HMM a important follow up to my post at Episcopal Church USA Goes To War In South Carolina - Def Con 1 (Links)
See the text and link at ACI says Presiding Bishop Had to be Involved in the S.C. Actions if the Canons Were Followed that shows the case for this.
On a side note why do I get a feeling that the "Primate" will find a way to have herself elected for Life. She is taking on a more Papal like role with powers and all so why not.
Saturday, October 8, 2011
Under Canon Law Episcopal Church Presiding Bishop Would Be Involved With Charges Against Diocese of South Carolina Early On
Posted by James H at 10/08/2011 07:15:00 AM 3 comments
Labels: anglican, anglicanism
Friday, October 7, 2011
Bobby Jindal and Mitch Landrieu Like Each Other - Which Helps All of Us
I found this very apt.
During this period of angry Louisiana politics, two of the top government officials in the state appear to have a good working relationship--Governor Bobby Jindal and New Orleans Mitch Landrieu.
There obvious close camaraderie stands in stark contrast to that of former Governor Kathleen Babineaux Blanco and D. Ray Nagin, both who became somewhat tragic figures in the Katrina chaos. During that fractious time, the blame game between the governor and the mayor was a side show on the local and national stages.
Here is a picture I took of Jindal and Landrieu approaching the main stage after photo shoot. On numerous times, whenever I have seen Jindal and Landrieu together, together appear to be joking with one another or sharing bits of humor--as well as speaking highly of one another. Jindal, a Republican and Landrieu, a Democrat, certainly have their political disagreements and ambitions. But, at least, when it comes to public events, the two absolutely appear to enjoy one another’s company.
Both men are young and could very well be on the local or national stage for many years to come.
Who knows, “It could be the start of a beautiful friendship!”
See that picture he talks about at the above link.
I think this is very encouraging. I was watching the feed from St Louis Cathedral yesterday via the web site before the stations started their live on the air TV coverage of the Archbishop Hannan funeral. Jindal could bee seen interacting with the Hannan family, the Landrieus and other politicos.
Mitch Landrieu was at his side during all this and and I was struck by the body language of both (there was no sound) and how it seemed they enjoyed each other's company.
No matter what you think of Jindals or Landrieu's politics that is a MAJOR plus for all of us. A lot of politics is the personal and am glad to see the Mayor of New Orleans and the Governor get along. I am glad this article confirms my gut yesterday.
Posted by James H at 10/07/2011 06:23:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: democrats, GOP, Jindal, Landrieu, louisiana, Louisiana Politics
Jay Dardenne and Billy Nungessor Have Lt Governor Tea Party Debate ( No Injuries ) Links and Commentary
As usual let me say first up I am a Jay Dardenne supporter. I think it's critical he get into this office because to be blunt we don't know what will Jindal do in the future.
Ok with that out of the way on to this heated Louisiana heated Lt Gov race ,which in reality is the only race statewide anyone is paying attention too. Which at this point is still not many. However I think it is very important.
There was important debate between Jay Dardenne and Billy Nungessor last night in Baton Rouge. In fact it was a TEA PARTY debate which we are told time and time again don't like Jay Dardenne. It was also one of the first debates after a whole bunch of charges went back and forth between them.
The Advocate has their take on it here at Dardenne, Nungesser face off in debate at Dardenne, Nungesser face off in debate . The is a report and TV vid here at Dardenne and Nungesser square off in peaceful debate. The Picayune has Dardenne, Nungesser tangle in face-to-face debate before Baton Rouge Tea Party
My impression "reading between the lines" is that Jay did himself well as to well some big falsehoods that been done against him. I also get a sense from the tweets it went well for Jay too.
I think this is critical. If Jay get a nice portion of this vote and not even a majority (TEA PARTY etc I think he wins. I am anxious to see if we can see if Jay in the Acadian area where for whatever reason is the main area where Nungesser seems to have a good lead in the State.
