Cathoics than anyone else I have seen on the net. By the way I have no idea what his views are on this issue or who is supporting or if he is supporting anyone. However I thought he had a very good post here called How Anti-Catholics Can be Catholics' Brothers in Christ . It is a good read even though technically I think as per recent Vatican Clarification he might use "Christian Communities" in place of Church in some places. Good read!!! I suggest some Catholics and others read it!! Some of this we need to exclude "these people" not only is politically short sighted but has what I feel is an non Christian/Catholic undertone

Further I am seeing the term ANTI -CATHOLIC thrown around in a very liberal way out there. I really suggest that people read his other post(warning it is long) GO see- Use of the Term "Anti-Catholic" in Protestant and Secular Scholarly Works of History and Sociology . In that piece he says something important. Let me quote that:
I believe that anti-Protestantism or anti-evangelicalism is also a vast and disturbing social problem, coming largely from the left, the media, academia, and the entertainment industry, and including also the usual prevalent bias against "Southern conservative white guys" who are invariably stereotyped as troglodyte anti-intellectual fundamentalists -- the portrayal of the Scopes Trial, e.g., is a quintessential instance of this (and this itself is part of the common Northern bigotry against the South: and I say this as a Michigander, though one of my grandfathers was born in Alabama).
As to the relative prevalence of both, I don't have any particular strong opinion, nor do I think it matters much. The important thing is for conscientious Christians to condemn both

AMen to that. I really think people are losing the Forest For the Trees Here

He had a very interesting post here at The Wickedness of Christian Division, Anti-Catholicism, & Anti-Protestantism. He said in part:
The piddly, petty, juvenile crap that goes on in many (not all, by any means) posts on this bulletin board and every other one I have found where Catholics and Protestants try to interact like adults, is not real life. It is scandalous, disgusting, an ego trip, an exercise in futility. Much of such "dialogue" (again, not all, but quite a bit) is a waste of time and an insult to any conscientious Christian's intelligence (on any side, including my Orthodox brothers and sisters). Real life is this country and world going to hell in a handbasket, with legal abortion for 30 years, and partial-birth infanticide, and now legal sodomy, and soon-to-be legal homosexual "marriage" and a homosexual practicing bishop in the Episcopal Church; broken families, pornography everywhere, sewer bilge piped into network TV, rotten schools, massive social and crime problems in the large cities (I'm right outside Detroit and grew up in a working-class neighborhood there), etc., etc. Meanwhile, fellow Christians (who actually agree on the great bulk of these social and moral problems) slug it out daily, so that Satan can win the victory. Divide and conquer. Let the nation go to hell. Let souls go to hell who are out there waiting to hear the Good News. Instead the lost in a lost world get to see Christians treating each other like morons. Let them all go to hell. Never try to work together with a Catholic brother (like myself) who has web pages on many things about which most of us here would agree: abortion, sexual and gender issues, atheism, the Trinity, the cults, racial issues, Judaism, defenses of the Resurrection of Jesus, etc. That would never do. No, instead we must have the accusations and insinuations and rank insults. You don't know me. You can't read my heart. You don't know what motivates me.

Just saying. People need to keep the eyes on the prize both in secular and non secular terms and not inflame division for political purposes. Anyway that is my rant

The Pope's Pre Christmas Angelus in Full

Thanks to the Ratiznger Forum for getting this translation of todays Holy Father's Angelus out so quick. In honor of the College Football Bowl season we shall quote in full in the awesome LSU purple and Gold colors since we all know the Pope is a LSU fan. (Geaux Tigers) By the way The Ratzinger Forum has pictures of the Pope today(kinda of cool with a Christmas tree in the shot) at the top of the page here.
ANGELUS OF 12/23/07

Dear brothers and sisters !

Just one day separates this fourth Sunday of Advent from Christmas Eve.

Tomorrow night, we shall reunite to celebrate the great mystery of love which never ceases to astound us: God became the Son of man so that we can become children of God. During Advent, from the heart of the church, we implored "come, Lord, to visit us with your peace, your presence, and fill us with joy." The evangelizing mission of the Church is the answer to the cry "Come, Lrod Jesus!" which runs throughout the history of salvation and continues to arise from the lips of believers.

