The Anchoress has a major post on this that is very good. See Nuns & Sisters & bad hymns. She has a line here I love (which I bold in Red). Here is a part
A few people yesterday asked me to comment on the NY Times piece, but I really have nothing to say. The only reason this is a story at all is because of a rather notoriously unwelcoming (and yes, paranoid) email (approved-for publication but since pulled) written by the progressive IHM Sister, Sandra M. Schneiders, who wrote of the Visitation:
“I do not put any credence at all in the claim that this is friendly, transparent, aimed to be helpful, etc. It is a hostile move and the conclusions are already in. It is meant to be intimidating… We cannot, of course, keep them from investigating. But we can receive them, politely and kindly, for what they are, uninvited guests who should be received in the parlor, not given the run of the house.”
Sr. Schneiders (whose missive Rod Dreher calls “snotty”) also suggested that the Visitation would be doing “violence” to the “new form of Religious life” she and her aging sisters are “birthing…” All I can say is, they’re having the longest gestation-and-delivery I’ve ever heard of, clocking in at about 40 years, now, and it seems to be a stillbirth. These “progressive” sisters are not attracting new vocations, at all, and their orders are dying out.
I already said my piece on all this ‘way back in March, when I wrote for First Things:
Sister and her associates seem to have birthed a form of Religious Life that no longer receives “everyone as Christ” but parcels out the hospitality like upper-crust dames who will nod at the social climbers (and even condescend to having them to tea, if it will dispense with an obligation) but who will have the place fumigated once the undeserving have finally been shown the door. Sounds like she’ll count the teaspoons, too.…Religious Life for women in the United States will be defined in the next few decades by those orders that manage to thrive in a world where the values of chastity, humility and obedience are misunderstood. What is “new” and “it” at this moment in history – younger women taking back the habit and the breviary (even as they establish a variety of ministries in preaching, in the streets, hospitals, schools, retreat houses and elsewhere) and expressing fealty to Rome – is as counter-cultural and even radical as Schneiders and her now-establishment sisters used to be.
You can read my entire piece here. I thought I was pretty bold, but a few emailer back in March thought I should have been tougher.
Read the whole piece it is good.
I do disagree with the Anchoress when she says this:
Sr. Schneiders, if she is completely unwilling to conform to the stated constitutions or her own order, and the advice of the church she says she loves and serves, will undoubtedly be one of the first in line at the formation of the destined-to-be-created “American Catholic Church” which I suspect we’ll see emerging (and quickly dominating) in schism. As I’ve written elsewhere, that Oprah-approved church (which will very much resemble the imploding Church of England) ........
Who knows it might happen but I doubt it. The people that would lead such a charge are dying out. Plus there is Peter!!! You Can't have a Catholic Church without Peter. Everything else is just a imitation. People I think sense that even the dissenters. That is why many have stayed around though their theology would be much better accepted elsewhere. If they leave then no pays attention to them.
Friday, July 3, 2009
New York Times Talks About Catholic Sisters and Their Fear of the Vatican
Posted by James H at 7/03/2009 09:56:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: United State Catholics, vatican, vocations, wacko catholics
So Palin to Resign- Links Links Links
The Anchoress has a incredible amount of links and commentary on this at Palin’s announcement w/ Updates!
I am not too happy about this. I suspect she got tired of the attacks and realized perhaps her ability to respond to them was very limited in Alaska. THis shakes up the 2012 race and potential hopefuls in a big way.
Posted by James H at 7/03/2009 09:44:00 PM 0 comments
Sometimes I don't Get Texas- The Texas Booze Police
'This is the most stupid thing I have heard of in some time. The problem is this occurs all the time in Texas. Ther is no real logic or pattern as to this enforcement either. Imagine how this can be abused to harrass people. Crunchy Con has more at Texas booze police go crazy
Posted by James H at 7/03/2009 08:52:00 PM 0 comments
Former Louisiana Catholic Couple And Their Boys and Girls Camps In North Caroliana
Father at Standing On My Head has a post that might be of interest to Louisiana Catholic readers and others.