Posted by James H at 10/07/2011 02:26:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: GOP, louisiana, Louisiana Politics
The Incredible Dominican Religious Expand Again - This Time Austin Texas
This is more ecouraging news from that incredible religious Dominican religious order. Aggie Catholic has Dominican Sisters Moving Forward With Priory Plans in Austin
Posted by James H at 10/07/2011 02:04:00 PM 0 comments
The Occupy Movement and the Tea Party - Legal Problem of Viewpoint Discrimination
I had a discussion with some OCCUPY people on the twitter about their "rights" and the ability to protest. I mention of course they had a right to protest and "occupy" as long as they submitted to valid legal time, space, etc laws. If they went beyond that the police had a "right" to arrest them. Beyond that it's civil disobedience which of course they can do if they want.
Time and space regulations can of course be used to hinder free speech in illegal ways and I am against that. We must guard against that. However they also help perform a valuable service in making sure we don't prohibit speech as to comment. Something that is often overlooked.
I mentioned this a good deal in the Wisconsin Capitol protest and the danger the Government was getting into. We now see two interesting cases here of a danger of "viewpoint discrimination" from two different sides of the political spectrum
See Ann Alhouse's post :Boston's response to Occupy Boston: "if there are so many people joining a demonstration that the city doesn’t want to tangle with them, then they will waive the requirements
On the flip side see something from the opposite end of the spectrum. Tea Party Vows to Stay at Senate Office . Well OK
The problem here in both cases we see problems for future VIEWPOINT discrimination which is prohibited.
Both the Tea Party and the OCCUPY movement have some popular backing to do what they do. They have supporters in the "establishment" though each views themselves as anti establishment.
One suspects that the a protest or occupation of public space and use for the "Deportation of Ni*&ers and Jews" would not get such treatment. But precedents are being set and the GOVT cannot treat this racist group differently from the Tea Party or the Occupy folks.
However the danger is since this group would not have backing they very likely would be treated differently. With hardly no public main steam backing no one would care. Thus we have speech being treated differently on the basis of Content. If the Government followed the law then you can your children to the State Capital and have them see racists run amuck all the time perhaps. Thus robbing you in a real way of the use and enjoyment of that public space.
Posted by James H at 10/07/2011 01:01:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: Supreme Court
God's Hand In the Making of Martin Sheen and Emilio Estevez's The Way
This is a interesting article here. See 'Providence' at hand during movie filming, says writer-director Estevez
Posted by James H at 10/07/2011 12:24:00 PM 0 comments
Ken Burns Says Prohibitionists Like The Tea Party
HMMM I don't think so. I am not a Tea Party guy and only have been too a couple of Tea Party events just to observe it. But as pointed out here the truth is quite the opposite.
Posted by James H at 10/07/2011 10:18:00 AM 3 comments
Louisiana Sent Off Archbishop Hannan of New Orleans In High Catholic Style -Links and Pictures Roundup Post
All week long it was something special to behold. I was very touched by just watching the live feed of people coming to the view the body during the week. As the that last picture I have posted people going to the Coffin , flanked by the Honor Guard of the 82nd Airborne, and pressing their rosaries , their crucifixes, their medals, etc onto Hannan's body was not a uncommon site. The fact is now we have a much more powerful prayer partner interceding on our behalf than we need just weeks ago I suspect. It is always folly to assume someone is heaven and has bypassed purgatory perhaps. But to Hannan one just feels it.
The Picayune has good article here by the wonderful religious reporter Bruce Nolan who has had quite a week. Do not miss their photo gallery . The AP has their article up here at Hannan buried with pomp, charm .
The very good Catholic newspaper of the Archdiocese has At historic funeral, Msgr. Doskey says Abp. Hannan always heard 'the cry of the poor' Also while there don't miss the incredible photos they have of all the weeks events . Catholic Priest NOLA expat Da Mihi Animas has some great short vids from some of memorable parts of the Mass.