Come, Lord, to transform our hearts so that justice and pace may spread throughout the world. This is the significance behind the doctrinal note on some aspects of evangelization, recently issued by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. In effect, the document serves to remind all Christian - in a situation where, often the very reason for evangelization is no longer clear even to many faithful - that "the acceptance of the Good News in faith' by itself urges us to communicate the salvation we have received as a gift. Indeed,"the truth which saves one’s life inflames the heart of the one who has received it with a love of neighbour that motivates him to pass on to others in freedom what he has freely been given." (No. 7).

Having received it from the presence of God, who is particularly near us at Christmas time, it is a priceless gift. A gift that enables us to "live in the universal embrace of the friends of God" (ibid), in that "network of friendship with Christ that links heaven and earth' (ibid, 9), which impels human freedom towards its fulfillment and which, if lived in truth, will flourish in "a love that is freely given and which overflows with care for the good of all people" (ibid.,7). Nothing is more beautiful, urgent and important than to give back freely to other what we have freely received from God! Nothing can exempt or relieve us of this onerous but fascinating task.

The joy of Christmas, of which we already have a foretaste, fills us with hope but also urges us to announce to all the presence of God in our midst. The unequalled model of evangelization is the Virgin Mary who communicated to the world not an idea, but Jesus himself, the Word incarnate. Let us invoke her with confidence so that the Church may announce, even in our time, Christ the Savior. May every Christian and every Christian community feel the joy of sharing with others the Good News that "God so loved the world he gave his only Son so that the world may be saved through him" (Jn 3,16-17).

This is the authentic sense of Christmas, which we should always rediscover and live intensely.

After the Angelus prayers, he had this special message:

I address my heartfelt greeting to the personnel of the Vatican newspaper L'Osservatore Romano, who are undertaking today in St. Peter's Square a gesture of solidarity for the children of Uganda. While I express my appreciation for the attention that the newspaper is giving to humanitarian emergencies in various parts of the world, I praise the fact that it finds expression in concrete gestures such as this [fund raising], for which I wish all success.

In English, he said:

I extend warm greetings to all the English-speaking pilgrims and visitors present at today’s Angelus. On this fourth Sunday of Advent, we contemplate God’s ancient promise to send us his Son, "Emmanuel" – "God is with us". As we prepare to celebrate the birth of Christ, I pray that you may open your hearts to welcome him with joy. God bless you all!

Sad Louisiana Catholic Blogger News

Remember and Pray For Thomas Charles Danna

Toby Danna ,who was the Louisiana Catholic blogger at Astonished, Yet at Home! , Father passed away on Friday. Toby who over the past few months has cared for his father partly shut down his blog because his dad needed him. He sent out a very touching email that I have just received and it appears his father had what I guess could be called a "good death" and was able to tell the people around him how much he loved him. He give details about the arrangements.

My father, Thomas Charles Danna, passed away at 1:45 pm Friday. We will be having the wake Wednesday, December 26 from 5 - 9 pm at Rabenhorst Funeral Home at 825 Government Street in Baton Rouge, with a rosary and chaplet of divine mercy at 8 pm. Visitation on Thursday will be from 9am to noon when the memorial service will begin. Father Chris Decker will celebrate the rite of Christian burial.

Though I will not be able to attend I will post a reminder of this. I also hope that all that if Catholic will recite the rosary and chaplet of Divine mercy for his dad this week.If you are not Catholic pray in your own tradition as it dicates in times like this..

I was very struck my Tobais posts on his fathers last months. I felt very priviledged that he shared that with us. His post reminded me of a series of blog post that The Anchoress did on the death of her beloved Brother In Law From Aids. That series of post are here at My brother S . If you read them it is best to start from the first post date wise and move up to the last one. There are at times in blog land that posts make a difference to me. Those series of posts did to me. THe fear of death was greatly taken away from me after I read those entries and saw that journey.