David and Anne Trufant had a dream of running a camp. David had a photography business in their native New Orleans. Anne had a music ministry to the Catholic community. On a trip to North Carolina David heard about two camps that were for sale. They didn't have the money, but a local banker heard Anne sing, caught the vision and loaned them the money to buy the camps.
Now they run Camp Kahdalea for girls and Chosatonga for boys. On either side of the same mountain the rustic camps near Brevard, North Carolina are the most fantastic place to send your kids or grand kids. The camps aren't Catholic camps, but camps run by Catholics. In other words, the religion is not 'inyerface' but the staff are terrific young people--most of them committed Catholic university students. There is Mass on Sundays and grace before meals. There are times for 'wisdom and learning' but most of all the camps are places of great fun, enthusiasm, love and pure joy...................
Much more at the link .See Camps Kahdalea and Chosatonga
Also related is his nice post on Walker Percy. See New Friend
Posted by James H at 7/03/2009 01:18:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: louisiana, Louisiana Catholic
Louisiana Catholic BLogs Update (Fourth of July 2009 Weekend Edition)
Happy Fourth Weekend.!!
Ville Platte Catholic Youth Group has July 2 — Happy Independence Day!
Intolerable Compliment. has In Eastbourne ( I am so jealous) , Flesh and Blood: A New Covenant (Part II) , Name that Artist , Flesh and Blood: A New Covenant (Part I) , and The Christian Credo in a World of Faciendum
Unskilled Labor has Obama: Fatherhood Begins at Conception
Just Another Seminarian Blog reported in and has You can make a difference
Servus Mariae et Jesu has Creed of the People of God - The Trinity (Creed, Pt. 6) (Good Series of Posts)
From The Recamier has her Daily Update: July 2, 2009
Footprints on the Fridge has Welcome to July
Witnessing Hope who is in Honduras is still giving updates on the situation down there. See Update on the Community Blog
A Teen Striving for Holiness has Prayer........10,000 ft. in the air?!?!
University Catholic- has found a good ind. See New blog
A Number of Things. has wordless wednesday :: mockingbird nestBrown Pelican Society of Louisiana has
A 4th of July Call to Action
The Glorious Fourth
Miracles All Around Us
IS THAT RHETORICAL? Helen Thomas: Who Do They Think We Are, Puppets?
Independence Day 2009: We Still Hold These Truths…
BHO Meets With Some Members of the Catholic Press; Says Expect a ‘Robust Conscience Clause’
Founder’s Quote Daily
GOSPEL & MEDITATION: “My Lord and My God!”
Stranger in a Strange Land has Looking Toward God , Father Junipero Serra , and The Desire for God
For The Greater Glory has Boy or Girl? Not Telling (Such a weird story), Kmeic is given Malta ,Vatican Cooperation is Important , 1,000 Posts and 6 months , and Pronouncing Louisiana names
Father Decker at Thy Nose to the Marble. has two you tube vides up . See cu on the road and A Brief Tour of Catholic Life Television
Journey to Rome has The How-To Book of Catholic Devotions by Mike Aquilina
The Catholic Foodie has Fresh Salsa , CNMC Opening Video - Hysterical! , and A quick review of "God Help Me: How to Grow in Prayer"
Our expat Priest in Houston Fr. Victor Brown’s Catholic Daily Message has his thoughts at CDM for the Feast of Saint Bernardino Realino (2 July 2009)
Our expat Priest In New Jersey Da Mihi Animas has
Big Daddy Weave: Every Time I Breathe
Pope Benedict on Priestly Mission and Identity
Saint of the day: Thomas the Apostle
New Vocation Video From Dominican Sisters
Gettysburg Anniversary
O Praise Him by David Crowder Band
Remembering Blessed Junipero Serra
Posted by James H at 7/03/2009 11:26:00 AM 0 comments
Labels: Catholic, louisiana, Louisiana Catholic
A Little 1776 For the 4th of July-The Eagle Being Born
I love this movie Movie/Musical. I need to get the cable guide out to see when it will be playing over the weekend.