Posted by James H at 10/07/2011 09:23:00 AM 0 comments
Labels: ArchDiocese of New Orleans, last things, louisiana, Louisiana Catholic, New Orleans
Vatican Newspaper Gives First Page Tribute ot Steve Jobs
Whispers in the Loggia has the text at "Talent, Pure Talent": The Vatican Mourns "Mr Apple"
Posted by James H at 10/07/2011 08:42:00 AM 0 comments
Labels: Catholic, media, Pope Benedict, vatican
Thursday, October 6, 2011
Contrasting Two Funerals - Archbishop Hannan and the Murdered Candy Woman
The best of New Orleans comes out on display as to people celebrating the life of a Giant Archbishop Hannan this week that helps in fact deepen one's Faith in an uplifting way.
Then we see this Vigil where these people have to lean on their faith to deal with some of the worst of New Orleans. No words. Truly unspeakable. See Mourner: 'The Candy Lady Loved Every Last One Of Y'all'
Posted by James H at 10/06/2011 11:51:00 AM 0 comments
Labels: ArchDiocese of New Orleans, Catholic, louisiana, Louisiana Catholic, New Orleans
Lindy Boggs Makes Long Trip Home To Say Goodbye To Archbishop Hannan ( Plus Picayune Front Page)
Posted by James H at 10/06/2011 11:02:00 AM 0 comments
Labels: louisiana, Louisiana Catholic, Louisiana Politics
Confirmed - Joel Osteen Is An National Ecumenical Christian Embarrassment And Problem
I have never been one of these Joel Osteen bashers. Part of that is that I am Catholic and perhaps I should not be commenting too much on the developments in the Evangelical world beyond a natural theological curiosity. Further I like Joel Osteen. I don't think he is in his heart or in reality one of these Christian TV evangelical shysters .
However being in Houston no doubt he is spreading error to a good many Catholics that become part of his congregation. But there is a bigger problem. He might be through his action or to be blunt throught his inaction spreading error now as to what even Catholics and Evangelicals hold in common.
I have given Osteen every chance but Baptist Al Mohler has well just nailed him after the disaster of a Piers Morgan interview we saw this week. See Dragged Kicking and Screaming into the Modern Age? Lessons from Piers Morgan’s Interview with Joel Osteen. I don't care what you think about State execution , abortion or gay marriage but MAMA MIA does Mohler get this part right:
..Then, the conversation shifted to issues in the news, such as abortion and capital punishment. On both topics, Piers Morgan pressed Joel to speak clearly, which he was clearly reluctant to do. On both topics, Osteen steered clear of disaster by saying as little as possible, in what can only be described as a garble.
On capital punishment: “You know, it’s a complicated issue, Piers. I haven’t thought a whole lot about it but, of course, you know, and I’m for second chances and mercy, yet, the flip side is there’s consequences for what we’ve done and, so, I — I don’t know what my total stance is . . . ”
On a moral link between abortion and capital punishment: “Well, I think there could be when you say may or may not. You know, that’s the troublesome thing, if we don’t know for sure and, you know.”
There, that clears it all up nicely. The saddest thing about Joel Osteen’s incoherence on all this is the fact that he seems to be totally unaware that Christians have been engaging these issues seriously for centuries. When even Piers Morgan chided Osteen for his fuzziness and lack of an answer to questions, saying to Osteen, “you need to be more definitive,” Osteen responded: “Yes. Well, if I could I would but I’d have to — let me study it and I’ll come back with a great answer someday for you.” Not exactly a “here I stand” moment, to say the very least...
Good grief I am cringing for him now. Then when it got to same sex marriage as you can see in Mohler's piece it got far worse.
Posted by James H at 10/06/2011 08:28:00 AM 2 comments
Labels: Baptist, Catholic, catholic social justice, Evangelical TV Folks
Here Is The Official Program For the Archbishop Phillip Hannan of New Orleans Funeral Mass
The official program for the Archbishop Phillip Hannan of New Orleans Funeral Mass today can be download via the Abita Deacon here. Looks like a wonderful item to keep. I shall be watching.
