Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Pun o' the Day

How's your asphalt? Here's a pun, a sort of off-ramp from the "one for the road" pun of a couple days ago.

A six-lane highway walks into a bar and orders a drink. The bartender gives him his drink, and as the highway sits down, the door opens and a strip of asphalt walks in. The highway jumps out of the chair, leaps over the counter, and crouches down on the floor shaking in fear.

The bartender asks him, "Hey buddy, what's your problem? You're a six lane highway with broad shoulders and concrete dividers. Why are you afraid of a skinny strip of asphalt?"

The highway replies, "You don't know him like I do. He's a cycle-path."

And here's a cannibalish reply to my "does this taste funny to you?" one of yesterday.

One cannibal says to the other cannibal, "I don't feel so well. Last night we ate a couple of Franciscan missionaries, and they didn't agree with me."

The second one asks, "How did you cook them?"

The first replies, "The standard way. My wife just threw them in the pot and boiled them for a few hours."

The second says, "That's your problem right there. Everyone knows that Franciscan missionaries are friars."

Only Hugh can prevent florist friars. Both new puns, hat tip Dr. Matt [a real rocket scientist!].


Kathie Brinkman said...

Oh, he's sooo glad to get a hat tip.

AnneGero said...

YOU HEARD ABOUT THE MAN with a piece of macadam under his arm THAT WENT INTO A BAR AND ORDERED TWO DRINKS. Bartender asked him why two drinks. Man said, "one for me and one for the road."

Ruth Anne Adams said...

Uh, Mom. Scroll down or hit the link.

Macadam! What are you? Nuts?!?