The Pink Flamingo has a clip 1776 – The Eagle Being Born
Posted by James H at 7/03/2009 12:39:00 AM 0 comments
Labels: United States History
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Is Sarah Palin the Angelina Jolie of the Political World?
It seems I am doing a lot of Palin post lately. The bashng of the Governor has now entered the land of the aburd in whole news ways. What is behind this. There are some thoughts here at Why They Hate Her, the Angelina Jolie of Politics
Posted by James H at 7/02/2009 09:24:00 PM 2 comments
Father Robert A. Sirico Excellent Commentary On The Pope's Upcoming Encylical
Father Sirico makes so make good points that I rant about. However I am not as talented as him in getting it down clearly in written form all in one place. MY COMMENTS SHALL BE IN RED.
The Divine Economy: On the New Papal Encylical [Rev. Robert A. Sirico]
On Tuesday, Pope Benedict XVI will release his first social encyclical, Caritas in Veritate. The pre-release buzz from the Catholic Left on each of his two previous encyclicals has so far proven wrong each time, so the rule should be to wait and see what the pope will actually say.Each time, with previous encyclicals, we have been told that the pope is preparing to lambaste capitalism and call for state measures to heavily regulate it with an eye to redistributing wealth, cleaning up the environment, controlling consumption, etc.
Each time, the final text has demonstrated that the pope's conversion to progressivist causes has been greatly exaggerated. Invariably, his arguments have been highly sophisticated and have defied easy political categorization. (AMEN ON THAT)
In advance of Caritas in Veritate, Catholic “progressives” are working themselves into a frenzy of predictions, recommendations, and anathemas — and not one of them, to my knowledge, has seen even an early draft of the encyclical which has been two years in the making.Will the document draw attention to the weaknesses of Western-style capitalist systems? One hopes so. (Please note that this is a common sentiment among the Conservative market Friendly Catholics. Something many Catholics of a more liberal bent ignore as they make Cartoons out of those that question them)
We might expect the pope to call on market forces to be regulated by moral concerns, within a strong juridical framework, and an exogenous apparatus of standards to curb excesses.But here is the operative question: In what sense would such a call be a blow against the idea of free economic institutions?
The short answer is that it will not be.There are few advocates of market economics who advocate a complete lack of regulation rightly understood. (Again this is crucial. But to listen to some voices one would think that market Friendly Catholics want to abolish Child Labor laws and get rid of workplace protections. Not only is this a cartoon it is dishonest) Every transaction in the marketplace is in fact regulated by contract law, reputation, industry standards, competition, certification and monitoring, and profit and loss systems that reward prudence and punish excess over the long term.Do these need strengthening? Certainly, and it should be noted that a main force for weakening them is not the market as such, but partisan interventions in the market.
Consider the drive for ever-lower interest rates as one of many examples. This is a subsidy for excess because it encourages borrowing at the expense of saving. If Benedict writes of the need for greater prudence and caution in economic affairs, permitting interest rates to rise to a market level would go a long way toward achieving that.Will the pope overtly call for a global, centralized, state-based management of economic systems about which would-be central planners have long dreamed? I would be very surprised. (I will be too)
This is a man who has stood firm against every form of statist control of society. As his first encyclical, Deus Caritas Est, illustrated, he has a deep attachment to subsidiarity as an essential principle for a free and good society, and I would be amazed to see him give up his love for liberty because the concern of the moment is economics.But details aside, it is good to step back a moment and reflect on what Catholic social teaching is and what it is not, so that in studying the new encyclical, we gain a deeper appreciation of its intent and scope.