Posted by James H at 10/06/2011 01:28:00 AM 0 comments
Labels: ArchDiocese of New Orleans, louisiana, Louisiana Catholic
Episcopal Church USA Goes To War In South Carolina - Def Con 1 (Links)
The Archbishop Hannan events have had be so distracted that I did not notice till a hour ago these shocking development in Episcopal Church USA. See ****Urgent Message from the Diocese of South Carolina Bishop and Standing Committee****.
It appears that perhaps the main office was not anticipating the Bishop of South Carolina going public with the charges of Abandonment made against him and thus issued this "clarification in quite a hurry. (Scroll down to From Bishop Dorsey Henderson President of the Title IV Disciplinary Board of the Episcopal Church Concerning the Diocese of South Carolina).
Now looking at the charges in this 64 pages document I tend to agree some are so outrageous one would hope they were not "manufactured" in New York and FedEx to South Carolina for the locals to present back to the head office. So that has merit. Further one truly hopes that if one does not support the Episcopal Church pro abortion lobby group that it is not evidence of Canonical Crime against the Episcopal Church USA as to Abandonment . See comment 16.
However based on prior actions by the head of the Episcopal Church USA in South Carolina people that say in their more chariable moments it's likely both /and have good reason I suspect. See comment section here at A Memo on the Nature of the Accusations Against +Mark Lawrence as to that matter and "clarification" that was sent out by the TEC.
Whatever one thinks this pretty groundbreaking. I suspect that all sort of conservative Episcopalians have brought charges against liberal Bishops. What is different here is it appears NEW YORK thinks there must be some merit to something because they got the lawyer involved. So at some level ( to this untrained eye on how Episcopal procedure under the new Canons just approved operate) it appears again the Primate of Episcopal Church USA thinks something here has merit one would think.
The Anglican Communion Inistitute has already reacted. See A Response to the reported Title IVdisciplinary process begun against Bishop Mark Lawrence
We very well might be seeing some interesting and dramatic Episcopal Church history happening before our eyes here.
Posted by James H at 10/06/2011 12:20:00 AM 1 comments
Labels: anglican, anglicanism
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Photo- Former Congresswoman and Ambassador to Vatican Lindy Boggs Says Goodbye To Archbishop Hannan
I watch almost all the live video feed from New Orleans as Archbishop Hannan was taken in House Drawn Funeral Carriage led by a Marching Band to the Cathedral today. It was quite a Catholic and very New Orleans site to behold. I am looking forward to the Mass tomorrow.
However the photo above I think is the most touching for me. Two Catholic Giants in their respective vocations , former Congresswoman and Ambassador Boggs and Archbishop Hannan saying goodbye one last time in this mortal realm.
Rest of Photo galley from Picayune is here.
Posted by James H at 10/05/2011 09:59:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: ArchDiocese of New Orleans, Catholic, Catholic Politics, louisiana, Louisiana Catholic
Hosanna-Tabor Church v. E.E.O.C Supreme Court Oral Arguments Day Post ( Religious Liberty ) Links All Day
The big day is here and I shall be updating this throughout the day. Maybe one of the most important cases dealing with religious liberty we have had in some time. A case that even escalated more by the Justice Department's surprising brief.
For a good easy to read post on why this case is so important see Get Religion 's Big day at Supreme Court for religious freedom
The Harlan Institute has a good overview on the background here.
Oral arguments are happening now so check back for updates.
As we await word on how the oral arguments went ( they are finished now) Pro Garnett has a good piece here at Two Ways of Thinking about Religious Freedom at National Review that discusses this case.
AP is out of the gate with a brief account of oral arguments quoting just two Justices.
BOOM!! Here is the transcript of the oral arguments
Scotusblog as an article up at Argument recap: Blurry line between church and state
The Catholic Legal theory site Mirrors of Justice has a post up at Transcript of Oral Argument in H-T, and Some Thoughts
Peog Garnett has An Encouraging Morning for Religious Freedom
Ted Olsen over at Christianity Today has a article up on today's proceedings.