Was her brother's a "good death" as the Anchoress describes it in all its gut wrenching details. I have pondered that and when in some ways I compare it to others, such as the recent pipeline explosion that killed two or the tragic murder of the two LSU students, I have to say yes. I often pray that the Lord give me the time to prepare to meet him when it comes. I am glad in some ways that Tobias and his Dad had that grace even though it was surely painful on a pure physical and mental level.

Anyway those are my thoughts. God Bless You Toby and God Bless your dad as we keep him in our prayers.

Reuters Doesn't Interview Pro-Huckabee Catholic Bloggers!!!

I am Astonished!!! I have written on this topic before of course this week. Go see Huckabee Disavows Hagee's Anti-Catholic Sentiments , and A Catholic and An Orthodox Not Upset about Huckabee , and The Faux Controversy Over Huckabee and Catholics .

The article that just came over the news wire is called Huckabee angers some Catholics. It of course is lacking in several aspects. It fails to note that both Catholics and non Catholic politicians often appear before Churches that don't think some of their separated breath en are correct in all things. It would have been interesting if the article had noted that Catholic Political Icon former Senator Rick Santorum had also shared a common stage with Hagee. However I go into all this in the links above. Here is the amusing part:

But Catholic bloggers on the Internet were mostly critical about Huckabee's visit. The Catholic News Agency ran the headline: "Mike Huckabee to speak at strongly anti-Catholic preacher's church."One Catholic blogger said while Huckabee was an eloquent spokesman for the "culture of life" -- code for the anti-abortion cause -- his visit to "a church pastored by a raving anti-Catholic bigot" was deeply troubling.

That is it one unnamed Catholic Blogger. I have been observing this situation over the past few days. I found that most Catholic bloggers that were non political had some questions but it was nothing approaching Anger on a wide scale.. I also can't help but notice that many Catholic Bloggers that were"angry" had Romney, Paul, or Thompson stuff on their blog :). I know how this works. NO doubt if Thompson appeared some Huckabee bloggers would be "upset". This was pointed out so well by conservative commentator Rod Dreher who admitted how silly this was when he wrote his "own angry screeds" when he was supporting McCain and was ranting about Bush going to Bob Jones University 8 years ago. Go see Huck, Hagee and tolerance.

It would have made an interesting article if they had interviewed some Catholic bloggers that were not angry. They would not be hard to find through google.. For instance what about Catholics For Huckabee . I don't think very devout Catholic Kevin Tracy is angry.

A blogger of note they could have talked too is Catholic Knight. In fact when I google "Catholic" and "Huckabee" he is one of the first things that come up. He would have been a interesting person to talk too. He has been talking about this all week. Through his efforts we find that in just a few short weeks a good many Catholics are involved in his Rosary For Huckabee campaign. Including me.

What about noted the Catholic Apologist that resides at Fighting Irish Thomas. I should also note he is a huge Pro-lifer that was very involved in fighting the opening of America's largest abortion clinic outside Chicago. Oh and look at what is at the top of his page currently. A beautiful post Spe Salvi—Will Hope Save Hughes and Huckabee? He also has a wonderful and beautiful site called Domers For Huckabee.Yes a Notre Dame Huckabee site.

The Catholic "blogsphere" is not angry. It is notable that most of the top 100 Catholic blogs are not even talking about it. Despite the fact that anti Huckabee folks have been feeding this story for 3 days.

Evangelization Answers Advent Prayer Pope Says Today

I am awaiting the english translation of the Pope's Angelus talk today. However this Catholic News Service has a brief overview at Evangelization Answers Advent Prayer, Says Pope-Reflects on Doctrinal Congregation Note.

I am very interested in this doctrinal note especially as to the issue of Catholics in Orthodox lands. From what I gather they will not be pleased. This will go especially for the loveable Russian Orthodox that deem our very presence in Mother Russia as an affront to their version of "Mom, Baseball, and Apple pie" More later.

Orthodox Dying out In Turkey?

This is depressing. I have to admit Turkey is a mystery to me. It is a land I would very much like to visit. There are great positives there as well as negatives. This though article in the Economist though is pretty infuriating at Why Christians feel under threat in today's Turkey.