Since 1870, the papacy has explicitly claimed to exercise the charisma of infallibility in the very area that "progressives" — “dissenters” is a more accurate word — have labored to dilute and “episcopalianize” for 40 years: faith and morals. In fact, Catholic progressives will find themselves on the horns of an intolerable ecclesiological dilemma no matter what the contents of the document.On the one hand (doctrine, liturgy, and sexual morality), progressives tend to take dissenting positions from defined and binding Church teaching. (This irony I noticed in my first years as a Convert and was very apparent)
On the other hand (economic and social policy), they want to boast of the Church’s "best kept secret," especially to the extent that they think it coheres with any number of secular-left platforms, while ignoring those aspects of Catholic social teaching that clearly don’t fit the leftist nostrums.It is quite a spectacle to see Catholic progressives — who in other circumstances contort themselves into exegetical pretzels when they want to undermine clear, emphatic, authoritative, and repeated magisterial prohibitions on same-sex relations, female “priests,” and contraceptive acts — morph into virtual Ultramontanists on prudential matters such as the precise level of a minimum wage. (The best line in this piece. One gets a sense that if these people had their way many potential converts could not enter the Church unless they assented to a ever increasing list of specific policy plans that shows their view of proper Catholic thinking)
Let us be clear: The Church explicitly makes no such claims of infallibility on those policy matters that it considers a matter for prudential judgment (i.e., most policy issues) but allows for Catholics to hold a variety of viewpoints on such questions such as the exact size of the state’s share of the economy. Clearly no Catholic can be an anarchist or a communist — but there is a lot of room for prudential disagreement within these parameters. Benedict XVI has followed the model of John Paul II in saying that the Church has no infallible model of political economy to impose on the world.
The Church’s social teaching is not, as John Paul stated, a “third way.”Further, as pointed out by my friend Michael Novak, the word capitalism is being thrown around in reckless ways these days. (Novak has been under attack the last few days but Novak is right on as to this. Not only is it lazy but it borders on dishonesty) Citing Fr. Thomas Reese, S.J., whom Novak charmingly calls “one of our most reliable leftist bellwethers,” in an article in the Washington Post,
Novak shows how such thinkers don’t even know what modern capitalism is.Fr. Reese asks, "If they think that Obama is a socialist, what will they think of Benedict after the encyclical?" and prophesies, "Conservatives will be shocked and disappointed by the encyclical, which will reflect Benedict's skepticism toward unbridled capitalism based on greed."I am not sure who such conservative defenders of "unbridled capitalism based on greed" are supposed to be. (Yeah that is never laid out) Perhaps Fr. Reese has the disciples of the atheist Ayn Rand in mind, (LOL) but they are hardly representative of those modern defenders of the market economy such as Rocco Buttiglione, Wilhelm Röpke, and William F. Buckley.
I think it is a fair prediction to say that any pope would come out against any system "based on greed." Erecting fictions about capitalism and its defenders — and then criticizing them — might take you a long way in the bubble of the Georgetown Faculty Lounge, but that hardly constitutes a serious argument. (A final Amen)
— Father Robert A. Sirico is president and co-founder of the Acton Institute.
07/02 01:55 PMShare
Posted by James H at 7/02/2009 08:34:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: Catholic, Catholic Politics, catholic social justice, economics, Pope Benedict
Doug Kmiec Made Ambassador To Malta!!!!
Lets Dance
I feel like putting in my CD of Kool and the Gang and singing Celebration!!! He can't do much damage there and plus maybe now we Catholics don't have to hear his dreadful pontifications all the time and whining how everyone was so mean to him . Hopefully he will be there during the entire 2012 election season.
Posted by James H at 7/02/2009 07:36:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: Catholic, Catholic Politics, democrats, obama
The Vanity Fair Attack Piece on Palin Is So Bogus
The Corner points this out:
On Sarah Palin's 'Narcissistic Personality Disorder' [Mark Hemingway]
In Todd Purdum's now infamous Vanity Fair profile, one of the more sensational accusations was this:
More than once in my travels in Alaska, people brought up, without prompting, the question of Palin’s extravagant self-regard. Several told me, independently of one another, that they had consulted the definition of “narcissistic personality disorder” in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders — “a pervasive pattern of grandiosity (in fantasy or behavior), need for admiration, and lack of empathy” — and thought it fit her perfectly.