Posted by James H at 10/05/2011 10:00:00 AM 25 comments
Labels: catholic social justice, Supreme Court
Head of the Clergy At Vatican Says Celibacy Not Problem As To Vocation Numbers
American Catholic has The Decline in Vocations: Celibacy Isn’t the Issue in which I largely agree with and could add a coupple of other non celibacy factors.
Posted by James H at 10/05/2011 08:14:00 AM 0 comments
Big Catholic Heavyweight Name Comes To Tim Tebow 's Defense
That being George Weigel . See Tim Tebow and Christophobia
Posted by James H at 10/05/2011 07:55:00 AM 0 comments
Labels: Catholic, NFL, Protestant
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
From Catholic Vote Why Texas Dream Act Not A Dealbreaker
See Six reasons why in-state tuition for illegals should NOT be a dealbreaker
I disagree with Joshua Mercer that the Perry's main problem is this. Though how he handled the question to you was not great. McCain was for the Dream Act when he ran and he won of course.
But I think this brings some sanity into this.
Posted by James H at 10/04/2011 04:52:00 PM 2 comments
Labels: 2012, GOP, immigration, Perry
Jonesboro Louisiana Insanity Continues- Mayor Arrested
See Jonesboro Mayor Arrested and Jonesboro Alderwoman Alleges Assault by Mayor
I suspect at the end of all these traumas a jail sentence awaits. But that is just me.
In related news today Chief Judge Jenifer Clason is having a huge hearing on various matters of the town and it controversal mayor. Follow live how that is going see here .
Posted by James H at 10/04/2011 03:56:00 PM 3 comments
Labels: Louisiana Politics
The Catholic Side of the Amanda Knox Story
Which it appears we have to get from the foreign press. Get Religion has
Ghosts in the Amanda Knox murder trial?
Posted by James H at 10/04/2011 02:36:00 PM 0 comments
On His Feast Day Clearing Up Something About St Francis
St. Francis was not a hippy… via The Crescat
Posted by James H at 10/04/2011 01:55:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: Saints
Nice Image of Archbishop Hannan In Repose Surrounded By His Priests
Father Allen has some nice pictures here at Death Comes to The Archbishop.
Posted by James H at 10/04/2011 11:06:00 AM 0 comments
Monday, October 3, 2011
Jesuits Complain So No New Austrian Economics Program at Loyola New Orleans
See Where Do Austrian Economics Fit in a Jesuit Education
I will have to keep an eye out on Walter Block and see if he comments. This should be fun.
This caught my eye:
Kammer said he also found problems in the Austrian economics master's program's funding. He said he believes Loyola would make a mistake by letting the Koch Foundation, the charitable organization derived from Koch Industries, donate such a large sum of money for the master's program. Koch Industries is one of the largest private companies in the United States and owns operations such as pipelines and chemical refineries.
It would be a mistake, Kammer said, because of the Koch brothers' controversial political values, which often conflict with the values of Catholic social teaching.
I bet a lot Loyola alumni that are in the Louisiana oil/gas/chemical industry are going to be shocked to learn their money is no good there anymore. The Alumni department better send out a letter fast telling them not to send their check.
For the record , I never got into Austrian Economics because the discussion is just not my cup of tea. So I have no idea or position if there is a conflict or not.
Posted by James H at 10/03/2011 03:45:00 PM 4 comments
Labels: ArchDiocese of New Orleans, Catholic, catholic social justice, economics, louisiana
Journalist Baffled At Catholic Journalist's Faith
This is an interesting follow up on a post I did earlier. See A religious journalist on religion journalism where a journalist is just baffled how a news reporter can become a better Catholic , or in this case in reality become a Catholic, after covering the Catholic abuse saga.
Well fair enough I suppose. I became Catholic when the first stories of Catholic Clergy sex abuse were breaking . That happened to be in my my state in the Diocese of Lafayette Louisiana. They even made a tv movie about it. The Diocese of Lafayette by the way after going through a rough time is doing just fine now and in fact is going gangbusters. Which helps me keep a long term view of this crisis.