Hereis an excerpt:
Respecting the religious freedom of non-Muslims is essential to Turkey's hopes of joining the European Union. Laws against Christians repairing their churches have been relaxed. Overriding objections from pious constituents, the ruling Justice and Development (AK) party has just restored an ancient Armenian church in eastern Turkey. School textbooks are being purged of an anti-Western bias.
Yet many Christian grievances remain. The prime minister, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, resists calls to reopen the Greek Orthodox Halki seminary on Heybeli island off Istanbul, shut down in 1971. Turkey refuses to recognise the ecumenical title of the Greek Orthodox patriarch, Bartholomew I, the spiritual leader of over 200m Orthodox Christians. The patriarch, a loyal Turkish citizen, has lobbied hard for Turkey's EU membership. But this has only reinforced suspicions among ultra-nationalist detractors, who accuse him of trying to “Christianise” Turkey and wanting a Vatican-style state in the heart of Istanbul.
Never mind that the Greek Orthodox church in Istanbul has dwindled to 4,000 souls, many of them too old to follow their children abroad. Nor that the patriarch must under Turkish law be a Turkish citizen, a rule which is making it difficult to find a successor to Bartholomew I. “They [ie, the Turks] apparently won't regard the conquest of Constantinople as complete until the patriarchate ceases to exist and all Christians have been frightened away,” suggests one restorer of icons in Istanbul.
The government has yet to approve a draft bill to help non-Muslims recover thousands of properties that have been confiscated by the state and either sold or left to decay. The Aya Yorgi church in Istanbul's Edirnekapi district, which was badly damaged in an earthquake, is one sad example. Its walls are cracked, its roof is leaking; a marble angel lies in pieces on the floor. “All we ask is to be permitted to rescue our church, but we cannot hammer a single nail,” complains Bishop Dionysios, a Greek Orthodox prelate who still conducts services there.
Many Christians concede that AK has treated them better than its secular predecessors did. They blame the deep state for their recent troubles. But the excuse of the deep state's power is wearing thin after AK's big victory in July's general election. “With such a strong mandate, the government's failure to meet our demands can only mean one thing, that the deep state is still in charge,” says a Christian priest. Or perhaps that AK believes in religious freedom for Muslims, but not Christians

This is a travesty. I understand that the whole Greek/Turkey thing is in the mix. But the Orthodox are dying out there. That is pretty unbelievable. All through what appears to be Govt action

LSU's DB Craig Steltz Is Quite A Fisherman

I have not forgot the most important thing coming up. That is the LSU game(Geaux Tigers) Nice little short Hnting and Fishing piece with cool pics on Craig Steltz who is just pretty awesome.

Huckabee Disavows Hagee's Anti-Catholic Sentiments

Well I was expecting this of course. To think Huckabee agrees with these aspects of Hagee's theology as well as others was silly. Go see Huckabee Disavows Anti-Catholic Sentiments At Church Where He Will Speak . Let me excerpt this part:
During an interview at his last campaign stop in Iowa before Christmas, Republican front-runner Mike Huckabee disavowed anti-Catholic comments and teachings made by the senior pastor of a Texas church where he will be speaking on Sunday.
Huckabee wrapped up an ambitious pre-Christmas tour of Iowa on Saturday with four appearances in the Fifth Congressional District, home to more than half of the state's registered Republicans. He returns to Iowa after celebrating Christmas with his family in Arkansas. But on the way home, Huckabee will make a stop in San Antonio where he will speak to members of the Cornerstone Church.
Cornerstone is one of the nation's largest churches, with nearly 17,000 members. John C. Hagee, senior pastor at the church, has told his congregation in the past that the Beast referred to in the Bible is actually the Catholic Church and the so-called Anti-Christ is the Pope.
"I have to say that I don't agree with those teachings," Huckabee told the Iowa Independent following a speech in Sheldon. "Several members of my staff are Catholic and have marched shoulder to shoulder many times in pro-life marches with people of the Catholic faith."
When he was asked if he was aware of Hagee's teachings about the Catholic Church, Huckabee said he wasn't. "There are things that he believes that I wouldn't agree with and I am sure there are things that I believe that he wouldn't agree with