Bill Kristol took to The Weekly Standard's blog to declare that this accusation seems somewhat absurd:
Is there any real chance that "several" Alaskans independently told Purdum that they had consulted the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders? I don’t believe it for a moment. I’ve (for better or worse) moved in pretty well-educated circles in my life, and I’ve gone decades without “several” people telling me they had consulted the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders.
Even Eric Boehlert, of the lefty Media Matters for America, said he agreed with Kristol that Purdum's claim "doesn't pass the smell test." So I thought some very rudimentary investigation was in order. It turns out that the idea that Palin had narcissistic personality disorder as defined by the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders is something of a meme in liberal circles and has been long before Purdum's VF profile.
To wit, a Google search of the Huffington Post for "Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders" and Sarah Palin returns some 752 results. Obviously, not all of those results are relevant but in just the first four pages of Google results I found five different comments from the website which reference Sarah Palin having narcissistic personality disorder according to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders and all were written well before Purdum's profile. See here, here, here, here and here. (It futher appears that one of those commenters has made the observation more than once.)
Again, these examples are from just the first few Google results on one liberal website. It appears this is a meme that gained currency among those on the far left who actively despise Palin and posess no special insight into her. Either Purdum is far too credulous and should have investigated the claim, or Purdum deliberately wrote up baseless claims of narcissistic personality disorder to make it sound like the diagnosis came from Alaska insiders and in the process made the claim far more salacious. Either way, I don't think Purdum's reporting is to be trusted.
If you are going to lie please don't do it in a way that insults your readers intelligence
Posted by James H at 7/02/2009 12:42:00 PM 2 comments
Thinking of Military Catholic Priests and Seminarians on The 4th of July
May their number increase.
The latest edition of the newsletter of the Archdiocese for the Military Services, USA has a great section with pictures and bios and questions of these guys. It is in PDF form. Well worth a look. Starts on page 8
Posted by James H at 7/02/2009 12:30:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: Catholic, military, United State Catholics
Major Military Push Happening In Afghanistan
Something to think about over the 4th. Althouse has
Almost 4,000 United States Marines, backed by helicopter gunships
Posted by James H at 7/02/2009 10:42:00 AM 0 comments
Labels: afghanistan, military, WOT
How Did Obama Get Honduras So Wrong?
Creative Minority Report goes into this at Obama & Honduras - Politics Not Principle
I am not quite has harsh in my own viewpoint as to Obama's motivations. But I think there is some truth in the above post . The real question to me is how int he World the State Department got it so wrong.
This incident was a major flub by the administration it appears and I think it is being recognized as such. However the Press seems determined not revisit that issue.
Posted by James H at 7/02/2009 10:29:00 AM 1 comments
Labels: obama
More Bobby Jindal in 2012 Talk (Jim Brown Column)
There are two kind of stories on this theme. One is Bobby Jindal running for the President in 2012. The second , and more abundant, is to to use the story of Jindal likely not to run as a cover to attack Jindal.
What ever you want to say about Jim Brown on the whole he is one of the more smarter politicos. I always like him for some reason and he was one of the Democrats that I would always vote for. Also I thought his Federal conviction was nonsense. I was actually hoping that Bush might issue a Pardon on him. Anyway I like him and his columns are often a good read.
I think his column is nonsense. See National Political Life Left for Bobby Jindal?
Again all signs are that Bobby is running for Governor in 2011. He can't run for Governor and then just months later win the early critical GOP primaries.
Also there is another problem that is overlooked. That is hurricane season. Last year Bobby had to spend a couple of months dealing with the hurricane that made Baton Rouge and much of South Louisiana look like a war zone. He can't be in Iowa, Florida, South Carolina, and New Hampshire if another one strikes as they usually do in September. Time and raising money is critical then for the GOP hopeful.
Perhaps I am missing something but how Bobby would get pass this I have no clue.
Posted by James H at 7/02/2009 10:07:00 AM 0 comments
Labels: 12, GOP, Jindal, louisiana, Louisiana Politics
Is this the First Christian Church
Pretty cool.
Tip of the hat to Spirit Daily
Posted by James H at 7/02/2009 09:46:00 AM 0 comments
Labels: Catholic, Liturgy, Orthodox, Protestant
What is the Worst Catholic Hymn?