However I largely came into the Church via the Church Fathers. In the Church Fathers you see them making the same claims that the Church is of Divine orign and Holy. At the same time they are doing this they are often combating the most horrific widespread sin and scandal among some of their faithful and yes VERY OFTEN the Clergy. In comparison to then quite frankly this seem mild in comparison.
In fact you can go to the Bible. In the opening chapters of the book of Revelations that there appears be a lot of "not very holy people doing not very holy things" in the address to the Seven Churches. So this ain't new.
Posted by James H at 10/03/2011 02:40:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: Catholic Clergy Sexual abuse, media
Why Are More Catholic Families Sending Their Children To Louisiana Tech
He noted how warm and welcoming the Parish was which is of course connected with the Louisiana Tech Catholic Center both of which are practically on campus.
I can attest to that since Louisiana Tech is where I became a Catholic and the St Thomas Aquinas Parish was a great part of my life.
The only drawback was the Church (the physical plant) which I believe was rebuilt in that period of "interesting" post Vatican II architecture. As one Catholic English Professor informed me when they first came to town they thought they had went to the wrong location because it looked like a funeral home. But I digress.
Going back to this conversation the man told my friend a interesting point. That there appears to be a major upswing of South Louisiana Catholic parents that send their Children to Louisiana Tech because it has a more protective atmosphere. He then proceeded list off quite a list of family names from just the town he was from that are sending their kids to Louisiana Tech.
For those outside Louisiana reading this post Louisiana Tech is the Diocese of Shreveport and is the most Protestant, Evangelical Baptist etc of the Louisiana Dioceses.
I certainly hope , and I expect Bishop Duca is aware of this. Bishop Duca has a past of being associated with campus ministry and I expect to see him be a continued supporter. However beside Bishop DUCA I hope that the Louisiana Conference of Catholic Bishops is aware of this.
Besides Louisiana Tech the Diocese of Shreveport also supports an important Campus Ministry operation at Grambling and especially ULM in Monroe that meet the religious needs of many people thats main connection to the Diocese is they are just happening to attend school here for 4 or 5 years and who proceed to leave after that. . In other words the Diocese of Shreveport which is the least Catholic of all the Dioceses is handling the load for a sizable number of Louisiana Catholics outside the Diocese. All with limited resources.
I bring up this point to mention that dreaded word. That is "Second collection". I have always thought the Louisiana Catholic Bishops should have a more "Louisiana Baptist State Convention" view of campus ministry. That is the Louisiana Baptist have a very Statewide coordinated view of the matter. With kids from other Dioceses attending Catholic student centers in other Diocese this makes sense. This of course involves more than money but money does help.
I do think it would be extremely helpful if the Louisiana Catholic Bishops had a WELL PROMOTED second collection for Louisiana Campus Ministry as a whole. Maybe even take the lead in trying to help supplement that funding in other areas too by bring attention to this vital part of the Church. Who knows perhaps if we did we might be on the road of seeing the unbelievable success that happens at the Texas A & M. The Catholic student center at Texas A & M among other things is producing an amazing amount of vocations to the Priesthood and religious life.
Anyway I found that conversation interesting and if you are a Catholic Tech Alumni consider perhaps making a donation to the Louisiana Tech Catholic Student Center. It is serving a vital need.
Posted by James H at 10/03/2011 01:13:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: Diocese of Shreveport, louisiana, Louisiana Catholic, Louisiana Tech
Lots of New Orleans Folks Buried Under St Louis Cathedral - ( Archbishop Hannan)
Bruce Nolan again shows why he is one of the best religious reporters in the nation. A very well written and interesting article here at Archbishop Philip Hannan has plenty of company beneath St. Louis Cathedral
Posted by James H at 10/03/2011 12:34:00 PM 1 comments
Labels: ArchDiocese of New Orleans, louisiana, Louisiana Catholic
How The Catholic Sex Abuse Scandal Made A Reporter A Devout Catholic
This is a pretty interesting interview with a AP reporter via Get Religion. See
How an AP reporter found religion
Posted by James H at 10/03/2011 12:08:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: Catholic, Catholic Clergy Sexual abuse, media