As I stated before I expect Huckabee will be talking the Israel issue tomorrow. Which of course Hagee is a big political player. Let me add some thoughts about some things that have been bothering me that are related but not really about Huckabee. First let me give the other posts on this subject I have done as to the Huckabee situation. They are:
The Faux Controversy Over Huckabee and Catholics


A Catholic and An Orthodox Not Upset about Huckabee

Now this has been largely a faux controversy. I am happy to report that despite a few Catholic blogs , with some exceptions, most of the "controversy" has been limited to those Catholic "Thompson" , "Romney", or "Paul" blogs(which of course have a obvious agenda) I have noticed quite a civil discussion elsewhere. I think this is because people are not stupid on this issue. Also they know that Catholics such as Pat Buchanan and Alan Keyes have made similar appearances talking on issues in churches where the pastor and lay folks don't think too highly of the Papacy. . Anyway something has bothered me about this issue and it is more long term. For those Catholics and others that said or still say that Huckabee or any other politician should not go to Churches like this hear me out.

I suppose being a Catholic convert where one has significant family as Seventh Day Adventists , especially My beloved Grandmother that loves me to death, helps put this all in its proper place. Seventh Day Adventists make Hagee look like a lay follower of the Order of St Benedict.

I think there is perhaps a fatal disconnect going on among people that don't why understand Huckabee or other politicians are going to Hagee’s Church or similar ones. I think this disconnect is occurring on a religious , social, geographical and perhaps even more important an economic level.

As I have stated before the last few days, I am from a state that has a number of white or mixed ethnic Evangelical Churches that invite politicians in. Of course the Black Church has always had that here. That being said I have escorted Catholic Politicians to some of these Churches that to say the least at times do not give very Catholic friendly sermons.I guess it hit me today what people are missing. I follow anti Catholics a good bit. Hagee to be honest has never interested me that much because his anti Catholic thoughts are a sideline to his main project of support of Israel. Even though they are related as to his strange theology.

Anyway have we gone from a era from where Catholic Politicians are not trusted to where Catholic Politicans are invited to speak to now some Catholics saying "oh no they don’t pass the theology test don’t go there"?

What strikes me is this ,and let me be clear that I don’t want to offend people of these Churches. You can’t put all of these "particular" Evangelicals in a box as to theology or economics . But many places where these doctrines among others are taught the Church is everything. It is the center. I suppose it can compared to what a Catholic Parish was in the 50’s before we all got rich and moved to the Burbs.

Well again not to say this always the case, but if you go you will often see a whole much of have nots or people really struggling. They don’t care if the politician is Catholic or Methodist or whatever when they invite them in. They just want to hear him and more importantly have him or her listen to them. Also I will be blunt. I think it is a honor to be invited into a place that is deemed so important to them.

Many people would be surprised ,but it is just not social issues being discussed there. People are talking about other struggles.I thinking from a Catholic politician standpoint because I have seen that in action here as to these Churches. Have we got to the point that we are so secure we don’t go to them. We say "Sorry your beliefs are too UN PC and we just don't like them".and "If you want to talk to me and you come on down to where I am at".

I know many people are not thinking about this but I am. See some of these people at these Churches that have invited us to speak have given Catholic politicians their votes. I wonder if a theology test of who politicians can and can not speak to is very right. Politicians are servants. They need to go to where the people are at. For many people feel the most comfortable talking these issues in this environment and interacting there. To start putting up roadblocks to people that are our countrymen and in fact are in real need seems well -very UN Catholic.

So my position remain what it was before this. Whether its Senator Mary Landrieu, Jeb Bush, Alan Keyes, Huckabee , or Romney let them go the people. Their job is not to be commander in chief of correct and unoffensive Theology.

Saturday, December 22, 2007

New York Times Great Article on How Iraqis Took Iraq Back!!!

Major tip of the hat to the Strata- Sphere on this must read New York Article that is a map of how Iraqis took back their Country region by region. Of course there is work to be done but what a good end of the year read. It is stunning.