Deal Hudson at Inside Catholic ask that at Which Catholic Hymn is the Worst? I have to admit I disagree with Deal on "I Am the Bread of Life". I find that song pretty stirring.
Posted by James H at 7/02/2009 09:43:00 AM 0 comments
Washington Post's Amazing Conflict of Interest
This is pretty staggering.
Washington Post Selling Access? [Mark Hemingway]
For $25,000 to $250,000, The Washington Post is offering lobbyists and association executives off-the-record, nonconfrontational access to "those powerful few" — Obama administration officials, members of Congress, and the paper’s own reporters and editors.The astonishing offer is detailed in a flier circulated Wednesday to a health care lobbyist, who provided it to a reporter because the lobbyist said he feels it’s a conflict for the paper to charge for access to, as the flier says, its “health care reporting and editorial staff."The offer — which essentially turns a news organization into a facilitator for private lobbyist-official encounters — is a new sign of the lengths to which news organizations will go to find revenue at a time when most newspapers are struggling for survival
And it's a turn of the times that a lobbyist is scolding The Washington Post for its ethical practices."Underwriting Opportunity: An evening with the right people can alter the debate," says the one-page flier. "Underwrite and participate in this intimate and exclusive Washington Post Salon, an off-the-record dinner and discussion at the home of CEO and Publisher Katharine Weymouth. ... Bring your organization’s CEO or executive director literally to the table. Interact with key Obama administration and congressional leaders."
07/02 10:09 AMShare
Posted by James H at 7/02/2009 09:20:00 AM 0 comments
Louisiana Cash Strapped Athletic Departments Need To Look to Louisiana Tech
Nice article in the Shreveport Times today. See Tech model of efficiency
Posted by James H at 7/02/2009 09:13:00 AM 0 comments
Labels: college baseball, college football, Lady Techsters, louisiana, Louisiana Tech, Louisiana Tech Baseball, Louisiana Tech football
Some U.S. Nuns Fearing Inquistion
Oh cry me a river via Crunchy Con see U.S. nuns face "inquisition"
If they wanted to be modern day Radical Protestants within the 20th/21 Century dynamic I would have respected them. But they never had the courage to leave. The problem they have is that the Protestant ethic they wanted to mimic is dying because it is made in the image of man/womyn. When a Catholic has much more in common with his Southern Baptist neighbor than a Catholic nun that decided to make a new faith that is sad. But we stand with truth.
Thankfully the Holy Spirit has provided us with new Catholic Orders that are loyal to his Kingship.
Posted by James H at 7/02/2009 02:13:00 AM 0 comments
Labels: United State Catholics, vocations, wacko catholics
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
LSU Sports Death Watch Begins
Enjoy these great Times while we can because unless something is done in about 15 to 20 years at the latest LSU Sports(as well as Louisiana Sports Statewide to varying degrees will go into slow agonizing Death Spiral)
This should scare everyone
Unless there is massive hard choices made now and massive Federal Intervention in 25 years we can only pray and hope hope to be at a Mississippi State level..
By 2100 the vast recruiting grounds and fan base of LSU will be underwater. But we shall see those result very much sooner. Vast areas will not be able to be lived in because of salt water infusion in the Drinking supply. These areas will be far from the coast but it will affect the drinking supplies of Cities like Lafayette , Jennings, etc etc. We are seeing signs of this now in the Bayou Parishes. Already the farm based communities that depend so much on Rice are having huge problems
Many will not be able to build homes as the wetlands go and thus cannot insure their homes. Vast areas under I-10 and I-12 will become unlivable for your Children. Needless to say it is likely many who post here will see your grandchildren attending other schools in other States. As the Tax base and population crisis explodes it is very unlikely on average they shall return
This will affect recruiting in all sports from New Orleans to Shreveport. A crumbling tax base will affect LSU as a Educational Inst and will affect Public and private schools in the North. Further the North has its own Environmental problems with a huge Aquifer problem. So massive population growth in the North has limits
Its a small thing in the whole tragic scheme of things. Something that can be vastly mitigated if we act now but I don't have much hope. The rest of the Country does not care. Even Environmental folks don't care. Please note with all this talk of the Environment we are ignored. What will change. If it does it will be too late
Enjoy LSU's Golden days. We shall be lucky if we are not South Carolina or Miss State in the next few decades. In 50 years LSU might be give Vandy a game on occasion.
