Thursday, June 29, 2006

It's a Time for Gratitude

I have been immersed, albeit at a distance, with my father's impending death. I have my cell phone within my wingspan constantly and it's always on. I speak with my mom and sisters every day and I hear the weariness and sadness in their voices. They are watching, waiting, standing vigil and they are witnessing Dad vanish from them in slow measures.

I have told Dad what I needed to tell him and am simply waiting for God to call him home. Through my siblings' blogs, I'm seeing them process the same event from their very unique positions. I have been doing "normal" stuff, but I am sometimes sad or preoccupied. The duties of motherhood keep me busy enough to not wallow too deeply into the pit of despair. I have a choice: gratitude or woe. I choose gratitude.

My father, on a lark, went to a bar one night where he met my mother. She stayed and talked with him. He extracted her last name and a few details about her in their first conversation. When Mom left that night, she had completely missed her bowling banquet, but had completely bowled over my dad. He nudged his friend as he watched her walk out and confided: "I'm gonna' marry that girl." The next day, he methodically called all the Schneiders in the local phone book. On the third try, he got Mom's uncle, who saved Dad a few more calls. They were engaged and married within about a year.

He did. She did. They did. For 50 years.

I'm so glad.


Kathie Brinkman said...

I'm glad they did too; I have your folks to thank for one of best friends I never should have had--YOU!! Eyeore and Piglet (actually you remind me more of Tigger) remember? What complete and total opposites we were in college, but yet a true friendship of the heart was forged, has grown and has remained for going on 23 years now. You are a keeper my dear. I know that your parents, especially your Dad, have always had a huge positive influence in your life. And you have had that same positive input on my life in all these years. I'm glad God brought your parents together to make you. Praying for you all at this time.

Pauli said...

Prayers for you and your father, Ruth Ann, and your whole family. My father-in-law passed away in March '06. I'll send this post to my wife, too. We weren't able to be there at the very end either, but we tried to be there in spirit.

Ruth Anne Adams said...

Kathie: That is perhaps one of the nicest comments I've ever gotten. Thank you.

Pauli: I thank you, too, for your prayers and empathy.