It is pretty amazing to see what has happened in one year. We can thank the political leader of Bush, and important members of Congress in standing firm and providing the opportunity for so many brave service people and Coalition partners to make this happen. All the while so many forces wanted to surrender.

AJ does a lot of good work reporting this new every day. I was really struck by another post he wrote called Democrats Revolt Against Leadership On Iraq. It appears sanity is coming back to DC.

Great News!!-Senate confirms Mary Ann Glendon as U.S. ambassador to Vatican

Very exciting. What a great quality choice especially for this very important year. This is a news story on the confirmation. This nomination appeared to be in a slight bit of trouble earlier in the week.

Earlier this month Robert Novak reported that
President Bush's nomination of Harvard Law School professor Mary Ann Glendon as U.S. ambassador to the Vatican is being held up in the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, raising the possibility that the post may be vacant when Pope Benedict XVI visits the United States in April.
The selection of anti-abortion advocate Glendon is opposed by Catholics for a Free Choice. No official holds on her confirmation have been filed, but failure to schedule a hearing blocks her confirmation. She is caught up in blanket Democratic opposition to Bush's final nominees.
Business tycoon Francis Rooney, current ambassador to the Holy See, has resigned and is expected to be gone by the time of the pope's American visit

On a 2008 political note I would point out that she was a advisor to Governor Romney on several issues which is interesting.

This article gives more info. Note there were concerns about the nomination just days ago.

I think she is a wonderful choice and will represent the interest of the United States well at the Vatican.

Protestants To "Worship" at St Paul's Outside the Walls In Rome

Canterbury Tales has a very interesting post up called St Paul's Outside the Walls becomes St Paul's Without the Walls. St Paul's Outide the Wall's is one of the most historic and Holy Sites in Rome. Quite a buzz happened last year when the "casket" that might contains some of the remains of St Paul were found there. Next year is of course been designated The Pauline year. A year that will of course present opportunities for reconcilliation with various non Catholic Christian communities.

As you can see Rome , and I assume with Papal approval has taken a major step. That is an "ecumenical chapel" in the basilica's baptistery will be prepared so that "non-Catholic Christian communities [can] come and pray at the basilica and celebrate liturgy. As you can see Canterbury Tales finds this a tad unsettling and asks people's viewpoints. I can see his point. However because it is a "Pauline" year my gut and heart is telling me this is a grand idea. In fact it seems a very proper thing to do. GO and comment and tell him your thoughts. I also note in the news article he produces that a Schedule of events for the Pauline Year was given to the Holy Father on Monday. I shall try to find some details on that.

Huckabee Supporters Need To Thank Bryon York

If you have looked at my last few Huckabee posts it seems I am in a snit over the National Review and National Review Online. Well I am a tad. However I do think that Huckabee supporters should write a email to Bryon York and thank him for being fair. Telling people you appreciate their efforts in being even handed is just as important as the complaints. His email is byork@nationalreview.com. As I mentioned before he seems to be the only one interested in why the Club for Growth seems to have it out for Huckabee. Today he did good work in correctly a misleading Drudge report headline.

Yesterday Huckabee and his supporters had to endure the wildest attack by Rush. The whole episode started on some blurb quoting some unknown person that likes Huckabee in DC. Rush for some reason did not call the Huckabee campaign before he went on his tear. IT was the buzz of the net last night. The ONLY place where I got some facts to refute that was from a blurb he did yesterday located here. I will reproduce that:
The Huckabee Campaign on Rush [Byron York]
I just talked to Huckabee campaign manager Chip Saltsman, who describes himself as a "huge fan" of Rush Limbaugh. Saltsman told me he "doesn't have a clue" who the Washington-based Huckabee ally quoted by the Atlantic is. "Unfortunately, anybody who gets the ear of a reporter can say they're a Huckabee ally, but that's not the view of the campaign," Saltsman told me. "We're big fans of Rush Limbaugh and have been for years, and I can tell you that's not what we think at the Huckabee campaign in Little Rock. We have nothing but respect for Rush Limbaugh and know that he's a big part of the conservative movement in this country. That's one person's opinion in DC, but it doesn't represent the view of the Huckabee campaign. I can only hope we'll get a chance to talk to Rush and make sure that he knows that's not coming from us."
12/21 01:49 PM

Now I am not saying that Mr York is a big Huckabee fan!!! However I find it refreshing that perhaps he is just trying to be objective to everyone. The Corner Blog is read by a lot of folks so I hope Huckabee supporters take a tiny 2 minutes and thank him for trying to get facts out.

