Wednesday, January 26, 2005

People I Love and the Blogs They Should Write

Now that I've taken the blogging plunge, I suspect I'll nudge or nag the people I love to do the same. My oldest sister, Peggy, has had her own webpage for years. She's an expert on breeding, raising and showing Gordon Setters and has a few champions in her kennels. Peggy should write a blog. She travels extensively and at least we could all keep up with what show she's at when.

My brother, Paul, is an accomplished photographer with massive experience in photojournalism. He recently wrote his first book "Digital Wedding Photography". He's one of the most keen observers of life and one of the easiest-to-talk-to non-judgmental people there is. We often joke that he has a face that says to total strangers "Tell me your life story".

My sister, Mary, is an Independent Future Executive Senior Sales Director with Mary Kay Cosmetics. She, too, has a website. She and her husband are raising two beautiful children and doing a mighty fine job of it. She has recently become one of my best girlfriends. [It's sad, but we spent the first three decades of our lives fighting each other and probably making a lot of people miserable in the process. ] Mary knows a WHOLE lot about how to teach and train salepeople, be a cool mom and endure those long Wisconsin winters. Unlike John F. Kerry, she not only knows how to pronounce "Lambeau Field", she and her husband actually own a piece of it.

My mom has a lot of wisdom to share, but you practically have to jack-hammer it out of her. She, too, recently became a girlfriend of mine. When Dave and I had the girls, we needed a lot of extra help. She and Dad had many extended visits to North Carolina, during which I got reacquainted with mom. They celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary this year. Dad had a stroke 5 years ago and was recently diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease. Mom should blog that experience.

Finally, my beloved, wonderful husband David is perhaps the kindest, most generous soul to grace the earth. He is a wonderful father to the three little redheads who can't be denied. He should write a blog about how to get along with me.

UPDATE: Cleaned up the links. My brother "wrote" not "published" his first book. My sister is a "Future Executive Senior" sales director, not a "Senior" sales director.

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