So record every LSU game you can on reliable media. When you retire you can re live the past that will never be seen again. But you can tell them and show them to your Children and Grandchildren that will be attending the University of Alabama and Ole Miss
Posted by James H at 7/01/2009 11:28:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: environment, louisiana, Louisiana Politics, LSU, lsu baseball
Female Marines Coming In Very Handy
Posted by James H at 7/01/2009 10:12:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: afghanistan, Iraq, military, WOT
Catholic Wackos Loving the Latin Mass
Posted by James H at 7/01/2009 09:11:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: humor, Latin Mass, Liturgy
Obama To Have Roundtable With Catholic Press July 2nd
Well Kudos to Obama (Yes I can say it). I am impressed that among the Print Press attending the National Catholic Register will be in attendance. See President Obama Meets With Catholic Press Tomorrow
Posted by James H at 7/01/2009 08:52:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: Catholic, Catholic Politics, democrats, obama, Pope Benedict, United State Catholics, vatican
At the Next Fourth of July Will There Be Direct Federal Funded Abortions In Washington D.C
I am waiting for this reduction of abortions to beign we keep hearing about under the new Folks in Charge.
Creative Minority Report has Cardinal Rigali Vs. Congress
Posted by James H at 7/01/2009 08:37:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: 08. gop, abortion. pro life, Catholic, Catholic Politics, catholic social justice, democrats, United State Catholics
American Catholics Meditate on Fourth Of July Day Two (Updated)
Previous posted via American Catholic are
The Omega Glory
Simply Filthy
Uncomfortable Thoughts on the Declaration
Pope Benedict XVI & John Paul II on America’s founding
Read The Declaration on the Fourth
I think this is though not directly related to the Fourth is a nice thing to hear this week. Via American Catholic Vatican Finds Evidence of POW Servant of God’s Miracle
First Things Today has an excellent short post that is good reading. See The Non-Ideological Origins of the American Revolution (Give it a read it is not as boring sounding as the title seems to indicate and answers some Catholic related questions that come up as to the whole Enlightenment thing)
I found this interesting from the Catholic Historical Society. A sort of poem talking about a real event I hope to touch on tomorrow. See The First Catholic Fourth of July.
Young Fogeys has a great post here Catholic Philadelphia (Scroll down for Some Very Interesting Catholic Related 4th Stuff)
Posted by James H at 7/01/2009 08:04:00 PM 1 comments
Labels: Catholic, United State Catholics, United States History
Pope Meets Hope?
Oh goodness the Catholic Democrats. I keep hearing about how well organized we "Catholic Republicans are but it seems we don't even a web site.
Pro-Ecclesia has thoughts and good links. See Pope Greets "Hope"?
Posted by James H at 7/01/2009 07:48:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: Catholic, Catholic Politics, democrats, GOP, obama, Pope Benedict, United State Catholics, vatican
Supended Catholic Priest Declares War on Knights of Columbus
Oh Saints Preserve Us!! Southern Appeal has it at Renegade Priest Call for Retaliation Against KoC
Posted by James H at 7/01/2009 07:44:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: Catholic, Catholic Politics, catholic social justice, wacko catholics
I Changed My Car's Starter- I feel So Macho
I am not Mr Automotive. Sadly my car would not start yesterday. After paying way too much to tow it just 10 miles and then paying to much for a stater(It was about twice as expensive as I thought it would be) I got it in finally despite the oppressive heat.. Geez they don't make it easy to get to it. Luckly I had the interent to give me tips plus a friend that let me borrow tools.
At least I saved Labor cost!!!
Posted by James H at 7/01/2009 07:34:00 PM 1 comments
Labels: It's me