The Irony of the Conservative Media and Huckabee

I very much like reading From Burke to Kirk and Beyond... . He always has a bunch of very interesting posts that I need to start linking more. He has post up called Mike Huckabee makes Rudy Giuliani and Mitt Romney more attractive .

I of course disagree with that :).

However this blogger is of the type that is pretty rational and Huckabee supporters should be trying to win over. I think also his post shows that Huckabee opponents are scoring some points.

Now I am leaving a comment there that of what I feel about the Peggy Noonan article. I am not impressed with it. It is a very clever slam piece. If you read the whole thing she starts off with the whole Cross nonsense. Thus putting in the readers mind that Huckabee is one sneaky little Christian SOB with his subliminal messages. The rest of her article when you think about it is very light on facts. She makes lots of statements and backs then up with very precious little. It is almost like Huckabee being a Governor for 8 years did not exist. However that is not he focus of this post. let me quote Burke's commentary:

The cardinal rule for a Republican nominee is that he must control the Right but not be controlled by it, just as a Democrat must control the Left but not be controlled by it. Perception becomes reality. Those who break the rule most egregiously finish second in the national election.
I cannot speak for anyone but me, but I sense that most Americans would rather be governed by an agnostic who can fix an air conditioner than by a Baptist preacher who can eloquently pray for cooler temperatures

Now as I mentioned Burke is not or does not strike me as a overly partisan person. The fact that he perceives Huckabee as a "preacher"that basically prays for cooler temperatures and not a widely successful Governor that actually did great things in Arkansas is a tad concerning. Note this is the impression that Noonan's article wants to give. I think Huckabee will be able to overcome this but we need to start working on it now. However I wish to focus on this part:
The cardinal rule for a Republican nominee is that he must control the Right but not be controlled by it, just as a Democrat must control the Left but not be controlled by it. Perception becomes reality. Those who break the rule most egregiously finish second in the national election.

I very much agree with that. People that are passionate about politics on either the right or the left if not "controlled" must be guided in a very responsible way. Le me say there has been precious little of that lately. The Right has just become a out of control as the left. What I find ironic is that Peggy Noonan and several parts of the conservative media are now all in a huff over a problem they very much help create.

I really thing the the far right has become as self indulgent as the far left. They at times have gotten 70 to 75 percent of what they wanted from President Bush and proclaim that as insufficient. Ronald Reagan could not survive the current political climate if you ask me.

I am a critic of much of the conservative media because it seems to me that they just thrown red meat to the wolves. I saw this in several incidents. I thought the conservative pundits acted in a very irresponsible manner during the Dubai Terminal lease controversy, the 06 midterms, and finished off in a orgy of self destructive behavior during the emotional immigration debate of last year.

The immigration debate and how people acted from Rush, to Hannity , to Michelle Malkin, to the National Review, and the thousands of blogs that parrot them very much might have lost us a much of the Hispanic vote we have gained over the past decade. I fear we shall lose the upcoming election because of it. I know many of my readers were in the amen corner with them on that issue. However my view is my view. The pure level of hate in that debate was disturbing. I know because I ,a loyal Republican ,was called a traitor, a quisling, and that was the light stuff. I can't imagine what Hispanics thought. By the way ever been called a "traitor"? Ever had your faith slammed because you took a stance on a political issue? Well countless thousands of us conservatives that supported comprehensive immigration reform had that happen to us for 2 unbearable years. There were casualties that many don't know or acknowledge. I wonder if Peggy Noonan that is writing about how Huckabee is dividing will talk about her role in that saga. I am not holding my breath.

I can't help but note The Corner Blog is very upset that Huckabee is talking about Wall Street and Business interest and they are now saying "Huckabee is dividing the party!!!!" Horrors. I sent a email to NR and NRO Guru Rich Lowery yesterday as to this. I never got a response back. I wrote in part:

Anyway a few observations. First as to Huckabee talking about big business and Wall Street. That seems to have yall's goat. Well remember in the ancient days of NRO and NR(Like this summer) when its was NRO against Wall Street on Illegal immigration. Big Business and Wall Street were trying to get AMNESTY through- Cue Dark Scary music.
Boy yall were really getting the masses upset against those big boys. It seemed that Mrs Lopez and other were leading the pack with pitchforks in hand. I wonder. When NRO was doing a lot of that over the talk rhetoric did they ever consider it might have spill over effect.? I sort of warned about that back then......I am a Huckabee fan but I am not entirely thrilled about Huckabee's statements about Bush foreign policy. However , I must say the defense of the President you are doing sounds great but a tad hollow. Were not many of the President's same defenders today so gleefully talking about the "Great Divorce" that was going to happen between poor ole Compassionate Conservative Bush and legitimate conservatives. I am glad that did not happen by the way. Especially when we were in a war....Anyway I am still a fan of NRO. I am tad dispppointed thought that the Corner and the people that comprise it don't take a deep breath more often before hitting that submit button. As I have emailed before I live 15 miles from Arkansas. How Huckabee actually governed there appears quite different from what I am reading here. I wonder. Much like the illegal immigration issue will NRO's naplam bombing of any and all opposition(even if they are friends) as to Huckabee become a problem. What if he wins? Well as I have noted NRO seems to have no problem doing a 180 pretty quick. SO perhaps there will be no problem.
But someone anyone need to perhaps to do some ground rules or else we shall eat our own. If not NR and NRO then who

Now I don't want to pick on the Corner. In fact before I turn to other non political matters , I am going to to do a post how Huckabee supporters should be thanking one of its and National Review main people. However the Corner as well as Noonan as well as the various pundits and conservative organizations helped create the situation that they are now complaining about.

As to Huckabee. The people he is speaking too have legitimate gripes. The GOP better listen to that or those people might just vote dem. I get the impression that the conservative establishment does not quite get it yet. However Huckabee strikes me as a person that can control and guide that segment of the conservative base in a responsible manner. I get a sense that Huckabee thinks that there has been a tad too much over the top partisanship lately. If you watched President Bush's last press conference I am struck how he still refuse to lash out. Huckabee and I am betting on this can do what Bush for a variety of reasons could not. That is bridge the partisan divide and lower the temperature a good bit. We need that as a country right now.

Huckabee is currently showing he knows there are problems. He is acting that on the campaign trail very well. He believes what is saying no doubt. However Huckabee knows that just getting the masses upset will not win the election. He knows this election cannot just be anti Hillary. He will have to offer solutions and a alternative vision. I get a sense that some of the conservative pundits that so operate in sound bites are a tad wary of it. My advice to them. Chill a little. Let Huckabee develop it. There is a important part of this primary process that is often not talked about. That is Presidents don't fall down from Heaven all wrapped up for the Oval Office. The listening that people like Huckabee, Rudy, and Romney are doing is just as important as the speeches they give. Out of these bunch , a future President is being made and developed. So Conservative pundits and media. Take a break and let it happen a tad. I know you will not let it develop. But you should. These are the people speaking and they rarely get a voice in all the National politics. Electing a President is a intense personal choice for many people. In their choice they are voicing their concerns. Like Huckabee take time to listen

Huge Metor Shower Tonight and Sunday

I saw this earlier this at Father Z's blog and wanted to highlight this today. Tonight we have the URSID METEOR shower. Father Z has all the cool details plus a update with pics of that cool like Mars rover we got limping around on the Red Planet.!!!! I am looking at my window and it is very very very cloudy in my part of the World :(. Hopefully that will cahnge tonight:)

Tony Blair Becomes Catholic!!!

Well after all the rumors ex UK Prime Minister Tony Blair came in into full Union with the Catholic Church yesterday . Congrats!!! Father Z has the story and some commentary. If i see any UK Catholics highlighting this today I shall update.

Updates below-
Vox Nova has a short post with links to the major UK media stories on the event